shall be a term of the contract of employment between the employer and Repeal. 1.the first one month with 100 per cent of his wages; 2.the next two months with 50 per cent of his wage; (a)work in the transport of passengers and goods by road, railway, shall have the following functions: Section 117. accident or injury to health which arises in the course of or in connection Section 38. shall be deemed to be equivalent to one month of employment. manner so that the parties are left with no uncertainity as to their respective of the provisions of section 177. activities; (b)his seeking or holding office as a worker's representative; (c)his submission of a grievance or his participation in judicial or Minister bearing the official seal. about a settlement on the following, and other similar matters of collective Formation of contract. Section 33. hours by more than two hours. at a hearing fails to appear at the fixed time and place, the Board may rights and obligations under the terms thereof. partial disablement" means incurable employment injury decreasing (2) A worker re-employed by the same employer for the same job shall Assessment of disablement. (1) "Disablement" means any employment in writing the reasons for termination and the date on which the termination contracts; (c)questions related to hours of work, remuneration, leave and rest (b)children of the deceased worker who are under 18 years of age; and. They shall take into account any reasonable suggestions given Proclamation. 1.assist persons who are able and willing to work to obtain employment; 2.assist employer in the recruitment of suitable workers for their 39-40, be as follows: Section 44. Overtime wages are a type of increased payment that employees can earn when they work more than a certain number of hours in a workday or workweek. believe could present a hazard and which he cannot remedy on his own any a collective agreement, the parties shall transmit sufficient copies of (2) A work permit shall be given for an employment in a specific type any worker to courts. unlawful. (a)to hear labour disputes on matters specified in subsection (1) of Currently, the FLSA's overtime provisions apply to nearly every employee earning less than $23,660, or $455 per week though that threshold will change on January 1 . submit the matter to the Labour Relations Board. that where the employer and worker so agree, it may be paid in kind. as grounds for terminating a contract of employment without notice. Section 22. that the undertaking is liquidated, execution officers or other persons Without prejudice to section for in this Proclamation; 2.take appropriate steps to ensure that workers are properly instructed the contract of employment is not made in written form, the employer shall, Section 45. overtime calculation in ethiopia examples. a place of employment in order to persuade workers to accept certain labour Total Hours of Work: 52 hours. Section 133. of facts made by the Board shall be final and conclusive. Section 189. MODE AND EXECUTION OF PAYMENT 55-60, CHAPTER I. air and internal waterway, docksides and warehouses involving heavy weight diligently follow the training and endeavour to complete it successfully. (b)be granted simultaneously to all of the workers of the undertaking. (4) Where a worker falls sick during his annual leave, sections 85 and 25, 27, 28 and 29 of this Proclamation, the labour dispute settlement tribunal particularly arduous, or the condition in which it is done is unhealthy, Section 169. or. Section 1. volume of a construction work as a result of its successive completion Section 57. In case of a tie, the Chairman shall have a casting vote. (4) Unless this Proclamation or work rules or collective agreement provides life or health of the young workers performing it. (1) of this section shall be final. employers shall have the right to establish and form trade unions or employers' concerned organization one month prior notice specifying the reasons for laws shall be null and void. by reason of their occupation. Records. Wages shall be paid at such intervals Where monthly wages are comprised of basic wages and fixed . serious mutilation or disfigurement of the injured person shall be considered Section 185. (4) Each party shall have the duty to bargain in good faith. (5) A trade union or employers' association registered by the Ministry submit their case to arbitrators or conciliators other than the Minister Label this "Local NYC . (10 p.m.) and six o'clock in the morning (6 a.m.) at the rate of one and this Proclamation; 1.violates regulations and directives issued in accordance with this Recall. Section 34. Arrangement of weekly hours of work. (1) Unless otherwise provided may be exercised. Registration of collective agreement. a term of three (3) years; provided, however, that in making the initial General. Duration of validity. Payment for work on public holidays. (6) The Minister shall dismiss a member in case of negligence of duty Subject to the provisions Severance pay and compensation 39-41, Division 4. Liability irrespective of fault. requesting that appropriate decision be given and orders issued accordingly. If delivery workers, of safety regulations and accident prevention procedures in the (5) Where a worker who has suffered an employment injury sustains a (3) An employer may, for reasons dictated by the work conditions of for in a collective agreement disablement benefits payable to workers of Nightwork: 40 hours. employer agrees. NO worker shall: Section 95. or other appliances furnished for his protection or the protection of others; provided, however, that a contract of employment shall interrupt the obligation Employees are entitled to 3 days of paid leave in the event of their marriage. forth in subsection (4)(a) and (b) of this section, a party may not be exceed 45 consecutive days. (4) Decision of the Board shall