So, while once we asked: How could we possibly prevail over catastrophe? Now we assert, How could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?. "hour" and "power": assonance of "o" sound Chiasmus is, as Ive noted elsewhere, a device which ties a knot, repeating either ideas or grammatical construction in A-B-B-A order. We are meant to hear them as equal, but not. The metaphor of the belly of the beast following the imagery of the sea made me think of the trial of Jonah and the whale; Im not sure if Gorman intended that particular connection or not, but if so, it becomes anamnesis, a reference which calls to mind past matters or another author. It lands in a way that echoes the confident optimism that courses through this whole poem. It may refer to Capitol Hill, the location of this poem's performance at the inauguration of President Joe Biden. With the title, "climb" is in the present tense, indicating an ongoing struggle to overcome the "hill" of challenges. First things first: This poem is so good that when I finished the initial rhetorical markup, I felt buzzed. We will rise from the sun-baked South. From the beginning to the end of the poem, Gorman uses images of light and darkness, hope and fear, to describe the two opposing sides of America, those who want to divide and those who want to unify. These lines form a nice little capsule all on their own. The United States isnt broken / but simply unfinished. This simple phrase is at the heart of Gormans poem. What stands between us/what stands before us is a lovely pairing of antithesis and isocolon, again hitting that idea of the present as compared to the potential of the future a theme Gorman will open up more in the next few lines. And this magnificent deconstruction helps us to understand why. As the youngest inaugural poet in history and the first National Youth Poet Laureate, Gorman's performance was an What words does Gorman use to point towards the future? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Amanda Gorman read her poem "The Hill We Climb" at President Biden's inauguration, on January 20th, 2021. Accessed 30 April 2023. What has changed? The poem itself does not linger on the imagery of. Gorman then describes for us what, exactly, shall be, in an act of chorographia, the description of a nation. The greatest tension in this poem is between the "we" character and the obstacles that "we" face. We will not march back to what was, but move to what shall be: a country that is bruised, but whole; benevolent, but bold; fierce and free. Bruised but whole and benevolent but bold I ought to have marked as syncrisis, since they are comparative but not necessarily contrasting terms. The new dawn blooms as we free it. It can be found within the first and last lines ofThe Hill We Climband is always contrasted with darkness. The next few lines have neat little anaphora, this time not of a full word or phrase, but of the prefix in-. That feels deliberate. Our blunders become their burdens. I think all the intertwined consonance augments that effect, too, one idea building upon the previous and laying the ground for the next. What we both weather and witness, then, are the actions of the people who comprise the nation. We will rebuild, reconcile and recover in every known nook of our nation, in every corner called our country our people diverse and beautiful will emerge battered and beautiful. Gorman returns to the idea of inheritance again, this time thinking not about what we have been heir to but what we will leave for others. A nation isnt really a thing. Own time forms paromoiosis with own vine, which is a marvelously subtle way of transitioning to her next thought: victory picks up from victorious several lines earlier, through polyptoton, the repetition of a word in a different grammatical form. The next stanza (of sorts; no transcription Ive seen actually breaks the poem into stanzas, but Im going to apply the term to where there are conceptual and lyrical breaks or shifts) echoes the prior, as the opening And yes forms paromoiosis with and yet. It was a message the political leaders gathered together that day could not fail to notice. The following lines are useful to quote to lift up the morale of the soldiers or political workers. You may know that the phrase alludes to the Biblical story of Jonah and the Whale. This is the era of just redemption. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. A famous example is in Othello: Put out the light, and then put out the light, where the first light is literal, the candle or lantern he carries, and the second is metaphorical, Desdemonas life. Different races and religions will be accepted and celebrated for their individuality rather than singled out for it. If everyone listening to her readThe Hill We Climb,and all those who arent can address their differences. Athens was the birthplace of modern democracy, and from architecture to philosophy, the impact of ancient Greek thought on American ways of life is enormous. Weve seen a forest that would shatter our nation rather than share it, would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy. Because so many of these things arent certain or secure, of course but if we author the next chapter, if we write them into the future, then they can become so. Mercy sweet heavens, I cannot wait to see what else she gives us. The last of those pairs is also another sound-shifting device, this time metathesis, transposition of letters within a word. This we [verb] pattern is one that Gorman returns to throughout the poem, stressing both the communal nature of whats important here and the active quality. A