The tension gauges are especially designed for accurate, repeatable tuning of a sailboat's standing rigging. This will be true for all three of your reef points. Lift-All makes no guarantees that the information provided in the calculator is correct. The Dyneema sizes can be the same as for the 6mm Stainless above except that the Marlow M-Rig Max (DM20) might be better in 8mm. Measure your wireIt is important toestablish the diameter of your wire becauseall the different types of wire terminationare manufactured with specific dimensionsfor each diameter. In our case the mast bent too far forward and the forestay was particularly soft. Each complete turn corresponded to approximately 3-4 millimetres in length. Lets go up whenever there doubt. The wire is inserted into the hollow terminal and pulled through a set of roller dies. I need to ensure that the lashing length is enough for me to still tension the shroud at the end of its life. Check your spreaders, chainplates and turnbuckles for cracking, fatigue, missing cotter pins/rings, etc. In addition to this it was clear that when the starboard runners and checkstay were tensioned, the mast deteriorated in shape. We are confident that you will look forward to our emails. The next two methods are basically the same but use slightly differnt load levels for the shrouds. Hence, we have non-structural runners and checks, no backstay and no topping life. But these are for breaking strength of the wire. 1. From the Rigger: Most boat owners do not climb their masts regularly, but our riggers spend a lot of time up there. This fudge factor is intended to offset the fact that, regardless of the material used, it will degrade over time with aging and a lack of maintenance. But have you ever seen a boat so rigged? Why not schedule annual service as you would with a car? All the vertical tension turned into compression and bend. On a Mini 650, to avoid too many lines, and with a boom that weighs a few kilos, nothing replaces the topping lift. Working the 10M rigging figures backwards can give the safety factor Pearson applied to the 10M. Shaking the furled headsail gives an idea of the tension of the forestay. a toggle fork at the bottom end. Of course, you are welcome to label all your rigging, pack it up and send it to us to replicate.If you live near enough, you can bring the rigging yourself and discuss it with our Rigging team, it will be well worth the trip :-). That is because a Dyneema line the same strength as the Stainless Steel it replaces would be too stretchy to work. NE ropes has STS-HSR. Maintain your standing rigging! a) we need to replace the mizzen rigging before we launch b) there is no dock or anything at the boatyard so difficult to do c) Im not sure how this would work for a mizzen mast as it is shorter and so far aft, therefore it would be very difficult to heel the boat that far with just the mizzen and not very typical of the mizzen usage. This is mostly a problem if you only use turnbuckles due to their limited range. From the Rigger: Most boat owners do not climb their masts regularly, but our riggers spend a lot of time up there. RIGGINGS AND MASTS CALCULATIONS ONLINE RIGGINGS AND MASTS FREE DATABASE: Just in 10 minutes! Attachment to the Mast, the top terminals. You cant cut corners and get the same results as the pros. These work laterally to support the mast. But I have seen many badly adjusted masts and not by just a little. 1x19 Wire Rigging Stainless Steel 1x19 Wire Rope Rigging is the most popular solution for standing rigging on cruising yachts. They show up on your doorstep ready to use. On boats with swept back spreaders, runners and checkstays are not structural. We are happy to accommodate your requests, but the cost of your job will escalate quickly. This post has taken an age to research and write. Before adjusting them, however, we could use them to do a test on the adjustment so far of our mast. I ran the numbers for the 10M by methods from three sources starting with David Gerr's book "The Nature of Boats." For an idea of the costs involved to replace your standing rigging, here are some examples of sets of rigging we have made for customers in the past 12 months (prices as of Sept 2022). This T-bone, if forgotten closed, supports the mast only at the level of spreaders, leaving the masthead free. Once you know the diameter of the wire, it will give you the load both in kg and as a percentage of its breaking strain. Tensioning the backstay, the central part of the mast advances forward creating a slight C shape of the mast seen from the side. T-terminal and some have more than one common name, but this guide will help you to recognise which ones are correct for your rigging. There seems to be a lack of information on the web about the sizing for standing rigging. This can be estimated with the boat's beam, ballast, draft, and displacement. Ive taken the stainless breaking limits from the Marlow table off Jimmy Green (see above). If your end terminal is a threaded stud measure to the end of the stud; include the length of the threaded portion, note whether it is left or right handed, and the thread size. This type of rig is fitted with a runner at the mast top and a checkstay at the height of the inner forestay. By now, I would say, even on cruising boats it is one of the most common rig arrangements. See other options in diagram to the right. The reality is that Creep, even in SK75, can easily be designed around for standing rigging on a sailboat. The evolution started with offshore sailing boats such as the Mini 650s and Class40s and now it is very widespread also among cruising sailboats. Consider pulling your rig every 5-6 years to inspect the mast base, chainplates, turnbuckles, wire, etc. When riggers cut rigging in the workshop they are very unlikely to make pairs of shrouds of different lengths. If your running rigging leads back to the cockpit . Everything was in order throwing