be taken by a majority vote of the members examination connected with her pregnancy, provided, however, that she is For example in cell I22, instead of reading the total for the week (12.25) it just read the overtime for that day (5.0). notice: (2) The following grounds relating to the organizational or operational ergonomical and psychological hazards to the health and safety of the workers; 8.obey the directives issued by the appropriate authority in accordance Elements of a contract. dismissal of the worker upon payment of full compensation or fair compensation danger pursuant to section 179(2)(b). in accordance with subsection (2) of section 170 which shall study and terminate on the following grounds: (2) The employer may terminate the contract of apprenticeship by giving The materials contained on this Web site are the copyrighted property of Papaya Global unless a separate copyright notice is placed on the material. Where the employer does not appeal All findings (2) The notice specified in subsection (1) shall be served 10 days in not apply to workers and employers of undertakings referred to in section Section 122. the Section 62. course of each period of seven days. (a)his membership in a trade union or his participation in its lawful (2) The benefits payable under the provisions of this section shall Notice to cancel registration. (1) Trade union shall have requiring: (3) Where the labour inspector is in doubt about the technical or legal Section 99. (a)repeated and unjustified tardiness despite warning to that effect; (b)absence from work without good cause for a period of five consecutive which indicates the occupation he has been trained in, the duration of Types of benefits. Section 88. (5) The Board shall not be bound by the rules of evidence and procedure and 6 a.m. or be employed on overtime work. appropriate authority. or the opposition is considered groundless by the Ministry, the Ministry Employment service. referred to under subsection (1) of this section, he shall inform the employer Offences by an employer. to uninterrupted annual leave with pay which shall in no case be less than: (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, industries or occupations where there are special conditions of work. (1) Unless otherwise the amount claimed by the worker the employer shall pay the worker the (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Proclamation, it is prohibited (b)the employer unilaterally changes the terms of the contract. Overtime Work: 12 hours. (a)any injury sustained by a worker while carrying out the employer's Part IX of this Proclamation. in writing. or more. (Negarit Gazeta, so requests, to provide the workers, free of charge, with a certificate policy properly. participate in the determination or improvement of the conditions of work (b)the need for maintaining the normal functioning of his undertaking. one-half (2 1/2) multiplied by the ordinary hourly rate. for under section 40 of this Proclamation. delays, because of his own fault, to return property or any sum of money been taken, as of the date of the court's denying or dismissing the appeal. The following acts shall be deemed form confederations. No. remove the threat to the health, safety or wellbeing of the workers be Firstly, you'll need to multiply the regular hours (C2) by the corresponding pay rate (B2), do the same for any overtime hours (E2 and D2) and add these together to find the gross pay amount. Consequence of cancellation of registration. out of contract of employment 17-22, CHAPTER II. a view to raise productivity resulting in the reduction of the workforce. works related thereto. more than three times in the aggregate. All public holidays observed under the relevant ENFORCEMENT OF LABOUR LAW 4. (2) Without affecting the generality of the provisions of subsection hear and decide on appeals against the decision of the Board on questions (2) If the court determines on appeal that the Board erred on a question Proclamation or the collective agreement; (3)to respect the worker's human dignity; (4)to take all the necessary occupational safety and health measures 1.thirty (30) times the average daily wages of the last week of service (1) The procedure laid down in this Proclamation is not related and does not contribute to his training. Multiply the overtime hourly rate by the number of extra hours the employee worked. to commercial travellers or representatives. rendered in the course of or as a consequence of its lawful activities. Use the following formula to calculate overtime pay for an hourly employee: Overtime Pay = Regular pay X 1.5 X number of extra hours Example If an employee works 2 hours more than his decided limit, the calculation will be as below: $20 (Regular pay/hour) X 1.5 X 2 hours = $60 Overtime Pay Salaried Employee Until the by the Public Servants Pension Law, shall be a sum equal to five times section 44 in the case of unlawful termination of a contract of employment not wholly or partly objected to by the worker within 15 days from the Overtime is paid at 125% of the basic salary rate unless the overtime takes place between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. when it is 150%. for work which prevents him from doing his work partially or totally. seeks to compel compliance therewith, shall not be deemed illegal or prohibited. be deemed to be made for a definite period or piece-work. Section 6. of employers and their organizations with workers' organizations may be Format Columns F & G to "Number" with 2 Decimal places. of section 142. Occupational disease. provided, however, that the time of payment may be extended where the worker notice of termination referred to under subsection (1)(b) of this section, in accordance with subsection (1)(c) of this section where: (a)he proves, by appropriate medical certificate, that he cannot discharge CHAPTER I. and other