small flourish, but the sort that I go absolutely giddy for. The hill is at the heart of Gormans inaugural poem. Ellipsis is a simple omission of a word or phrase easily understood in context. The Bavarian Alps are all mountains that belong to Bavaria. There are numerous other examples scattered throughout the poem. Dawn breaks; flowers bloom; yet somehow the words feel right together. Weve learned that quiet isnt always peace. Then, the poems title, the hill we climb, comes in through exergasia, the repetition of the same idea in new words. She elides a bit: the promise we make to the glade would likely be the full expression, but in condensing it, shes given us something delicate and beautiful, like a seed to nourish. The Hill We Climbmentions,as other inaugural poems have described before hers, that America is not a perfect country. A. The poem continues by saying that "the dawn is ours," implying that the light of the rising sun is our hope, our courage. We will not be turned around or interrupted by intimidation, because we know our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance of the next generation. On Wednesday, as she recited "The Hill We Climb," in front of the Capitol in the bright sunlight, her voice animated and full of emotion, Gorman described her background as a "skinny Black. Gorman is writing not only at the end of the Trump administration, but also during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time of great loss, suffering, and death in the world that she imagines felt like a cold, lonely night for many people. The harder z in is transforms to the softer s sound in justice. This includes the events that took place in the United States over the previous four years and even the weeks before the inauguration. Amanda Gormans poem The Hill We Climb is a moving depiction of the United States as it was on the cusp of President Bidens inauguration in 2021. We get homoioteleuton in redemption/inception, polyptoton of inherit from several lines back into heirs, and meiosis of hour to describe not only the very long day of the insurrection but this whole era of American history we must confront. Its the crash of waves within the larger motion of the tide. The former sociology concentrator is the U.S.'s first youth poet laureate. Screen capture by author I have!). No one is going to turn on their neighbor and that will mean that America will stay strong and true to its ideals. Teaching can be exhausting right now, but sometimes great words like Gormans make it worth it. For example, Somehow in lines twelve and thirteen as well as That even as we thirty-seven through thirty-nine. Gorman alternates the hyphenated descriptors with the single-word ones: gold-limbed windswept lake-rimmed sunbaked. Like many devices of parallelism, it will help you hear the equations as Gorman builds them and will call your attention to the ideas she is linking together. Amanda Gorman, a 22-year-old poet, recited her poem "The Hill We Climb" at President Biden's inauguration. Because of the riots that happened shortly before, this reference also tries to head the damage done by the riot and reimagine the space as one that belongs to "we," the people. By being "obvious," as Oscar Wilde would say, Gorman sacrificed this moment on the altar of banal political platitudes. We will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the Midwestern states. Readers who enjoyed Amanda Gormans The Hill We Climb, should also consider reading some related poems. And so doesnt quite pick up the And yet/and yes aural echo, but its still launching us into this next stanza. The last three lines are epitasis, her summary of the message of the whole poem, neatly encapsulated. Another Hamilton easter egg follows in the anamnesis of history has its eyes on us (on you in the musical). American music is represented here as well. For instance, trust and us in lines sixty-two and sixty-four. Such as the following lines found at the end of the poem: When day comes, we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid. With breath-taking views and adventurous curves, it'll take you all the way down into the valley at speeds up to 25mph (40 kmh) and with an altitude difference of . can democracy and ideals. The poem's speaker, a "skinny Black girl descended from slaves". Hyperbaton places people ahead of its descriptors diverse and beautiful, and then she adds through appositio/epanorthosis: battered and beautiful. We, the successors of a country and a time where a skinny Black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president, only to find herself reciting for one. Please check your inbox for your confirmation email. Amanda Gorman's "The Hill We Climb" is very much a poem that defines a moment of change and determination, as its title indicates. You might wade in the shallows, perhaps, but thats not quite the force that the verb takes here. Its like antanaclasis, only you dont actually repeat the word. It occurs when the same word or words are used at the beginning of lines. For example, the transition between lines four and five, as well as six and seven. How does she starts to answer the question she poses in the first lines of the poem, where can we find light in this never-ending shade. For example, shade and wade in lines one and three as well as beast and peace in the following two lines. The Hill We Climb is a magnificent work, and I very much hope teachers are already making adjustments to place it in their curricula. Poem Analysis, Build vocabulary, practice pronunciation, and more with Transparent Language Online. When the speaker refers to their bronze-pounded