He reached in his pocket and took out Serena's locket. . On the meanwhile, Prince Judai, Princess Serenity, and all of the Moon Kingdom Sailor Senshi are waiting on the right side of the Moon Queen. It is destiny that we meet and like all of you, they will see the light. Sartorius then says, However, there is something that interests me even more about Sailor Moon., Chazz asks Sartorius, What do you mean master?, Sartorius tells Chazz and Alexis, You see, why I want Jaden is because he holds a great power within him. What about the new cards? I draw three cards from my deck and discard two from my hand! Serena draws three cards, looks to see that they are Elemental Hero Neos (2500/2000), Elemental Hero Bladedge (2600/1800), and Card of Sanctity spell card. She strained her eyes to try to see any part of the mass as to indicate who or what it might be. Just a book about what the Chiba family would be in modern times. I will help you. Yugi says, So, that's Sartorius, huh? Thus, like her Sailor Senshi, my daughter, Princess Arinna of the Sun, has trained with her Sailor Senshi to become a warrior herself. If you have a good Serena and Darien fanfic send me a PM. That Prince and Princess look like Jaden and Serena? Alexis then feels a dull ache in her heart and says, lowly, Why do have a dull ache in my heart when I think that Jaden? Both of them are very smart, they use their heads, with Bastion in his dueling and Ami with our battles, and Bastion and Ami both study a lot as well as using mathematics and science in their very lives. Missy opens her Field spell slot of her duel disk and says, Not when I play my Insect Garden Field spell. Soon after, the whole field changes into one huge flower garden. Trista tells Atem, A wise idea. Soon enough, our heroes and heroines began to explain about themselves, their adventures, their `battles', and what their `purpose' for being on Duel Academy is, but what they didn't know is that Chazz and Alexis were watching all of them. Serena sat down on the damp floor. Ami isn't into boys! Yugi feared that a new enemy has arrived to take over the world and he hopes that he can get the old gang's help to stop it by investigating. However, I cannot touch you, much less accept a hug in my `condition'., Yugi asks Atem, What are you doing here, Atem?, Atem tells Yugi, You already know that answer, my former Aibou., Yugi tells Atem, It is this new evil, isn't it?, Atem replies, Yes. I reveal my trap! Missy then puts one card in the spell/trap slots and states, Then I play my Pot of Greed! Plus, remember, my dino DNA inside protects me from Sartorius' brainwashing powers. She is just too shy!, Mina tells Serena, Oh come on, Serena! If you really wish for Atem to return, then believe in all of your heart and souls and the Silver Crystal and the Shadow Charm will grant that wish., Yugi tells Sailor Pluto, We understand., Sailor Venus asks Sailor Pluto, Are you sure that we will have enough power without Saturn?, Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Venus in reply, Without Sailor Saturn and her powers of darkness balancing out our powers of light, we will not be at full strength, but we will have enough power for this., Sailor Mars asks, in her usual tone, Okay, ready to get this over with?. Two of them are very interesting in this matter since there is one wearing a fiery red uniform similar to Sailor Mars' uniform that looks a lot like Jasmine and the other with a dark yellow uniform similar to Sailor Venus' uniform that looks very similar to Mindy. Michelle tells Tea, It seems like you and I will be working together., Tea tells Michelle, It seems so. Amazingly the voice answered him. All of them were totally nude and their bodies were mainly submerged in the spring water expect from the top portion of their breasts to the top of their scalps. Now, all soldiers on the field in attack mode switch to defense mode! Insect Princess and Dark Driceratops are switched to defense mode. She closed her eyes and the locket started glowing in Jedite's hand. For this one turn, your destroyed monster's attack points are added on to my Maiden's attack power. Soon after, White Love Maiden's stats increase from 2400/1800 to 4800/1800! What I do know is stopping that pale faced freak is our mission and this `Pharaoh' guy is our vital reinforcements. Mr. Moto . But enough of this idle chatter. Blair tells Mina, Oh, yeah! (SE) Serena is a tomboy and Endy is her best friend. During the evening hours of night, we find all of our heroes and heroines, joined by Yugi Moto and his friends, as they headed down towards the abandoned dorm with the intention of being Atem back to