Don't send a single unit when the games start. Why are the caveman so great? Build the caveman once the enemy is in range of the turret. Archived post. The rocket launcher and double barrel turrets are best so hold off for those. !2nd time= medium3rd time= a bit easier4th time= hell yeah i beat the crap out of the enemy! The player can begin training additional reinforcements to protect the home settlement from Sioux attack. There is no way anyone can beat it without a glitch. note: if you feel the enemy is too close to your base when your using the special then build a unit preferably a strong one such as dinohunters, and knights build defense for modern age too if you are not sure if the special will not kill the enemy and that they will get close. do your homework or something.close the screen if u can and wait for a while. If you don't kill two guys with the meteors, (which is unlikely) then restart and try again.Once you get an Egg Automatic turret, then just keep making a LOT of clubmen to defend your base. (but not sports). AGE TWO Keep your egg automatic, then buy as many swords men as possible,special when you can then get 500 coins then buy a knight and let him kill a few enemies. At the begging of a new stage use the special as often as possible (the second it refreshes). The Crow lost their hunting grounds in the Powder River region to their enemies.With the treaty, the United States government had in effect betrayed the Crows, who had willingly helped the army to hold the posts for two years".The victory of the Lakota and their allies, however, only endured for eight years until the Great Sioux War of 1876, when the US started to take some of their territories again, including the sacred Black Hills. At this point, the player will need to be patient. Don't stop, you will need them for when they upgrade to the 1940's army stage. Red Cloud's forces will however commit relentless attacks, constantly harassing Outposts and stray Railroad Workers. continue this until 4000 experienceAGE TWOKeep your egg automatic, then buy as many swords men as possible,special when you can then get 500 coins then buy a knight and let him kill a few enemies.After that follow this strategy:10 swords men1 knightSPECIAL10 swords men1 knightSPECIALand so on until 14000 experienceAGE THREEas soon as you evolve spend all your money on duellers and if you have enough upgrade your turret capacity.after this save for a small or medium cannon let it/them shoot down a few enemies and send out more duelers with the cash,again remebering to use special to protect your soldiers,i would reccomend saving for a canoneer and then using the special so he can go further continue this sort of strategy until you have 45000 experienceAGE FOURyou will need more cash for this one so wait for around 5 enemies to appear on screen and use a special getting you around 13-15000 coins use this cash to buy a double turret.let the turret and your other cannons shoot about 10-15 enemies dead and buy all the turret spaces available then continue slaughtering with your cannons.after this buy another double turret(use special as it should have recharged by now) and then spend the rest of your cash on melee infantry.continue this buying double turrets when possible and specialing when possible also dont forget to send out a few tanks=Dcontinue that till 200000 experience***AGE FIVE***Okay this is it,the EASIEST age yet(if you can get turrets)now you will need as much cash as possible here so i hope you saved a special again wait for 5-6 enemies to appear on the screen and then special them this should give you enough cash to sell your weakest turrets and buy 1 or maybe 2 lazer-cannons at 40000 each then continue letting your cannons shoot the enemy until you have 80000 coins then sell your lazer cannon and buy an ION cannon(woot) continue letting your cannons own until 100000 coins and buy another ION cannon repeat this until you have four ION cannonsNow this is the easy partleave your computer for 1 hour(or leave screen open and do something else on the computer)when you come back you should find around 3-4 million coins waiting.Buy 5 super soldiers with this cash then use a special to clear the field of enemy soldiers the super soldiers will then do their job of OWNING the enemies baseCONGRATULATIONS you have just completed Age of War on IMPOSSIBLE mode(hopefully)****I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR YOUR RESULTS USING THIS GUIDE****, [quote]Here// mode-video[quote]Thanks No_Stress i was looking for that guide, i know no one knows how to beat insanehow is that 1 possible???????????????????????????????????????? The scenario starts off with the cinematic "Sioux Country", where Chayton and Sheriff Holmestumble upon the remains of an ambushed travel caravan, leaving Chayton disoriented as to why innocent people were butchered by the Sioux. And if you prioritize them winning will just fall at your feet. Now Age of War allows you . this game is great. The Bathmate Hydro Pump can be found in 3 main collection:. If you can afford it and another turret go for it. You can add Age of War as an app on mobile or desktop devices, like all of our other games. Ah, good to know that it can be done with a -real- strategy.Here's how I do it:Let 6 guys show up, use specialBuy egg automaticBuy club men and use special when ableKeep buying club men. It's easy, just buy lots of slingshots and dino riders alternately and do that for ages. i won! 2 yr. ago. analytics