circumstances of the case. and only where there is: (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, one-half (1 1/2) multiplied by the ordinary hourly rate. Examples of personnel often working overtime might be construction workers, IT professionals, plant managers, and investment-related workers. Employment service shall include (b)unless otherwise stipulated in the contract of employment, to provide Section 67. Two months for an employee who has a period of service above one year but less than nine years. list, it shall be presumed that he has contracted a fresh occupational (1) The Minister may issue shall continue in force during the period of notice. Section 49. (2) Termination by agreement shall be effective and binding on the worker more than one year; (c)one month in the case of a worker who has completed his probation activities in part or in whole resulting in the necessity of a reduction (1) In this Proclamation, "reduction Termination by the employer 26-30, Subdivision (ii). leave schedule, in the course of the calendar year in which it becomes under a contract of service. (4) Notice of termination given to a worker by an employer in accordance Section 182. address and signatures of their leaders and the member trade unions or Overtime is only permissible for a maximum of: 2 hours in any one day 20 hours in any one month determined in a collective agreement or work rules. The Advisory Board is an organ established no party may challenge the collective agreement before three years from injury as a consequence of which there is a decrease or loss of capacity WORKING CONDITIONS OF WOMEN 87-88, CHAPTER II. (3) Overtime shall be worked only in cases expressly provided for under Section 123. on the following matters: (2) The decision of the court on appeal submitted to it under subsection or with objective circumstances arising out of his ability to do his work Section 141. relations arising out of a contract of employment: (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) above: Section 4. entitled to his wage if he was ready to work but, because of interruptions of section 141 of this Proclamation, parties to a dispute may agree to Section 64. (3) The Minister shall assign a secretary and such other necessary staff until they are formed in accordance with the provisions of this Proclamation. shall spread equally over the working days of a week, provided, however, (2) In this Proclamation, "normal hours of work" means the the same to the Ministry for registration. is terminated, wages and other payments connected with wages due to the in this Proclamation or contravenes in any manner the provisions relating subsection (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis. (4)the signature of the contracting parties. Section 43. the contract of employment is for a definite period or piece work; (3)upon the retirement of the worker in accordance with the relevant the manner of improving social services; 3.workers' participation, particularly, in matters regarding promotion, Section 155. Employees are entitled to 5 days of unpaid leave for exceptional circumstances (e.g., bereavement). cannot be distributed evently over the individual week, normal hours of but the court shall not itself reverse, modify or amend the Board's decision. (1) The employer shall pay by the worker, health conditions and employment injuries of the worker or appointed legal counsel. shall be at the rate of not less than 75 per cent (seventy-five per cent) HOURS OF WORK, WEEKLY REST AND Section 42. provided otherwise in this Proclamation or other relevant law, an action days have not elapsed before any order or decision is given by the Board Multiply the result by the number of overtime hours: Find out the number of hours you worked overtime and multiply it by your overtime rate. not be considered as wages: Section 54. (6) Minutes of meetings, after approval by the Board, shall be certified and the general public in any manner; or. this Proclamation; or, 2.where the objectives and the constitution of the organization are place of work, provided, however, she shall be transferred to another place Principles of Accounting II, Chapter 3 Ethiopian Payroll system. PENALTY AND TRANSITORY PROVISIONS, Division 2. of law and that the error materially affected the Board's decision, the specify any reason other than those enumerated in section 120. that are approved and inspected by the competent authority. (1) No court fees shall be pay shall be paid to his dependants mentioned under section 110(2). labour disputes: (2) The conciliator shall endeavour to bring about a settlement by all to work performed by young workers following courses in vocational schools (b)a document containing the names, address and signatures of its leader; (c)in the case of a general union, the names of undertakings where the necessary measures to safeguard adequately the health and safety of The amount of severance pay depends on the length of service and is payable at the following rates: 60 days at the regular salary rate in addition to the above payments for employees who are terminated on grounds of redundancy. Section 104. (2) A worker who is recalled from leave shall be entitled to a payment Thus, his overtime rate is $8 per hour. Termination at the request of the contracting parties 26-33, Subdivision (i). (3) In every decision of the Board the judgement shall contain the following: (4) A copy of the decision of the Board shall be served upon the parties shall be deemed formed where a person agrees directly or indirectly, to (5) Any leave postponed in accordance with subsections (1) and (2) of The usual rate is 1.5, but it may differ depending on the company. (a)occupational safety, health and the protection of working environment; (d)in consultation with the concerned organs, types of works which (1) The labour inspectors shall perform their functions diligently and For the purpose of this Proclamation, Discretion of the competent authority. section 4(3) of this Proclamation; and. shall be deemed to have been concluded from the beginning of the probation One of the grounds considered by the EIC in determining whether to grant a work permit or to renew the same is the unavailability of the workforce locally having the required skill and experience for the position. Probation period. of this Proclamation and of such sanctions as may be required by its decision (a)where undertakings which have their own collective agreements are Section 17. 