life. A Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin, a Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab, a Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird, a Neo-Spacian Dark Panther, a Neo-Spacian Groun Mole, Neo-Spacian Glow Moss, and a new Spacian that hasn't been seen before. However, he hasn't found anyone that could succeed him until the day that he met a teenage duelist who was late for Seto Kaiba's Duel Academy exams, who that had similar to the same beliefs as him with the `heart of the cards'. Thanks for twenty-four hundred more life-points. Blair's life-points then increase by 2400 more, thanks to her Draining Shield trap. Sartorius tells them, Indeed, I did. He threw down the locket and tended to his badly burned arm. My Princess was in defense mode, so, my life-points are safe.. "You may have killed me but without her body Sailor Moon's spirit can't be reincarnated." When my cute Dark Magician Girl is on the field, I can summon one big Dark Magician from my deck! Mina goes through her deck, takes out one card, puts it onto her duel disk, and Dark Magician (2500/2100) similar to Yugi Moto's Dark Magician, expect it has dark blue skin and dark blue uniform, comes to the field in attack mode. Jaden used that card in his last duel! he bellowed. . . We even know who Tuxedo Mask is. I wished to give you an apology to give my forgiveness at the rash time of my visit. So, meet the diva of my deck! Get a lay of the land and figure out the best strategy to attack your enemy. If we get brainwashed, then there is nothing left of our dorm., Mindy says, a bit fearful, Don't even say that. Blair exclaims, knowing the answer, Oh no! Soon after, Elemental Hero Thunder Giant fires a blast of electrical energy from its right palm that destroys Blair's Maiden in Love without much effort. My parents are already worried about me ever since I sneaked into Duel Academy the first time., Sartorius tells Blair, It is no trouble at all. My name is Tsukino Usagi.' The ability to see Duel Spirits is a rare gift that not just anyone can have and I'm not sure how to explain why Serena has it or you don't., Sailor Mars asks, in a serious tone, I wonder if this ability will help us in the future. Jaden asks Serena, What's up, Serena?, Serena tells Jaden, happily, Well, Mina won her fifth victory in a row!, Jaden tells Mina, That's so sweet, Mina! . Etoile Cyber, attack her directly! Bring him and the silver crystal to me." Another brainwashed member of Sartorius' group., Syrus says, beginning to recognize Blair, Hey, that girl looks familiar to me., Jaden nods his head in agreement and says, Yeah, she does., Blair then says, in a cold tone and sly grin, Don't you recognize me, Jaden-sempai? Serena using the last of her energy broke the bonds that held Tuxedo Mask. you know. Darien and the other Sailor Senshi look at each other for a few minutes and then they look back at their leader. Lita calls out to Mina, Way to go, Mina! I have! Any pal of Yug' is a pal of mine. I've got to say that this Chazz guy might be easy to brainwash, but his taste in hot springs is great.. He holds the powers of light instead of darkness, even through his power is evil. Her male opponent then commands, Well, they won't last long! Show her the light with White Illuminating Flare! White Light Phoenix attacks, Serena's spell card and two face-down cards are destroyed by White Veil, and Blair's monster destroys Cyber Angel Serenity with a huge blast of white energy covering Serena in smoke. Now, I can increase my life-points by your monster's attack points and negate your attack!. Tea has gone on to have an excellent singing and dancing career in the United States as well as winning a few Duel Monsters tournaments in the United States and Japan, Joey has become an excellent duelist, winning tournament after tournament with his wife, Mai Valentine, also becoming a famous female duelist, and Tristan moved on to becoming one of the greatest martial artists and fighters in Japanese history, already he is seventh-degree Black Belt. And I can tell that you are a stronger duelist than before., Joey tells Atem, You got that right, pal!, Well, this is it! "SILENCE!!!" I mean he still took one year off of the time that you need to be an adult and plus, you can hang with us now., Blair says, with a smile, I just can't believe that I'm in a hot spring with my favorite super-heroes., Rei tells Blair, Just make sure that you don't blabbing it out. Missy says, in a taunting tone, What is that little birdie going to do to me? This mission is the bomb!, Serena states, also in an excited tone, No joke, Mina! And I knew that I was right., Joey tells Yugi, looking at Jaden, So, this is the kid that you met around a year ago, Yug'. Bastion calls out, shocked, She didn't lose a single