and serving ads. Age of War 1 Impossible Mode Complete (How to beat it on impossible mode) : r/Age_Of_War. A trade route will cut through the settlement, leaving outposts and buildings on both halves. Club men become trivially inexpensive past the 1st or 2nd age, so you can build so many that the enemy just can't get through them. This will ensure that your basic units don't go to waste. There's a glitch in the game. There is only two cheats for this game one is when you are on the third age get close to dying and turn special on and let them kill youthen everytime u play u will automatically have that specialon just dont use that certain special againand, the other cheat is to pause the game and let your special build up i have a cheat you can kill all guys hen destroy castle, the best way to win is when you get to the very last evolution try to get the four turret towers then get the last type of future turret and the other army will have no chance to get to your base then once you get enough money get the super soldier and they will lose instantly, ION CANNON = WINON THE LAST ERA THE WAY I WIN IS EASY AND WORKS ON ANY DIFFICULTY.i JUST KEEP ON BUYING GODS BLADES AND THEN ONCE I GOT ENOUGH BUY THE ION CANNON, AND THEN U GUESSED IT MORE GODS BLADES AND JUST KEEP BUYING THEM AND BUYING THEM AND BUYING THEM THE ENEMY WILL DIE WITHIN 10MINS OF USING THISREMEMBER ION CANNON = WIN, my strategy is after u r in the modern age get 4 double cannons then get into the next age and just wait for 40 points then sell a turret and get a red lazer one then do that with the others then i get 80000 points sell the red rays and get a ION ray then after 4 ION rays i get 300000 coins and get 2 of the super things cuz usually one dies so u have to get 2 but just as i get them i do the space ray thing to clear the path (only tested in normal mode), i beat it 10 times yesterday it is the funicular game ever, it took me forever on the last age cause i brought out 5 supersoliders. Send out fighters to progress to different stages of life. Read everything in this description bar. you can do this also with machine gun in the next age. Last post 13 Apr 2023. krystiannk29 krystiannk29. So the best way to make money is to always be on defense and allow your turrets to do the grunt work while you stall their units with your units. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If you have some time to kill, this is kind of a cool, little war game.Lots of death and carnage. And watch yourself win! I've beaten it 5 times now.The only fun way to play this game is on Harder, then you can play with advancing ages. THX SO SO MUCH. this defense is enough for you to win without using units. Red Cloud's War consisted mostly of constant small-scale Indian raids and attacks on the soldiers and civilians at the three forts in the Powder River country, wearing down those garrisons. At this point, the enemy will be very easy.Then, save up and get two more Ion Rays, which won't take too long, just sell the 40,000 turrets when you get 80,000 gold.After that, the turrets will kill all of the enemy, and the remaining shots will end up hitting the enemy base. Also if you time it so that your special can be used immediately this is a good tactic. Cookie Notice This is a HTML5 version, so Flash is not required to play. Age Of War | Winning impossible mode easily. they will send lots of enemies but the 4 double turrets will kill them all.when you have lots of money,age to future age and buy as much super solders as you can and watch the violence. i tried impossible= 1st time= hard!! OK AGE 4 keep bringing in archers and then AGE 5 use special and keep buying riflemen. Resist the urge to buy the sling shot people or the dino riders. Then, get another Egg Automatic.After that, keep following my example, until you have 7,500 gold for the fourth turret spot. Using Chayton's Hawk Eye ability, the player can snipe down one of the Renegado before finishing off the second promptly. Evolve to the stage with the aeroplane and the bombs, and use the special. Keep making the club men. With that buy the rest cavemen and as soon as you can buy more dino riders. Eventually you will start to make a profit as you will be able to use a special before they can attack your base. Nowadays, you can play Age of War in HTML5 for free! Read. So it's your job to not waste them out of haste and be smart about how to maximize their effect. and then evolve three times. As long as your base isn't destroyed you are still in the game, and as long as you are getting more money than you are spending, you are winning. Besides that, this stage is business as usual, hold off the enemies as your turrets do the work. Throughout the scenario, it will be important to keep a strong sized defensive army to guard the main settlement from Native attacks. USE THEM AS MEAT SHIELD! There is no need to rush to build and upgrade the 3 Trading Posts, and the player should begin to focus on their economy, upgrading their units, and to age towards the Industrial Age. Prepare a huge buildup of clubmen as soon as you see a situation like this, and possibly save your specials for these occasions. wait till you get 4000 exp. hey game winner how do you cheat enigne to win , i know how to get more money and stuff but what do you use it to do. The sound is hilarious. kkkkkkrrrrrraaakkkkkkkk.When they go up to the modern age (the army guys) the only danger you'll face is if they get 3 infantrymen (dudes with