A phrase like Send me a kite might not make sense to the code scientist, and make translation difficult. By age 13 . [33], By 1978, there were 45 Crip gangs, called sets, in Los Angeles. Street gangs, who fall under the Gangster Crips card, are loosely connected to the Eight Tray Gangster Crips. Some of the most common blood handwriting characteristics are as followed:All Bs will be capitalized, no matter there locationin the word. In the following code samples, I will explain how I used the art of deciphering and the science of code breaking together to decipher a coded document. An example of replacing the C with a B would be the word BeBause. Conflict with the Crips continued and the Bloods found themselves heavily outnumbered. [24][25], Some sources suggest that the original name for the alliance, "Cribs", was narrowed down from a list of many options and chosen unanimously from three final choices, over the Black Overlords and the Assassins. The Crips gained national attention for their bitter rivalry with the Bloods. Crip gangs strictly bang (go to war) to defend their territory (hood) before any alliance or card, and are known to be very vicious in their attaccs. They lead the revolt against the Cripsand were instrumental in creating the Bloods gang in 1972. 6 Suspects in Girls' Slayings Belong to ETG. The creation of this gang has been attributed to a guy named OG Sidewinder, who is regarded as the main founder who created this neighborhood which was a split of Stanley "Tookie" Williams West Side Crips. Becoming a Blood when in prison, especially for a first-time inmate, can be appealing for the protection and support it seemingly offers to those that qualify. "[33] Washington, who attended Fremont High School, was the leader of the East Side Crips, and Williams, who attended Washington High School, led the West Side Crips. Crip Nation What's under your bed? Gangs use of codes is one of the most fascinating and least understood aspects of gang investigation. Enter https://www.corrections1.com/ and click OK. Each Cripset has significant differences such as hand signs, use of secondary colors, and customs. The Eight-Trays are bitter rivals of all gangs who fall under the Neighbor Hood Crips card and all Rollin 0s gangs such as the Rollin 30s Harlem Crips, Rollin 40s Neighborhood Crips, Rollin 50s Neighborhood Crips, Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips, the 46 Neighbor Hood Crips, 48 Neighbor Hood Crips, the West Boulevard Crips, 67 Neighbor Hood Crips, Rollin 90s Neighborhood Crips, Rollin 100s Crips, 118 Neighbor Hood Crips, all Hard Time Hustler Crips, all Menlo Crips and the Osage Legend Crips. True to their name, the color most associated with Blood members is red, though other colors may be worn depending on the particular set, asan NYPD gang manualdescribes. The Bloods are the Crips' main rival. Williams recalled that a blue bandana was first worn by Crips founding member Curtis "Buddha" Morrow, as a part of his color-coordinated clothing of blue Levis, a blue shirt, and dark blue suspenders. According to the TNLF, October 1993 is when the founders of the UBN got together in prison to unite against rival Hispanic gangs and thus officially establishing the Bloods there. It was during the late 1980s that the Bloods became a household name. As I said at the beginning of this article, its important to know about the history, identifiers and whats important to the gang member creating the code. GS KLIVANS is a gang consultant and lecturer specializing in gang codes. [23] The gang also began to establish a presence in Canada in the early 1990s;[39] Crip sets are active in the Canadian cities of Montreal and Toronto. Cribs was chosen to reflect the young age of the majority of the gang members. With an estimated 30,000 to 35,000 members in 2008, the gangs' members have been involved in murders, robberies and drug dealing, among other crimes. The Eight Tray Gangster Crips are considered by Federal Agents and city officials, to be one of the most violent street gangs, in all of Los Angeles County. [44] Crips traditionally refer to each other as "Cuz" or "Cuzz", which itself is sometimes used as a moniker for a Crip. THE ORIGINAL CRIP GANG WAS 18 MEMBERS STRONG AND KNOWN AS THE AVENUE CRIPS. [40][41], In 1992 the LAPD estimated 15,742 Crips in 108 sets; other source estimates were 30,000 to 35,000 in 600 sets in California. In Watts, the Grape Street Crips and the PJ Watts Crips have feuded so much that the PJ Watts Crips even teamed up with a local Blood set, the Bounty Hunter Bloods, to fight the Grape Street Crips. THE ORIGINAL CRIP GANG WAS 18 MEMBERS STRONG AND KNOWN AS THE AVENUE CRIPS. [29][30][31][32], Stanley Tookie Williams met Raymond Lee Washington in 1969, and the two decided to unite their local gang members from the west and east sides of South Central Los Angeles in order to battle neighboring street