'Take you Bjorn,' said he, 'and deal with him as may best prove your manhood.'. [2] [3] The work is generally referred to as Egla in Icelandic pronounced as /kla/ by Icelandic scholars. ', Steinar delivered into Thrand's hand a large axe. ', Hereupon Egil with his comrades went away. Lances aye were cast, Many of Eyvind's force fell there; but he himself leapt overboard and got to land by swimming, as did all those of his men who escaped. Thorgeir dwelt on Swan-ness at Lambstead. The king went round the ship and looked at men's wounds; and when he saw a man binding a surface-wound, he said: 'Thorolf gave not that wound; his weapon bites far otherwise; few, methinks, bind the wounds which he gave; and great loss have we in such men.'. With helm of terror He told her plainly. The Icelandic Saga Database is an online resource dedicated to publishing the Sagas of the Icelanders a large body of medieval Icelandic literature. The mistress called her to her side, and spoke in her ear. Sport I deem the spear-din, Preview 1 out of 14 pages. Book: Scudder . On the appointed day the earl had riding-horses sent down to meet them. Of these, one was twelve years old, the other ten, and both were lads of promise. They then went their way back, and when they came south over the Dovre-fell, then said Egil that he would go down to Raumsdale, and after that south by way of the sounds. Raged wrathfully our battle, Many Britons and Scots fell, but some turned and fled. Thorolf had now three ships, with which he sailed westwards by Fold. 'Great wonder is this, sir king, that thou lettest this big Egil make such a coil of the whole cause before thee. He had gone westwards to England with Arinbjorn. And a little while after Steinar rode up to Stafar-holt, where Einar then dwelt. Green, W. C. Egil's Saga. But those who rowed after Egil pulled hard; two at each oar, and they could even so take the rowing by turns. And thus ended the dealings between him and Thorstein Egil's son. But of the king's men this is to be told, that no sooner were they and Egil out of sight of each other, than they took their snow-shoes (which they had brought with them) and put them on; then they retraced their way as fast as they could. His mother was named Gyda; she was a sister of lord Arinbjorn, a woman of a noble presence and wealthy. And praise his feats hath crowned. But when Harold was grown old, then was an earl named Arnvid governor of Vermaland. From this river to the river called Grims-river, the land stretching upwards between them Grim had. Bold with uplifted brow Then he himself climbed into the boat and rowed to land, and carried the stone to the smithy and laid it down before the smithy door, and thenceforth he hammered iron on it. Njal's Saga Study Guide. Methinks I am of birth and have strength of kinsfolk enough here in the land to win right against Atli the Short. Egil abode with king Athelstan for the next winter after Thorolf's death, and had very great honour from the king. False deceiver thee I find. Egil was there for the winter, treated with much honour. He who answered named himself Aki. Through my throat to utter But Thorstein sent messengers to king Hacon to bring him the tribute for which Egil had gone to Vermaland. King Athelstan sat in the upper high-seat. Then Bard went to the queen and told her there was a man there who put shame on them, for, howsoever much he drank, he still said he was thirsty. But when he was quite ready, then one day Egil went to his father, and asked him to give him an outfit. Ljot went out beyond the boundary stones far into the field. As fiery serpent They sailed into a wondrous large firth, the wind bearing them towards its western shore. Fid Squinter married Gunnhilda, daughter of earl Halfdan. Then the king laid this offer before his forces. Then Egil laid this matter before Asgerdr, but she referred it to the decision of her father and her kinsman Arinbjorn. First, Egil, thou art here in the land after Eric made thee an outlaw; secondly - which is worse - though, thou hast a bondwoman to thy wife, thou claimest for her right of heritage. So the king brightened up, and asked tidings of the journey of Thorolf and his company. From kings' courts exiled. Next morning he rose before day and made ready for his journey. Then was a war-blast blown, and men donned their arms selects spirited and that they began to draw up the force, and they had two divisions. Numerously attended was that feast, and it was at once seen that Thorolf was free-handed and munificent. Next spring he moved his ship southwards to the firth, and into the creek close to where Kveldulf came to land; and there he set his homestead, and called it Borg, and the firth Borgar-firth, and so too the country-side further up they named after the firth. To this he bade a numerous company, the best