USCCA also discusses every day situations and the legal options and ramifications of concealed carry. I had the NRA Carry Guard insurance, however after the recent fleeing of certain companies from the NRA (including the underwriters for the Carry Guard insurance, Chubb) I am now a member of USCCA and couldnt be happier, especially with the main points you highlighted in the article. I rock with USCCA as well. Theres good stuff on why mass shootings are getting more prevalent but the above image was eye-opening info for me. When asking about my partner I was told her membership would be covered for a small one time fee per year and I would receive a senior discount off the reg. Heres a clip of how to fix a double-feed malfunction. can you get gun insurance for just at home protection as i don't carry but have at home. What does the + mean? I think they have the best coverage and are the best value in the industry. Is USCCA an insurance policy? Has anyone encountered this issue and been able to work through it with USCCA (or gotten a satisfactory answer as to why you can not see the Declaration page)? Its a series of front-facing discussion, top-down views, and pictures of important concepts. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. US Lawshield didn't send me anything in the mail. Worth mentioning--- I just bought the Elite coverage at USCCA. Reciprocity Map & Gun Laws by State. Besides the beautiful color glossy magazine you get the digital version of all past issues free. You cannot obtain any more discounts other than this. What draws me to CW Safe is the unlimited defense expense. Most criminal defense attorneys will not require payment of final bill until after your case endsat which time the rest of your criminal defense protection is available if you were acquitted or the case was dismissed. I also have a working relationship with Delta Defense & the USCCA. But I wouldn't buy any of them. Have you asked the company for a copy of the actual policy? What do you do if youre a resident of New York? You collect the same money that the insurance companies get for a policy with much, much broader coverage, the number of claims should be somewhere around "tiny", the insured has to prove he is innocent before they pay anything, and he is in another state so his complaints about not getting paid go nowhere when he finally gets through with his jury trial. First difference between USCCA and CCW Safe First, CCW Safe offers you $100,000 in bail coverage under the shown plan, while USCCA offers $50,000. The price is $47 a month or $497 annually. Does it cover bail bonds? Does anyone out there know what the "issue" was that the USCCA had with NY State ?? (NRA vs. GOA vs. FPC vs. I actually picked up USCCA when you published the original article and have never felt bad about my decision. Texas Lawyer Lisa, Corrine and Jennifer. Anyone with experience in the insurance laws and any knowledge of how rates are set and claims are paid will tell you right away that there is something wrong with this picture. So, went to sign up with USCCA, but got as far as putting in my address. -- No limit - criminal / No limit - civil for CCW Safe, and US Law Shield, The 'complete coverage form' appears dated at the end of June which would suggest it was modified to correct those issues as it spells out clearly that payment is not made for claims found to arise out of a criminal act on the part of the insured. Hello, does USCCA cover members excursively when in the United States, or does their member coverage stretch into Canada/Europe. Since you CAN downgrade/upgradeit might be worth it to start with Platinum, watch all the Proving Groundsand then downgrade. Nice review! Especially those who are currently practicing lawful concealed carry. They also get into gun laws and the financial aftermath of what happens in a defensive gun shoot. They waste a lot of effort on cheesey products and promotions like a cheap ripoff site. And like youI wanted to make sure I had the best. Eric: This is a HUGE amount of money that most people could not afford. But firstmore courses! Gold: $29/month or $299/annuallyPlatinum:$39/month or $399 annuallyElite:$49/month or $499 annually, Those who want excellent coverage over personal and legal expenses, NRA Carry Guard Insurance program is no longer active. That's great to hear on the videosI haven't gotten around to them yet. I don't mean to speak for him but just putting in my 2 cents from experience. I carry often, and the need for just in case insurance is something that will give me piece of mind. What's next? The majority of USCCAs funding comes from their concealed carry insurance policies. Its my understanding youll only get 10% of the bond (whatever it is), and only up to $25,000 which would mean a $250,000+ bond. Pass it and youll get a nice patch in the mail. Nothing about what happens to you . It was truly annoying. I would like to see a copy of the actual policy. I just bought the Elite package from USCCA. Is it going to pay if you're found guilty of negligence? - Only this company and US Law Shield offer No Limit on both criminal and civil defense. Copyright 2023 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. The general attitude of people that have been licensed to sell insurance could be characterized as "suspicion." One of those