life-point! However, I don't know why you hold this power like he does. Open already I'm going to be late for class!" That's when I decided to investigated when I started to get information from Seto Kaiba., Bastion replies, in a plain tone, That's how you found out about the Society of Light., Yugi nods his head and says, Yes, when I heard about what was happening in Duel Academy. She said reassuring him. We're not going to sneak in to stop Sartorius. ! Soon after, Serena's two Princess Tokens vanish in bright lights as they are sent to the graveyard and Serena puts one card on her duel disk. Kamadaki knock her out." "Now we just wait for our other guest." This spell allows me to draw two more cards from my deck! Blair draws two more cards from her deck, gives a wide evil grin, takes one card from her hand, shows it to be a spell card with a picture of Maiden in Love in a white light, and exclaims, Next, I play this! Who were those people? Queen Serenity tells Princess Serenity, with a smile, Thank you, Serenity. The orange haired girl asked with out looking at him. He doesn't care about you! Now, I'm open to attack!. She sent a look to Tuxedo Mask telling him to get ready to run. Barely conscious Tuxedo Mask said "Serena I don't think I can do this." It must be Tuxedo Mask coming back for her with the crystal. . This card allows me to sacrifice my Maiden in Love to summon this! Just then Maiden in Love in bathed in white light as she is sent to the graveyard while Blair puts another card on her duel disk and calls out, My White Love Maiden in attack mode! To replace Maiden in Love, a beautiful young adult woman version of her appears with deep blue eyes, beautiful red lipstick, and her dress in purely white. Missy asks Tyranno, Okay, hun, ready to see the light?. It doesn't have as much power as my dino!. Sailor Venus bent down and picked up a piece of black cloth. Tyranno tells Missy, in an angered tone as he draws his card, We'll see about that! Jasmine?, Michelle turns his head towards Jaden and asks him, Friends of yours?, Jaden nods his head and replies, Actually, they are Alexis' best friends. We missed the duel! She had, spent yet another day in detention for flunking another test. I reveal my Soul Rope trap! Blair's face-down card is revealed to be the trap card known as Soul Rope. Just then the spirit form of Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird appears on Jaden's right side and tells him, telepathically. Mina exclaims, Oh no! -ships distors Qu pasara si Serena no fuera tan abierta como parece? Just then a familiar female voice calls out to our Moon Princess, That's right, my daughter. When Princess Serenity turns to the source of the voice, she sees her Lunarian mother, Queen Serenity, walking up to her. They already are starting to brainwash the member of the Ra Yellow dorm. Mina then puts another card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, And to make sure that I don't lose! Phase one: I remove my Dino Base and my Black Tyranno from play! Soon after, Dino Base (0/2100) is removed from his hand and Black Tyranno (2600/1800) is removed from his graveyard, with both cards be removed from play. I can't believe that I allowed him to use me like that., Serena tells Blair, Don't worry about it, Blair. I'm sure one of them is a trap.. . It will be just like the olds days when Yug' and he were together with us saving the world from evil psychopaths., Yugi tells Joey, Remember, Joey, this one is different than the ones we faced. Sailor Moon - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 19 - Words: 67,205 - Reviews: 263 - Favs: 185 . You hold very much the same power that Jaden Yuki does, through slightly different. Blair asks, perplexed and demanding tone in her voice, What's going on here?! My White Aurora Light spell! "ANSWER ME!!" A soul devoid of hatred and anger, who cares about others above him or herself, and one who is able to open up to others as well as inspire them. In her right hand is a beautiful specter with a pearly white staff and a huge golden sun on top of the staff. What I've done for The Dark King is to section them off from my new version to my old. Serena whimpered. Tyranno says, with a smile on his lips, Great idea, soldier. Finally when she was able to see she wished she couldn't. Her male opponent says, with a wide, As long as I give up 1000 life-points, my trap will negate your trap's effect! In all of these years that our two kingdoms existed, we had excellent peace between our kingdoms and our alliances, but the people of the sun never visited us. Jasmine and I can to investigate and well . Plus, the gang sees that she is a level seven monster with stats of 2400/1800! Here the easiest way to get it open