gangs. The most common place you will find these is between the index and thumb but I have also seen them on the right shoulder and on the stomach. THE 63 HOOVERS ARE A BRAND NEW SET THAT DOSENT HAVE VERY MEMBERS BUT STILL ARE TAKEING OVER EAST TEXAS AND IS GROWING FAST. The School Yard Crips have over 200 active members documented in police gang files. Contrary to what you might think, the Bloods are not a monolithically ruled gang. Members are required to know the meanings behind acceptable colors: They wear blue to signify their roles as soldiers, black for gangsters, purple for war, and green for money. Although a meeting was called by the leaders of both gangs in an attempt to end the fight, tensions were so high between them that the meeting erupted into a gang rumble, after which the Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips and the Eight Tray Gangster Crips engaged in a gang war that still exists to this day. The gangs origins are disputed. The rivalry started in the 1960s when Washington and other Crip members attacked Sylvester Scott and Benson Owens, two students at Centennial High School. "You can go on a robbery or something," Red said. 5 (via TNLF): "In our organization we will never argue in front of outsiders." They have a long and bitter rivalry with the Bloods. The author of this document was unusually kind, in that individual words are contained in parenthesis within the document. Some people believe the origin of the color is from the school colors of Washington High School in South L.A. Other believe they started wearing blue because of Buddha, who always wore blue shirts, khakis, shoes, and a blue bandana from his left poccet, which is why Cripsflag out the left side. That's pretty straightforward, and more difficult are the code words and numbers gang members are required to learn. Although the majority ofBlood gangs identifywith the color red, members may not always wear gang identifiers when engaging in criminal activity. You'd be hard-pressed to find a gang that openly tolerates snitches, as it tends to be bad for business and the Bloods are no exception. The Black Gangster Disciples are associated with the Folk Nation gangs and use a lot of identifiers associated with their Gang and Nation such as a pitchfork, the number 6, the number 5 placed upside down (to indicate disrespect for the rival People Nation), the six-sided Star of David symbol (to honor one of the Black Gangster Disciple founders, David BARKSDALE), and numbers 74 (for GD). Crips, street gang based in Los Angeles that is involved in various illegal activities, notably drug dealing, theft, extortion, and murder. Gangs who aligned themselves with the Eight Tray Gangster Crips adapted the Gangster Crips or Tray(3x) card while those who aligned themselves with the Rollin 60s adopted the "Neighbor Hood Crips" or Deuce(2x) card. Tattoos are among the most common way that gang members identify themselves. They are connected to both the Gangster alliance and the Hoover alliance and formed during the late 1970s. Although the United Blood Nation (UBN) was born in the prison system, as members were paroled to the streets, they formed street gangs on the East Coast under the same name, while emulating the Los Angeles Blood lifestyle. Long Beach Rollin 20s Cripsare known to wear yellow and blaccin addition to blue. According to some reports, Stanley (Tookie) Williams and Raymond Washington, both high schoolers in Los Angeles, founded the Crips in 1971 for protection from gang violence. The predominately African American gang is traditionally associated with the color red. Can you keep a secret? In Part One, OG Jesse James West Los Angeles Playboy Gangster Crips 3x discusses the transition from Dancing in the 1970s to Gang banging in his neighborhood in the 1980s. Additionally to their Blood rivalries, the Eight-Trays are hostile towards any Sureos gang showing hostilities toward African Americans. (An assault, meeting or etc), B L O OD- Blood Love Overcomes Our Depression or Brotherly Love Overrides Oppression & Destruction, Bro means Blood (way of seeing if theres a blood in jail), BoompadyBop-Phrase said by a Blood to disrespect a Crip, Dipset blood faction (There has also been sets identified with this name). But my Nation will always stand in the shine of the Six. The Bloods are known to be involved in all forms of criminal activity, but are mostly known for drug sales. A DOJ report from 2020, in listing the various crimes committed by Demetrice Devine, a "Godfather" of the Gangsta Killer Bloods from North Carolina, mentioned how this top-ranking member ordered the shooting of an informant, repeating the order to kill them after they survived and were recovering in the hospital. The code symbols used in this document are shown in (Illustration #18). A Blood gang member in Springville, Utah may bevery active in the gangster lifestyle, yet will have