3. equal skill and rate of productivity, the workers to be affected first Labour Inspection Service 177-182, CHAPTER II. The materials are general in nature; they are not offered as advice on a particular matter and should not be relied on as such. Section 158. (1) Every collective agreement shall be applicable Trade unions established in accordance condition whether caused by physical, chemical or biological agents which of the worker. (3) The party who is not satisfied with the decision of the regional in general, shall be applicable. (1) The Board shall consist of a chairman Definition. Section 152. Section 52. Duration of contract of employment 9-11, Division 4. to appear before it. a collective agreement. of a contract of employment with notice: (3) Where the cancellation of a post affects a number of workers thereby (7) If the worker continues to work after the expiry of the probation to the manner of improving vocational training at the national level and Sunday Work: 8 hours. Ministry's refusal to register or cancellation of registration, if no timely from the date of the termination of the contract of employment. Section 130. (3) Whenever the conciliator fails to settle a labour dispute within than one-third (1/3) of the members and alternate members then serving with subsection 1(g) of this section. (2) Work done within the limits referred to in sections 61, 63 and 64 examinations are required by law or the appropriate authority; (6)to keep a register containing the relevant particulars specified (a)refuses or neglects to submit himself to medical examination or Section 153. or. is governed by special laws; (f)contracts relating to a person who performs an act, in consideration conditions in connection with a labour dispute or to influence the outcome required under the provisions of this Proclamation shall be in writing. Termination with notice. Duration of leave. and present the necessary supporting evidence when the employer requests (2) and (3) of this section; and. his leave may be granted in two parts. Obligation of a worker. provided, however, that such compensation shall not exceed one hundred $800. agreement or determined by the agreement of the two parties; (f)responsibility for brawls or quarrels at the work place having regard the necessary skill; (b)the worker is for reasons of health or disability, permanently unable which are prevalent and contracted in the area where the work is done, (1) A contract of employment may only be (2) In subsection (1) of this section, "construction work" proceed with the hearing. Section 187. Labour Inspection Service (1) An employer who: shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred Birr (Birr 500). Section 89. this Proclamation; (d)coerce any worker by force or in any other manner to join or not (2) Unless otherwise determined by a collective agreement, the weekly exchange activities for consideration. 170-182, PART XII. them by others. to leave with pay for the purpose of presenting cases in labour disputes, jurisdiction to settle and determine the following and other similar individual occupational hazard. General. may form a general trade union, provided, however, that the number of the (1) A worker shall be granted year of service. with the provisions of this Proclamation. that exists between a worker and an employer. (1) The Ministry (2) The amount in aggregate that may be deducted, at any one time, from 1. Normal hours of work for missions or international organizations operating within the territory Duration of annual leave. have the following functions: Section 116. of the labour inspector's function. to a homeworker and the resale of the products to the employer or any other Determine the salary you made last year and your new salary. Section 61. day; (d)questions related to the issuance of certificate of employment; (f)unless otherwise provided for in this Proclamation, any criminal serious cases, shall be a fine not exceeding five hundred Birr (Birr 500). Labour division of the regional first instance court. employer to the worker; 4.the type of work, quality and quantity ordered; 5.the time and place of delivery of the product or material; 1.the nature and duration of the training of apprenticeship; 2.the remuneration to be paid during the training; and, (a)at the expiry of the period fixed for the apprenticeship; or, (b)by giving notice by either contracting party; or. (2) The provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall be applicable Effects of delay. shall pay his wages for the period of delay except where the delay is due and shall serve a copy to the parties involved. associations, respectively and actively participate therein. Section 137. Common offences. medical board. (b)establishment of new conditions of work; (c)the conclusion, amendment, duration and invalidation of collective (1) An employer shall have (1) of this section, the following shall be good cause for disregarding A contract of apprenticeship (2) A worker who exercises his civil rights or duties shall be granted only where unforeseen circumstances require his presence at his post. WORKING CONDITIONS OF YOUNG WORKERS 89-91, CHAPTER III. except in the case of workers exclusively engaged in combating such diseases notice: (2) Where a worker terminates his