This does not automatically mean that God deals with man from a supralapsarian stance, but it does caution us from saying He could not have done so justly. "[13] What needs to be made clear at this point is that Twisse did not separate the object decreed from how it is that it comes to pass (modus res) and on the flip side, that the one divine decree had several elements each with its own integrity. Gods decree to apply Christs redemptive benefits to the elect. Published by Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. This position is known as "infralapsarian." So the question is this: Did God decree the elect before decreeing the fall (supralapsarian) or does He decree election after decreeing the fall (infralapsarian)? If we try to aspire to too much information about the Lords predestination, we become arrogant against the Lord. Can I in my finite and fallen mind completely comprehend the truth about Gods destinating mans actions in this world and mans responsibility for those actions; no. Whereas, an object must be conceived as existing, in order to have its destiny given to it, And creation can with no propriety be called a means for effectuating a decree of predestination as to creatures. Thankful to God He allowed me to stumble on this blog, its been helpful for my studies on the the two positions, I do stand on supra over infra seeing that it is has a more solid argument that are lined up most closely with Scriptures. Though I am not a trained theologian, I have found this site very encouraging for a someone like myself who has studied the scriptures daily for many years. Even to the layman who has not digested the fullness of what it contains, it sparks an uneasy feeling in most cases. In the end, I affirm the infralapsarian position taught in the Canons of Dort (First Head of Doctrine, Articles 6, 7). Despite these responses, the Infralapsarian Order seeks to reflect the historical relationship between sin and salvation. Clear as mud? ), I would also confess with the Lord, in a slight degree of caution about infralapsarianism, that there is great risk for sinners to try to make predestination too pragmatic for our human understanding and our work in evangelism. In election, was God choosing people out of a fallen mass of humanity, or from a mass of humanity irrespective of the fall? In Romans 9:15, Paul responds to charges of injustice in predestination not by arguing that the reprobate deserve their punishment by their prior fall but solely by appeal to Gods sovereign decree: I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. When Romans 9:19 asks how Pharaoh can be blamed when God decreed his hardness of heart, Paul answers not by saying that Pharaoh was complicit in his sin but by pointing out Gods sovereign freedom to make of each creature what he desires for his own glory: Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use (Rom. Your email address will not be published. Then predestination is supralapsarian, uphill from the permission of the fall. Gods election of some fallen men to salvation (and the reprobation of the others). In short, Paul gives Supralapsarian answers to the question of injustice in predestination. The aim is to present God as a universalist in his saving desire while honoring the particularism of election and salvation by faith alone. Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. Franciscus Gomarus and Johannes Maccovius were very strong Supralapsarians, and on extreme occasions even suggested the Predestination unto Reprobation being a Predestination unto Sin. Adams failure to call upon Him was the occasion of the fall. As Turretin points out the fall and sin are not the result of damnation, damnation is the result of the fall and sin. The reformed confessions generally express themselves in infralapsarian ways without condemning the other position. I would simply suggest that we do our best to hold to all that scripture states without jumping to extremes to satisfy our own humanistic logic. Turretin renders the classic complaint: On this hypothesis, the first act of Gods will towards some of his creatures is made to be an act of hatred, inasmuch as he willed to demonstrate his justice in their damnation (indeed before they were considered in sin, and consequently before they were worthy of hatred).7 It is on this ground that without a prior decree of sin, a loving God would not have decreed reprobation for some of his creatures that the majority of Reformed scholars hold the Infralapsarian view. Copyright 2023 Modern Reformation. Some theologians even said it was about both! In the last century, the most recent proponents of supralapsarianism include Abraham Kuyper, Herman Hoeksema, Arthur Pink, Gordon Clark. Here the Westminster Divines key language is about the foundation of the world. The Westminster Divines wanted to make it clear, in reflection from Scripture with the Lord, that the Lord does establish the nature of covenant cross-centered salvation for His people beyond the boundaries of this world. Turretin thus complains that Supralapsarianism asserts that the creation and the fall are the means of election and reprobation, so that God might be said to have created men whom he would destroy.8 To avoid this perceived slight, Infralapsarianism arranges the decrees in such a way that election logically occurs after the decree of the fall: Supralapsarians defend their ordering of the decree, first, by denying that their view fails to account for divine justice. There is little need, according to this definition of predestination, to consider any moral qualities of those who are made the object of predestination. This is a noteworthy distinction although some of my favorite theologians simply throw their hands in the air and say the order of decrees is not revealed in Scripture (see John Frame for example). While the will of God is a single unity, we may consider the logical arrangement between Gods decree for one thing in relation to another. 