You may hear a soft voice in your mind, or you may receive a sudden inspiration or idea related to the healing you've requested. Enter Your Email Below For Free Instant Access! I would like to look closer at some of them. The Light Ray Color/Angelic Frequency Color that an Archangel represents may differ from the associated Chakra color as well. A Once you've requested support from Archangel Raphael, stay present and aware of signs of the healing archangel at work in your life. Thank you for always keeping an eye out for me. It is governed by Archangel Michael. So why do we sometimes choose to struggle all alone, to juggle everything life throws at us? Zadkiel helps one to release negative energies that no longer serve their highest good. St. Raphael is also the patron saint of travelers. Enter Your Email Below & Get Energy Healing With Your Angels FREE! Breathe into the chakradeeply, three times (in through your nose and out through your mouth). Other spellings and variations of Archangel Zadkiel's name include: Zedekiel, Zedekul, Zadakiel, Tzadkiel, Sachiel, and Hesediel. Corresponding Chakra Influence: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) (Resonant Color Frequency: Blue) Help me let go of any lower emotions, thought patterns, or limiting beliefs that are blocking me from my true and divine well-being; from the truth of my radiant physical body, vibrant spirit, and clarity of mind. The more faith you have, the more love and creativity will flow through this very significant chakra. He resolves energetic . A key to relationship healing is to approach relationships with an open heart and a willingness to release old patterns and embrace new ways of relating This is exactly the type of work Raphael helps to inspire. This Archangelic energy also can assist with solving conflicts, ending wars and resolving court or legal issues. As a healer and guide to those who take on healing roles (as doctor, pharmacist, and apothecary), he shows incredible kindness and immense power. Invite this magnificent angel of the pure white ray of divine light to open and manifest reverence and humility to all of your thoughts. Let us bring back the power of the angels and invite them into our lives. Open up yourself to the possibility that angels exist and invite them to help you with self-love, abundance, love, peace, and prosperity. Archangel Raphael has four essential functions in the Angelic hierarchy: When you are connecting with powerful angels, it is important to be open to every possible way in which they may answer your request. Take good care of it and it will take good care of you. Archangel Raphael is helping the energy flow through your heart chakra. I made a conscious choice to be optimistic. According to many spiritual teachings, Raphael is the master of the Emerald Ray and can help individuals to access and work with this healing energy. Enter Your Email Below For Free Instant Access! Silence your mind, open your heart and listen, feel, go within and look with your soul . The Archangel of love and passion shields this portal of trust. If you are suffering from emotional issues, working with your spirituality is the key to restoring your healing. With his energy of pure love, Archangel Raphael helps us to break down our walls of defence, to fully open our heart chakras, to see the beauty of life, and to heal and restore our relationships with others. Corresponding Chakra Influence: Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) (Resonant Color Frequency: Orange) I ask that you connect with me now. Call on another of the healing angels, Zadkiel, to release all shadows, behaviours and patterns that you deny seeing in yourself or others around you. Ask Archangel Michael to open your throat chakra with the sword of truth and the scales of justice. Blue calcite, blue aventurine, lace agate, turquoise, Prayer: I invoke the healing power and protection of Archangel Michaelfor my throatchakra. Try this meditation and feel your heart chakra open up and expand. Raphael, the angel of health, watches out for your health, as well as nature. This can be remedied by releasing any harsh judgment, criticism, unkind words or actions, and giving love to yourself and others. Other spellings and variations of Archangel Gabriel's name include: Jibril, Gibrail, Gavriel, and Jabrail. Click on the top menu to get to the Tarot Spreads collections (there is one for love & romance tarot spreads too). Calling upon Archangel Zadkiel can help one to heal painful past memories, remove old grudges, and to release feelings of anger or victimhood. When we think about communicating with someone, we usually write to them or call them on the phone. Instant gratification can block the heart from giving or receiving love, including self-love, adoration of nature and of life. . Raphael assists healers in their work, those who care for people or animals. Though we may be looking for healing, our connection with Archangel Raphael does