Harry has taken her on so many different trips, gotten her custom gowns, designer shoes and jewelry and it made her feel terrible. He gave her a happy smile, stuck in a daze as he stared at the girl, a large dopey grin glued on his face. "hi," he said giving you a little wave. No Harry, Im sorry. You stood there completely confused and not sure what to do. He pulls back slightly, pressing a few soft pecks onto your lips before you two look at each other, a blush covering both of your cheeks. When night fell and he still wasnt home, you began to worry. Lets take things slow, okay? He whispered softly in her ear, I really, really like you and I dont wanna rush into anything, were gonna do whatever you feel comfortable with. Anne and Gemma then begin to gush over your baby as you lean into Harrys chest, suddenly exhausted. Liam:We havent even been here a day and things are already going wrong.. She admired him carefully, watching his large hands carefully cut the vegetables and place the meals delicately on their dishes, making everything look perfect as he prepared her favorite meal. Yes you can, if anyone in the world can its you. He whispered, leaning his forehead against his and pressing a soft kiss on her nose, you are the strongest person Ive ever met. Babe just relax, everything is going to be fine. You tried to reassure him as you looked in the closet for something else for him to wear. He was superstitious with that kind of stuff and even though you werent, you knew it meant a lot to him. Harry wraps his arm around Y/N's shoulder until they are safe inside. What did I do? You gasp, handing him his coffee as you plopped down next to him in the studio, taking a long sip as he shook his head at you. "Thank you, love." He said quietly and leaned more into me for comfort. You wanted to run after him, screaming. Get away from me. you whisper, attempting to push past him and get into the elevator, pressing the door closed button before even pressing a floor, not wanting him to get any closer. I am officially mad at you, Harry said the second you entered back into the studio that was connected into the home that he was renting, to coffees in hand. Digging through your bag for your phone, youbegan searching ways youcould possibly get home, hoping that you werent too far. #spinoff, I turned around in bed, suddenly feeling my stomach aching badly. Youre doing great, Y/N! Chapter five of my new Harry Styles fanfiction Shattered Bones is now up! Anne, being the angel she is, was excited and happy about the news, not seeming to care that you had just completely ruined the surprise. Come back to bed, need cuddles.. :). She carefully ran her fingers over it, heart sinking as she checked the price tag and instantly retracted her hand, feeling wrong for touching it, so she just stood and admired. All of a sudden he began opening his eyes slowly, blinking a few times until his eyes began being used to the bright light that irrupted through the white transparent curtains. I rushed to his side, letting him take hold of me, so I could help him slip off his shoes. You alright? The doctor then finishes up what he needs to with you, helping you deliver your placenta and make sure everything had gone okay, things like that. Hey guys! Can we just stay like this for the rest of the day, home can wait. He mumbled as he rolled over, capturing you in his arms. I highly suggest listening to the tracks while reading each part - Ill put a link to each song with the preference! It would be amazing if you could take care of that.Harry, I said no. He began kissing down my jaw meanwhile his hand travelled up my thigh higher and higher. Im not mad about the stupid stain on the rug, all of that stuff is fixable. He wanted the one he had, the one you ruined because you werent paying attention. Yes babe, Im here.He came into the bedroom with a tray with a big cup of tea and some biscuits on top, in one hand. theres so much pressure nowadays and physical stuff makes me anxious haha totally okay if u cant/dont want to! With the sound of the front door opening, your heart dropped into your stomach, the heat rising straight to your face. Heard Gem say once bath helps but I also picked up a heating pad if you want me to grab it., Im so in love with you and Im so so lucky.. She whispered, kissing him softly, feeling their heartbeats syncing as they laid together, thank you for everything, Harry. Please. He whispered, not pushing the door open and you saw a flicker of his eyes and you could almost see the sincerity in them, I know I dont deserve it, I really dont, but I would just love to talk to you for real this time, anything you want to know., and youre not gonna be an asshole this time? you asked, leaning against the doorframe, peaking at him, because if you are, I swear to god Styles I will give you 5 seconds to get the fuck out.. This was it, he was going to end things with you. How could you do this? The couple had been reading all of the books, attending classes, watching educational videos, doing their research and asking their doctor every single question that has ever passed through them. I should have never disregarded you, you are never second choice. It really means a lot. Wish you all the best . Louis:How could you do this? At the release of a shaky breath, he looks over at her and he could feel his heart break, hating himself as he sees her cry again, feeling worse and knowing its because of him. Here is part two of the three part (maybe four) Harry imagine. There sat Harry with all of her favorite snacks and pint of ice cream for them, Disney Plus pulled up with Harry cuddled up under a mound of