Could there have been any righteous Canaanites, especially in view of the pervasive, seductive, and corrosive nature of Canaanite sin? If God was not behind the conquest of Canaan, then the Israelites were no different than the Nazis and the Hutus. Generation after generation of Canaanites continued in the same evil practices. In Leviticus 18 God then warns Israel that if they commit similar sins that the land would similarly vomit them out. God did not just decide to command the Israelites to destroy all the inhabitants of Canaan simply because he promised Abraham that his descendants would inherit it; he commanded them to do it because the Canaanites were wicked, evil, sinful people. . 14. When we look at the Canaanites we must realize that God gave them 400 years to repent. They were corrupt and depraved to the core. It doesnt stop there. 2:25) and even included in the genealogy of Jesus (Matt. In phase four there was a major change. See the Papyrus Chester Beatty III recto (BM10683) from about 1175 BC as referenced in Lise Manniche, For an example of how embarrassing and dangerous this could be, see Robert M. Yerkes, The Mind of the Gorilla: Part III. THE CANAANITES- God's Justness in Perspective It's clear from history, God gave them ample time to repent, but they refused (Gen. 15:16; Deut. That we commit similar sins today renders us incapable of appropriate moral outrage against these sins and thus we accuse God of genocide to justify our own sinfulness. Thus, the Israelites could possibly have married people who werent in the cities when they were attacked. He teaches theology at Westminster Academy in Memphis, Tennessee. They engaged in temple prostitution which was thought to be a re-enactment of the sexual unions of the gods and goddesses. If Jesus had died to redeem humankind prior to humankinds comprehending the depth of their sin, then people would question the need for Jesus death. Rick Wade provides an expanded discussion of the issues around the Israelites battles against the Canaanites. 32:4; Colossians 3:25; etc.). (2) Yahwehs command to kill the Canaanites was an act of divine genocide. . God promised Canaan to Abraham and his children. What about these people prompted such a harsh judgment? Tugis life was full of dignity and worth. The Canaanites were the only people God commanded the Israelites to destroy Israel was not allowed to treat other nations as they treated the Canaanite cities. 4:58). The quote is from Gail Patches, The Great Debate: Craig, Hitchens ask Does God Exist? Whittier Daily News, April 5, 2009, A1, A4. Paul Rutherford explains the lies he believed and tow which he was in bondage about pornography, until Jesus helped him achieve sexual sobriety. This wasnt merely punishment, however. The problem with new atheist divine genocide claims is rather simple: God hates sin, but the new atheists do not.35 Consequently, they complain of divine genocide in the face of Canaanite sin! The debate between Craig and Hitchens occurred on April 4, 2009 at Biola University. Jesus power was shown in His healings and exorcisms and preeminently in His victory in the heavenlies by His death and resurrection (see Col. 2:13-15). For the story of Baal having sex with Asherah, see: El, Ashertu and the Storm-god, trans. No matter what explanation of the death of children is given, no one except the most cold hearted will find joy in it. Then they would simply abandon worship of the true God. Since the land wasnt empty, this could only be accomplished by driving the Canaanites out. Probably the ultimate sexual depravity is intercourse with animals. Israels response to Canaanite sin is a parable of how their own sinfulness empowered them to ape the sin of the Canaanites and thereby procure Gods judgment on them. 44:18). Later Lots own daughters get him drunk to have sex with him and so even Dawkins, in a surprising moment of moral clarity, writes, If this dysfunctional family was the best Sodom had to offer by way of morals, some might begin to feel a certain sympathy with God and his judicial brimstone.28. I have two questions: 1. Concerning sexual desire, Dawkins questions why evangelical Christians are so obsessed with private sexual inclinations.30 The apparently not obsessed Christopher Hitchens considers dangerous sexual repression so serious that he calls it one of the four irreducible objections to religious faith.31 Dawkins and Hitchens are not just encouraging a sort of sexual libertarianism per se. I consider Jesus the be the perfect example of how to be good, Jesus would never hurt anyone. Let us also remember that the problem with the Canaanite city of Sodom wasnt just sex among consenting adults: the men of Sodom, both young and old, tried to rape the visitors (Gen. 19:5). First, the Lord's command to enact erem was preceded by a long period of divine patience and longsuffering in the face of Canaanite wickedness (gross forms of idolatry, immorality, and injustice, including the sacrifice of children). 