not necessarily mean that we will be miraculously healed. They have a huge influence on our daily actions, our interactions with others, the energy around us, and what we are attracting into our lives. Please help me express the truth of my Higher Self in all my communication. This card in reverse shows blockages in your heart chakra. Daisy Foss is an angel expert who works directly with Merlin and deities. In love. Set the intent to useyour out-breath to clear any blockages. Light a candle and invoke the protection of your Guardian Angel. Thank you! You deserve Divine support! I pray that you guide me to align with the highest Divine possibilities for my life now. The heart chakra is the 4th chakra of the 7 chakras. Step 4 - Meditate With Archangel Raphael. Or get an ongoing series of healing sessions and angel meditations in the Angel Solution Membership! Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me on being open to giving and receiving love in balance with my divine partner. Calling upon Uriel can help to bring one inner peace, traquility and hope. Spiritual secrets straight to your inbox! It is said that Raphael has the ability to bring healing energy to relationships, promoting forgiveness, compassion, and understanding. About Archangel Raphael . Consistent communication is another key component of how to find your spiritual guides. FREE MASTERCLASS: Energetic mastery for life and business success as a highly sensitive person, intuitive or empath. Looking for a Deeper Way to Connect With the Archangels? Chamuel's energy and mission is to bring more peace into the world, as well as spiritual protection. Known as the Master Healer, Archangel Raphael supports all living forms of life. Zadkiel is regarded as the "angel of memory" who can help assist students or those in study with remembering facts and figures. But do you know what exactly Angel Raphael oversees? Raphael is also known to be one of the kindest angels who support healers. One can connect with Archangel Jophiel whenever they are seeking spiritual understanding and inspiration, or are in need of a change of perspective. He supports and guides healers and medical professionals. listen to an Archangel Raphael meditation. However, if this does not resonate, I urge you to find correspondences that work better for you. He. You may have lost hope when it has come to matters of love, but allow the energy of Raphael to flow through in order to gain your trust in this area once more. *The colors associated with each Archangel can vary according to tradition and culture. Know more about Archangel Uriel. I ask that you be open to receiving them in many ways that may be different for you. It feels like you are being cut off from the power of love and this quickly turns into the egos love of power. It is what Raphael will connect you to. It only makes sense that he tries to connect with you this way. Archangel Raphael has come to me during meditation and while doing a healing session for clients. It is a traditonal part of Christian Angelology, but Archangels are found in many other religions and spiritual tradition from around the world. What's the purpose of an Akashic Record Reading? The prayers are meant to be spoken out loud, as the sound vibration of your voice enables further clearing/healing. Alongside the color green pink is also connected to the heart chakra. You may wish to use this step after the invocation and morning prayer. Associated Ascended Master: Serapis Bey, Lord of the Fourth Ray (white), representing purity and holiness. You'll likely pick up on the sensations during calm activities like yoga and meditation. Sometimes, we are required to listen to the guidance that Archangel Raphael has to offer to find healing. Here are some sample invocations you can say to invite in his support: Dear Angel Raphael, please keep me safe and healthy in these chaotic times. Archangel Raphael is known as both the patron saint of the sick and the patron saint of travelers. To help you tune in to Raphael's support and presence, Ive asked Archangel Raphael channel through me a prayer that will serve you in connecting with his presence, guidance, and healing frequency. Please help me radiate the peace of God into the world. Do you want to recognize the signs he's been showing you? (representing purity and holiness) Begin by taking a deep breath, closing your eyes and shifting your awareness within. Raphael is also the angel of travelers and young people, and an overall promoter of youth and a happy lifestyle. Dreams can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and healing, and dreaming of Archangel Raphael may be a sign that he is reaching out to you to offer his assistance and guidance. Archangel Raphael often brings new ideas and information that you can use as important tools to pursue healing from whatever disease or ailment you have. The Third Eye chakra is located in the centre of the forehead. When it comes to healing, Raphael