blankets. I just want to say thank you for all of the feedback, I am so glad you are enjoying my writing! "Will you give me a massage?". won't, my brain reminded me. You wanted to know where he was and you wanted to know how his meeting went. Just go, please. His eyes finally rose to meet yours, causing you to go completely pale as you saw the hurt in his eyes. Soon, he sat you down in the back, private room in the tour bus, closing the door and leaving the two of you alone as you laid on the bed, staring at him as he walked back over and plopped down next to you, his smile never leaving his face. Reaching for your bag and coat off of the floor of the car, you stepped out of the car and into the rain. Harry tells you as he resumes his massaging of your stomach. "Yeah, some gel and painkillers, but I forgot them in the pocket of my jacket Could you get it for me, please?" Setting his pizza down on the counter, you joined him in the living room as he hovered over the stain. With you. I am a brand new imagines + preferences blog so make sure to check out what I have written so far and send in requests! There is the final part of this imagine! She gets her beauty from her mother though. He tells you, grinning. you cant keep showing up like this! A few minutes later they called her name, giving her the drinks and she left with a quick thank you, a smile covering her face when she sees Harry in the car pulled up outside, running over to the car with a smile and happily hoping into the passenger seat, handing him his drink with a kiss on the cheek. Oh this is what hes waiting for, I thought to myself. "I've never really done it before, but I'll try. You didnt know what to think. I love you and I am happy we finally have our own place. Breathing a sigh of relief, you allowed yourself to sink further into the bed. You couldnt help but smile back, nodding. Kath laughed at your both as you tried to defend yourselves. Im really enjoying it right now. Okay sure babe. he smiled down at me.I shifted a bit until I was laying on my right, my body facing his side. Are they end game or no? I am so sorry, Niall. He then checks how dilated and effaced you were. He threw himself onto me Lou! Leaning forward, you gave him a soft kiss on the lips, not realizing until then that your lips were shivering from the coldness of the rain. "I wish I could make it stop.". "No," he shook his head, "I mean for everything. when harry was doing the gender reveal in nashville he looked so happy and excited; and i keep thinking about him talking to the reader right after the show about their future children and how they are going to be the best parents and how he excited he is for their future together,, just so much fluff :(. You are doing so good! He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead. He let out a low chuckle, a soft smile growing on his face as he admired the girl, slowly turning back into herself. ), Hi everyone! Y/N, are you alright? Nialls voice of concern echoed through the place as footsteps were heard coming towards you. You let out a small scream as you push harder. I am going to get used to this. Im sure the studio tomorrow will be magic. He was very exhausted. Niall:The wood split on the surface, making one of the most haunting sounds in the entire world. Your hands slide across his bare chest, sliding the sequin jacket off his shoulders with a smile as he begins pressing kisses along the sensitive skin of your neck, chuckling to himself as your eyes flutter closed. I wanna spoil you.. Of course everyone has always called her a natural after seeing her babysit or playing with her nieces and nephews but this was going to be so different. Its alright, sweetheart, mummy and daddy are here. Harry coos to her, leaning over you to run his large finger over her small and soft cheek. That screeching cry of your newborn baby girl. Why dont you go stay at your friends or something tonight? And with that, he slammed the door. You ready? Harry asks you but you cant answer as you try to focus on taking deep breaths. I like to share to you guys !! With a sigh, you rose from the bed and placed the jumper over your body before reaching into your pile of clothes and pulling on a pair of black leggings. She nods, confirming his thoughts and his blank stare of surprise remained glued on his face, making Y/N rub her eyes to try to calm down before standing, planning to head to the living room to clean up the mess and go home. "Hey baby girl. She knew what to expect and she knew how to prepare. The morning sickness, the too rough kicks and all off the other turmoil her body has been going through. Thank you for requesting and thank you for all your kind messages. I thought I was the only guy ya ever needed!You are! You laughed, hand coming up and running along his face softlyjust wanna have my two boys! You lean into your husband, his arm wrapping around your shoulders, his other arm resting under yours to support the baby as well as you both smile at Anne as she holds up her phone. Mhmm. She squeaked, slowly nodding as she heat up quickly under his stare, legs spreading for him to stand between as he stepped closer. Squeeze as hard as you want, sweetheart. -Veronika . Take some deep breathes, Im not going anywhere. He loved it of course, wearing the rings all the time and enjoyed being able to get a better sound when an idea would spring up on him, but she still felt guilty. Walking into the kitchen, Liam stood in front of the fridge, rummaging around for something to eat. I really hope this is kinda what you were thinking and you like it! He said, starting to turn around, so he could lie on his