men that could be found. Then Ljot begged for a rest. He was called Bard of Atla-isle, and was a good business man and worker; not of high birth, but much prized by the king and Gunnhilda. Still spake he truth, Thorstein Thora's son came to seek Egil, and asked him and such men as he would bring to stay with him that winter. Thither flocked numbers from the firths and from the fells, and from Sogn, and almost all the great men. They thrust at Thorolf at once with many halberds, and there by the wood he fell. Then Egil sang a stave: 'My heritage he steals, But by the time they were parted both Thorstein's house-carles had lost their lives, one house-carle of Steinar's had fallen, and several were wounded. In the autumn he steered back from the east to Denmark, at the time when the fleet at Eyrar was breaking up. 'He back his buckler flings And this is to tell of his journey, that late in the evening he came to Swan-ness, when men sat there a-drinking. But before they parted Thorolf and his father talked together, and Kveldulf said: 'I was not far wrong, Thorolf, in telling thee, when thou wentest to join king Harold's guard, that neither thou nor we thy kindred would in the long run get good-fortune therefrom. Then Eyvind jumped up, drew a sword, and thrust at Thorvald, dealing him a wound that was his death. ', Egil then went away with his company, and when he came home told Arinbjorn of his journey and of Onund's answer. And in that time Iceland was found. Staggered the wordy foeman; Egil shall live this night. Thorolf was badly wounded, Bard even worse; nor was there a man unwounded in the king's ship before the mast, except those whom iron bit not to wit the Berserks. This he bade me when I came west.'. Brief moment was it ere the hall so burned that it fell in. With war-fleet's thundering sound, The earl bade Thorolf to a banquet with him, and as many of his men as he would. And when the appointed time came, there was a very grand feast at Egil's marriage. Then Skallagrim and his wife had yet another son. To Ani he gave a homestead at Anabrekka, where Aunund and Steinar have hitherto dwelt. Skallagrim took much pleasure in trials of strength and games; he liked to talk about such. I should think it had best be a poem of twenty stanzas, and you might recite it to-morrow when we come before the king. He saw there a fair maiden who pleased him well. Egil said to the maiden: 'Why weep you, maiden? I know that, if a message of yours be added, I shall get law in this matter. But after his marriage he and Jofridr had ten children. Then Bard had the king called to him, and spoke thus: 'If it so be that I die of these wounds, then I would ask this of thee, that I may myself name my heir.'. A detailed family tree connecting major and minor characters through blood and marriage can be found here. Thorolf with his force then stood for the Brenn-islands. But Thorgils and his comrades got conveyance, and went to Kveldulf and his son, and told of the misadventure of their voyage, yet were they well received. 'Most to my mind is it,' said he, 'that you should give me a long-ship and crew therewith, and I go a free-booting. Egil's Saga . Skallagrim asked Oleif and all his company to his house for lodging. But in the spring Thorolf declared that he meant to go abroad that summer. Then Bard died, and was buried, and his death was much mourned. Kveldulf said, 'My foreboding is that I and my sons shall get no luck from this king: and I will not go to him. The Frisians came to a dyke, over which they went, and then drew away the bridge. He had a large and lofty house. Grim gnawer of shield-rim, So they quite settled to break up their household and go abroad. Eirik ruled just 1 year before being ousted as Norwegian king by his brother Hakon the fosterling of King thelstan in England. He was being fostered with lord Thorir Hroaldsson. Grim the Halogalander and his crew sailed in up the Borgar Firth past all the skerries; then they cast anchor till the wind fell and the weather cleared. In war-god's wine of song Whom friends all fail. ', 'Sorrow shows not, but hides Assailed mid snow of war. Forthwith on reaching Shetland Bjorn had held his wedding with Thora, and through the winter they stayed at Moss-ey-town. Egil accepted this, had his ship set up, and his crew lodged. [j] But later that night when king and queen arrived for the feast to the dsir, ale was served plentifully. He had a smithy set up some way out from Borg, close by the sea, at a place now called Raufar-ness. . The king received Aulvir well, and bade him sit in the high-seat facing himself, and his comrades outside him. For this Thorolf thanked the king, but said: 'I must first go to Thorir; with him I have an urgent errand. But one of two things will happen, either they will be softer to thee than to me, or thou wilt rue this thy intercession, and that thou lettest them be long in thy company.'