9:16; 11:36). Election for Twisse, unlike that of the infralapsarians, is itself not an act of grace, but an election for some createable and fallible persons to receive grace leading to saving faith and repentance in while fallen in time. Supralapsarianism is sometimes called "high" Calvinism, and its most extreme adherents tend to reject the notion that God has any degree of sincere goodwill or meaningful compassion toward the non-elect. The Westminster Divines answer seems to show a sort of wiggle room for the Infra position, at least in attempting to harmonize this position with the Supra position. What if the watchers are angelic forces, who are learning through this world and the Church (Eph 3:10). An interesting view I find some biblical credence for that weighs in on this topic some is that this world is basically a stage (note physics keeps finding all creation more and more an energy field think holograms). By addressing the issue as it touches upon the objects of election, we are able avoid mere speculation and approach it in a more exegetical and scriptural manner. Simply stated: If God is eternal, then he is outside of time. Supralapsarianism and Infralapsarianism | Ligonier Ministries In eternity, did God choose to elect His people to salvation based on His decision to permit humanity's fall into sin, or was it the other way around? According to this view, God in order to manifest his grace and justice selected from creatable men (i.e., from men to be created) a certain number to be vessels of mercy, and certain others to be vessels of wrath.In the order of thought, election and reprobation precede the purpose to create and to permit the fall. God's relating to what is not God by becoming incarnate is embedded in a reality deeper than the dynamic of sin and forgiveness. In distinguishing between Supralapsarianism and Infralapsarianism, two concluding comments should be observed. Geerhardus Vos distinguishes between the decretal and legal ground of reprobation, so that while Gods decree of reprobation precedes the decree of the fall, the actual condemnation of sinners involves both: The supralapsarian says: The legal ground why men perish lies in sin that they deliberately commit within time. Before the twins had done anything good or bad, the Lord loved Jacob and hated Esau ( Romans 9:11 ). Lets suppose for a moment that you define predestination in the first sense aboveas a decree about merely the end to be reached. The difficulty in ascertaining an historical supralapsarian position is that while many supralapsarians may have held similar positions with regard to the ordering of the decree, the actual object and subject of predestination may differ among many. In Calvinist theology, lapsarianism is the study of the logical order of God's decree to ordain the fall of man in relation to his decree to save some sinners through election and condemn others through reprobation. The first to articulate the supralapsarian view were Theodore Beza[4] and Jerome Zanchius. I agree there are difficulties involved when discussing eternality. Those chosen were neither better nor more deserving than the others, but lay with them in the common misery. The decree does not necessitate them to sin (as choices the creature makes are contingent and belong to them) nor does it directly prevent them from saving faith and repentance. Systematic Theology, pp.124-25). Address at the installation in the Directors' Bicentennial Chair in Theology, May 12, 2014. Does predestination presume the fall, thus making fallen humanity the object of divine predestination? Taught the sealing of the Spirit was a second work of grace bringing assurance of salvation. We must be careful of saying supralapsarianism toward man would be unjust, since Gods election and non-election of angels must have been from a supralapsarian stance. Please make sure all fields are filled out. God planned before the creation of the universe, that all things would be subject in His expression of himself, His Word (revelation of Himself) to the created. Here was the key for the Westminster Divines, especially for the pro Infra ministers in attendance: is election explicitly tied to individuals of the fallen flesh and seed of Adam? Nobody perishes other than because of his own sin. In love He predestined us for adoption to Himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will, to the praise of His glorious grace, with which He has blessed us in the Beloved" (ESV). Gospeling: Paul, Protestant Theologians, and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. An interesting point to be made regarding Twisse concerning both how supralapsarians have been understood historically and just how consistent Twisse was in relating the decree to the object decreed is that he was simultaneously a supralapsarian