And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, bind the forces of Death and Hell, the seed of Satan, the false hierarchy of Antichrist and all evil spirits who travel through the world for the destruction of souls. Help me to see what is Real and what is unreal in my consciousness. FU]*CKAPH3 Tp?e9"c*CzOq4/-|FxER n\@/@p)1G 9#P: ;4WF37LK Yes, Lord our God, be merciful to us, Your image, and save your servant . If I falter, please lift me up, and help me see the life I should be living. Thank you. Dear Universe/Source/Spirit/I AM/God/Om (use whichever you resonate with most, as they are all the same). He has many fears from past relationship hurts, so he comes back and forth. Pray that we may have a strong and tender love for our Redeemer and, in every danger or temptation, be undefeated against the enemy of our souls. Beloved Archangels, Awake the love within me and allow my heart to connect my twin flame. Then when you are ready say this Twin Flame Prayer. From 1886 to 1964, this prayer was recited after Low Mass in the Catholic Church, though it was not included in the Masss text or rubrics. }IE5~2l7@RT*==RJxs&l"NZ&UG)m #archangelmichaelhealingmeditation #archangelmichaelethericretreatArchangel Michael and his twin flame healing guided meditation, where I take you to the eth. Before praying to Archangel Chamuel, imagine pink light coming to you and healing all the emotional pain attached to you. Catholic Prayer to St Michael the Archangel. Blessed Angel, please surround me with your loving goodness and fill my heart with the strength I need to make my life work. This we ask through the merits of Jesus Christ Our Lord. March 5, 2022 July 13, 2021 by ts1. Amen.. Dear Loving God and Archangel Michael, thank you for watching over me and my loved ones [name specific loved individuals]. The right one will see your worth and help you bring out the best in you. The twin flame connection is a divine happening that makes them both be themselves. Replace it with a ruby sun expanding evermore. I will not fear evil because You are with me, my God, my strength, my powerful Lord, Lord of peace, Father of all ages. Please let your divine light and love heal all souls, hearts, minds, bodies, children and situations through unconditional love. Amen, To gain more wealth you must tithe 10% of your income. One is gone. In holy charity were raised into thy light above. I will be rid of cellulite, clear of acne, and without darkness under my eyes. Michael's blue ray is also symbolic of the will of God. Brightest Light, the greatest healer, and purifier Cleanse me, heal me, and let me be my true self. What to Expect; Our Barbers; Partners; The Service. Saint Michael is our protector, I ask him to come to my help, fight for all my loved ones, and shield us from danger. I thank you for keeping the Flame of Peace for all mankind until they can invoke it for themselves. ***(Repeat the prayer above 3 times out loud until recognize the twin). By the power of my belief, coupled with my purposeful fearless actions and my deep rapport with God, my future is created and my abundance made manifest. Eliminate the fear of getting separated or feeling of over-protection. In the name of my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my beloved twin flame. We, Your happy clients, yearn to enjoy Your special protection. Its job is to guard God's beloved people from spiritual and physical harm. Send down, Your Healing Angels,Your Heavenly Host upon me,and upon those who I love. Be with us in our final moments and when our souls quit this earthly existence, carry them safely to the judgment seat of Christ, and may Our Lord and Master bid you bear us quickly to the kingdom of eternal bliss. One needs to express when one needs to make the other one feel loved or important. I search and search for some small sign Revealing you to me. Good comes to me through unexpected avenues and God works in a myriad of ways to bless me. Beloved Goddess of Purity I call upon You and ask You to fill me with your Cosmic Christ Flame of Eternal Purity. Some good prayers to Archangel Micheal include: Dear Saint Michael the Archangel, guard us in battle,be our shield against the wickedness and snares of the devil.May the Lord rebuke him, we humbly pray;and do You, O Prince of the heavenly host,by the grace of God, cast into hellSatan and all the evil spiritswho prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Mighty Angel, throw out the dark ones and their darkness, the sinners and their evil words and works, cause, effect, record and memory, into the lake of sacred fire prepared for the devil and his angels.. Resolve all the issues and clear all the mistrusts we have created for each other. Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously. By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Seraphim may the Lord make us worthy, By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Cherubim may the Lord grant us the grace, By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Thrones may the Lord, By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Dominions may the Lord give us, By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Virtues may the Lord, By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Powers may the Lord, By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Principalities may God, By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Archangels may the Lord give us, By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Angels may the Lord grant us. I will let Your Healing begin, When you pray to him, you can really feel the power of security. I am sure you have heard about the phrase, you attract what you radiate; so, Yes, Twin flame prayers can bring your twin around you. Prayer St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Believe me, You were never unworthy, but you wasted yourself on the wrong person. May my Twin Flame speak to me through my Heart of Hearts and may that doorway to my soul open more fully. Often people dont look within and keep waiting for years. So be it. You may feel your search is over when you get a chance to feel the energy of your soulmate. Your twin flame can be your love partner, a friend, someone random you just met; try to know your feeling in depth. AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. I AM soul freedom in Gods mercy bright! Be our protection against the wickedness and traps of the devil. In this divine union, they both feel like home and infinite belonging. Help me to keep and maintain peace between myself and other people and be an instrument for peace in this world. Let me be positive in all things and in response, let all good things come to me. has appointed the most glorious Archangel St. Michael Prince of Your Church. Amen., Beloved Archangel, Clear my pathway and guide me go closer to my twin. Holy Father, you have given us archangels to help us during our journey on earth. AMEN. But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, "The Lord rebuke you." . From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into life and Life gives back to me with magnificent increase. Then you give a blue-flame decree and visualize Saint Michael and his blue-lightning angels around yourself and your twin flame. O standard-bearer of our salvation! It is a tool that can be used for healing on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It is a call that says: "O God, I desire to perform the best service and to fulfill my inner vow with my twin flame. Ruby love, now blaze through me; expand my heart this hour. I welcome my true essence, my I Am Presence as my only Reality, illuminating the purity of my Soul as my guiding force. Well, Have you ever prayed, and your prayer has been answered? At Peace, I AM and Free Proclaiming our Eternal Bliss In Lifes true Destiny! Previous, painful experiences with the wrong person break people to the extent that they swear not to allow anybody in their lives. Unfortunately, it leads to loneliness and sometimes deep depression. Together with the angels of purity and the seraphim, these twin flames guard the immaculate concept of the God design for every man, woman and child upon the planet. Free us instantlyfrom any blocks or resistance from our own lower consciousness thatmight try to impede the God Victorious accomplishment of our heartfeltservice to Humanity and the Light. I pray you to strengthen me, guide me, and let my twin flame meet me most divinely. . I Am an open door to your Ascended Master Immortal Cosmic Christ Love of Eternal Purity coming forth into my being and world, restoring everything to Divine Purity and Balance, opening the way that I may go forth in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of my life on Earth. Thank you for giving them the miracles of love and healing for their highest and best. Twin flames, in simple words, are two souls with the same shape, uniting together at the same times, having their own unique identity. Often, we as human minds get into conflicts and find ourselves unable to decide whats wrong or right? Make me such a blazing Presence of Light that discord just cannot see me. Let me see the colors of life and all the beauty that is everywhere. I AM the Violet Fire A Mighty Whirling Flame. It is not a person as such, but an energy that can be shared and experienced by two energetically compatible souls. I do not give permission to anyones negative emotions, thoughts, or shadows, anyones ideologies or belief systems to affect my space of consciousness or physical being. Love is a core quality and the most robust string to connect two people. Please surround me with your healing