. But on that same day Egil came home. ', Egil said, 'Brother, you will have your way; but this separation I shall often rue.'. Then he bent thereon the cord, and wound it round and round him, and so encased him right up to the shoulders. The saga recounts Egils progression from youthful savagery to mature wisdom as he struggles to avenge his fathers exile from Norway, defend his honour against the Norwegian King Erik Bloodaxe, and fight for the English King Athelstan in his battles against Scotland. But when he came there, he saw that serving-lads were coming out of the kitchen with dishes and bearing them to the dining-hall. Sigmundar-ness takes its name from him. Versions: 1893 translation into English by W. C. Green from the original Icelandic 'Egils saga Skallagrmssonar'. But before king Eric rowed forth to this war, he made Egil an outlaw through all Norway, and free for any man to slay. Arrows forward sprang. Bjorn had carried off Thorir's sister, and obtained consent for marriage after the fact. He spoke on the whole matter with obstinacy, and he and Thorstein had words about it. Then Thorstein heaped some stones over him and covered his body, which done, he went home to Borg. Thus sayeth our lady, Of Draupnir born. Men said that he had gone out. When he came to Northumberland, he advanced with shield of war. Egil very soon spoke with Arinbjorn about those claims on money that he thought he had there in the land. 'Red blade the king did wield, Aulvir told the tidings, the slaying of Bard and the rest that had there befallen, but of Egil's goings since he knew nothing. ', The king answered, 'If Thorolf will yield him to my mercy, then shall he have life and limb, but his men shall undergo punishment according to the charges against them.'. The king received him and his comrades well: Eyvind brought to Denmark a large war-ship. With Thorstein went an Easterling, his guest, and two house-carles. Skallagrim gave land to his shipmates. I to his sea-borne barque Egil stayed there till spring. King Eric had six or seven long-ships all well equipt; a great number of landowners were also there. Before parting with Skallagrim, Aulvir said: 'Kinsman, thy journey to the king ended otherwise than I would have chosen. But Egil's weapon came full on the middle of the shield, and went right through it far up the blade, and the weapon was fast in the shield. The king lost many men before the room began to burn; then the fire attacked Thorolf's side, and many of them fell. Of Thorolf's kin many were present, men of renown. It was in Athelstan's dominions; he had set over it two earls, the one named Alfgeir, the other Gudrek. Therein was laid Skallagrim, with his horse, his weapons, and his smithy tools. Now may we also have the same luck with the king, that you may make your peace with him, if you can offer him the poem of praise. Myself the bane of all. Eric on the wave But to-morrow early we will again join company and go on the next evening to Eida-wood. Arinbjorn took to the Thing a numerous company, among them went Egil. The king saw to the healing of his men, whose wounds gave them hope of life, as also to the burial of the dead with all customary honours. They so agreed between them that they became king Athelstan's men. Ljot sprang swiftly to his feet. Arinbjorn asked him to stay there. Readers trust theseries to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-datetranslations by award-winning translators. Skallagrim asked if he had spoken at all on that matter with Thorolf. Weak-winged I fly, ', 'No hope is there of this,' said Brynjolf, 'that I shall put in your hands a warship and strong force, for I know not but you will go about just what is against my wish; why even now already I have enough trouble from you. She told him the truth. The saga makes note of the death of Skallagrim, Egill's father.[18]. Thorolf came down from the fell to Vefsnir; then went first to his farm at Sandness, stayed there awhile, and in spring went with his men north to Torgar. The place ought to be chosen level, and whereon a large host might be set in array. Arinbjorn was with the king in the war; but before he left home Egil took his ship to sea, and made for the outlying fishing station called Vitar, over against Aldi. "He is inflated far beyond the type of Viking hero, yet he also falls short of it, and while he is often on the edge of the tragic he eludes definition. He said that all was well, and that Aulvald was in the copse cutting wood. Egil's comrades then advised that they should turn back. Thorstein went south by the dales all the way till he came to his estates. His son, named Geir, who was then of full age, was with him in the ship. Book: Eddison, E. R. . The Sagas of Icelanders: A Selection . First they asked where they had come to land. Gave as fourth gift to young Egil He was heartily thanked for this work. He gave Yngvar the farm which he had on Swan-ness, and land inwards to Mud-brook and outwards to Strome-firth. Soon after this he died. With sharp storm the sea-way When that was seen, men rowed out to them, and brought to land those who yet lived. Arinbjorn said: 'I lead hither one who has come a long way to seek thee in thy place, and to be reconciled to thee. Is he of the Firths, 'I am chewing samphire,' said she, 'because I think it will do me harm. Eyvind Skreyja and Alf were the names of two brothers of Gunnhilda, sons of Auzur Toti. Parallel texts in Icelandic and English with annotated bibliography, An analysis of the Paget's Disease theory, Islandica 57: The Enigma of Egill: The Saga, the Viking Poet, and Snorri Sturluson, Nordal, Sigurur (ed. Afterwards Eirik Bloodaxe was crowned co-king, and as Thorolf headed home to Iceland, the king gave him a gold-inlaid ax as a gift to Skallagrim. There was a man named Ulf, son of Bjalf, and Hallbera, daughter of Ulf the fearless; she was sister of Hallbjorn Half-giant in Hrafnista, and he the father of Kettle Hing. Next he searched the bed in which she had lain, and there he found a piece of whalebone whereon were runes. Oleif Halt, with his following, ran to help the Borgarmen, who were thus far the larger number, and they parted without doing more. A detailed family tree connecting major and minor characters through blood and marriage can be found here, "Egla" redirects here. Then the king asked where was that big man who had drunk most that evening. Egil walked first. Wilt not than me of three winters ', 'Then wouldst thou have been surprised,' said he, 'if thou hadst received all that belonged to thee! Life was harsh, particularly during the long, cold winters, when it was crucial for people to get along and work together. Bjorn named himself and his father, but Skallagrim knew Brynjolf well, so he offered to Bjorn such help as he needed. For other uses, see. And soon after he sent men southwards to Ness, who came to Grim as Moss-fell and there told these tidings. Egil was large-featured, broad of forehead, with large eyebrows, a nose not long but very thick, lips wide and long, chin exceeding broad, as was all about the jaws; thick-necked was he, and big-shouldered beyond other men, hard-featured, and grim when angry. Guerdon none I seek me, Dent . Loves not hoarding miser. A few days after, early one morning when Arinbjorn was in his chamber and few men were present, he had Egil called thither; and when he came, then Arinbjorn had a chest opened, and weighed out forty marks of silver, adding these words: 'This money I pay you, Egil, for those lands which belonged to Ljot the Pale. By this time it was broad daylight, and the sun was risen. Thorolf brought home many costly things, and took them to his father and mother; thus they were well-to-do both for possessions and honour. All edge by his spells. He had three sons - one named Hadd, another Bergonund, the third Atli the short. A noble barque steering, The next tidings were that Thora Bjorn's wife fell sick and died. So he bounded thither over the space between the two divisions. Alone I will mine own. Updates? Egil and Thorfinn exchanged gifts at parting, and pledged themselves to friendship. Arinbjorn bade take up the tables; then went he out and all his house-carles with him. Cookie policy. Thorir had a son named Arinbjorn, who was somewhat older than Egil. Of Odin's cup; Then went Egil and those about him to seek king Athelstan, and at once went before the king, where he sat at the drinking. Beloved of men, From sightless eyes I bear. His son was Brynjolf, who was sole heir to all his father's wealth. Thither came also Aunund and Steinar, Tongue-Odd and Einar, and company. Hack we shield with falchion, ''Tis Asgerdr your kinswoman; and I would fain have your furtherance to secure this match. Wise words choose I for the cup King Olaf agreed to this and sent his men to king Athelstan. Also, if ye want to have some men from hence for this journey, this will be granted you, and all such furtherance of your journey as ye may name to Thorstein.'. [25] In chapters 6062, Egill is confronted with a situation where he must greet King Eirik, with whom he is on bad terms. 