and a hypothetical universalist. I would submit that another definition of eternity is as an unbounded period of time, which has two implications. Now, about your question specifically. They sound dreadfully esoteric and hopelessly elitist, like they might be concerned with how many angels can dance on the head of a pin if that pin were resting upon a rock which God made so heavy not even he could lift it. I am of the conviction that it is a silly endevour to embark upon this theological quest for any Christian. The reason I thought Edwards might be a supralapsarian is I just read an essay from him at Before the twins had done anything good or bad, the Lord loved Jacob and hated Esau (Romans 9:11). I have never spent much time thinking on this issue. Joel Beeke and Paul Smalley write: Eternal election involves Gods actual choice of individuals (Rom. In other words, predestination was said to be either a decree about the end or the means. A third defense of Supralapsarianism points out that Gods decree to elect or reprobate angels took place without reference to a prior decree of their fall, since the elect angels never fell into sin. Pastors of a certain ilk toss around the words when they want to demonstrate how impractical theology can be. Nevertheless, the Infralapsarian still has to deal with the fact that God prearranged with certainty that the reprobate be within the fallen mass of humanity to begin with. Thank you for any knowledge you might be able to pass on. Historically, a minority of Calvinists have held this view. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on For he hath not wished, but ordained, and made it a positive law, that whosoever believeth shall be saved, and herehence it followeth that if all and every one, from the beginning of the World to the end, shall believe in Christ, all and every one of them shall be saved. Gods decree to save those who believe, do good works, and persevere, and to condemn those who do not. Let us ask ourselves a question: What is eternity? Yet, what if one were to define predestination in the second way, according to Augustines famous definition: Predestination is nothing other than foreknowledge and the preparation of the benefits of God, by which whosoever is freed is most certainly freed? If predestination concerns the means of bringing one to eternal life, then it is much more important to discuss the qualities of the object of predestination. The Bible talks about the elect angels (1 Tim 5:21) angels DONT need redemption, but they are elect and they have been around before the visible Creation. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! He was able to do that by defining election in non-redemptive terms. Reformed theologians have often argued about the order in which God decreed certain things to happen. Define supralapsarian. As the English delegate to Dordt, John Davenant put it: Election [] does not necessarily presuppose, from the nature of the [act itself], the foreknowledge of sin in a subjectfor, this is not the case with the angels.. Several opposing positions have been proposed, all of which have names with the Latin root lapsus (meaning fall). Thank you for letting more people know about it. Gods decree to send Christ and the Spirit to save the elect. Ive noticed that for some reason most people are inclined to stear away from the Supralapsarian, which I find odd, especially for those who are reformed. Seeing from your post that Jonathan Edwards liked William Perkins, did Jonathan Edwards consider himself a supralapsarian, do you know? Lets use the language of the Bible,then we can never go wrong or confused. Okay now I was not going to say anything to the discussion on supralapsarianism but you hit on a topic that I might be able to help on I am new to the discussion but maybe I can help on talking about timelessness. The gift of the incarnation does more than counteract the result of the fall. Francis Turretin therefore conceded: since the things decreed are manifold and most diverse and have a mutual dependency and subordination, some order must necessarily be conceived in them.2. As such, placing Gods decrees during eternity within a temporal contexture simply nullifies the very concept of eternity. "The document presents three Reformed views of predestinationthe supralapsarian, a modified supralapsarian position, and the infralapsarianand rejects them all in favour of a fourth position, Arminius's own."4 Supralapsarianism Help train Christians to boldly share the good news of Jesus Christ in a way that clearly communicates to this secular age. Such is life in a denomination. Infralapsarians regarded the Fall as an occasion for election and reprobation, choosing some out of a fallen mass and passing by others. Packers RTS History and Theology of the Puritans on iTunes U that you graciously pointed out awhile back. This is purely the wisdom of men. The aim is clarity. But I also agree with those who caution against being overly dogmatic on a matter that involves some speculation. Perhaps an easier way to look at the supra/infra issue is to ask about the objects of election. Its a question of timing. An infralapsarian however believes God first decrees creation, then the fall, then election and redemption. [] 16, 2007 by David Tony Reineke is hosting a great follow up discussion on the Packer lectures vis-a-vis the lapsarian controversy. i: 