kindness and clear my heart of any negativity. I call to the Elohim Orion and Angelica,Master Rowena and Paul Veronese,Archangels Chamuel and Charity, Magnus and Polaris and all the Light Beings and Angels of the pink flame of LOVE. Please prepare the way for the unfoldment of the light. I put my faith in you pray you to remove all the blockage my heart or spirit has. The other is yet to come. The one in search of the twin flame instantly feels the connection; the other one, if not ready, also feels an attraction, longing. I do not give permission for anyone to affect my physical space or being, whether they are spirits, entities, men or women from any direction and dimension in this world. My brainpower, memory, and ability to concentrate will increase. Help me to wholly and completely experience light, love and joy that is existing in every minute and lead me to my greatest and highest good. I invoke the Presence of my Beloved Archangel Michaeland all your legions of Blue AngelsTo cut all bad and all causes of discord and sufferingand to act on behalf our personal protection,and for the protection of our love, union and purpose. Amen. That the life that flows through every cell and fiber of my being is the same life that flows through all of humanity, all plants, animals, Mother Earth, the planets, stars, galaxies, Universes and beyond. I ask for the harmonious fusion of our bodies, minds, souls and spiritsto be instantaneous and complete. More importantly, Your action will let them know that they are your twin flame more than expressing in words. Amen.. In ages past, I know not when, I lost my sight, I lost the way. Release the culture of the Mother unto all on Earth, A renaissance of art and beauty come to give new birth. My mind is quiet. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The twin flame reunion prayer is a sincere request for God to bring love, peace and harmony to such a complex bond. I know that we deserve this magical moment, Heavenly Father! Hear, O Universe, I AM grateful! Archangel Uriel and Archeia Auroraare representatives of the 6th Ray. Show me a better way, I am listening. Writtenby Sarah. Archangel Michael has numberless guardian angels at his command. I began reading a lot about twin flames and stumbled across this page by accident. I AM the Violet Fire Of Mist and Flame Supreme. Allow this Twin flame Prayer Archangel Michael to take care of your desperate heart and guide you in the best way. I am looking through your eyes of unconditional love and forgiveness now., Thank you God for answering our prayers for the highest good for all. The Saint Michael prayer is one that is used by people who proactive the . We are all looking for our twin flame. I pray to the blessed I Am Presence of our twin flames for the sealing of our hearts as one, for the victory of our divine purpose. How beautiful are You, in Your heaven-made armor. I am grateful for any challenging experiences to further my soul. I am tired of being alone, so please help me become a better myself and connect with my twin flame. Archangel Raphael, Archangel Zerachiel, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Azrael, and all the healing angels, please send healing, comfort, and peace to (state the name or names). I am fully open to your divine guidance and love. With God as my Source, Nothing amazes me. Beloved I AM! How empowering it is to know that you and I are One. I implore the light of the Holy Spirit, and the Ascended Masters, Angels, Hosts of Light, and (include your personal angels, guides, councils, e.g Angel Micheal etc.) Almighty and Everlasting God, Who, by a prodigy of goodness and a merciful desire for the salvation of all men, has appointed the most glorious Archangel St. Michael Prince of Your Church, make us worthy, we ask You, to be delivered from all our enemies, that none of them may harass us at the hour of death, but that we may be conducted by him into Your Presence. (7x)*. God provides for me in wondrous ways. The River of Life never stops flowing. If you have been in the wrong relationship and are afraid of getting involved again, Seek help directly from God. Obtain for us from God a share of Your unshakable courage. I call for divine justice and the true and righteous judgments of God. Final Words About Twin Flame Prayer: Connecting with your twin flame is genuinely not so easy and instant; sometimes, it may feel chaotic. Archangel Michael Prayer for Healing Prayer of Your Healing Angels, That is carried from God by Michael, Your Archangel. Prayer of Your Healing Angels, That is carried from God by Michael, Your Archangel. To help me pay my bills and to get out of debt. . Do you hide behind the rock, beyond the trees? O Lord, make haste to help me. The Abundance of God is my Infinite Source. I AM releasing into the violet-laser light all subconscious blocks in my mental bodycause, effect, record and memoryfrom this and past lifetimes. Amen., Holy Spirit, The divine of unconditional love, I willingly surrender our love life to you and ask you to guide us in the best way. My prayer life will become an effortless, peaceful experience with a greater capacity for Divine love and a closer relationship with God and with the Holy Spirit. How beautiful are You, in Your heaven-made armor. )cDw$M0g7@'%iG)*NY-F?