The Hebrew words for consecration mean an open hand and to fill.. And thirdly, it is prepared for every good work, sanctified very important to understand the Greek text here because it is the perfect passive, having already been sanctified. What do these activities have to do with waging war against the kingdom of darkness? Thats what that means: living in harmony with Gods Law, living in obedience to His Word. Required fields are marked *. Others are disgraceful, should never appear in public at all. There may be temporary prejudice on account of their former life, as in the case of Saul, or on account of the particular form and feature of their work; but if God acknowledges a man's service with his . 24. The word ruin, by the way, here is the Greek word katastroph. When in port these vessels are assigned to predetermined piers that can facilitate large tonnage vessels. And people kind of felt like there wasnt really a platform and a speaker, it was just kind of me talking and they were there, and they were all around the place. Repairs have left you lumpy and bumpyand you may find it hard to believe that God would use such an awkward-looking vessel. Acts 9:15 NKJV. A Chosen vessel is a treasure that's on the inside of the earthen vessel with capacity to lift you beyond the destruction that's around you. Bearing fruits of righteousness brings glory to God. It means dialogue, conversation, debate with lies and false doctrine; the abandonment of biblical fidelity, the abandonment of biblical conviction, the abandonment of sound doctrine, the abandonment of clarity, the abandonment of authority; propositional declaration in favor of a dialogue with the Devil, in favor of a conversation which is the buzzword today, Dont be dogmatic; enter the conversation; were all talking, and all ideas are valuable, and all ideas ought to be laid out on the table, and we ought to be able to find as much common ground as we can.. I can assure you that marriage was not in that plan! A container of liquid, such as a glass, goblet, cup, bottle, bowl, or pitcher. Naketa, you are so right, that is for God to know. But I also have an ongoing responsibility to daily honour God in my marriage and familyloving, submitting to, supporting and reverencing my husband; loving my children and teaching them to fear God. Thus, honesty is the most valued trait for any business leader or any leader in general. In the Masters hand, you were planned and designed. If He goes to yonder hills, Hes still going to find someone elses mess! God gives repentance. And empty chatter kenophnias phnias from which we get telephone, having to do with sound; kenos means empty, empty sounds, empty babbling. Focus. Her husband works as a shearer and stays most of the time in a shed 15 miles away. Abstract. But as it says in Isaiah, Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou? (Isaiah 45:9b). Thats the nature of the call: God takes us out of the kingdom of darkness, drafts us into His kingdom of light, then uses us to fight against that kingdom out of which He took us. "Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues with injustice" ( Proverbs 16:8 ). Instead of quickly and harshly criticizing another of Gods chosen vessels, I find myself groaning when I hear of their fall to sin or of their struggle with various afflictions. If they dont repent, put them out., Proverbs puts it this way, The companion of fools will suffer harm., Paul told the Corinthians, Evil company corrupts good morals.. The Chosen Vessel. But to whom do I owe this empathising ability? He would go to great lengths to follow God and pursue his destiny. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 5, Theres a man corrupting the church with his immorality. We relish the thought of being used by God. I know thats the desire of all who truly know the Lord and are called to this service. Keeping this mindset and attitude also makes yourself available to your maker, so that His intentions for your lifeand purpose for your beingmay be fully carried out. Note that we suffer with. What an honour! But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour (2 Timothy 2:19-20). On the other hand, there are some other vessels. The vessel provides the foundation or ground from which the rest of your design can grow. Since the UK is now no longer a member of the EU, you may be charged an import tax on this item by the customs authorities in your country of residence, which is beyond our control. 