materials is a video course on when you should use deadly force. The best you can do is (along with the NRA) to join the NJARPC. First. Here they covered really useful (and actionable) info like how to choose the best seat in a restaurant, mentality for going to sketchy places, and more. However, you do get some good info that hopefully sticks with you. First up is a class with world-renown Rob Pincus that goes over defensive shooting concepts. The prosecutor's budget is UNLIMITED. Just curious, but what coverage plan did you choose from USCCA? I was not arrested & allowed to go home after the event. I'm a USCCA Platinum member, Went with Texas Law Shield my first year, being from Texas & their plan's not bad. Where is the company located? I highly recommend a membership in the USCCA and obtain their insurance. They're a pre-paid legal service (no legal fees out of your pocket and then wait for reimbursement). The others didn't have what seemed like as well thought out a business plan. For 150$ more per year it basically doubled the coverage Sad that one needs "self defense" insurance. I really like the uscca material as it was put together specifically for carry conceal. Learn all the important stuff about handgunswith none of the attitude. I read your review on CCW SAFE and you said that it was your preferrred insurance plan. You need to add some precision to your email. That policy provides the association and its members with self-defense liability insurance, subject to its terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. The next up is CCW Safe. USCCA all day. I appreciate the attitude of restraint and advice on avoidance of situations that would put you in a position to find it necessary to use deadly force. Apr 27, 2017. (Poway Weapons & Gear). 1.. Insuring Agreement, Used to be that police did not return confiscated weapons until ordered to / released from evidence by the a judge. Great article. Its definitely more engaging than the first one since the instructors are a real life couple. I missed an edit when they changed their plans. They told us all that basically if we didnt take advantage of signing up that day that we would be on our own and not offered their deal ever again. Basically, the same things in dealing with the courts now. Your insurance will be covered up to $150,000 in criminal court cases while you will be covered up to $1,000,000 if youre in a civil lawsuit. I have been very pleased with USCCA since 2011, they have been pleasant to deal with. The legal aid coverage also depended on the insurance level that each policyholder had. Almost everyone has car, home, or rental insurance. The two largest companies in this space are U.S. Eric if I recall correctly from the e-mails that USCCA sends me, they do cover citizens that do not have a CCW as well ( double checked my e-mail) but it appears they cover ones with out permits which would work for home defense situations, well not sure about the range part but lets just hope he doesn't shoot anyone at the range.. California leaves it up to the county sheriffs. But since the 1970s, it has become one of the leaders in lobbying against legislation that would perhaps intend to curb gun rights. USCCA has extensive and really great videos and articles free to members and an award winning magazine that is included in your membership. See copied and paste below from USCCA actual insurance policy: "We have no obligation to provide a defense in connection with the investigation or defense of any criminal charge or criminal proceeding against the insured." The Silver plan is no longer advertised, but is available if you ask for it when signing up by the phone. I've been a USCCA member for a number of years enjoying the knowledge of the Delta Defense Team standing ready to assist you should the worst situation happen - you shoot someone. Any thoughts? A CCW would provide no real benefit in this case unless perhaps the settlement went over your policy limits. Your link to "cost" does not really cover cost so one could do a Cost-Benefit-Analysis against the risk. My gut says yesbut I'd confirm with USCCA just to be sure. Far as insurance, I would like to hear from someone who needed and used their services. Excellent and well researched article Eric, just what we needed to make our choice! Do they really not do anything and are just a money grabbing lobby? USCCA Membership USCCA Membership includes educational courses and self-defense liability insurance. Never leave home or be in your home without immediate access to your firearm, as your life and the lives of your loved ones are at risk! I have been a Life Member of the NRA for over 20 years. I gave up on these incompetent idiots after the third e-mail. Boom! They intend to make customer satisfaction a priority. It means "therefore,' not "new topic.". - Legal & Second Amendment - USCCA Community Best 2A support organization? 