machineguns) together. age of war impossible walkthrough. im gonna be making some improvements and maybe making a four part video to show how its done(ill post on youtube some time tomorrow and tell you all the address=D), Hmm Takes a long time but it works hopefully others find this helpful. With peace achieved under the Treaty of Fort Laramie in 1868, the Lakota and their allies were victorious. First age "caveman age" first make a dino rider then make as many club infantry as you can becuase they are stronger then slingshot infantry and cheaper. It is recommended to upgrade them to Veteran and Guard status and to age up to the IndustrialAge whenever possible. You can essentially just spam this special as soon as it refreshes. The game has certainly stood the test of time; its still hugely popular today. )Nathan's Youtube channel: (ZenithValleyProductions) me on Twitter! Buy tanks LOTS of tanks.Future age: Oh dear first sell your turret and with that by titanium shooter. **Preface** there are 2 main objectives to focus on in this game. Buy a cannoneer and tap that special! So try and get as many turrets as soon as possible. You start in simple times. So i guess we have to beat it the normal way;), i just found out that age of war was fixed and now the cheats are gone, well looks like we'll have to beat it normally then;), heres who to win u get all turret spaces and then u buy all 100.000 lasers and they blast the enmy like hell and on modern age keep red cannon from age before its good for taking out units and fone me and ill tell u more heres fone number 700854 oh ye am a mad 8 year old and am an evil little boy. and our They take WAY too long to get. Start a game on Impossible. Valenwed Valenwed. He bashes you once with a sword and you bash him 500 times at once with 500 bats. analytics and serving ads. I have found that when the enemy comes at you with an army dude carrying the gun - this is a good time to start evolving. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. AGE ONE wait for 5-6 enemies to appear on the screen then use your special,with the cash earned from the special buy an egg automatic and spend the rest on club-men. Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs Campaign Act II: Shadow Civilization Black Family Estate Year 1866 Color Blue Scenario no. This subreddit is dedicated to discussion of the games and sharing news about them. For the stages 1,2,4,5, you want to implement this strategy. )Keep sending out a crapload of Clubmen, even though the enemy evolves a few times. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 1 replies. They gained legal control of the western Powder River country, took down the forts and permanently closed the Bozeman trail. The Bathmate functions by developing a vacuum cleaner that broadens the tissue in your penis. I did try that for harder and it did work. There are five stages of evolution in Age of War. We may use cookies to help customize your experience, including performing That REALLY helps. Here's what you do: First, run your SPECIAL at the start of the game and kill at least 2 guys, this will give you 200+ coins, then install an EGG O MATIC if u wanna complete this game easy go to arcade prehacks and type in age of war. After you have like 3-4 sell them and buy the ion blaster! umm srry to tell u but i beat age of war every time i play age of war and i dont do half of what ur guide says, Thanks everyone =)Im actually updating the guide now, and incorporating a few tips that you guys posted Bye. You have a special attack too. =D. A good strategy is to put pause (space bar) when you use the special(except the third age) and then wait a little because special in pause still recovers ! Once at 7000 gold buy the turret. If you can't afford the best one go for the second best, and upgrade the turrets as quickly as possibleeventually having 4 of the best ones. Build the $200 turret so you can take advantage of how quickly it attacks and how much damage it does to more advanced units. You really should have to rarely send out units. well dude how can we build 4 egg automatic if we spend our money on club mens? As Black and Holme head up north they will arrive upon a Saloon guarded by 2 enemy Renegados. NO NO NO NOHere's how you beat it: Do not, I repeat, do not upgrade to the advanced ages until you absolutely have to, the goal is to beat the money war, not the war itself.Here's what you do:First, run your SPECIAL at the start of the game and kill at least 2 guys, this will give you 200+ coins, then install an EGG O MATICNext, create shitloads and shitloads of CAVEMEN (the dudes with the bats) SHITLOADS!You will not stop, they are there to keep in front of your base as the egg o matic does the work and kills the guysNext, keep adding TURRETS and EGG O MATICS as you get enough moneyThe success of this strategy is based on you spending little on cavemen and them spending lots on advanced guys, and your turrets killing them. Contents 1 Summary 2 Players 2.1 Player Then just buy a few more war machines and buy the turrets again sell them and buy a second ion blaster. I agree with JuJuFactory, just finished Impossible. And you can get better turrets. Just keep using the sling shot guys and dino riders after that, but try to save up enough money to get the egg launcher. Modern age: Ah yes this one sell your heavy cannon and buy all the melee people you got! Scan this QR code to download the app now. Each level will improve your army, although