no connection to Blood gangs in the West or East Coast. Orders are taken with military-like obedience, too, scaling from simple, local tasks such as collecting membership dues to state-wide war. Also, Crip sets are always trying to expand their territories and find new territories to take over which essentially makes their wars never ending. The Grape Street Crips, on the other hand, have been known to wear purple in addition toblue. However, Los Angeles remained its stronghold. Being originally primarily a jailhouse gang, the UBN needed a greater level of organization and a well-defined creed to compete with other well-established organized crime gangs on the East Coast. [1] Crips also profit from extorting local drug dealers who are not members of the gang. The creation of this gang has been attributed to a guy named OG Sidewinder, who is regarded as the main founder who created this neighborhood which was a split of Stanley "Tookie" Williams ' West Side Crips. "I got love for [him]. Conflict with the Crips continued and the Bloods found themselves heavily outnumbered. The Far West Side 8-Tray faction used to rival the Inglewood Family Gang and the 99 Mafia Crips, but are currently involved in an unofficial ceasefire to take on both the Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips and the Rollin 90s Neighborhood Crips; an alliance which is not generally accepted by members from the other 8-Tray factions. Over on the East Coast, the United Blood Nation (UBN) governs by the 31 rules of the UBN. ETG's were strongly involved in the 1992 Los Angeles riots and one-time member Kody Scott (aka Sanyika Shakur) wrote a popular autobiography entitled An Autobiography of an L.A. These fictional CripBooks of Knowledge spread rapidly throughout the internet in the 90s and eventually into the streets. The gang originated on the west side of Los Angeles around 52nd and Hoover Streets between Vermont and Figueroa Avenues. Imperial Gangsters -Late 60s -Symbols: Pink Panther, 7pt imperial crown, shotgun Vice Lords -MId 1950s in Chicago at St. Charles -Eden Green and Golden Gate development -King > Minister > Universal Elites > Branch Elites -8 principles, 21 keys -Colors: red, black, gold -Symbols: top hat, martini glass, bunny, gloves, canes (strength) Once a person has joined a Blood set, its for life; meaning you can not leave the set or flip (switch) to another set. The gangs under the CripAlliance are mainly identified by the color blue which is wornproudly by all Cripmembers as a primary color. According to the film Bastards of the Party, directed by a member of the Bloods, the name represented "Community Revolutionary Interparty Service" or "Community Reform Interparty Service". Gang Terminology - Gang Enforcement. 52 Hoover Gangster Crips [52HGC, Five Deuce] are a predominately African-American street gang located in the Vermont-Slauson community of South LA in the City of Los Angeles. This hampers the use of letter frequency charts. ", According to the U.S. Department of Justice, As reported by the U.S. Department of Justice, According to "Gangland: An Encyclopedia of Gang Life from Cradle to Grave,", a Virginia state police intelligence report, according to an New York Police Department gang manual, detailed in a Virginia state police intelligence report, per a Virginia state police intelligence report. Rules Bloods Have To Follow. Technicians in white lab coats monitoring blinking lights on large banks of computers, or a large room divided into cubicles filled with assistants diligently counting symbols or words to be analyzed using letter frequency or word frequency charts. This is because many independent organizations outside of California, and across the United States have also turned into Cripsets. Several of the UBN's rules read much like what one would expect from a jailhouse gang, including provisions,TNLF describes, to ensure new Blood inmates are provided with "clean clothes, food, soap, shampoo, powder, deodorant, money, protection, and phone time." Other gangs, notably the Bloods, were established in response to the Crips growing power. Its involvement in narcotics helped the gang expand beyond Los Angeles. Stanley TookieWilliams is one of the co-founders of the Crips. The key word in this Blood rule is "respect." Using this as a guide I placed some of these now known letters back into words in the document and mixed with a little more art and science, I was able to decipher the remaining portions of the coded document and develop the list of code symbols shown in (Illustration #10). Report Cites Colorado Murder", "The Aryan Brotherhood: Profile of One of the Most Notorious Prison Gangs", Rival gangs Crips And Bloods talk "historic" coming together following Nipsey Hussle's murder", "Not on our turf: California gangs create havoc here", "Bloods Gang Members Sentenced to Life in Prison for Racketeering Conspiracy Involving