What parts of the bands will you use? One is to use an open wire feeder, something like 450 ohm twin lead. right.For the feedpoint connection I used a 1-1/2" PVC pipe T The LGD 100 does not chew long on 160 meters and as I drop bands, the chewing drops like a rock. My favorite vertical loop for portable and fixed use is described below. I lived down Morello Ave a few blocks from (just past Viano) you years ago and never had any ugly wind problems there! As a wire length, I roughly took the values from the EZNEC calculations, but I only measured those with my stride length. If, however, you intend to use it as a multi-band antenna (an 80m loop works very well on the higher bands) then it's imperative that you use a balanced line feed to keep losses due to SWR at a minimum. Delta Loop Skywire Antenna 80m - 10m The Delta Loop (Skywire) Antenna Legends, Theory and Reality German Version Summary Karl, DK5EC, describes the construction of a simple multiband delta loop antenna (skywire) for the 80m - 10 m bands. So for me only coaxial cable as feed in question, as suggested in the handbook. 8R1, DS3, G3, LU1, ON7, JA (all), DU1, I2, ES1, UA9 and UA6 to name a I'd like to put up an 80m delta loop. Around the first toroidal core a 1:1 current BalUn is built up, creating the transition from unbalanced (coax) to balanced (the antenna). wire to the top of masts (Figure A below). Ask ElmerAbout BatteriesCode PracticeComputer HelpElectronicsFCC Try it some time! Moving to any angle is easy with EZNEC. i have a VERTICAL delta loop cut for 80 meters.Fed at the corner. It was an 80 meter delta loop, apex up, with the top attached to the top of a 60 foot tower. All stainless steel, 600 Watt, with proper strain relief. If you have sufficient space and a few trees, then this 80 meter full wavelength loop antenna is for you. I add "pigtails" to both ends to make it easier to connect, otherwise, it is great to use and cheap. The RG58 / U on the Versa Tower had already moved, as I had previously operated a Discone antenna for the VHF / UHF range near the top of the mast. Using a 160 meter full wave loop in that fashion is likely to be counterproductive. up and would provide about the same results.To support my loop made Recommended height is 40 feet or more at highest point, but higher is better. This antenna normally has about a 3 DB gain over a 1/2 wave center fed dipole. In this video from AC2RJ, we see how some well-placed trees, a camera tripod, a telescoping fiberglass mast, and a "V" antenna can get you on the air without a lot of effort. Using the general formula 1005/f (MHz)=L (ft) and a design frequency of 7.088 MHz, I cut three equal pieces of wire measuring 47.26 feet (47 feet, 3.12 inches)/14.40 meters. At the top (90 ft) on the east side of the tower was a pulley which held my 160-6 meter homebrew OCFD. Definitely! top (apex about 50 feet or so). For Amateur Radio News and Trends, please visit my news site at https://bigislandarrlnews.com.Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). It may even have loaded on 160 meters but I forgot to try. Are there any canonical examples of the Prime Directive being broken that aren't shown on screen? On 80 meters it equals or better every other antenna mentioned. article!) For KW I have an 18m Versa-Tower and 3-Element-Beam for 20/15/10 m, with which I was active mostly on 20 m, because lately on 10 and 15 m relatively little was going on. @enzo I see now that I misinterpreted your layout for the antenna. The chart below will give you the actual dimensions per band so you can see if you can fit this type of antenna at your location. They can also be in the vertical plane and are most often in the same shapes with the delta being very popular as it has both vertical and horizontal polarization. In the higher bands, the directional characteristic and Verzifpelung correspondingly more pronounced. Maybe it has to do with the unequal sides and tilt? The 80 meter Delta Loop is mounted in a vertical plane. Smaller gauge wires will break if pulled too tight or used on Each support is "supported" by one inch diameter Although Varney envisioned his design primarily as a 3/2 wavelength antenna for the 20 meter Amateur Radio band, radio amateurs have used the antenna for multiband use. I regret only work a lot of DX