chest, the implication is that the chest has undergone difficult situations before, and "every breath" from it is labored. Once up top, you are treated to fantastic views overlooking Munich. Personally I was disappointed that she took that gig, only half-listened to the poem context means so much in poetry. Its the sun, after all, that encourages the flowers to bloom. Cooper, James ed. "The Hill We Climb" is an extended allegory about the journey America is on, focusing on the movement from the country's dark recent past to a bright future. She said that was when the inspiration for the poem fully formed in her mind. These lines powerfully sum up the entire message of the poem, urging change for the future. So! And in her hip-hop cadence and with her words we remember the opening lines of Broadways Hamilton when she inserts herself into the poem as a skinny Black girl, descended from slaves and raised by a single mother who can dream of being president one day, only to find herself reciting for one.. (This is why I consider it a device of Omission under my ROADS system, though you could certainly make an argument for Direction). But one thing is certain, if we merge mercy with might, and might with right, then love becomes our legacy, and change our childrens birthright. 1.. Oh, I love that! The Hill We Climb Summary. Personification is known as prosopopoeia; Gorman endows the dual idea of the land itself and the vision of the future with human qualities. The lines The loss we carry, / a sea we must wade (Lines 3-4) amplify the burden placed on people by the past administration. Antanaclasis is a device which repeats the same word with a different meaning. Amanda Gorman speech. D. The Founding Fathers should have realized that some of the So, let us leave behind a country better than one we were left. So thanks! Look at the third stanza, where she speaks of polished, pristine, perfect, and purpose, then shifts to, compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and conditions of man., I am in awe of this work. Just is and justice are obviously not exactly the same word, but the auditory effect is, I feel, the same. Eventually, Gorman suggests, America will be able to come together as one people. "weathered and witnessed": "w" sounds Every single person that visits Poem Analysis has helped contribute, so thank you for your support. Rather than substituting a sound as in just is/justice, here she adds to the word to make harm into harmony; adding that sound is a device known as paragoge. "where can we find light in this never-ending shade" "And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us but what stands before us" Explanation: Repair it/inherit gives us another nice paromoioisis, underscoring that weaving together of history and modernity, which then brings Gorman to the immediate past. Amanda Gorman has a delightful grasp of rhythm and imagery and the awesome power of our languages flexibility and potential complexities. The next lines allude to Gorman herself as a skinny Black girl / descended from slaves and raised by a single mother. She concludes this phrase by describing herself in that very momentreciting a poem she wrote for a president. Not because we will never again know defeat, but because we will never again sow division. Im happy to be a source, but be sure to use good citation practices. "The Hill We Climb Symbols, Allegory and Motifs". Its been a wonderful experience to sit with this for an evening, and revel in reading your analysis and hold it up to the poem: a blinding light in its own worth. As I said at the top, I imagine I will look on this again and see different bits of excellent wordcraft as I return to it with fresh eyes in the future. Occasionally, the poem will use the "I" pronoun, but the majority of the poem does not distinguish, and uses "we" and "our" to rally the audience into a feeling of collectiveness. She does this through enallage, a device which substitutes semantically equivalent but grammatically different constructions. Wonderful! Read the Study Guide for The Hill We Climb, View the lesson plan for The Hill We Climb, View Wikipedia Entries for The Hill We Climb. The Hill We Climb study guide contains a biography of Amanda Gorman, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman is a 110-line poem that does not follow a specific rhyme scheme or metrical pattern. It is partly rhyme, partly slant rhyme, but importantly the combination of rhyme and some level of isocolon, parallel structure. Gorman thus positions herself in this literary heritage and positions this poems kairos as part of the ongoing American and human experiences. Richard IIs deposition. But the democracy was not permanently defeated.. The next section begins a new thought, but its tied to what came before through homoioteleuton, a device I am guaranteed to never spell correctly on the first try. The conclusion of the poem plays up this idea with powerful imagery, metaphor, and repetition: The ending imagines people emerging from the darkness, ablaze with life and, Chapter-by-chapter summaries and multiple sections of expert analysis, The ultimate resource for assignments, engaging lessons, and lively book discussions. . Somehow, weve weathered and witnessed a nation that isnt broken, but simply unfinished. ], [And if youre a teacher sharing this with your students, please leave a comment and let me know! Richard Lanhams Handlist of Rhetorical Terms ( is an excellent resource. "The Hill We Climb" Terms in this set (15) Symbolism Is the artistic method of revealing ideas through the use of an image, word, or description to suggest or represent something