1. And there is no mistaking the answer. I think you understand that from the time youre a child. How can a young man keep his way pure? Get Fast, Free Shipping with Amazon Prime. The suffering is real, the pain too, but God gives grace to go through. Every day we must follow after the above-mentioned virtues that flow from our union with Christ. Thats what it means to be a pastor, an elder, a teacher. It is accurately handling the Word of Truth. With your focus and expectations on His purpose, you have real confidence, because you know that you are among His greatest possessions. You dont want to get caught up in what only produces quarrels rather than conviction. And thus they are brought out into the public place on behalf of the Master to serve the heavenly food. In line with the teaching of Jesus Christ, the Teen Ambassador Foundation yesterday extended its medical outreach to no fewer than 1000 indigent Nigerians in the Luvu Madaki community, Karu local council of Nasarawa state. They have already been set apart; they have already been made clean. List Price: $11.98. They are honorable because they are sanctified. Vessel Characteristics. Hes a fugitive from all that defiles. Both women display their own straights and heroics while facing their fears, through their selfless action. I dont think Timothy was in some kind of horrible sin at this time in his life, in some kind of situation which was overwhelming him. If you are a follower of Christ, you are called a Christian for a reason. Dont let the state in which God calls you prevent you from graciously accepting it, humbly saying yes, and obediently yielding to the process that will prepare you for it. He has to preach the truth against the lies. After all, my parents are Christians so why did there have to be a choice between Christian parents and Gods will? Thats why churches affirm homosexuality and homosexual marriage; and premarital sex; and divorce; and unholy leaders; and pride and self-esteem; and corrupt theology about God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit; about Scripture and about the gospel; and every bad theology and its consequent bad behavior. Run toward righteousness, doing right according to Gods standards. The Chosen Vessel The short story "The Chosen Vessel" which is written by Barbara Baynton deals with topics like superstition and religion and is showing the deadly consequences of these. Other legends say that 'the Holy Grail' is a descendant of Jesus Christ. Thats what sets them apart from deacons. You are restored, repaired and maintained. We should never assume that we have yielded once and for all. 17. God brings people out of the snare of the Devil, but He does it by means of the truth. No less than four times in the Scriptures is this fact emphasized upon that we are a product of a sovereign choice (Eph.1:4; John 15:16; 2 Thess: 2:13; Rev.17:14). We want to be faithful to the one we love. Please be aware that these items are sent out from our office in the UK. Are You Broken? So, If man is like a flower, and a flower sparkles and shines. Instruct in a corrective way the uninstructed, the uneducated, the untaught in the truth. According to some of the legends, is 'the Holy Grail', the grail Jesus drank his wine out of at the last supper. Honesty is expected from leaders to garner trust and respect from people for reliability. And, Ananias was the disciple and chosen vessel to lead Saul to his destiny. That this house is the church can be drawn from verse 19, where it says, Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands. Most all commentators think that phrase the firm foundation of God refers to the church which is called by Paul, in 1 Timothy, the pillar and foundation of the truth. As being called by God brings authority over the Devil, so ongoing submission to God and His will help to maintain that authority. Saul's being a chosen vessel is not very different from how God works in our own lives. And thats why we do what we do. Your emptiness inside can be filled to the brimbut you must believe it, seek it, and allow it. As we go forward in ministry, we must know that we did not choose ourselves. Hes a running man. And then you go back to verse 20 and again look at the analogy. See all formats and editions. "Chosen Vessels" share in the burdens of God's Heart to seek the lost and manifest His Forgiveness and Redemption. Because verse 19 says, Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands the church has this seal, The Lord knows those who are His, and how does He know them; how are they recognized? But, the end . He elected us for his own purpose and to show forth his glory. Cargo moving between Puerto Rico and foreign destinations is carried by numerous foreign-flag vessels, often with greater capacity, and typically as part of longer global trade routes. And so, we need to deliver them by a confrontive will. God had not given it to them. Can you stand beside God and say, This is my work that I offer to You and, to draw the analogy out, Have Him put His arm around you and know Hell say, Well done, good and faithful servant? Well, the antecedent can only be one thing. Call on the Lord is a salvation expression. Theres a soft authority; theres a gentleness in