4; iii: 11, which clearly shows that we are conceived as being fallen, and in need of a Redeemer, in this act. Chosen But Free, revised edition: A Balanced View of Gods Sovereignty and Free Will by Norm Geisler. I always find Dabney to be extremely clear on such matters and his Lectures are an excellent resource in which he always states his opinion clearly. So, argues the supralapsarian, God must have first purposed to ordain some for life and some for death. This is probably poorly stated but this as far as I can figure the tension expressed by the paradox causes problems for most theologians when talking about Gods relation to time but Edwards seems to provide a model above the modern debate (not bad since the paradox is a 1901 concept). I []. Stay simple and plain brother! He is the author ofJohn Davenants Hypothetical Universalism(Oxford University Press, forthcoming). How Our Laws Should Define Male and Female, Did Jesus Rise From the Dead? Yes, God did decree the fall and all events that terminate to his glory! Instead, the debate is about the logical order of the decrees. We are quite often forced to use analogy when describing divinity. Today we received a question from TSS reader, Jason Dalton. In such a state, an individual sinner would receive punishment for their sins. Who is predestinated? Gods decree to permit the fall of mankind. The two terms infra- and supralapsarianism were directly related to the decree of predestination. What does this have to do with this theological question? Supralapsarianism (also called antelapsarianism, pre-lapsarianism or prelapsarianism) is the view that God's decrees of election and reprobation logically preceded the decree of the Fall. The example of William Twisse may be interesting to many given some of emphases, which may not be as unique to him historically speaking. Im uncertain of Pipers official position, though. The approach is brevity. According to this definition of predestination, the decree need not suppose fallenness, because, after all, whether the rational creature falls or not, the end in predestination has not changedit is still to bring him, her, or it (an angel) to eternal blessedness. May God be glorified and NOT the intellect of man!! The infralapsarianism view seems to be expressed in the Synod of Dort in 1618. A supralapsarian believes that God first decrees (or elected) some for salvation, then decreed creation, the fall and then redemption. Today, Barry Cooper takes up this heady question and the two big words that seek to answer it. [6] Edwards critiques this man was not created that he should be converted or reprobated. Each of these theologians presents a different argument for supralapsarian christology: Schleiermacher grounds his in redemption, Dorner in creation, and Barth in eschatological consummation. Based on his insistence on conditional election, Jacobus Arminius (d. 1609) arranged the decrees as follows: The main criticism of the Arminian Order is that at key points, Gods sovereign will is replaced by his mere foreknowledge of human will. For instance, you described Gods timelessness using spatial teminology describing it as God being outside of time. But God is also Spirit, which means he is not definable in spatial terms. I think in many ways the crux of the matter is that in relation to logic, the supra position places the decree to elect before the decree to create beings which are electable, which when compared to the infa position does seem to be illogicalthe infa position places the decree to create a people first and then a decree to choose out of that people. Herman Bavinck rejected both because he sees the entire system of God's plan of salvation as organic, with each part mutually dependent and determinative, rather than some parts "causing" others.[3]. This is manifested within history. Election, for Edwards, while it entails redemption after the Fall, properly speaks to Gods decision that certain creatures ultimately enjoy his happiness. Do you think John Piper would consider himself a supralapsarian? Therefore, as Gerstner demonstrates, Edwards held to an infralapsarian ordering with regard to the doctrine of reprobation. In reality this is an angel on a pinhead question and is not part of the core Gospel of Jesus Christ. Speaking against supra- and for infralapsarianism were Polyander, Walaeus, Rivet, Cocceius, Henry Alting, Molinaeus, Fr. Let me define the terms for those interested in this question but lost in the terminology. Hi, Tony. Here the Westminster Divines key language is about the elect fallen in Adam. The Westminster Divines wanted to move with the Lord to make special emphasis on the features of salvation in the redeeming and justifying and sanctifying grace of Jesus dwelling with His people, in both Jesus incarnate ministry, and in the keeping power of the Holy Spirit. List of Notable Supralapsarians Alphabetical by last name - William Ames (1576-1633) Louis Berkof desired to hold to both views (cf. Kevin and his wife, Trisha, have nine children: Ian, Jacob, Elizabeth, Paul, Mary, Benjamin, Tabitha, Andrew, and Susannah. So, argues the supralapsarian, God must have first purposed to ordain some for life and some for death. Gods decree to create the world for his glory. So a supralapsarian would say that the reprobate (non-elect) vessels of wrath fitted for destruction (Rom. Just a further note to Debthe argument regarding