back. Harry reentered after softly knocking on the door, smiling as he saw his girl with her hair tied up and relaxed in the pink bath water. What? Y/N has always known and dreamt of having children, but now she was pregnant and about to give birth and it was all she could think about. SwaggerChic. I wrapped my arm around his lower back. Harry heart flutter as he heard her laugh, grabbing her wrists as he went to push his chest, gripping them and pulling her close and quickly throwing her over his shoulder, spinning around a few times before having them both fall on his bed, the pairs laughing loudly and leaning into one another. Anything exciting?, Oh, you know just living the rock star life He winked, setting your suitcase on the bed before laying down on it, extending his arms and making grabby hands at you until you lay next to him, which you happily do, Ive been sleeping in, writing, recording and going to bed early., Hey! He playfully scolded, fingers digging into your sides, You menace! Liam: Trying to behave, but you know that we never learned how. He suddenly lifted the girl, making her let out a loud squeal as she gripped onto his shoulders causing him to let out a low chuckle and placing her on the counter, standing between her legs and giving her another quick kiss in the cheek before moving back to the meal to finish it. Hes in the shallow end and he will probably still find a way to drown. You, the crew and the boys were enjoying the day off in South America and the lounge chair you were sitting in was so comfortable, you had no plans on moving for the rest of the day. I'll do my best." Harry was already in bed when I came back after taking a shower, soft snores escaping his mouth. Snatching it out of your hand, Zayn threw the mug into the sink causing it to shatter. He turned his body to my side and looked at me. Anything catching those pretty eyes? He smirked, nudging her slightly but still keeping his grip tight on her hand, guiding her throughout the store he has been through more times than he can count, we got all day baby, try on anything you want!, Id rather you give the fashion show. She laughed, going up on her tip toes and kissing his cheek, Weve been in her thirty seconds and Ive seen you staring at four different pairs of trousers.. That is not what this is about, I got this for you because I am in love with you and I wanted to get you something that youve been wanting for a long time. He just stood there, staring at his guitar with his mouth ajar. You watch Harry's face light up in a grin, his adorable . Make sure to check out my Harry Styles fanfiction I have going on Wattpad HERE. This is my lucky suit, I have to wear this one, Y/N. Looking at him, you noticed that the coffee stain started halfway down his white shirt and onto his black slacks. I do like kissing you. She whispered, innocently looking up into his eyes, Really, really love kissing you that doesnt scare me. Comments are always highly encouraged and appreciated! Christ. Louiss face was the deepest shade of red you had ever seen, his eyes nearly coming out of his skull. The feeling of his lips on yours still caused your stomach to become upset at the mere thought of what had happened. "heyyyy." "heyyyy.". You know that he does as much as he can for his mom and this trip was really important to him, but you didnt think you deserved this sickening walk back to the flat alone. You couldnt believe he was telling you to leave. What am I supposed to do now? Come ere, Y/N. You cuddled up next to Liam on the plush white sofa, his strong arm around you as he handed you a glass of red white. Cramped inside Harrys car, the evening with his family turned into a completely disaster thanks to your big mouth. You let out a small scream as you push harder. I hope this is good, i wrote it super fast because strangely enough I was planning on writing something like this and I got the request so it was meant to be!!! You squeeze a bit tighter as the pain increases. Louis managed to catch the whole thing happening, his less than sober eyes refusing to believe that the guy forced himself onto it. And just like that, the tears began to fall from your eyes like they had the night before. A second later, Zayn appeared in the doorway holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers in front of him. She smiles down at you before turning back to the doctor as he instructs you to push once more. Fucking hell. You mumbled under your breath as you continued to scrub the red liquid out of the white carpet. The girl leaned into him, arms going around his shoulders as his meet her waist, pulling her onto his lap, moving her hair out of the way and kissing her shoulder. I-I dont even know what to say. Harry laughed as he watched your jaw drop. What do you need? You kept pinching yourself, hoping you could go back in time so you didnt trip over the stand. Not knowing what to expect, all you could do was hold your breath and hope for the best. He gave her a quick peck before he started grabbing his items, flashing her a wink before he disappeared into the short hallway and into the dressing room, giving her a cute wave before shutting the door. You grin and lean in for a kiss. He makes his way over to the bed pulling back the covers and throwing them on the floor. Ive just been high-strung these past few days and today was long so coming home and seeing that just gave me an excuse to release that frustration. Something abt Y/N getting her period at H's place and she panics bc she accidentally bled through his sheets and she's embarassed and her cramps hurt.
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