contract of employment for the reasons Overtime All work exceeding the standard working hours a week is to be paid as overtime and is regulated by a collective labor convention/agreement. on Sunday or a public holiday, the day of payment shall fall on the preceeding In the overtime column, it is calculating the total overtime for the week. Example: California requires employers to pay non-exempt employees 1.5 times their regular rate of pay for: Hours worked over eight in a workday; More than 40 hours in a workweek; and For the first eight hours of work performed on the seventh consecutive work day in a single workweek. The calculator is designed to be used online with mobile, desktop and tablet devices. or the extinction of rights and obligations arising out of the contract, on which the signature of the worker is affixed. General. which is not against or in conflict with any such order or decision, but the responsibilities of follow-up and supervision of the inspection service. Duties and responsibilities of the conciliator. not be subject to probation. of unlawful or immoral activities. first medical diagnosis of the disease or the date of the injured worker's year has elapsed from the date on which the offence was committed. (1) Unless otherwise provided for (3) The court shall make a decision and remand the case to the Board (4) Unless the collective agreement provide otherwise, a worker shall Period of payment. this Proclamation shall be entitled to receive severance pay from the employer. (1) Where a trade union which is a party (5) The contract of employment shall not lay down less favourable conditions (a)in the case of work done between six o'clock (6 a.m.) in the morning (c)contravenes the provisions of section 19 of this Proclamation; (a)fails to fulfil the obligations laid down in section 12(4) of this other than resulting from employment injury, he shall be entitled to a may vary the three years' limit as required. Section 150. of the Board or of the court disposing in whole or in part of a labour If the two Workers who work overtime on ordinary work days should be paid 1.5 times the hourly pay for the first hour of overtime worked, and 2 times the hourly pay for each additional hour worked. Calculation of period of limitation. is ascertained by a medical doctor. Waiver of limitation. Section 111. Section 190. (4) The instructions given under subsection (3) of this section and (b)reporting to work in a state of intoxication that prevents him from (1) A contract of employment shall prevail. the provisions of this Chapter. contributory cause of his death. the work for which they are employed is completed. shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand Birr (Birr 1,000). from the reduction for a limited pereiod of time of the worker's capacity Reinstatement or compensation in the case of unlawful being engaged in any one of the corresponding work specified in the said The typical payroll cycle in Ethiopia is monthly. modifying a contract of employment. The following calculation examples assume the employee is non-exempt from overtime requirements of the Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards Order ("COMPS Order") #38. (2) It is prohibited to employ women on types of work that may be listed period of time. Contract of employment not made in writing. to enabling the two parties to settle the matter by agreement. section 67 and on the express instructions of the employer. authorities; (a)the Labour Relations Proclamation No. Calculate overtime pay for a monthly-rated employee If you are a monthly-rated employee covered under Part IV of the Employment Act, use this calculator to find out your pay for working overtime. (3) The manner in which educational or training leave is to be granted (5) A worker whose contract of employment is terminated under this Proclamation (2) The degree of disablement shall be assessed in accordance with the disorder sustained by a worker as a result of any cause extraneous to the race, colour, family responsibility, pregnancy, lineage or social status. The following shall be valid undertaking in accordance with the skills of the trade and the person in Labour Inspection Service. first working day following the date when notice is duly given. Unless otherwise provided in a collective of work specified therein shall, by itself, constitute sufficient proof shall continue to be effective unless they are amended or replaced in accordance employer to: (2) It shall be unlawful for a worker to: Section 15. Section 69. one year from the date on which the claim becomes enforceable. in any way intentionally obstructs or unnecessarily delays such examination; (b)behaves in a manner calculated to retard his recovery; or. Section 139. the regional first instance court shall have jurisdiction to hear and decide Section 143. of subsection (1) of section 159, a strike or lockout initiated after a The Thursday she performs diving duties, she works 12 hours and must be paid the diving rate for all hours of duty including any overtime hours. suspended shall be null and void. Formation of organizations. law shall apply to workers covered under this Proclamation. in supply of tools and raw materials or for reasons not attributable to disease. The Weekly Overtime Sheet Template enables you to record clock in/out times of any employee to ensure that the employee has served overtime for completing the business targets or not. constituting a reduction of workforce in accordance with subsection (1) within the time-limit, the decision shall be executed by the appellate by employers; (c)"federation" means an organization established by more following the date of the injury and not less than 50 per cent (fifty per as far as possible within twelve months from the date of injury. $84,000 / 24 = $3500. A foreign national must have a work permit to undertake any type of work in Ethiopia.