10. For further information or to subscribe to the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL go to: Kerby Anderson provides an overview of some ancient Christian heresies that are still being embraced today: legalism, gnosticism, mysticism, and marcionism. Idolatry. Help train Christians to boldly share the good news of Jesus Christ in a way that clearly communicates to this secular age. One of the problem passages she asked about is "Why does God order, I am a Christian and spend time talking with others often about God, but I have been speechless when they bring up the issue, for example, in I Samuel 15:1-3, Rick Wade served as a Probe research associate for 17 years. Probe fulfills this mission through our Mind Games conferences for youth and adults, our 3-minute daily radio program, and our extensive Web site at The apostle Paul described this spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6:12: Forwe do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but againstthe rulers, against the authorities, againstthe cosmic powers overthis present darkness, againstthe spiritual forces of evilin the heavenly places. The battle may be fierce, but we remain confident that Gods justice will ultimately prevail. When the LORD your God brings you into the land that you are entering to take possession of it, and clears away many nations before you the LORD your God gives them over to you, and you defeat them, then you must devote them to complete destruction. Israel was not commanded to deal with all other nations the same way they dealt with the Canaanites. However, once the biblical doctrines of God and of sin are taken into consideration, the background scenery changes and the picture looks very different. Abraham asked the Lord this exact question in Genesis 18 regarding the coming destruction of two Canaanite citiesSodom and Gomorrah: Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? First, the movement of the Israelites into Canaan was the fruition of Gods promise to Abram that He would give that land to his children (Gen. 12:7). Who is more qualified than the Creator to decide how long one lives? Gods first inclination is to save Canaan rather than destroy it. 10 Biblical Steps Towards Restoration After Sexual Sin, Baptism Quotes: 27 Inspirational Christian Sayings, 25 Encouraging Bible Verses About Strength, Words of Encouragement: 30 Uplifting Quotes. And then these same skeptics turn around and say if there is a God of justice, why does He permit the wicked to rule the world and bring sorrow and suffering on the innocent? Please make sure all fields are filled out. Was God just in destroying the Canaanites? This article is a slightly adapted version of the program that aired on the Probe radio program. 7). Thus, they were all without excuse for not worshiping God. {14} The only test we can put to God is consistency with His own nature and word. The situation with Canaan was different. Abraham starts bargaining with God. An even more detestable practice was that of child sacrifice. Non-Christians often point to the Old Testaments erem laws to reject Christianity altogether. If Ananias and Sapphira were new Christians/immature Christians then we might have asked why they did Not have a chance to repent( i.e., some kind of gracious period of time to repent). Instead, the Israelites worshiped the Canaanites gods and did evil (Judg. Even though the Ruler of the universe displays mercy and gives to men time to repent, there ultimately must be a day of judgement. (LogOut/ Sue Bohlin reflects on how God has led her to trust Him through the trial of tongue cancer surgery. . Christians believe that all authority belongs to God (Matthew 28:18, Romans 13:1, Colossians 2:10). And how are Christians supposed to apply the erem laws today? He begins with the Christian worldview and Rick Wade explores the meaning of the word defense in 1 Peter 3:15, suggesting that all Christians can do Rick Wade provides an expanded discussion of the issues around the Israelites battles against the Canaanites. The people believed that re-enacting these unions themselves played a part in the fertility of the land.{9}. For one thing, the Israelites would intermarry with them, and their spouses would bring their gods into the marriage with all that entailed. It was merciful for God to allow individual Canaanites to repent and join the people of God. 4:1314; Ezek. Canaanite tribes (especially the Hittites) greatly exceeded the boundaries that Israel was told to conquer. Then He says something very Interesting your descendants will come back in the fourth generation, because the sins of the Amorites hasnt been fulfilled. The Amorites in this case are the Canaanites. Lets look at something God told Abraham before all this started. Driving them out wasnt simply a way of making room for Israel. Imagine the teenage rebellion in those households! 