in all directions as the other designs have for me. Could you or anyone add some information on the choice of balun? On time Heinz, DL9NDG, appeared to me with the antenna analyzer minVNA, which he had borrowed shortly before from the other Heinz, DD9KA. That is assuming the Band Gods did not wake up on the wrong side. What is the height? I did not try duty, I could pull it tight. At the end of the quarter wave matching section of 75-ohm coax, you can attach a random length of 50-ohm coax, again user supplied, which will be run to your rig. The loop loaded easily on all bands 10-80 meters with my new LDG Electronics RT-11 tuner and old FT-840 transceiver. stuff to build it was on hand-no cost! version in the future as mentioned in the article. 20-21 Required fields are marked *. requires no special feed networks, only a transmatch, coax and some You can get multiband performance by using a wide-range antenna "tuner", a 4:1 balun, and parallel feed line, such as 450 ohm window line. The latter also had a rope, which I once shot with the bow of a tail over the tip of a pine for the suspension of a long-wire. Questions. Check X axis) is about 3 dB. weeks of casual operating! According to Rich, this antenna is resonant at 3.650 MHz. How to force Unity Editor/TestRunner to run at full speed when in background? For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: http://www.HawaiiARRL.info. Triangle versus square - Some people were asking if the triangle was a valid configuration for the horizontal loop. Remember, this loop is above a This antenna will present an acceptable SWR over a relatively small portion of the 80M band (see below). terminating the antenna wires to a 1/4 " eye bolt as used on some Ham Radio-A 40 meter folded dipole antenna using w 2 meter VHF Halo Antenna Assembly and Testing. Feedback QST May 1996, p. 48. The Ultimate Guide to Working Ham Radio Satellites, My 3 Favorite Antennas for Portable Ham Radio (HF), Slot Antenna with parabolic dish for 2m and 70cm, Installing a new vertical ham radio antenna, Off Center Fed Dipole (OCF) Antenna-Ham Radio Q & A, Building a copper-tape VHF window antenna. Antenna covers all bands 80-10 meters + 30, 17, 12 meter WARC Bands This antenna works as a Full Wave Loop on 80 Meters and also works as a 2 wavelength open loop or Bi-Square on the 40 Meter band. It loads on 80-10 meters, but I haven't tried making any QSOs on 80 with it. into that here. and Canada, including: KL7, KH6, JY4, V47, KH0, WP2, WP3, HP1, FO, PA2, For example, the antenna is symmetrical and closed, so that the reception will in many cases be quieter compared to asymmetric or open antennas. A classic. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Each leg is 94.37 feet. The height will be about 70 ft at two corners and 40 ft at the low corner. well. Build a space efficient trapped dipole antenna for 40-80-160 meter bands using RG-58 and PVC pipe by W8NX. (Updated August 1, 2014 I like loops. remain stored in my garage as I work on a new loop design around 1200 feet I'm a substitute teacher at the Laupahoehoe Community Public Charter School, 80 Meter Full Wave Loop Ham Radio Antenna. Delta Loop Antenna Radiation Patterns A full-size Delta Loop, fed in the bottom corner, is a good low angle radiator and is great for working DX. Remember to add at least 8 feet to dimension "A". This means that if the base wire of the antenna goes from north to south, the direction of gain will be east and west. Say you don't have the room for a full wave antenna then . The rogue wind of 12/17/12 bent the moly steel mast 90 degrees to the east and that resulted in the boom of the C 31 XR being parallel to the tower. Delta-loop antenna 80m Legends, theory and practice In the following, the construction of a simple multiband delta-loop antenna for the bands 80-10m is described. With EZNEC I had calculated the values directly at the feed-in point of the antenna. http://www.arrl.org. Bestellingen worden uitsluitend verzonden op dagen dat wij geopend zijn. SWR and impedances in the frequency range 1 31 MHz. It was perched on a 2.5 inch OD, 1/4 inch thick wall, moly steel mast and turned by a Tailtwister. Top Loaded Vertical Antenna with Ground Tuning Unit, DIY coaxial vertical antenna for 4 metres, Ten must have items for portable Amateur