3. Best Concealed Carry Insurance of 2022 Ultimate Buyers Guide, $600,000 in self-defense legal expense coverage, $1.5 million in self-defense legal expense coverage, $2.25 million in self-defense legal expense coverage, $150,000 coverage in criminal court cases, $1 million coverage in civil cage coverage, 24/7 hotline staffed with legal and concealed carry experts. So I guess I'll update it soon :-). I would get the Platinum tier to start so I have access to Proving Ground and Level 2 Protector Academy. Another great video series with Tim (founder of USCCA) and Kevin, editor of Concealed Carry magazine (and full-time LEO). USCCA vs NRA Getting Started Edit: USCCA vs US LawShield vs NRA Looking for any opinions on preference and why you might prefer one over the other. He sacrificed some family time but not so much that he didn't benefit from having one. Some of the major disadvantages of this level are exclusions of some educational materials and other membership perks like a monthly Ask an Attorney segment. I purchased the Handgun Course and it was well worth the money, very grateful for that. Both organizations are not only known for having a large number of members in their respected organizations, but they both also have insurance plans that will give you peace of mind in case something happens when you need to use your pistol in a self-defense situation. You will also be able to access some of the advanced educational material that is available to you. I would like to know if you have any alternatives for the state of New York if there's any. NRA writes, Be wary of any provider that claims to offer full criminal defense coverage funding up front: not only is this unnecessary, but such policies would be void in the event of a conviction. Does USCCA no longer offer the Silver plan? The only major disappointment I have with USCCA is the attorney listings. Then rounds it out with things like heart attacks, CPR, diabetes, and stroke. This way, you get the legal assistance you need as soon as possible. I wont give you any more spoilersbut its good content and makes the Platinum level worth it for me if they keep producing Proving Grounds. Just kidding! My greatest wish I have is that no one has to go through this type of event.. Program Links: USCCA: NRA Carry Guard: The Trace does have an anti-gun slant, but their facts, in this case, are not incorrect. Especially good was how he broke down the main components of drawing from a holster. ); and (3) I decided if I wouldn't train, I wouldn't own. Keep up the great work. Very supportivehighly recommended. Eric: GREAT Article. We must remember, this is "insurance first" benefits second. Select what level shooter you are! I was confused about the insurance when i looked into it but you cleared up a lot of information for me. Your comparison of gun liability insurance was both informative and humorous. FOIA (federal or state-style statues) are only applicable for actions filed against a government entity (not a private party) covered by the statute. (b) With the insureds conviction of any criminal charge(s) - *the $25,000/$25,000 plan seems reasonable. b. For gun owners with the same belief today, it's an excellent resource. Update: USCCA DID get back to me, it just took a bit longer. When I contacted USCCA to upgrade, I was informed of my new cost per month. While we exercise the right to bear arms, there are times when youll need to be covered in the event you must use your firearm in a so-called gun-free zone. That has its ups and downs, but more later as I dig. When the NRA bumped me down to yearly, my magazine subscription went from EPL to expiring a year and a half down the road. This is what USCCA has up on their web page: Theres a bunch of them and you get access to them all. In legal terms, that means that you have no real right to negotiate the wording. Meaning you may or may not get the best defense possible. My grandparents are lifelong NRA members I currently am a member, my dad has some problems with the organization. Criminal insurance? WellI guess theres my seal of approval (since 2017)! I have a $1 million personal liability with my homeowner's insurance policy, and think I will simply stick with that. Given the advantages and disadvantages of both organizations, the clear choice between the two is the USCCA. Sorry, that's just my opinion. and gun laws with the USCCA's free, interactive map. Dec 13, 2016. A criminal-you are at a distinct disadvantage. I would suggest that you move to a constitutional carry state, or at least a state where it is easy and inexpensive to get a concealed handgun license. The rest of the "training" they offer really isn't all that good. I hope I never have to test to see if I made a good decision. USCCA also allows ANY attorney to be a part of their program. Great review! The NRA problem ran into serious problems because it was allegedly providing insurance for criminal activities, which is considered against public policy. USCCA is no longer available in Washington State. I'm in Placer and received my CCW this month with virtually no hassle. Now, lets take a closer look at both of these organizations and how the best serve concealed carry permit holders like you. - Only company to cover all of bail bond, up to $500,000. *The USCCA is not an insurance company. Please keep up the great professional reviews and opinions on firearms, gear and issues which effect/affects us individuals who are involved in the Firearms Industry. USCCA VS NRA After stating concerns over USCCA's "programs," the NRA rescinded the United States Concealed Carry Association's invite to the NRA's Annual meetings taking place this week in Atlanta, Georgia. But after reviewing other insurers I switched to USCCA when it was time to renew my