Murder and Other Crimes", "Maryland Gang Member Who Goes By 'Crazy' Sentenced For Assaulting Fellow 'Crip' Behind Bars", "Inside the Black Panther Party (1 of 2)", "Review: 'Crips and Bloods: Made in America', Toronto police, numerous other forces, dismantle 'violent street gang' known as Eglinton West Crips, "At least five shooters involved in Sacramento massacre, gang ties likely, police say", PBS Independent Lens program on South Los Angeles gangs, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Crips&oldid=1152706541, Drug trafficking, murder, assault, auto theft, burglary, extortion, fraud, robbery. The Gangology Specialist Certification focuses on developing the student's level of knowledge pertaining to street gang evolution, gang crime law, gang identification, communications, typology, personal safety, and the psychological and sociological impact street gangs have on society, as well as officer and public safety. KING DAVID 2. . His orders to inmates belonging to the Bloods gang were to attack members of a "renegade gang called Pretty Tony," causing several extended prison lockdowns and multiple injuries. These are rehearsedanswers and used to confuse you. They are well-known for their brutal reputation with over 300 active members. Protect The Hood. Another gang code deliberately avoided familiar symbols but was able to be deciphered because of the use of the gang name within the document. Again, the P will be capitalized no matter is location in the word. Once in the local gang's treasury, according to a report by WSOC-TV, some of these funds are used locally, such as for loans to gang members. Founded in the early 1980's, the School Yard Crips ' territory is bordered by La Brea Avenue to the West, Crenshaw Blvd. For Slo6s and others to. HE WAS 26 YEARS OLD WITH THE PHRASE GONE BUT NOT FORGOTEN ON HIS TOMBSTONE. Cripsare also known to do a Crip Whistle which consists of 2 short bursts of loud whistles followed by a long burst of loud whistle. That year also saw Williams arrested for several murders; he became an antigang crusader before being executed in 2005. The West Side (W/S) 52 Hoover Gangster Crips (or "5-Deuce" Hoover Gangster Crips") are an active and long standing African-American street gang founded in the western region of South Los Angeles, California.They originated around 52nd Street and Hoover Street, between Vermont Avenue and Figueroa Avenue during the 1970s. B-one-eight-seven means homicide, or the act of killing a rival member, such as the Crips, reflecting the police code for homicide, 187. Egg Toast and Grits , Tramps , Pranksta , Crabs , ASH TRAYS , 8-TRAIDERS . They failed miserably because of their laccof political leadership. Both individuals, high ranking members of the Nine Trey Gangsters, were setting examples of the rules stating that members should "keep an up and alert mind while going to court or any area around us" and "we will always use intelligence over emotion," visually at least. Most gangs are classified as 100% black with less than a 1% white membership (Gang and Gang Awareness, 1989). For example, the words "kick back" are written "kicc bacc", and block is written as "blocc". Crips, street gang based in Los Angeles that is involved in various illegal activities, notably drug dealing, theft, extortion, and murder. Earl Donnell Riley, who had a laundry list of previous criminal convictions and was just released from prison 10 months ago, was killed in an exchange of gunfire with the officers. The two rival gangsters united together to form the Black Gangster Disciple Nation ( BGDN ). Sometimes a gang member wants to hide his affiliation to a specific gang and does not use recognizable identifiers to connect them to the gang. The color then became associated with Crips. Perhaps most troubling to the science of deciphering, is the fact that writers of documents written in a gang code dont spell words correctly or use rules of grammar. Crip Knowledge is used to tell if some one is false claimin or not like lets say I see some Cuz rockin C'Z all day and I spit him some crip knowledge and he doesnt know then he is false claming. Some gang members instead join the military, so they are trading one hard-to-leave and risk-laden group for another, as reported by the FBI. Bloods, street gang based in Los Angeles that is involved in drugs, theft, and murder, among other criminal activities. One example from this report describes how the Southside Brim have seven listed ranks starting with "Baby Gangster" and ending with the highest rank of "Triple OG (Original Gangster).". The T is made into an upside down pitchfork by drawing a line down from each side of the horizontal part in the T. Gang members might also get weapons, a pit bull, blood drops, or combinations of all these with a theme from the members local "hood," as listed in a Virginia state police intelligence report. 