an inferior civilization way still win through brute force. Because they can be manufactured faster than the enemy can destroy them. Buy the most expensive blue turret. ( no glitches )first w8 till bout 5 cavemen out then special attack.then buty egg auto-matic and w8 till cavemen retelivately close to base then get about 2 cavemendo this and once they evolve dnt evolve jsut keep cavemen for defence they will do u good get 4 turrets all egg automaticsafta u can afford 4x 14,000 then go 2 the 4th stage and special then buy 4 double turret shooters. We may use cookies to help customize your experience, including performing press the space bar to pause the game and wait about a minute for your special to charge up, then when you play the special is ready again (do this step every time). Ages of Wars 1 is another role playing type tower defense adventure game from Max Games. When the God's Blade dudes start coming, or if you have $40000 in the bank evolve again and buy an ion canon. Sheriff Holmeassureshim that ambushes are too common in lands controlled by the Sioux, and talks to Chayton about his times during the AmericanCivil War, where he saw so many deaths that he became used to it. Use the money you just made to but an egg turret. Things should get easier for you from here. After about 10 years.. A Reckoning (Red Cloud's War before the Definitive Edition) is the second scenario of Act II: Shadow in Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs. If your clubmen go forward, they become basically useless.- Keep an eye out for dangerous situations. Or posting anything related to GOW really. if you can get to the future level then an easy way to win is to get 3 ion cannons and let them take out all the enimys (with the occasional special) until you have enough for 2 super soldiers (and of course send them out at the same time) then just sit back and watch them destroy the enemy! The player will also be gifted with several free Cows. I'll see if your strategy works out though, thanks. Get a second turret spot and buy a flame catapult. )Once the enemy evolves to the space age, you'll want to do the same. Special attacks are ideally used when youre in trouble and there are lots of enemy units advancing towards you. I stayed medieval so I could continue to drop arrows until I could evolve straight to modern age, then buy double turrets, which allowed me to rack up enough points to train 5 ultimate warriors in future, and BAM. Get too 700 again sell your turret and for 14000 buy the double then buy more melee guys (duh!) AGE ONE wait for 5-6 enemies to appear on the screen then use your special,with the cash earned from the special buy an egg automatic and spend the rest on club-men. You might like Storm the House 3, a similar game where you defend your house against an army of stickmen. Hello, Besides the fact that I am a grown-ass man now, my friend and I couldn't help our selves to the classic childhood flash game Age Of War. i have tried this sheat alot where u pause the game it never charges is that code only for hard and the hardest mode it doesn't work for easy? But after hours of trying and a little bit of careful thought, it is not very hard. Subscribe and get daily new escape games by email. Then click special and after that you should have enough to sell the catapult and buy the fire catapult. You just completed the Age of Victory achievement in Age of War and won the Age of Victory badge and 15 points! This is the key to beating it, just keep sending out clubman after clubman and they will be enough to keep your base from being hit.Once you get 1,000 gold, buy an extra turret spot, and then when you get 200 more, buy another Egg Automatic. News Guides Resources Streams Forum Statistics Boosters. In my opinion, Age of war is a pain in the ass. 8b Find Confused Henry-A Challenging Escape Game Html5, Esklavos - The Witch, the Ghost and the Snake. i beat normal with medivial only. Using the player's outlaw forces and Chayton's crack-shot ability, a close but victorious battle will ensue and the player can manage to defeat the Wall Gang and proceed to raze the Saloon, thus completing the secondary objective. You can then just leave your computer for a while maybe get a nice cup of tea, then come back and buy 3 - or as many as you want of the super soldiers and watch them win.Simple as that. You will also find that you can't physically spend the money you are earning fast enough.As you gradually build up numbers of clubmen you will find that they are actually standing next to each other, thus hitting the enemy even harder. AGE 4. nope it didnt work sorry my protection cancelled it. )Also, throughout the game, make sure that you're using your special, the meteors, to kill off the enemy when they send a lot of guys. HERES MY GUIDE TO IT FOR NEW PLAYERSAge of war guideCavemen age: Pretty straightforward. Thnx dude. you made a major mistake soul bloons and tath is that you sell turrets for halfprize not fullanyway it worked but heres mine.stoneage:start with five clubmen and then a dinorider once the dinorider is killed get a new one and when you can afford buy a new one and keep the dinoriders coming if he gets three dinoriders or more wait til there like out in the middle and then tap specialmedival age:if you got more then 500 buy all archers if you got less buy swordsmen save up for 500 and then buy all archers when all archers are dead buy a knight or 2 and save up for another knight whenever you can