^ 8B@MpP$(7GYn"sLbi>jF~5&:$-aul1T}-. There are chances that you may have more than one twin flame, so dont confuse and wait for others. Beloved I AM! Surrender your love life to God and use this Twin Flame Prayer to find the right one to connect with again. I will experience fewer aches and pains and reverse the process of aging. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. Thank You God. Let love flow through me like the blood in my veins, making life joyous and a true celebration. I will have the energy and will to accomplish anything I set my mind to. Glorious Prince, chief, and champion of the heavenly bodies; guardian of the hearts of men; dominator of the rebel angels! Now all thats less than puritys consumed in thy great light. Archangels are Gods messengers to people during critical historical periods. I AM the Violet Fire Transmuting Thru and Thru. Why are the Divine Feminine Twin Flames of Archangels only now being brought to awareness and Light? And that I might do this, Goddess of Purity, anchor within me Your LuminousPearlof Eternal Love within my mind, andYour blazing Luminous White Fire of Indestructible Purity and Power, and hold it within me and around me, and pour it forth out into my world as a blessing to all life on Earth. Please help me to connect my twin flame and spend the rest of my life along with all my responsibilities. I am aware that this will also result in the full blossoming of the greatest peace our global family has ever experiencedone in which celebrating love for one another becomes a daily part of our lives! However, someone who accepts, loves, cares, and supports you in all life circumstances, Good or Bad, is your twin flame. You are the doctor and the physician of our souls. Create a free website or blog at Ruby love, now keep me free in Chamuels mighty power. Life is precious, and we must learn to leave people behind who hurt our souls and made us feel unworthy. St. Archangel Michael protects those who believe in him and provides everything if you have faith in Him. I am deeply grateful, knowing that this prayer has already started to reveal itself in the most amazing ways, starting this very second! Gabriel and Hope are archangel and archeia of the fourth ray of the resurrection and the ascension flame. Bow and ask him to cut all the blockages and clear your path where your twin flame is waiting for you. Be with us in our final moments and when our souls quit this earthly existence, carry them safely to the judgment seat of Christ, and may Our Lord and Master bid you bear us quickly to the kingdom of eternal bliss. I sodecree it, and accept it done, through the Power of God, I AM. prayer In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence, I call now for the victory of my twin flame , for the cutting free of my twin flame by the power of the mighty blue flame and sword of Archangel Michael. Their job is to protect the children of God from physical and spiritual dangers. Blessed Angel, please surround me with your loving goodness and fill my heart with the strength I need to make my life work. I call on Uriel to be with me now. Angel Michael is one of the most heroic as well as revered angles in the Christian and Jewish scriptures. Inspire nurses, doctors, hospice workers, counsellors, teachers, judges, public servants and all who serve others. Holy Angels pray for us. Abundance PrayerFrom The Light of God that I Am. O Love! Ruby love, now keep me free in Charitys great power. Goddess of Purity, I desire to return to a Being of Love at all times. Amen. You are not meant to live alone, thats for sure; even Bible has evidence. I embrace my pure soul, my pure essence, my connection with Source as it illuminates everything around me with the pure Truth of my existence., I leave behind all remnants of what used to define me, as only experiments and distortions of my true self., I welcome my pure essence to illuminate all around me with Love. Dissolve all less than perfect love; consume its cause and core. Show me a better way, I am listening. Writtenby Sarah. Sanat Kumara would like to help you in your life and concerning all matters pertaining to world affairs. Archangel Micheal is the only Angel mentioned in three different texts of three different religions. Help me to master the 6th. Or what to do in a particular situation. 