Radio. rev2023.5.1.43405. Short Description:A short HWEF with a 49:1 unun and a loading coil situated towards the end of the wire making this antenna 66 feet / 20 meters long + 6 foot of end tuning wire for the 80 meter band makes this antenna a superb choice for 80 / 40 / 20 /15 and 10 meter bands. and is installed between 30 to 40 feet in the air.Scaled-down As feared, unfortunately, the previously perfect resonance point moved a bit, to 3.7 MHz, see Dieagrams below. Until Monday, 12/17/12,when a 102 MPH windstorm hit my QTH I had four HF antennas at my QTH in Eastern Oregon. As it turned out, I was not so far off with my guessed values. RG 213 coax (chosen for The delta loop is 264.5 feet in total length. Do to take off angle(w&s=higher) I believe is why I have a little trouble getting into the far east, but most of the rest of this rock is not a problem. about the stories this wire has already told! u-bolt to "float" (ref. Here are the results, 160 meters It will load using my manual tuner80 Meters 2:1 3681-3933 Khz40 Meters 2:1 7127-730020 Meters Requires tuner17 Meters 2:1 entire band15 Meters 2:1 21000-21.24512 Meters 2:1 entire band10 Meters 2:1 28.000-28.430, I can achieve an SWR below 2:1 anywhere on any of the above bands using my manual tuner. Contact the site with comments or questions. For the other two suspension points are the TV antenna mast on the house roof and a high spruce at the rear edge of the property. Then the spruce side was raised again and a new measurement was made. Which is better in my situation: Balanced dipole, or as much wire as possible in the air? I wish I had tried this antenna sooner in my ham hobby years. http://www.arrl.org/arrl-audio-news (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). I use "about" because exact numbers are not that WOW! 5-14. and 17 meters.DX worked on 15 meters: KL7, HL5, JR1, KH0, RV9 and Also, a wonderful DX antenna, as I have worked as far away as Australia, on 20 meters, and as close in as 50-300 miles at night during our 80 meter rag chew. Any port in a storm, but I would worry about the take-off-angle of an 80m vertical loop used on 10m. I agree with the praise of the true differential tuner like the Johnson Matchbox, and also with the greatest bargain of all time the Radio Shack 300 ohm twin cable. Op woensdag is HF Kits gesloten. Not the best antenna, but it works. I don't operate 30 meters so I don't care about that. This antenna works as a Full Wave Loop on 80 Meters and also works as a 2 wavelength open loop or Bi-Square on the 40 Meter band. Note the low angle of radiation. night.It is amazing how much louder some stations are on At the top of the tower on the west side was my just erected 80 meter delta loop which was kind of a last minute before winter install "just because" I had the wire, coax, and 4:1 current balun sitting around doing nothing. Here, the red curve is the SWR, the green curve is the impedance. He also rips off an arm to use as a sword. this antenna. If necessary, both bands could also be operated without additional adaptation. confident this antenna will produce good results on 40 and 80 meters as Now we're in Folsom and get all kinds of strange weather! An 80 Meter Horizontally Polarized Full Wave Loop Antenna Where I live, there are many trees that often get in the way of antennas and antenna towers. Thanks again Glenn, that all makes sense. cwJM7 20m cwA92 20m SSB5T0 This length I had in wise foresight already off, i. I had a bit diverted as a possible reserve. The N3FJZ antenna system. Post #1555. on signals mentioned above over the two-day period of tests.I am Thanks. "pull" and a small pulley with 3/8-inch diameter rope for hoisting up the As a compromise would then be a square arrangement in question, which was also described here. As indicated in the handbook, even with me the antenna cost a penny, because I could take everything of my crafting box. This BalUn has a fantastic common mode current attenuation of over 30 dB. **I worked all over the USA It would load on 160 but did not xmit really work well but did receive very well on that band, very low noise receive antenna. However, they can also be very useful as antenna supports. I quickly found a suitable BNC adapter on PL, and off we went. The following analysis is for a horizontal, equilateral triangle loop with all three corners at 60 feet. On 75 and 80 meters, you should have about a 220 kHz bandwidth. In my old edition of the Rothammel there is not much in it, it is limited to loops with a vertical arrangement, such. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zWb-KnkGdY. The base of the Delta Loop is only 10 feet above average ground. Just to add my two cents worth, I have seen very good matching and good performance with the loop antenna, when I used link couple type tuner, instead of regular "T" match type. use, (October through December), 75 percentof my QSOs on 10 and 20 https://hamradiohawaii.wordpress.com. Cubical quads. I wish I had tried this antenna sooner in my ham hobby years. Remember to add at least 8 feet to dimension "A". For some weeks, I had somehow felt like working on shortwave, after having been QRV primarily on the VHF / UHF bands for the last few years to operate via satellites, ISS and Moon (EME) (see my homepage). Length of an impedance matching section made with 75-ohm cable with a cable velocity factor of 0.80 (foam dielectric): Formulas The formulas for calculating the approximate length of a full-wave loop antenna are: Full-wave loop in feet = 1005 / frequency in MHz Full-wave in meters = 306 / frequency in MHz . 80 meters 133-j50 40 meters 272-j105 20 meters 279-j80 Since you specified that you need to run coax into your shack, it is best to transform the impedance at the antenna in this case and run coax all the way into the shack. To my delight, however, the SWR improved to an acceptable 1: 1.7 at 40m. few! What are some drawbacks to delta loop antennas? Due to aesthetic considerations I need to use coax to the shack. I use "about" because exact numbers are not that critical according to my results. How does the performance of the vertical delta loop compare to an 80 meter horizontal square or rectangular loop? I found a 60 meter resonance for this 160 loop (third harmonic) and it did not work as well as a low dipole cut for 60 meters. The chart below will give you the actual dimensions per band so you can see if you can fit this type of antenna at your location. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them. TrackBack URI. AND IT IS WORKING DX JUST FINE. Please check for current shipping costs the shopping basket or on the checkout page. I even had plans for a higher and longer The 3 suspension points were already there: the Versa Tower, the TV antenna mast on the roof, and the spruce. 20m.I am primarily a cw op but I do get on phone as Loop antennas may be constructed in many forms including horizontal full wave loops in square, rectangle or triangle (delta) shapes. If tuned for 3.55MHz, I anticipate having a good SWR on 80m, 40m, and 20m. I had the chance to compare a 130ft horizontal loop with a 130ft end fed and they were pretty much a wash on 40-10 with the EF being easier to hang. Jim you are absolutely correct. Loop Antenna Notes.updated Dec. 2012 . At the spruce, I pulled the wire to target height. 40 Meters with a Phased Delta Loop QST May 1984, pp. the loop as compared to the Carolina Windom. HF & ShortwaveLicense StudyLinksMidi MusicReading RoomRepeater Basics download from ARRL website, do "search" for "constructing loop G5RV Multi Band HF Dipole Antenna. At 40 and 80 m was unfortunately nothing for me, because my half dipoles for the two bands had been demolished for several years, and these were not lacking because of my VHF / UHF or space activities anyway. I had to realize that after 19.00h also on 20m quite quiet prevailed. weatherproofing.For antenna insulators, I used porcelain electric That's what I really like about this My question, essentially, is whether the feedline and balun choice can be optimized for not just one, but two bands 80m and 40m. Experimental Wire, Copper/Kevlar Wire, Copper/Stainless steel Wire, Your email address will not be published. strength, durability and because I may use an amp) terminates on the Good luck with your antenna experimenting! 2023 ON THE SQUID is proudly powered by WordPress - BloggingPro theme by: Design Disease. The decreasing SWR values with increasing frequency measured with the miniVNA, which could not be seen in the EZNEC diagram, are certainly due to the cable losses of the 30m long RG58 / U.