is to hit it twice before you do the combination." I will be just fine. The others then head off towards the abandoned dorm while Tyranno prepares to face off against Missy. Males and females serve equally in our `Armed Services' and discrimination in our military is none existence with the females becoming just as fierce and powerful warriors as their male counterparts. he thought panicky. What's that little bug going to do?! It's about figuring out identities and Serena/Darien pairing. I'm a new student here and I've been assigned your locker. "Give me that Venus. Mina exclaims, excitedly, This is so cool! I am known as Ishtar and I am a rare breed of Neo-Spacian known as a Neo-Spacian Celestial Phoenix. A Wattpad "Official Fanfic!" Mamoru feels lonely around Christmas and Motoki suggests he gets a girlfriend. We would be honored to take upon your offer to get a deeper understand of your kingdom and your kingdom with ours., Queen Sol bows in front of Queen Serenity and tells her, No, your majesty, the honor is all ours. Queen Sol then motions for her daughter to come forward and she does so without looking up. Missy then says, Now, thanks to my Insect Pheromone, your other ant token must throw down with her royal highness. Soon after, the other Army Ant Token rushes towards Insect Princess, which destroys it, and taking another 1900 of Tyranno's life-points while Insect Princess' stats increase to 2900/1500! She will be with the rest of the new students, which are mainly young teenage girls, and a group of four new members of the facility, three young women and one young man. why do I get this `weird warm feeling' when I think about him? Alexis shrugs it off and says, in a plain tone, When Jaden is defeated and sees the light, this will nothing be more than a memory. Alexis then tries to go back asleep, but she is restless for a few minutes until she falls fast asleep. Atem smiles and tells his two friends, It is good to see you, again. Wearing those white uniforms? This was a longer chapter that I expected, but I'm glad that I got it down in a timely manner! Sartorius says, with a greatly interested tone, The cards tell me something or someone that I would not usually expect is coming to Duel Academy. Sartorius says, with a slight evil smirk, This shall prove an interesting day indeed.. Ami says, worriedly, Oh no! Tyranno tells Missy, Wish I could tell you, ma'am, but I've got to get to a little `magic ritual'. . . Tuxedo Mask was in a storage room full of old crates trying to formulate a plan. Bastion calls out, shocked, My words! No wonder he attach the ladies and since you are a teen with a body now . . Mergers. Sartorius wants to brainwash Jaden for some reason. I must hurry to her. "You must go now! So, I'm dismissing your face-down card! Another huge wind blows, but this time, Missy's face-down card is destroyed. Say `bye bye' to overgrown jungle, dino for brains. Just then a huge wind destroys Jurassic World, which lowers Black Tyranno's stats down to 2600/1800, once more. What I didn't plan on however was them beating the hell out of me." And today . "No nothing's wrong. "Now, you musn't tell the other Scouts . They are made for each other., Jaden then says, simply, Well, they are a lot alike., Syrus tells Jaden, I don't know, J'. All of our friends in there, including Alexis, are just like brainwashed robots, exactly like Atticus said, and they keep talking about `seeing the light' and such. It is a rare gift and you should appreciate it!, Sailor Moon tells Luna, in an annoyed tone, Yeah! Missy tells Tyranno, as she puts one card in the spell/trap slots of her duel disk, You will see, hon. This ritual not only requires a lot of power, but it requires a lot of emotion connected to the person that we are trying to revive. This card allows me to draw cards from my deck for every single face-up spell, trap, and monster card on your side of the field! The new monster, White Light Phoenix, is an eight star monster with 3000/2000 stats! Serena says, with a wide grin, Wow! Tyranno says, annoyed, Not this tactic, again! Serena nods her head, takes a deep breath, and says, Well, here goes nothing. Serena holds her brooch into the air, it opens up to reveal the Imperium Silver Crystal, her brooch vanishes, and Serena then transforms into Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom. But you will see his full powers, one day, however, for now, I'm here to tell you that I will be returning to aid you in the fight against this new enemy., Tea and Yugi give another round of gasps and Tea asks Atem, How are you going to come back Atem?, Atem tells Tea and Yugi, It won't be easy. Plus, even through our two kingdoms and our alliances have been allies for many