advocates for nature and the environment. Raphael is often associated with the Emerald Ray of healing light, which is a powerful frequency of energy that can promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. We can see sparkles of this green light, when Archangel Raphael is around, as he eagerly shows people his presence for strength and comfort. Additionally, you may wish to add the corresponding essential oil for connecting with your Archangel of choice. I think sometimes when this happens it throws me a bit because the card in either position could potentially mean the same thing. Corresponding Chakra Influence: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) (Resonant Color Frequency: Violet) Archangel Raphael is one of only three archangels (along with Michael and Gabriel) who was sainted by the church. Pass Your Exams With Our 5 Crystals For Success! It is important to note that Archangel Raphael prefers laughter and levity and is most likely to animate us in a positive direction, no matter how grave things appear to be. You may struggle to feel empathy for others or have difficulty connecting emotionally.A blocked heart chakra can make it hard to forgive yourself or others for past mistakes.You may experience a lack of self-love and may struggle to love and accept yourself, leading to feelings of low self-worth and low self-esteem.You may be codependent in relationships, relying on others for validation and self-worth. Calling upon Archangel Uriel can help to bring one intellectual information, practical solutions, and creative insight. Tuning into the Angel Color/Light Ray for the Archangel is also a powerful way to incorporate the energies when working with the chakras for any reason. He will help you move from repressive to expressive, and become honest to your fullest potential. Amen. Angels often frequent our dreams to communicate with us. As these messages and signs will appear, they will assure you that you are on the right path. It is great if you can hold the crystals one by one or place them on your chakras as you do this exercise but you do not need to have all the crystals mentioned at hand. So you decide to trust that you are being guided and supported. These two great archangels often prescribe getting more sleep to reduce pain and the underlying causes of that pain. Raphael archangel rules over the 4th ray, which is also known as the green-ray. Raphael can help one with restoring and maintaining balance, harmony and peace, and is also associated with joy and laughter. When you release the urge to control situations, people, and emotions, and just allow the universe to work for your best interest, then you open up room for more good things to work on your behalf. When your sacred heart is filled with love and light, you will not feel needy, manipulative or demanding. When called upon, Archangel Gabriel can be beneficial for helping teachers, writers, speakers, journalists and artists. Thank you for your constant care for my physical well-being. You might see him in your dream assuring you that he is leading you to optimal well-being. This is your creative centre where moderation in all things will create your reality. If you're looking for the right medical professionals to work with to support your healing process, and through synchronicity, the right practitioners align, this is another sign of the work and presence of the Angel Raphael. His name Raphael in Hebrew literally means God heals. The more diligent and aware you are of fear arising, the more peaceful you will feel. Archangel Raphael is the embodiment of the compassionate and healing aspect of God. This will help you repair broken relationships, bringing you closer to the people you love, and to yourself. Archangel Raphaels name means God heals and he is known as the angel of healing. Amen, Archangel Raphael. Archangel Raphael is known as the angel of healing. It is important to remember that signs from Archangel Raphael may manifest for you in a way that is much different than what I've just described. You may also see an aura of green in areas of your body that need healing. Healer of the Angelic Realm, His name means "God Heals" He is associated with the Heart Chakra. Spend a few minutes just tuning into each chakra, before you continue to the next chakra. He also helps people overcome chaos and confusion. Even though you experience these feelings regularly, they could be an indication of Raphael's presence if they occur while you are working with him. If you are reaching out to the Angel of health, he might be sending you subtle clues. Trading Address: 21/23 Phoenix Court Hawkins Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8JY. Your subconscious will guide you in calling out to Raphael. Green aventurine, jade, rose quartz, Prayer: I invoke the healing power and protection of Archangel Raphaelfor my heartchakra. Archangel Raphaels green ray will provide healing and protection to everyone on board. Archangel