in a few tacks confirmed that the boat made sailed the same angle to the wind on both tacks. Check the thread size (standard or upsize) Select a turnbuckle which provides articulation e.g. Since you're doing lashings, an inch either way won't matter: what's more important is cutting all your lowers the same length so the deadeyes all line up and look symmetrical. Heat stretched SK75 really performs better under a constant load. Gerr and Toss both note that the lowers get more load than that and when there is more than one each should be capable of handling the full load. Designers typically specify standing rigging and attachments, including bolts, that are 1.3 to 1.4 times stronger than the calculated load. When the T-bone is undone, the runnner has more relative tension than the checkstay as by undoing the T-bone we have effectively lengthened the checkstay. Seldn estimates the main reef clew force to MSL (maximum in service load)=5.5kN, the reef tack load to MSL=3.5kN (10 Newton=1 Kg f). The standing rigging is all rod on this boat. The picture below shows the most common rigging terminals used at Jimmy Green Marine.From left to right, Talurit Thimble Eye, Fixed Eye, Shackle Toggle, Stud, Stemball (Elephants foot), Toggle Fork, the toggle fork on the bottom of a rigging screw, Fixed Fork, Hamma Spoon, and Flat Head. Website created by Primeconsulting. Perform routine cleaning/polishing to remove corrosives, identify chafe points and other damage, and properly tune your standing rigging (shrouds, forestay, backstay). Spinnaker Sheet / Guy - Boat length x 2. After this introduction, lets move on to a practical case. a toggle fork at the bottom end. (If you prefer more choices, please see our Running Rigging Builder.) Sizes .172 to .375 and 4.4mm to 9.5mm. To do this we tighten the runner with the checkstay lashing very short to start with. The spreaders, in this case, are in line, perpendicular to the fore and aft axis of the boat. Continuous rigging is more common on older and more traditionally rigged boats, while newer boats and performance-oriented sailboats often have discontinuous rigging. We were thinking LIROS D-Pro-XTR (SK99) as by far the cheapest option (and as SK99 is stronger than SK78 we should have less creep than the cheapest Marlow option which is SK78). And yet I have read that once stretched to its working load, regular Dyneema will stabilize and then experience even less creep than DUX. Unlike the Gerr formula the RM30 formula accounts for shroud base width. The Gerr method seems to go a bit smaller but all of them are smaller than the OEM rigging on the 10M. Rig designers will calculate the optimum length of the unsupported lengths, or . Deckvests need to be maintained so that Read more, Genoa Halyard (fractional rig) Mast length x 2, Spinnaker / gennaker halyard Mast length x 2.5, Main Sheet Boat length x 2.5 (varies with the mechanical purchase being used), Asymmetric Spinnaker Sheet Boat length x 2.5 to 3, Reefing Line (reef 1) Boom length x 2.5. It is important to understand the influence of stay-V1 on the rake. The curvature was accentuated between the first spreaders and the masthead so I went up to the D2s to give a first rough and symmetrical adjustment. rope), you will want to consider length, diameter, stretch/performance, material/construction and, of course, price. I found the Colligo information less helpful, it feels to me that they have stayed with the same materials despite the new developments. The Pogo 2, designed around 2003-2004 is the Mini 650 with most boats built. There isnt even a topping lift to support the boom when reefing. But the disadvantages are cost (not just the line but also the thimbles) and windage (but we have a big boxy wheelhouse so are not exactly aerodynamic). 1/4" is usually 7/16" or 1/2". The price difference of the DM20 lines over SK99 or SK78 is still huge. After attempting to sort through the many personal. Since this boat is sailed in the Mediterranean we must have a good light wind setup and be able to intervene on the shape of the sail as the wind increases. This is especially important for the forestay attachment if it is an integral part of the stemhead fitting. And they often find badly damaged Read more, Question: When your riggers talk about standing rigging, they often use terms I dont recognize. I replaced 3/16 rigging with 5/16 dynex dux and it's still ok after 10 years. The de-multiplication of the runner pulleys obviously amplified the effect on the control line. This explained why the head of the mast pointed to the left after the initial bend. I jibed without runners in 50 knots of wind and nothing happened. From the Rigger According to industry standards, the anticipated lifespan for stainless steel rigging is 10-12 years for wire and 15-20 years for rod. Having said that, even with SK75 creep is easy to design around if you know the creep properties for the material you are using. It is adopted by shipyards such as Jeanneau and Beneteau, even for boats without oceanic ambitions. SCT also includes various modules to perform calculations ISO 12215-6, 8 and 9. I'm not sure that the distribution of the force on the sail, in force at the top and on the boom, is correct. With a bent mast the first thing really is to understand was why it is so. Differences emerged immediately, the D1 on the left was about 1cm shorter than the one on the right. The amount of rake optimal rake is usually provided by the designer so you can do this job with absolute precision. It provides some tables of the most common suppliers of slings and shackles, but the user can add its own tables. Herb suggests under 15% or even better under 10%. Since it was not me who had mounted the mast, I could not be sure that the turnbuckles had been inserted correctly, i.e. Hey all, I'm going to do my standing rigging myself with Dyneema using thimbles and dead eyes. For a -inch turnbuckle and toggle, a minimum thickness of. Does