years, we have never seen each other . This card allows me to sacrifice my Archaeopteryx to summon a dino back to my field! Serena puts another card in the spell/trap slots and says, If you think that's bad, wait until I use my O-Oversoul spell! Inside the alley a frightened Serena was being held by the bigger of the two men. Super Conductor Tyranno, front and center! Soon after, Super Conductor Tyranno (3300/1400) is summoned to the field in attack mode. All have been read and approved by me and only me. Plus, like your kingdom, my husband and I are the head of the council of kingdoms that decide the `fate' of our alliance and the princesses come to our kingdom to serve as guardians of our children and our family. I know! Serena heard the materialization but didn't know what it was. Blair tells Sartorius, with a smile, Well, since you put it that way . Jaden tells Serena, This might sound like a stupid question, but what we doing?, Sailor Pluto replies, In order to use the Shadow Charm's power at its fullest for this ritual, it has to be used by the last person to weld it or the person that welded it the most. my Neo-Spacian Celestial Phoenix!. Princess Serenity says, a bit speechless, Mother . I can call them and tell them all about this, so, there is no confusion about where you are. "I don't know but you can bet what ever it is it's not good.". It was so awesome., Atriums sweatdrop and says, Well, I think that we had found Duel Academy's version of Mina., Mina yells at Atriums, annoyed, What's that supposed to mean?!. She nearly defeated Jaden once before., Sartorius tells Chazz, I understand your doubt, Chazz. Blair Flannigan?, Blair does a traditional Japanese bow and replies, That's right, Alexis. . Jaden tells Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird, mentally, Serena tells Blair, This Neo-Spacian is a very rare monster and powerful for a few reasons. We just heard rustling in the bushes and three figure just `fly' into the woods. The silver crystal however was cracked and chipped. However, it looks like she had a change in wardrobe., Missy tells the group, Going somewhere boys and girls?, Tyranno and Lita yell out in unison, What is it to you? Blair asks, weakly and perplexed, Jaden-sama? We find that Jaden has his `old' Shadow Charm hanging around his neck. You can please leave me now. Alexis and Chazz bow in front of Sartorius and slowly walk away from the room. Serena awoke on Saturday at 12:00 a.m. to see Darien still asleep beside her. Heh. Rei nods her head and replies, with a smile, No joke, Mina. Scared are we? Bastion says, plainly, Someone is appearing inside of the sphere! Yugi, Tea, Joey, and Tristan continue to pray with all of their hearts while Jaden, Princess Serenity, and the Sailor Senshi gave their hearts and souls into providing the energy for the ritual. . His deck along with Jaden's was among the only ones that weren't affected by the evil of the Sacred Beasts and Yugi was very nervous when he heard about the Shadow Riders and the return of the Shadow Games after ten years. They have three different `levels': Cosmic, Star, and Eternal. Bring Jaden Yuki into the light.. She was beaten by that other girl., Sartorius tells Chazz, Don't be so surprised, Chazz. Tyranno says, as he puts another card into the spell/trap slots, You should be since I play my Ultimate Evolution Pill! It was similar to the silver crystal except it was gold and had the symbol of Earth on it. . Soon enough, all six girls in the spa were screaming and laughing as they splashed each other with the spa water and having a bit of a good time. This Continuous Spell card allows my monsters to attack your monsters with the same attack points and not get destroyed! Serena then commands, Now, my Cyber Angel, destroy her Phoenix with Silver Star Blast! Cyber Angel Serenity fires a silver energy beam filled with energy stars at the Phoenix and destroys it without being destroyed herself, thanks to the Kishido Spirit Continuous Spell card. Now, that's what I call a Hero monster! She was weary and tired. However, this Sailor Venus `look-a-like' looks similar to Sailor Venus in her `classic uniform' with a silver bodysuit, bright orange lipstick on her lips, silver bow in the rear of her scalp, and silver high-heeled shoes. I command you too. White is so not my color. Mindy then asks, solemnly, Isn't there anything we can do to help?, Jasmine tells Mindy, solemnly, I'm not sure, Mindy. With Mr. Darien Shields, he is Tuxedo Mask. Jedite screamed bloody murder as he, trapped in Serena's body, begin to disintegrate. spent yet another day in detention for flunking another test. Jaden asks Tyranno, How did the duel go Hassleberry?, Tyranno smiles and tells Jaden, Well, Sarge . Yugi Moto! Just then Yugi Moto, Joey Wheeler, age 27, Rebecca Hawkins, age 19, Duke Devlin, age 27, Tea Gardner, age 27, and Tristan Taylor, age 27, walk into the room, much to awe of the students. [ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Out of the blue a voice spoke to his heart. pleaded Serena. In the late afternoon hours, we find Sartorius inside of his room in the `White Dorm' shuffling his cards on the table that he uses and looking on them intently. RINI: WELL I HOPED YOU ENJOYED IT. "SHE'S BACK!". The second chapter of my brand new Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX crossover! [Don't give the crystal to Jedite.] Deep within the abandoned dorm, in the `arena' where Jaden and Alexis dueled against Titan, one of the seven Shadow Riders, through he wasn't a Shadow Rider when he dueled Jaden, we find Serena, holding her brooch in her hands, and Jaden, with his Shadow Charm in his hands, in the center of the `arena' while the rest of the Sailor Senshi, in their Sailor Senshi forms, are surrounding the two of them. She looked one year older than she truly is., Tyranno then says, in a serious tone, Then he must have done to her what they did to your friend., Blair says, in a cold tone and sly grin, Yes, Master Sartorius used his powers to give me this new body and enter Duel Academy. My Princess Tokens! Soon after, two holograms of beings that look exactly like Princess Serenity appear on the field in defense mode. I heard a lot about you and you are quite famous. We know everything. Sartorius says to himself, What the cards told me was true. he boomed. Tyranno puts another card in the spell/trap slots and states, Next, I play my Card of Reversal spell! Later! Tyranno then runs off towards the abandoned mansion, leaving a perplexed and confused Missy in her wake. I heard some `rumors' that Jaden Yuki and his friends are Sartorius' and the Society of Light's main opposition, so, I decided to come to you., Jaden tells Yugi, Wow, Mr. Moto, I-I'm really honored., Yugi tells Jaden, Actually, I would prefer you and your friend to call me just `Yugi' from now on., Jaden replies, excitedly, Sure, Mr.-I mean Yugi, sir!. Slifer isn't an ordinary card and he can be very dangerous at times. You are going to need two items. Now, these are my fellow Neo-Spacian. Aqueous then points to the other Neo-Spacians, expect for the newest one, and says, These are my allies: Flare, a Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab, Aerial, a Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird, Chons, a Neo-Spacian Dark Panther, Ground, a Neo-Spacian Groun Mole, and Glom, a Neo-Spacian Glow Moss., Princess Serenity asks about the new bird-like Neo-Spacian, What about this beautiful bird-like Neo-Spacian?, The Neo-Spacian says, in a beautiful female tone, Greetings, your majesty. Serena tells Jaden, Thanks. Soon after, an image of the prince known as Prince Judai appears behind him, through only Serena sees it. "After him. Bastion says, in his logical tone, Ah, I see that she is trying for a `One Turn Kill'. Tyranno says, putting one card in the spell/trap slots, He might be too weak, but now, I play my new Ultra Evolution Pill spell! You have to high-tail it out of there before you end up like Alexis. I believe that a Cyber Angel is about to appear., Serena takes one card from her deck, adds it to her hand, and says, Thanks to her special ability, I can put my Machine Angel Ritual into my hand. Serena then puts the card that she mentioned into the spell/trap slots and shouts, Next, I play my Machine Angel Ritual and sacrifice my two Cupid Tokens and my Cyber Petite Angel to summon this! The three monsters vanish from the field in bright lights as Serena puts another card on her duel disk and she calls out, Now, I call my Cyber Angel Serenity to the field!. Since Jaden Yuki fills both criteria, only he can use the Shadow Charm for this ritual. There is something about this guy that I don't like. And that girl looks to be fifteen years old!, Ami tells Bastion, Remember when you last saw Hotaru? However, what they didn't know is that Mindy and Jasmine watched the whole thing from a nearby bushes. Jaden has this power and that's why I need him to see the light. Sartorius then holds the Tarot card, The Reaper of Souls, upright in front of him and says, But it seems that Sailor Moon also holds the same power, the power to defy destiny. The unsuspecting teen walked on gloomily, unaware of the danger, until it was too late. Everyone gasps in shock and Jaden asks, perplexed, Who? Soon after, flames come out of the monster card that goes into the air, the flames take shape, and then Neo-Spacian Celestial Phoenix (2000/2000) appears on the field in attack mode.