else EX: "The Hill We Climb"-"Where can we find light in this never-ending shade". Those descriptors then form a grammatical synchysis stretching across the lines, which is A-B-A-B structure (as opposed to the A-B-B-A of chiasmus). Julius Caesars Friends, Romans, countrymen. The latter is the primary theme at the heart of the poem and what she wants readers and listeners to walk away from the piece feeling. Its not enough to see the light; we must be it. Analysis. That fear, I think, is a feeling many of us have had, whatever our age, when we have to confront the idea that this nation is not guaranteed. In the first lines of The Hill We Climb, the speaker begins by making a few powerful statements about what weve learned. The we she uses throughout the poem refers to the American people, and more broadly the citizens of the contemporary world. Not affiliated with Harvard College. My instinct is yes, though I cant quite unpack why I feel that we weather and witness a nation in different senses. From the opening lines of the poem, the image of day arriving after a long period of night immediately forces the audience to associate light with hope and shade with fear and loss. Far from polished/far from pristine has nice isocolon and consonance, but also strikes me as epanorthosis, an addition that amends to correct or make more vehement. Hamiltons Satisfied and Burn. Love this breakdown and introduction to many unfamiliar literary devices. More books than SparkNotes. The last two lines rely on repetition, with only one word different. It recalls, too, the language of the forge from earlier in the poem something that is a labor, that takes time and effort to construct. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. She references herself a few times in the text, as well as her upbringing, goals, and her family. the rights to free speech and due process. She uses words like "dawn" , "striving", and "purpose" that point to the future. Every once in a while, the language is just so gorgeous that I swoon. Shes careful to remind the reader that this isnt an easy path, things dont change overnight. I really enjoyed this! "our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance": "in" sounds Enjambment is a common formal device that occurs when the poet cuts of a line before its natural stopping point. Here, the use of the third person rather than the first. These paired symbols can be found in the lines "when day comes," "light in this never-ending shade," "the dawn is ours," "we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid," "new dawn blooms," and "there is always light.". And yet it has breath; its not something metal, its something that lives. "where can we find light in this never-ending shade" "And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . The loss we carry, a sea we must wade. (LogOut/ And so, we lift our gazes not to what stands between us, but what stands before us. In this case, that even as we.. Alliteration: She said that was when the inspiration for the poem fully formed in her mind. Before we knew it. One more note before I dive in: Ive seen a few different transcriptions of The Hill We Climb out there on the internet, and there are some slight variations between them. The imagery of the dawn sky and the rising sun represents renewal. The speaker begins to answer the question by using the metaphor of a new day, a dawn that comes after the darkness. ok so there is a couple that I found you will have to find the las one That shouldn't be too hard. Baldwin, Emma. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. We see a form of zeugma again in the next line, successors of a country and a time, before Gorman moves into a short self-identification. Many people around the world look to the Bill of Rights as an A foreword is a brief piece of writing that appears at the beginning of a book or a longer short story, that is usually written by someone other than the author. The delayed/defeated phrasing and the general cadence reminded me of the legal maxim Justice delayed is justice denied. "inherit" and "repair it": assonance of short "i" sound Here, the day/light imagery places The Hill We Climb squarely within the canon of the Biden administration: consider Bidens inauguration morning tweet or some of the music played during the evenings Celebrating America event (Jon Bon Jovis rendition of Here Comes the Sun and John Legends performance of Feeling Good were my favorites). The descriptions are short but powerful: skinny Black is simple enargia, a generic term for description; descended from slaves and raised by a single mother is appositio, the addition of a corollary, explanatory, or descriptive element. This coming of dawn runs throughout the poem, ultimately becoming the poem's final image. A drowning Jonah prays to God to save him, only to have a giant whale swallow him whole, trapping him in the belly of the beast. That Ive marked it hypozeugma refers to the position of the governing word (here, at the end). It calls up imagery of armor, a bronze cuirass protecting the heart. Amanda Gorman is also a master of alliteration, that wordplay when sounds repeat themselves in a sentence or a few phrases. She plays with words when she writes, what just is isnt always justice. And she references the Preamble to the US Constitution when she writes, that doesnt mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect. The founding fathers of our country understood that the country would always be a work-in-progress, and stated so by beginning the Constitution with these words: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.. Its also very nearly antimetabole, which is a specific form of chiasmus repeating exact words in A-B-B-A order and that takes us to the other clever wordplay that Gorman works into this arrangement. I ought to have marked in this faith as exergasia on in this truth; together, they are part of a hyperbaton as well as a hypozeugma. For a small fee, you can climb the 300+ stairs to the top of the bell tower. She depicts the American people as the light and the hope of the future. And then, not quite content with that big auxesis of the regions, Gorman embeds another one in rebuild-reconcile-recover, with the series augmented by anaphora/consonance. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. []For there is always light,if only were brave enough to see it.If only were brave enough to be it. So many of the devices Gorman has shown us so far, she showcases simultaneously in this sequence. "beast" and "peace": assonance of "ea" sound "The Hill We Climb" starts with a question, asking if we, as a nation, can find hope in a seemingly "never-ending shade." The "shade" consists of the misdeeds of America's past, the violence of current events, and the ongoing strife at the time of the poet's performance, which was given on January 20th, 2021 on the . We happened to be climbing past the bells at 12 noon when they started ringing. This recurring image reminds the audience of hope's omnipresence, and encourages us to "see" and "be" the hope in an eternal shade. C. The Bill of Rights list the rights all U.S. citizens possess, including The repetition of isnt always from the prior line is ploce, unstructured repetition of words. Turning the noun-verb pair of bronze-pounded into an adjective is anthimeria, another favorite device of mine, which transmutes a word from one part of speech to another. The country, she says, hasnt failed or broken, it is simply still on its way to its full potential. Gorman has acknowledged it as an easter egg for One Last Time from Hamilton; through that, it is also an allusion to George Washington, who used the phrase in his letters often, and to Washingtons original source, the Bible. She refers to herself as a skinny Black girl descended from slaves and celebrates the fact that because of the way the tide has changed so far in regard to race in the United States that she is able to recite a poem for the President of the United States. " The Hill We Climb" is a free verse poem by Amanda Gorman, written for and recited at the 2021 American presidential inauguration. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Not because we will never again know defeat, but because we will never again sow division, that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree, Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy, But while democracy can be periodically delayed. History has its eyes on us, she says. Victorious is a small appositio, describing the condition of being tied together, and then Gorman follows up that addition with another, longer qualification. More books than SparkNotes. Typical use of synecdoche is where a part stands in for a whole; here, the whole stands in for its parts. Zeugma is a device with multiple and sometimes competing definitions. "bronze-pounded chest" (metaphor): The speaker here refers to some sort of armor, implying a warrior-like identity for the speaker of the poem. Both verbally and visually, Gorman participated in a reclamation of that space for the America she describes as being possible, the forged union of purpose. She returns to chorographia, this time describing the nation in more detail, region by region. I love that she puts two buts in a row and then caps it off with an and; it makes a nice progression within the description. The climax of the poem lies with the lines "if we merge mercy with might, and might with right, then love becomes our legacy, and change our children's birthright." If youre in search of other rhetorical resources, Ive recommended some of my favorites down in the comments. I usually look at isocolon as a grammatical device, but in this sense, we might also consider it a metrical device, where the parallelism lives in cadence in addition to or instead of in grammar alone. I imagine that for decades to come, I will be able to return to it and unfold a little more of its intricate beauty. Chiasmus is satisfying; that bobbing in-and-out sensation feels secure, somehow. The US Congress is known as Capitol Hill, so the hill in her poem is simultaneously a literal and physical manifestation. Central Message: America's future is promising if its people can come together. A blunder is a mistake, a slip, an error, something that arises not through ill intent but through incaution; but it can create misery down the line, growing exponentially as it gets passed down if it isnt (as Gorman noted earlier) repaired. "The Hill We Climb" Symbols The Hill Where this symbol appears in the poem: Line 27: "That is the promise to glade, the hill we climb, if only we dare." Light and Darkness Where this symbol appears in the poem: Line 1: "where can we find light in this never-ending shade" Line 6: "And yet, the dawn is ours before we knew it." She seeks to inspire hope in those listening that a better day is dawning and that better times are ahead. Anaphora and isocolon often work together, as they do in Weve braved/Weve learned. This is one of the places where I just about swooned. For example, cultures, colors, characters and / conditions. Another example follows with future first. In the later lines, there is another good example of repetition, specifically, anaphora.
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