6:23), and ultimately every unrepentant sinner will have to face Gods judgment. If He does not receive a proper response, He promises great tribulation and martyrdomnot necessarily as punishment, but as an inducement to repent. Paul Copan, How Could a Loving God Command Genocide, in Thats Just Your Interpretation (Grand Rapid: Baker, 2001), 165. He points out how Yahweh Wars, i.e. 11:31; Jas. Skeptics say if God is a God of love why did He bring destruction on certain nations of the world? For me to do so would be murder. God would hardly have chosen a Baal-worshipper to be a type, prophetically previewing his Son (Hebrews 7:3). Predictably so, their values conflict with what God hates. It was merciful for God to allow the Canaanites to remain in the land as long as they did. 1. The most disturbing part of the conquest of Canaan for most people is the killing of children. He gave them the law so that they may know Him and His ways. What Does It Mean for the Saints to Judge Angels? 22:1011; Amos 2:7), and even Solomon set up an altar to Molech (1 Kings 11:5, 78). The fertility of the land was believed to be directly connected to the sexual relations of the gods and goddesses. 13. Because of that advance warning, it is possible that some people abandoned their cities. 20:16-17). it was an act of the judicial holiness of God manifesting itself in righteousness and judgment.{6}. The law given in Deuteronomy provided regulations for the people of Israel. Women were no less guilty than men, and in many cases they were the principal instigators. Claiming Have you ever felt like an alien in your own culture? Richard Dawkins and other new atheists herald Gods ordering of the destruction of Canaanite cities to be divine ethnic cleansing and genocides.1 With righteous indignation, Dawkins opines that the God of the Old Testament is the most unpleasant character in all of fiction.2 But was the killing of the Canaanites an example of divine genocide? As a result, they eventually received the same judgment the Canaanites experienced (Deut. Then they would simply abandon worship of the true God. The question has been raised whether God really intended the Israelites to kill all the people. The phrase the Lords battles or battles of the Lord are found in 1 Sam. This was Gods judgment carried out on the people of Canaan using the chosen people of Israel. Tremper Longman III, The Case for Spiritual Continuity, in C. S. Cowles, Eugene H. Merrill, Daniel L. Gard, and Tremper Longman III, Show Them No Mercy: Four Views on God and Canaanite Genocide (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003), 185. Second, if the Canaanite children were allowed to live and remain in the land, they could very well act to avenge their parents when they grew up, or at least to pick up again the practices of their parents. 16:9; cf. Such a complaint usually masks an unspoken premise: God shouldnt have killed the children because that wouldnt give them the chance to reject Canaanite sin. note: please see Probes article Do Babies Go to Hell? by Probes founder Jimmy Williams.]. We must keep in mind, also, that Israel did not decide to exterminate the Canaanites, God did. Because of such things, biologist and prominent atheist Richard Dawkins describes God as a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser . He is passionate about understanding the Bible and helping others do the same. 2). Although no Scripture is definitive that all children will be saved, many Christians point out that it is possible (based on verses like Matthew 19:14). Before joining Probe Ministries, Rick worked in the ship repair industry in Norfolk, VA. To understand what God was doing in Canaan, one must see it within the larger context of redemptive history. Kerby Anderson provides an overview of wokeness, critical race theory, and their effect on the Christian church. God has delivered Israel and set them apart as His people. 7.1-2; 20.16-18). The object of warfare moves from the Canaanites, who are the object of Gods wrath for their sin, to the spiritual powers and principalities, and then finally to the utter destruction of all evil, human and spiritual.[2]. God's patience on the Canaanites The skeptics illogical arguments Skeptics have claimed that God was unjust when He ordained Israel to destroy the Canaanites. Gods enemies were dealt a crushing blow through Christs victory on the cross, but they will not finally be defeated until Christ returns to establish everlasting justice on earth. God was patient with the Canaanites Clay Jones is assistant professor in the Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics program at Biola University and specializes in issues related to why God allows evil. Like all Ancient Near East (ANE) pantheons, the Canaanite pantheon was incestuous.