'But best, methinks, were it,' he said, 'for thee to be with me and be made defender of my land and command my army. Then out leapt men behind them, and drove at them with weapons. And when Thorstein perceived his father's coming, he with all his troop went to meet him, and bade him welcome. It so happened that Aulvir had to leave home to get in some rents of Thorir's that had stood over from the spring. And as to feasts and friends entertained at his house, he had more means for all this than before. [27] The hoped-for outcome of the curse does become reality. Skallagrim took the axe and held it up, looked at it awhile, but said nothing. Upon the messengers' coming to Thorolf with their errand, he said that they would not harry there, that there was no need to harry there or come with warshield, the land being not wealthy. That ness they called Ship-ness. Loth were I to do thee scathe, if it comes to this; if thou wilt rather give away thine own life than that he be slain. There stands a wood-clad rock by Hafs-brook: upon this Thrand was lying asleep, having put off his shoes. At the age of seven while playing in the ball games (knattleikr), he committed his first murder (axe-killing an older boy who outclassed him in the sport). They went their way when they were ready. But during the second winter that he was living at Borg after Skallagrim's death Egil became melancholy, and this was more marked as the winter wore on. There was a man named Thord, son of Grani, at Granastead, who was of great promise; he was then young; very fond he was of Egil, Skallagrim's son. In all they slew near upon a hundred, and took immense booty, and returned in the spring after doing this. And when she met him she asked: 'Is it true, uncle, that you wish to ride to the Thing? On Digra-ness waits. Wherein opinions were much divided. So then Egil and his men doffed their cloaks and all their loose clothing, and laid these on the sledge. Fiercely waxed the fray, ', Arinbjorn said that he deemed it well thought of. Spears in shivers split, But can you, Egil, do anything for such ailments? On that day Steinar's cattle were late in coming home; and when there seemed no hope of their coming, Steinar took his horse and saddled it, and fully armed himself. Egil Skallagrimsson heard these tidings of the change of kings in Norway, and therewith how Arinbjorn had returned to his estates in Norway, and was there in great honour. Einar had not long returned to Iceland from foreign travel. Skuli was in seven battles, and was deemed a great warrior and a brave. Egil ran into the loft, seized weapons, of which there was no lack. By the greedy surge. King Athelstan's men told also with what offers they had gone to king Olaf, adding that this had been the counsel of wise men, thus to delay the battle so long as the king had not come. But he did not like it, and he wore a frowning look. He came there in the evening, and rode at once into the town. Athelstan's men said that their tents were all full, so full that their people had not nearly enough room. They followed up the river, keeping between it and the woods. Warder of Denmark's realm. Few blows did they exchange ere earl Adils fell, and many men around him. The meaning may miss. Thorolf's band plundered and burnt the house, then went back down the river to the sea. Goes he who beareth On the morrow they traveled slowly, because there were snowdrifts directly one left the track. So we shall make a dash upon them. These were the laws of wager of battle in those times, that when one man challenged another on any claim, and the challenger gained the victory, then he should have as prize of victory that which he had claimed in his challenge. After that they went aboard, made all ready as speedily as might be, and pushed out the ships and rowed to the place where Arinbjorn's ships had been. Bold king, and his queen. A son of Eric and Gunnhilda there was named Rognvald, who was then ten or eleven years old, and had the makings of a very handsome man. A gallant minstrel Skallagrim hurled after her a great stone, which struck her between the shoulders, and neither ever came up again. He bade Thorir arrange it thus: 'Though I accept some atonement, Egil shall not be long harboured in my realm. Egil thought this a great pity, but the king's men were impatient to be gone, and would not wait. Though in features loathly, There for the night a tent was set over the body; but in the morning with flood-tide Skallagrim was put on a boat and rowed out to Digra-ness. In thronging crowd The gift then given Sword-blades meeting rang. Olvir was the son of Kveldulf's close friend Kari (Kari from Berle, a berserk). East o'er billows came And if thou wilt abide with me long, then will I give thee honour and dignity such as thyself mayst name.'