15 + Powerful Prayers to The Universe for Healing And Manifestations, How to Remove Evil Spirits From Your Home BigBrainCoach, 8 Powerful Catholic Prayer to Help You Sleep and Anxiety, 7 Most Effective Twin Flame Crystals You Must Use for Manifestation, How to Make Friends as an Adult | How to Make Friends in Your 40s, How to Detox Your Body Naturally at Home BigBrainCoach, How to Let Go of Someone Who Hurt You BigBrainCoach, What Does The Bible Say About Gossip | How to Handle Gossip Biblically, Why is Skincare Important | 5 Benefits of Skin Care BigBrainCoach. I AM indeed grateful. Goddess of Purity, I call upon Your Angels, I call upon Those Angels of Cosmic Christ Blue Lightning of Indestructible Purity and Power to descend into my life and release their Cosmic Powers in, through and around me that just love to silence all discord, density; all appearances and all qualities that try to act up in me that are not Love. Direct these Angels to use their Swords of Blue Flame toinstantly, from every line of force that would strive to prevent the ImmaculateConcept of our Divine Plans from being fulfilled., In the name of my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin FlameI pray that we reuniteI cancel all negative karma, clouding our ability to recognize each other, and creating a sense of separation.I call to dissolve the human imposed self-limitations that keep us from the full expression of our twin flame identity, and the fulfillment of our original contract with Spirit in service to mankind.I call for my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin FlameI call for my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin FlameI call for my Higher Self and the Higher Self of my Twin Flame, I pray that We reunite in Divine Love. Angels are spiritual beings whose role in the Bible is described as messengers; they also praise and worship God while protecting and directing people. Music of eternal worlds and chakras spinning round, Rhythm, dance and holy mantra merge in sacred sound. Who will support uniting my twin flame and me in the physical world. Beloved Mighty I Am of my Being, I reach up and I reach up to you and I reach up to the Goddess of Purity. Teach us ever to repeat the sublime cry: Who is like unto God? Amen. I ask you to eliminate all the differences between my soulmate and me. Before praying to him, try to find out the reason for your distance from your soulmate. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You don't need a formal prayer or invocation to align with the help of Archangel Michael, you can simply think or say. of God within each soul, especially within-. Thank you for healing my former attachments to chemicals, and for detoxifying me from all effects of chemicals. I AM the Violet Fire Descending from Above! I am grateful for any challenging experiences to further my soul. I AM the Violet Fire Ascending Once Again! Wherever my twin flame is, cut him/her free. Therefore learn to enjoy your present while searching for your twin flame. Meeting your twin flame, at last, seems the end of an aching search. A Prayer For Abundance, Wealth, Divine Wisdom: Archangel Michael. As the commander of the angelic army, Michael is the devil's direct enemy, and is often depicted triumphing over his foe (usually in dragon form) in various works of art, with spear or sword in hand (via Saint Michael's College ). In the name I AM THAT I AM, my beloved Holy Christ/Buddha Self and Holy Christ/Buddha Selves of all lightbearers throughout cosmos, beloved Purity and Astrea, Gabriel and Hope, Serapis Bey and Justinius and the seraphim and cherubim of God, Mother Mary, Igor, Goddess of Purity, Goddess of Light and Queen of Light, Amen Bey, Lady Kristine, Saint Germain and Portia, Padre Pio, Rose of Light, Charity, Surya and Cuzco, Lanello, K-17, Kali, the Buddha Mother and all true messengers of God, all ascended and cosmic beings, legions of angels and archangels, Elohim, Buddhas and bod- hisattvas of heaven, gnomes, undines, sylphs and salamanders, I pray: O Purity, O Purity, O Purity sublime, O purge me now, O purge me now; I AM now divine. Fill me with your love so I can send love to all at the highest vibration possible. Cut me free. Twin Flames Light Language Clearing: Connecting With Archangel Michael - YouTube An Energy Clearing & Strengthening Connection to Archangel MichaelPlease listen to our podcasts and read. Heal me of all darkness and open me up to your love and light. Or are you flowing deep within emotions stream, Ever powerful, silently? I claim victory over the temptation of convenience. I pray you to keep our relationship as beautiful as its new and let it be forever. So, when they come around, they both feel the difference. Deuteronomy 13:6 If your brother, your mothers son, or your son or daughter, or the wife you cherish, or your friend who is as your own soul..