Michael represents physical and spiritual protection. In addition, Chamuel can help one with issues concerning self-esteem. As a powerful healer, Archangel Raphael can stimulate and inspire miracles that heal your physical conditions. #notetoself #changemaker #transformation #catalyst #tuningforks #sound #vibration #light #love #youarepowerful #youaremagnetic #starseeds #lightworkers #earthangels #christconsciousness #bethebiggesttuningfork #compassion #higherheart #higherlove #lifepurpose #mission #tarotsoulcoaching, Everything is going to be okay. Even small figures placed on the nightstand can help you feel protected. NEW! (representing power, courage, strength, protection, faith) St. Raphael is the patron saint of the sick, as well as the patron saint of those who heal the sick, particularly doctors and pharmacists. It is the middle one of the major chakras, with the three lower chakras associated with physical manifestations on earth, and the three upper chakras associated with our connections to the Spirit World. You express your desire for their presence verbally, have a telepathic conversation, or even just think of his presence. Other spellings and variations of Archangel Gabriel's name include: Jofiel, Zophiel, Iofiel, Iophiel, Yofiel, and Youfiel. This brings you peace, love, and abundance. Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of This may bring you pain and the unhappy feelings start to take over your life. Archangel Raphael has been called The Medicine of God, and the healing aspect of the Divine.. Archangels are messengers of Gods will, and are charged to spread Gods love to all beings. It is the connection to our soul, our higher self, and our truth. Archangel Raphael's energy flowing around you can activate the chakras bringing balance to all centers in the body. When you sincerely ask for support from your heart, and backed by clear intention and the quality of love, trust that Raphael will hear your request and offer support and guidance in the way that will most serve according to Divine Will. His energy can bring strength, courage, energy, vitality and motivation. Light Ray: The 2nd Divine Ray (representing wisdom for decision making) You can invite him to inspire you with insights and the right information for healing. To provide healing and comfort for those who are mentally, physically, and emotionally sick. He connects you to love, abundance and who you truly are. Therefore, trust Angel Raphael to gently nudge you towards the right path of healing. Archangel Raphael helps toheal mental and emotional issues by encouraging us to speak freely and honestly, expressing our true feelings and reactions to life instead of repressing them, which will eventually lead to illness. Cant you share the crystal with the name below that is used as photo for the blogpost? By asking, you allow them to assist on your behalf. Day 1 of #aMAYzing23 by @glitterbyink and @thesunlighttarot, At the time of writing this, I have 258 FREE Tarot spreads for Personal & Spiritual development on the site. This Archangel is also associated with the Violet Flame of transmutation, used for cleansing and healing on all levels. Someone or something has left you disheartened and youve lost your trust. He supports the vision that you can connect with your soul, nature, and your truth. And so it is.. He resolves energetic blockages in our bodies and sends his energy to those parts of our bodies, that need healing. Ask him to clear any pride or negative sinful thoughts blocking the soul from feeling the love, wisdom and communication from your higher self. Love is the most powerful healing force in the universe. Archangel Raphael will send you so many messages and in many forms. You can also call in the crystal energy together with each of the Archangels with the power of your mind. When the heart chakra is balanced and open, it enables us to experience love and kindness towards ourselves and others, as well as a deeper sense of empathy and compassion. Energetic Mastery for Spiritual Entrepreneur, Soul Searching: Finding Direction when Youre Feeling Lost. No matter what type of illness you are suffering from, you can turn to Archangel Raphael for help and healing. Light Ray: The 6th Divine Ray Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of When we call upon Archangel Raphael he will always answer us. Do you prioritize your health and fitness all of a sudden? According to numerology, the number 444 carries a powerful energy that represents stability, foundation, and the manifestation of your goals and desires. Another great approach to connect with Raphael is to build an altar dedicated to him. Learn more about how you can access every premium Meditation and Angelic Activation now! This feeling can come over you suddenly and unexpectedly, and it is often accompanied by a sense of peace and calmness. Reveal which numbers show up in YOUR Numerology Chart, In the Book of Revelations, seven angels are