demeanor when dealing with those in error never harsh, never abusive, never overbearing, never unkind, easy to approach, easy to speak to, sensitive, tender, and able to teach so important, the only qualification that describes any function of an elder is that he be didaktikos thats the word able to teach.. This is not a place where you put people in a trial-and-error environment. Its the negative here, Not to wrangle about words, which is useless to the ruin of the hearers. To wrangle about words, which is useless to the ruin of the hearers. Paul introduces himself in his epistles as a slave of God, of Christ. Keep your eyes on your Master. Thats how you want to minister. God never does anything without a purpose. A clean heart. Gods chosen vessels are used for specific, intentional, and targeted pouring. You dont go into the ministry until you have already been sanctified, until you already have demonstrated obedience to the Master, until you already have become prepared. Why does Acts 9:7 say that those traveling with Paul heard a voice, but Acts 22:9 says that they heard no voice? But where did the Lord meet him? People sometimes say to me about a pastor, Oh, he just doesnt have a will to confront. It was a low-key Easter celebration for Abuja residents, yesterday, as they joined Christian faithful all over the world to reflect on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the backbone of Christianity. What do you mean these? To what does these refer? God planned out the prophet Jeremiah, and knew himhis strengths and weaknesses, qualities and imperfectionseven before he was formed in the womb. I always feel, when we come to the end of the Shepherds Conference, on this particular Sunday, that theres a burden on my heart to speak to the pastors - even though the whole congregation of our church is here - to direct the message to them. Your email address will not be published. And this ties right in, verse 21 notice this Therefore which comes immediately off the previous verse, and Ill explain that in a moment Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.. If you are born again by receiving Christ Jesus as your Savior, then you are one of God's chosen vessels. Power under control. Jesus introduced Himself to Paul while he was an enemy of the faith, and called him to be an ambassador of that same faith. By being a friendly person, clients or customers may see the company more favourably. God knows His true and faithful ministers because they have biblical fidelity, and it shows up in the way they abstain from wickedness. Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, . Open the hand of your heart to God in gratitude, praise and worshipand ask Him to fill it with His Holy purpose. I think its a technical term the Lords slave. You are a carrier of the Divine Substance. Translation: Miss, I dont even want to get married let alone to marry a Pastor! I guess it has about ten billion cells. The Lords slave. What does that mean? Thats why churches affirm evolution. It looks like, God likes sparkle and shine as much as we do. When we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and confess Him as Saviour and Lord we are saved and receive a new spirit. on Saturday. Theyre linked by coded proteins which store them, and once stored, these memories remain permanently. Often, the burden of rejection becomes so pronounced that "Chosen Vessels" desire to "Go Fishing," become silent, or just "get away." However, the burden of God's Heart is as eternal as He Is! And that is such a vivid picture, because it says in this verse, Present yourself approved to God. And the verb present is paristmi, and it means to stand beside, Take your stand beside God without fear of His disapproval or discipline. Vivid picture. I may not get to meet any of them, but I can share the comfort of God with them through intercession. Be humble but be confrontive. Heres a heads up: pain is coming with your calling! Paul was at least 30 years his senior. He runs with all his might from youthful lusts, the desire for wrong things and the wrong kind of desire. You win the battle in the heart - right? Were not talking about meekness in the sense of a kind of a wishy-washy softness. You were intentionally made that wayto feel empty insidebecause you were designed to be filled. Because if you correct them, God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the Devil, having been held captive by him to do his will. Well, you can run physically, Genesis 39, like Joseph and leave your coat and get out of there. But thats what I went through in the will of God. He has to endure suffering. Required fields are marked *. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (Jeremiah 29:11). Do you feel useless? - Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness. And thats borrowed from Numbers 16, Korahs rebellion and Gods judgment. I have news for you today: You are a chosen vessel. I enCOURAGE you to know how very special you are to God. We will be lifting up the King right along with you! The ministers a running man. There is a way you must possess (take charge of, and maintain) yourself, as a Chosen Vessel, that brings honor to our Lord Jesus Christ. WEB: But the Lord said to him, "Go your way, for he is my chosen vessel to bear my name before the nations and kings, and the children of Israel. I want you to open your Bible this morning, as we wrap up our Shepherds Conference, to 2 Timothy chapter 2. Were not talking about cowardice. Daily submission (to both God and my husband) takes daily death to self. That word is used in 2 Peter 2:6 to refer to the devastation of Sodom and Gomorrah which was reduced to ashes. Sunday 29th September 1963. The short story, "The Chosen Vessel", which is written by Barbara Baynton, deals with topics like superstition and religion, and is showing the deadly consequences of these. Thats meekness: power under control. This is done through the act of repentancethe confession of, and turning away from, all that does not please Him. Twenty-five percent of the oxygen supply in your blood goes to your brain. And what is more, I get to share that same comfort I get from God with others who are going through their afflictions! This way, Jesus Christ can present Himself to youand to the world through youas His perfection within you. These cells are linked together in chains of billions of association fibers, all of which can be reused indefinitely. Do you wish that you could be holy for God? As Paul was busy going about his own affairs, even so many of us were minding our own business when God stepped in with His call. Obedience, loyalty, love, peace - marks of holiness. We bear the fragrance of Christ and through us; the world gets to perceive his fragrance. We love it!) The conversation the church has with the world is always catastrophic always because its being conducted by the garbage buckets in Pauls language. And he said, I just have to tell you one thing. And just when Paul had gone through such intense suffering for Jesus sake, He prepared a thorn just for him too! Thats why its so wonderful to have a conference like this, isnt it? Timothy is exhorted again to constancy and perseverance. Paul is also an example of suffering. Being a chosen vessel is a tremendous responsibility. What an unabashed call! The Eighth Day: The Importance of the Number 8 in Biblical Like a Madness That Knows No Bounds: The Parable of the 10 Vital Topics for Christian Leadership Training. Every lumpy place is a reminder of how He gently patched you up. How can we walk in the comfort of the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:31). It is used in every day service, doing what it was designed to do: pour out, be refilled, and pour out again. As legendary entrepreneur and YouTube star Gary Vaynerchuk says: "Self-awareness is being able to accept your weaknesses while focusing all of your attention on your strengths." Our identity in Christ is a function of our election. Again he says, Avoid worldly and empty talk. Worldly is profane in the Greek, profane talk, talk like the world, language like the world. Posted on: . They are special marks of His loving work on you, and His promise to keep you for Himself. And, Lord, as we think about this for ministers and pastors, we think about how important it is that people follow the same path because all of us, as Christians, have been called to live to this standard; to live to biblical fidelity; to engage in pure fellowship, possess a clean heart; to be lowly, and meek, and humble, and compassionate, and gracious, as well as to confront sin. There are no words to fully describe the internal warfare I bore because of that. It is destructive. The Substance within the vessel is infinitely more significant than the vessel itselfbecause the Divine Substance is the Life-Giverwith Life-giving properties. Ken & I are still finding out what God has planned for us. Very similar to 1 Timothy 6 where Paul says, Flee the love of money, verse 11, and then , Follow after righteousness. Same idea. You are His possessionfor His purposesand for His honor. What is it to be a useful vessel? Chosen Vessel. It was sometimes a bit precarious, and we had some rough patches where our utilities were cut off for a while, but faithfully, God kept on providing. The Master of the church, the Lord of the church recognizes that there are in His church those who are noble and honorable and those who are ignoble and dishonorable. The term has nothing directly analogous to it in the Old Testament, but it is Hebrew in its form; the second noun being used as a genitive of the characteristic attribute, and so equivalent to an intensified adjective. 