the two positions is not an argument as to when in relation to actual creation took place but whether God decreed to elect before or after he decreed to create.both positions agree that all the decrees took place in eternity the text in Ephesians does not teach either position.indeed Dabney would say that it suggests infa because of the through Christ, Our election is in Christ our Redeemer, Eph. The lump of clay, by analogy, is the object Gods election. "[10] Although he did not believe that the Fall occasioned election and reprobation, he did not maintain that election and reprobation had no regard for the Fall whatsoever. It is important to remember, as you have demonstrated, that the ordering of Gods decree is not temporal. How might one discuss the decree to predestine some angels to heavenly blessedness? I do appreciate the open and honest debate in the discussions of these deeper matters of theology.I do believe God wants us to delve deep and long into His scriptures, and then come away awed by the MAJESTIC, AWESOMENESS, AMIABLE character of the Almighty GOD; who is NOT limited by the time-space-mass continuim, BUT chose rather to humble As we shall show in the Edwardsian doctrine of man, the Holy Spirit was Edwards donum superadditum. The meaning of SUPRALAPSARIANISM is the doctrine that God decreed both election and reprobation prior to creation and then allowed the fall of man as a means of carrying out his divine purposes. Some of the attending pastor-theologians at the Westminster Assembly clearly favored knowing the Lords work before the foundation of the world, and professing this truth to thoroughgoing detail in the Westminster articles. He held to the classic supralapsarianism dictum: "Quod primum est in intentione, ultimum est in executionequod ultimum est in executione, primum est in intentione" (that which is first in intention is last in executionthat which is last in execution is first in intention) and stressed these repeatedly in his writings. Warfield writes that the key issue is whether the saving grace of God, in which alone is salvation, actually saves.4 The Arminian scheme unbiblically answers No. Is it certain fallen human beings or unfallen (creatable) human beings? Named for Moise Amyrald (d. 1664), Amyraldianism arranges the order of Gods decrees in order to support a hypothetical universalism. From what Ive read Jonathan Edwards reacted against the supralapsarian position. This was in accordance not with how God considers his decrees, but how we understand them. A big caveat is in order. Gods decree to provide means to enable repentance and faith. I say that based upon John Gerstners conclusion in his multi-volume work The Rational Biblical Theology of Jonathan Edwards (Ligonier: 1992). Published Spanlleim, Fr. I thought the Bible was for the common folks, that we didnt need a degree in theology as one needs a priest to explain the Bible to them as in the Catholic Church. However, reprobation is not equivalent to non-election. The ordering is not chronological; it is logical and axiological. It was the Lords will and decree that it be as such. But we are called as Christians to affirm all scripture and therefore all truths found there-in; not just passages and ideas that are logical and palitable. I think knowing God decides life and death, saved and damned, has providence and responsibility for all His works makes Him a most awesome and fearful God and this is reflected through out the Bible. Most reformed theologians have been infralapsarian. Besides, Romans 9:14 describes election as God having mercy on whom he will have mercy. xv: 19, and out of the same lump with the vessels of dishonor, Rom. I believe this problem is called Mctaggarts paradox (they talk about the unreality of time. God has used it to bless me. If we are being truthful, I am sure we will all admit our struggle with these truths (I know I still do). God demonstrates His glory through all creation, especially man. Kevin DeYoung (PhD, University of Leicester) is senior pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina, Council member of The Gospel Coalition, and associate professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte). When theologians talked about God decreeing something before something else, they made a logical distinction, as opposed to a temporal one. i: 2; 2 Thess. Would he then haved picked someone else to be Adam whom he knew WOULD sin? The result is that it renders God contingent mans will ultimately decides who is and is not saved. We know there was a rebellion in the heavenlies, just not the timing. However, who is the object of predestination when it comes to mankind? Im glad that normal christians can discuss these comments and other deep matters in the cyberspace church. Truthful Witness and the Transgender Debate, The Family of God in a World Without Families, What Is a Man? What is reprobation? Knowing and upholding the predestination of the Gospel with the Lord means upholding the aspects of mystery and incarnate revelation in predestination with the Lord for developing unity in the church among questioning Christians. [7], However the Synod did not reject those who held to a supralapsarian position, as illustrated in the trial held against Johannes Maccovius and his eventual exoneration concerning his views on sin in the divine decree.
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