mentioned as being those who stand before God.. This helps to bring your spirit, body, and mind back into alignment with your soul's purpose in life no matter your situation, you can call on Angel Raphael to bring you healing. Dear Raphael, please guide and advise me on the subject of love. Archangel Chamuel is symbolized by the pink ray which represents love and peace. Thats why it is essential for us to work on opening and balancing the heart chakra to promote overall health and wellbeing. I especially ask of you the favor of: (here mention your specific intention for healing or protection), and the great grace to prepare me to be a temple of God. Sahasrara Chakra. Focus on the area of your heart and then think clearly in your mind, or even between say aloud the following: Beloved Source of All That Is The One. Saint Raphael (another name for this glorious archangel) has an incredible presence that can bring healing to your mind, body and soul on every level just by your coming in contact with him. When called upon, Archangel Raphael can assist with helping to heal injuries and illnesses. Want a free guided .mp3 angel meditation by Melanie? Specific crystals like Jade, Selenite, Turquoise, and Green Calcite are all great stones to call in Archangel Raphael's Energy. Light Ray: The 4th Divine Ray Please note that it is an affiliate link that will pay me a small commission if you purchase and will be no extra cost to you. Making a connection with a powerful archangel should not be taken lightly, which means that we should not ask for help in trivial matters that we should be able to handle on our own. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), GROWTH: The spiritual sun and the enlightened heart. This Archangelic energy is especially beneficial to healers or those who work in any healing related profession. He is often depicted as carrying a staff with a caduceus on it, the ancient symbol of the medical arts. They help us shift our energy. She is the founder of the Angels of Awakening Academy and the Daisy Centres Retreat. Bless me with ideas for practical solutions that benefit the Highest Good of All. To effectively clear any energy blocks, you can use crystals combined with Archangel prayers for each of the chakras. Chant Ah to release the conviction of love from your heart chakra. I am the Archangel of healing and well-being and I can help you live a balanced life. Gabriel is the patron angel representing communications and is known as the messenger angel of God. Put your muscles and lungs to use by exercising outside in the fresh air and you will feel better and stronger. . Click The Button Below For Free Instant Access! The Throat chakra is located in the centre of the throat. When called upon, the energies of Jophiel can bring more calm into one's life, helping them to slow down and enjoy the present moment. This card indicates that you are ready to receive love from others as well as yourself. Archangel Gabriel is the Archangel of Spiritual Guidance and Revelation. Location: Solar Plexus, behind the navel. When we raise our consciousness and are open to connecting with that flow of energy, that is when we experience those things in life. Pay attention and become aware if he is revealing his presence to you through a sign. Guide me and support me with your healing light and divine guidance.. When the energy of Archangel Michael is summoned, it can help one to release any doubts and fears, or any issues that may be affecting self-worth. I ask this according to Divine Will, in the presence of the Archangels, and in the presence of Christ Light and the Holy Spirit. Also, the Fire of the Root/Earth chakra is found in the kundalini (sexual/creative) energy which will rise through all chakras as blocks are cleared. Raphael's energy can also help reducing or healing addictions or harmful cravings. Amen, Archangel Uriel. He is ready to help with our struggles and infuse our life with love. Raphael's love can be seen all around us. He is often depicted as a warrior carrying a sword on religious and ancient spiritual artwork. Archangel Raphael reduces or eliminates physical pain and ailments. Remember, the key to working with angels, including Archangel Raphael is to approach this process with an open heart and a willingness to receive healing and guidance, one step at at time. Raphael will bring clarity to your situation and help you through your feelings. Learn more about how you can access every premium Meditation and Angelic Activation now! Often, the first sign of Archangel Raphael will simply be that we are in a lighter mood and having happy thoughts. In addition to asking for Angelic help, be sure to act upon whatever inspiration and guidance you receive as the action that you can take to bring greater healing and vibrant well-being into your life. Archangel Chamuel is the Archangel of Love and Harmonious relationships. Archangel Uriel is also the bringer of knowledge and spiritual transformation.