Texas Law Shield protection. Suggest everyone read the fine print! Hey Jim, not a lawyer, but looks like it. I read up on this for way too long. That said, I understand this is a very personal choice and the great majority of us will never find ourselves in a real-life draw situation requiring defense. That's a huge consideration that those looking for insurance must be made aware of, and one does not need to be a licensed insurance broker to share this important detail. I have been studying self-defense for 3 years. My magazine subscription stopped 15 months earlier than what the printed address label on my latest magazine stated. Their coverage is better and their cost was about half. VERY NICE ARTICLE WITH IN-DEPTH INFORMATION. It has a different player thats a small video and Powerpoint slides. Better make sure that your homeowner's liability policy covers intentional acts. What if I told you that this isn't the first time something like this has happened? This write up convinced me to where I'm *now a USCCA member. What you share is re-assuring; and I was pleased that you re-enforced it.. The Feb 24 2019 article states you went with CCW Safethis article says you've been with USCCA for quite some time? Why do you start new topics with the word, "so?" The USCCA is the United States Concealed Carry Association. The prices I have seen for CCW are about in the same range as what you would pay for an umbrella general liability policy with a million dollar limit that would cover you for all liability, not just liability arising out of a CCW incident. And from a teacher's perspective, I think the organization of the teaching material is much easier to use in the USCCA courses than the NRA courses. They backstabbed their members a year or two ago when they surreptitiously and without warning changed their policy to include a reimbursement clause should the insured be found guilty or forced to plead to a lesser charge. There are similarities between the two organizations. Both the USCCA and NRA are connected to numerous attorneys across all 50 states, providing you with the best legal protection you need to ensure that you lawfully and legally exercised your right to bear arms. They intend to make customer satisfaction a priority. But for those who are looking for that AND educationits a question of how much you want to learn. USCCA IS HORRIBLE. It might be better to sell this as a pre-paid legal product, which would not necessarily run into the same legal ramifications. The USCCA insurance plan will make sure that regardless if you do use your firearm in a gun-free zone to take out an assailant that is using a firearm with the intent to injure or kill people. This is a very complicated subject and I fear few of the people commenting are actually qualified to have an opinion. This will also automatically order the USCCA eLearning & Instructor Toolkit. JMO. In the chart above we have indicated the amount the provider would actually pay out to cover the fee. I may have to switch to USCCA when my coverage expires unless they somehow redeem themselves. What benifit do you see in Carry Guard over USCCA? Plus youre able to play at up to 2x rates if youre like me and have gotten used to it on YouTube and podcasts. #1/13. Count me in as a loyal viewer of PEW PEW Tactical. That policy provides the association and its members with self-defense liability insurance, subject to its terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions. Firearms have now been a part of my life for over sixty five (65) years. I was surprised that you rarely carry a firearm so you must live in Kalifornia! Ignore them at your own peril. Reddit thread with MORE good information, although this thread was in part based on TheTrace reporting. I hope I never need them, but Im confident that they are in my corner. How does that work? I got USCCA because it covers "self-defense' legal matters with any type of weapon; and if I ever get into a self-defense altercation, I am covered. Tim has slowly and methodically worked toward his goal and reached it. This membership would last the entire year and would be renewed alongside the insurance policy had they chosen to renew the policy itself yearly. I've been a USCCA (Silver) Member since 2016. Today's reality as I understand it. What's the odds of a CCW incident in your life? At the same time, members of law enforcement, military, and even families are entitled to discounts on insurance policies and other products and training with the USCCA. The one-time cost of $250 is included in the $597 class fee. In other words, if you happen to use a weapon of opportunity like a knife, a baseball bat, or any kind of object that is used as a weapon you will have the same coverage to you (regardless if it is a criminal or civil case). Far as insurance I recall reading an article by an attorney. NRA Carry Guard did not have this as part of their policy. Hope I never have to use it. I thought the same thing. Also, the gold level members may not even have access to other perks that are only available to higher-level members (i.e.--concierge members). Michael Lutes is the managing editor and owner at Gun Mann. Which is it? I cant confirm, but their policy may be to spend up to $400,000. What's the price? Thanks Eric, and thank you for all of the great information you bring to us.