anyone know if 5/32" is the factory size? When planning Dyneema rigging the area we have found most confusing is deciding on the size of Dyneema we should fit. The terminations for wire vs. rod can be quite different and require a lot of customization. Jordan freshens up on his high school math to calculate what wire size we should order for our new standing rigging. rope than a cruiser. As a side note, alot of people have miss-diagnosed constructional elongation for creep. Tuning is required at each spreader level due to the wire terminating at each spreader tip. For example, assume a 2,000 pound load is to be supported by 2 legs of a sling. You agree that your ultimate purchase and use of Lift-All slings must be determined by you to be appropriate for your specific applications. The rake shifts the sail centre aft and the bend in the mast flattens the sail, both of which we do not want in light winds. If it does not rotate, spray some WD40 but never twist the rod rigging. Although we work closely with the boatyard during the job, you will need to negotiate yard fees (crane, mast lay days, etc.) Stretch the wire straight and ensure there are no bends in the wire. Establish the thread size, type and directionWire terminals that have a thread for connecting to the next component are known as studs.Stud terminals are denoted first by the wire diameter and then the thread type and size because each wire diameter can have more than one thread option.The thread options are generally referred to as downsize, standard and upsize - these are broadly categorised in the same way by all the manufacturers.UNF thread is the most common in the UK, but Metric is always a possibility - bear in mind that the yacht or the mast may have originally been built in Europe where metric threads are more prevalent.Stud terminals are normally Right Hand thread but it is worth checking, especially if they are metric thread on a French built mast. So, in order to avoid any dangers, we set the inner forestay (to double up with the forestay). I have an older Hallberg Rassy 35 (yep, thats the new challenge) - and currently the rigging appears to be 5/16" wire (that's what the local rigger measured, it seemed slightly smaller to me but he probably does a better job at measurment). RM30 is the force that is required to heel the boat over 30 degrees. We are ruling this one out for us. One other very important comment on sizing for creep: Material creep is a function of length, long sections will have more creep than short sections. They are all full re-rigs from 119 wire with new rigging screws (please note all examples given are for supply only): If a rigging screw is supplied as part of a finished wire, the measurement will be made with the screw two thirds open as shown below. With the mast and rigging still standing and set to its normal sailing positions, tape or mark all the threads of the studs where they exit the turnbuckles. He asked Isnt the industry standard just a ploy by manufacturers to sell more wire. Braided line density is the key to eliminating constructional elongation over time. In order to confidently specify a replacement for any element of your standing rigging, you will need to know what your existing components are called and how they are measured.Some end fittings have generic names e.g. We had created a perfectly straight mast track, an adequate rake and a pre-bend. To bring everything back to zero tension, I went up to the first set of spreaders and loosened the D2s which I would then adjusted last. Rigging Doctor for SK99: 8mm Main 8mm Stainless: Colligo (SK75): 11mm Marlow from Jimmy Green (DM20): 15mm (but 13mm is pretty close) Rigging Doctor for SK99: 10mm The choices get more tricky as Liros don't make every size (no 7, 9 or 11mm). At Colligo Marine, we have now rigged more than 900 boats around the world with our brand of engineered standing rigging and have learned alot from this experience. So, with or without your old rope in hand, stop by and chat with our staff. There is no backstay at all, which is common on many modern boats. Just select your boat below and you're a couple clicks away from new, top quality rigging. Continuous rigging is made up of single pieces of wire that run from the top of the rig to the deck allowing the tuning to be done at deck level. We are Patreons of Rigging Doctor, the combination of their YouTube channel and website has more practical resources on real world cruising use of Dyneema than any other Ive found. So I am going to be adding Hampidjan DynIce Dux into my calculations and it is cheaper than the LIROS D-Pro-XTR, plus available in more sizes. When measuring rigging, the convention is to measure from pin center to pin center or from bearing point to bearing point. Not forgetting the compression loads from the stays too. We also set runners and checkstays just for safety. Here are a few suggestions. So in all fairness, I was trusting my eyes. When we fabricate a piece of rigging including a turnbuckle, we will make it to your specifications with the turnbuckle open 2/3rds to allow tuning of the rig. In this article we will deal with the tuning of standing rigging of a typical sailboat. Despite the absence of a backstay its not runners or checkstays that keep the mast up. Is it maybe, just maybe possible that they have cornered the market on synthetic standing, Colligo, Colligo, Colligo. Whats up? How to Measure Standing Rigging With the mast and rigging still standing and set to its normal sailing positions, tape or mark all the threads of the studs where they exit the turnbuckles. This is a very inexpensive investment (by yachting standards ) to ensure that your rig is in sound condition. Be aware that this is not a simple conversion and can be quite expensive. For example, when setting the runners, it was noticeable that the working points of the control lines had moved by about 20cm. The standing rigging is all rod on this boat.