12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, . Having already been sanctified. Because it is through our weaknesses and flaws that His character and strength can shine through. Saul was to become an outstanding representative of the very cause he had fought so vehemently. The vessels of dishonor. We could be talking about a nonbeliever. Number one, biblical fidelity. By calling Paul a vessel, Jesus declared that it was not Paul's abilities or status but God's power that enabled him to do the . Key 8: Prophecy requires connectivity Maybe you had some cracks, which are now blobbed over with obvious patches. And may we never do anything to bring scandal on the name of Christ or the church. It's about God's heart for His people; [tweet this] a Prophet is just a chosen vessel to carry the Father's Word to those He loves. Many other students had similar experiences in university, and most of them werent even Christians. The contrast, frankly, is really extreme, because the honorable vessels in the house were what you served the food on, and the dishonorable vessels are what you took the waste out in. QUALITIES OF A CHOSEN VESSEL PART 1.avi - YouTube Powerful life changing message for today's youth from the book of Daniel. The Bible answers this question in Ezekiel 28:11-17, and offers a similar explanation in Isaiah 14:12-15. * Dolly Parton, The Seeker lyrics: I dare not give you the impression that this is easy. ACKNOWLEDGED BY GOD'S OWN PEOPLE. So, what are the characteristics of a noble, useful, honorable vessel? Revelation 12:7-9,17, Isaiah 14:12-15,Ezekiel 28:11-17, The Bible is a mysterious book. May God richly bless you and keep you. I now bear their burdens in prayer and travail. It is a special hug. Timothy, by the way, was in his late 30s, at most his early 40s. jalen ramsey yards allowed per game. Then, we became tenants for three years. And he repeats in verse 16 again, as if we needed to hear it again, because we do, But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it leads to further ungodliness, and that kind of talk spreads like gangrene.. * Bible, Acts ix. Romans 10:12 to 14 says that, that calling upon the Lord is the equivalent of expressing saving faith in Him for salvation. What is the point in ignorant, untrained, uninstructed, undisciplined men spouting senseless arguments against the truth? He has to fight the forces of Satan with spiritual weapons. When you move in the direction and will of God, rest assured there will be provision. Yet this is exactly what happened. All rights reserved. The master of the house, the despots, the ruler of the house has certain vessels that are honorable. But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the . Bottom line, folks, look, God does the work. Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the Word of Truth. YOU ARE HIS CHOSEN VESSEL. This is what were talking about, being able to balance off this power that the truth has with humility is so important. How do you run? Having been cast to the earth, the Devil continues to fight, but his opposition is not leveled at God directly. He did not walk into Kroger and pick any old flower or vase. He meets us in our mess! * Milton [The serpent] fit vessel , fittest imp of fraud, in whom to enter. * Dolly Parton, The Seeker lyrics: I am a vessel that's empty and useless / I am a bad seed that fell by the way. In spite of all the love, and the gentleness, and the humility, and the desire to make peace and avoid quarreling, the useful servant must confront. Paul identifies those things as the things that are born in a fire in your youth and continue through your whole life. Jude calls himself a slave, and John calls himself a slave. Then Ananias answered, "Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. The end of verse 25, Leading to the knowledge of the truth. Well, somebody has to disseminate the truth. It is a deep value - the first thing they talk about and the issue that influences all decisions. Biblical fidelity, pure fellowship which provides the accountability and the stimulation for godliness and purity. As chosen vessels of God, we can never take a break from surrendering to the call or the cost of the call. This constant deluge of shallow and often impossible expectations, direct our focus onto our exterior. Well, without meaning to sound disrespectful to God, I have to say it: God actually doesnt have any choice! So, If man is like a flower, and a flower sparkles and shines. Only one thing. Its two percent of your body weight. It should not only be beautiful, but the vessel should also be designed to help preserve the life of the flowers in your arrangement. Being useful here is like a vessel that is honorable. What is the story of Saul of Tarsus before he became the apostle Paul? Im praying that God will lead me in what His purpose is for my life.
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