. Eric England's warder He came to Bjorn's house, and was well received there. Hkon denied Egill's claim, so Arinbjrn compensated Egill with forty marks of silver. Thord Grani's son was then twenty years old; he was very strong. But the earl thought him an unequal match and would not give her. At the age of seven while playing in the ball games (knattleikr), he committed his first murder (axe-killing an older boy who outclassed him in the sport). I for this reason took possession of all the property left by Bjorn, because I knew that that other daughter of Bjorn had no right to inherit. Now Hadd and Frodi saw Bergonund's fall, and ran thither. With boat was whelmed. And when they came to the ships, some slaughtered the cattle, some carried out the plunder to the ships, some stood higher up and formed a shield-burgh; for the Frisians were come down in great force and were shooting at them, being also in battle array. An heritage noble, Egil then rode home to Borg, and, when he came home, he went at once to the locked bed-closet in which he was wont to sleep. The king was by this time gone away; he went to another banquet. Dauntless in bearing She carried it to Egil, and bade him drink. I would pray you, my lord, that Egil may get law herein. Are spent and gone. They are called Myra-men, all those that sprang from Skallagrim. Thorolf had a large ship, which was waiting to put to sea. After this Harold subdued South Mra. Wolves were battle-fain: egils saga sparknotestamarindo michelada recipetamarindo michelada recipe Before Thorstein left home he and Asgerdr managed to take from Egil's chest without his knowledge the silken robe given him by Arinbjorn, and Thorstein took it to the Thing. He sat upright, but with head bent forward. And so it was that one day they were sailing off the east coast of Shetland during a gale, and brake their ship in making land at Moss-ey. 'I will,' said he, 'surely give my good word that this match may be made.'. Penguin . She broke away and took to her heels with Skallagrim after her. Egil's Saga. Book: Fell, Christine . Searching about they found a trapdoor in the floor, which they opened. These brothers followed Thorolf throughout, and he valued them most of his crew. 'Gainst him and his sea-brood Then Egil clasped a gold bracelet on either wrist before he parted from him; this done they heaped on stones and cast in mould. Egil answered, 'He has now the care of the fire whom you yester-even had thought least likely; nor will you wish to bake you hotter than I shall kindle; you shall have soft bath before soft bed, such as you meant to give to me and my comrades. My hero-deeds) And when he saw where Bergonund was, he unsheathed his sword, and, taking the coil of cord attached to the hilt, would it round his arm, and so let the sword hang. Skallagrim looked at the axe's edge. Two brothers there were named Thorvald Proud and Thorfid Strong, near kinsmen of Bjorn Yeoman, and brought up with him. But the men who were in Sheppey were there for many nights, and killed cattle for food, and made a fire and cooked them, and piled a large fuel-heap on the side of the island looking towards Atla-isle, and set fire thereto, and let folk know their plight. Such stress of stern battle To Vilir's brother, This when Egil heard, he inquired carefully whether Bjorn had acted on his own counsel in this matter, or had the support of others more powerful. Eleven faced I twice, Round the farmhouse were high wooden palings: at these Thorgeir leapt, grasping with his hand the stakes, and so swung himself out of the yard. He produced tokens and a message from Arinbjorn to the king and also to Egil, that he might be his advocate with the king, so that king Athelstan might send a message from himself to king Hacon, his foster-son, advising that Thorstein should get his inheritance and possessions in Norway. A man was appointed to bear every cup to Egil's party, and he urged them to drink it off quick. Egil then sang: 'One with eight I battled, For robbery of my wealth! Einar waited for him three nights: longer than three nights it was not the custom to stay on a friendly visit. King Harold proclaimed a general levy, and gathered a fleet, summoning his forces far and wide through the land. You have done to death my two brothers, and far shall I be from upholding the right if I yield to you mine own possessions unlawfully rather than fight with you when you offer me this choice.'. Below the farm enclosure at Moss-fell are bogs wide and very deep. Then said Armod that he was sorry he had no beer to give them. In the spring following that winter Thorolf and Egil made them ready to go again a-freebooting. (Witness true I bear), These had received the tribute from the earl. Lord Arinbjorn was with Harold Eric's son, and was made his counsellor, and had of him great honours. With this they parted. They said they knew for a fact that Armod Beard had put six men into the wood to lie in wait for them, and it was likely that there would be more ambushed in the wood in case the first should fail. They were brought before him. Egil then graved runes, and laid them under the bolster of the bed where the woman lay. Egill became frail and blind. Next to him sat Thorbjorn Raven, then Aulvir Hnuf, and next to him was placed Bard; he was there by-named Bard the White or Bard the Strong.