afford 1 buy one if they come out whit knights tap specialgunpowderage:if you can afford canoneer buy him if not buy musqouetour or watheva train like three canoneers and then save for large canon if you need more cash buy another canoneer wen you got it buy duelers as much as you can afford then save for canoneer and buy himmodern age:start with a infantry not meelee tap special as quickly as you can and keep up whit infantry save up for a tank and get a second tank whenever you can afford save up for 12500 and then sell your cannon and get double turret get a new turret spot and save for a second double turret get it and build a new turret spot and buil a new double turret and once again a new turretspot and again a new double turret and then evolve tonanoage:don't train any men at all until they evolve when you got 40.000 or 30.000 sell a double turret and get lazercannon and do it with all turrets and don't send any men then save up for 80.000 sell lazercannon(bottom one) and build ionray and keep building for ionrays aand then you will winnow of to school cuz im kinda in a hurry. These double cannons and your special should be able to kill everything until you upgrade to the final age (before the enemy) and get the $100k turrets. Age of War is the worst game ever. At least 12-13 Musketeers and 5-6 Pistolero should be trained to protect the player's settlement from waves of attack by Red Cloud's forces. Start cranking out the cavemen like mad. They can mow your caveman orgy down in seconds. because of I not toss the game of age of war this difficult one that that that happens it is that you have to try to put turrets with a he arms so that it defends your base then you should take out people so that they attack the enemies and if you have enough money to hire to the best you put it and if you don't have money it kills many so that you get but. (I recommend using it usually when they send out the dinos/horsemen/cannoneers, etc as they are the more powerful units and will bring you in more gold. Let's begin with the start. Once you get that just let it shoot other cavmen that are comming after you, and save up for the best caveman weapon. and our If you pause the game right after activating a special attack, the projectiles line up on the top of the screen, and when you release them, they all drop in a line, basically clearing the screen. Apply the same special strategy as age 1 use frequently then hold off for tank units. you should only use the volcano if there is to many enemies around. Cookie Notice In stages, 1-2 specials are how you will make larger sums of money for turrets. sencond age "Medivel ages" now make as many swordsmen as you can Each age brings entirely new units and weapons, from cave dwellers riding dinosaurs to the futuristic hover tanks of the future age. Make sure it kills at least 3 enemies. Keep them coming till you reach 1000 again. the second step is use your special abilities all the time if the enemy is around half way to your base. Back at the main settlement, enemy War Clubs, Rifle Riders, and Axe Riders will attack the player's bases. It sucks but it can happen. (this is best done in stage 3). age of war isnt hard at all, i beat first try no glitches. when they start shooting, reapedidly press pause. And then save up for 2000 sell your cannon to get heavy cannon then you guessed it! Solution for Maxgame. After the 3 Trading Posts are complete and fully upgraded, the player has completed the scenario. Repeat these steps until you farmed $200k and 400k exp. Age of War is an epic base defense strategy game where you fight a continuous war. Posting walkthrough links to YouTube and other sites is forbidden! After driving away the forces, the player is provided with their first objective of saving 20 Railroad Workers. Being older and both graduated from higher education we were sure we could beat impossible mode. does anyone know any other similar games to age of war?? It will provide mild savings. !Age 5 Future) On this stage, it really makes no difference if u pause it or not except the fact that the soldiers will freeze.By the way, im a boy,TELL ME IF U LIKE THIS CHEAT!!! Buy god blades and keep them coming! Get the money and buy the guns. Wait until their clubmen are getting hit by the egg canon then quicky make as many club men as you can. With this happening, multipleRailroad Workerswill pour in towards the player's settlement from the west and east, eventually adding up20 Railroad Workers and completing the objective. WAIT! So I found a glitch in the game that allowed me to finally beat AoW on impossible. Easy. The player at this time should focus back at their settlement and start training at least 6 Comancheros and 4-5 Renegados as the settlement's many houses will provided the more than enough population. okay here it is the impossible guide(i have used it 3 times and won twice soAGE ONEwait for 5-6 enemies to appear on the screen then use your special,with the cash earned from the special buy an egg automatic and spend the rest on club-men.keep buying club men and whenever possible do a special then buy 1-2 dino riders with the cash from the special. The other two units are just a waste of money and will die just as easily, so it just wastes 25 and 100 gold.Once you have saved up 3,000 gold, buy another turret spot. when you have enough points, evolve to the future age and keep using the special again and save money, then keep buying ion ray turrets when you have enough money.