52 Hoover Gangster Crips. The Crips are one of the largest and most violent associations of street gangs in the United States. Independent - By ourself 15. Wall banging consists of marking territory with graffittiwhich shows what gang controls that turf or going into a rivals turf and crossing out their graffitti. In 1972, on the streets of Los Angeles, a gang war between the dominant Crips and several local rivals was playing out, per Black Past. Larry Hoover, also known as "King Larry," was born on November 30, 1950, in Jackson, Mississippi. The most well knowngang within this group was the Piru Street Boys. The art of deciphering again provided a starting point. Helping foster a sense of unity when joining the Bloods includes a brutal initiation of having to withstand a 21- or 31-second (on the West Coast and East Coast, respectively) beating from the very Blood gang you're attempting to join, asdetailed in a Virginia state police intelligence reportsometimes called a "jump-in" or "shoot the 31." They show respect to the gang and disrespect other gangs on a normal basis. People in the neighborhood then began calling them cripples, or "Crips" for short. Gang members in gangs under the Cripallainceare known as Locsand all Cripscall each other cuz (short for cousin) to signify that they see each other as family. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Bloods will align themselves with other gangs to engage in criminal activity, including their rivals the Crips, although most alliances quickly fade away. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The 83 Gangster Crips are also rivals of the 87 Gangster Crips, 97 Gangster Crips and the 98 Gangster Crips due to their alliance with deuce(2x) gangs. I was able to begin the translation of this document because I recognized the symbols used by the BGD and then used that information to identify words and phrases that are important to the philosophy of this gang. to the East, Venice Boulevard to the North and the Santa Monica Freeway to the South. Along with a few other friends near his 78th Street home near Fremont High School, Stanley TookieWilliams and Raymond Washington created the Cripsalliance with the initialintent of continuing the revolutionary ideology of the 1960s. All of these codes were able to be deciphered by using a combination of science and the art of deciphering a gang code. This shows disrespect towards the Crips. This outreach has been makinga major impact on Crips in the south and midwest who have all been dropping the use of anything related to the Folks Nationand a 6 point star and are all steady getting bacc to their roots. Capozzoli, Thomas and McVey, R. Steve (1999). Any organization needs a steady source of revenue to help fund their activities, and Bloods are no different. It is strongest within the prisons, and less effective outside. The second line contained Alls Well (Note the punctuation). The alliance between the Crips and Folks is known as "8-ball". [42], Crips have served in the United States armed forces and on military bases in the United States and abroad. There is always hope in correcting this. The Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips is a street gang based in Los Angeles, California, originally formed in Los Angeles in 1976 from the Westside Crips and having since spread to other cities in the United States. Cards are smaller alliances of individualCripgangs within the Cripalliance itself, which gangs within the cards are known to put before the wholeCripalliance. Gangs Acknowledgment and Dedication A special thanks to Thomas Babicky, Illinois Department of Corrections Training Officer, and to the Los Angeles Police and County Sheriff's Departments whose conferences and materials were used in the construction of this manual. A lot of people believe the name came to existancebecause of a spelling error. Blaaaat, Blaaaat The Blood saying to let each other know something is about to happen. After two years of peace, a feud began between the Pirus and the other Crip sets. Historically the Five Deuce Hoovers . Cripsunder the Neighborhood Card and the Avenue Cripsare known to wear baby blue. The Crips gained national attention for their bitter rivalry with the Bloods. There were over a thousand active 5-Deuce Hoover gang members in South Central Los Angeles by the late 1980s. HOW CAN ANY BODY FORGET THE CRIPS. The Crips is an alliance of street gangs that is based in the coastal regions of Southern California. Due to their shared hatred for Neighbor Hood Crips, the Nutty North Side 8-Tray faction are friendly towards the 54 Van Ness Gangster Brims and the Harvard Park Brims (specifically the 62 Brims). Jim Jones Vampire Life We Own the Night. The document in this sample is a document produced by the Black Gangster Disciples. states. For example, (Illustration #11 & #12) shows the use of a Tic Tac Toe type code, in this case used by the Bloods gang. THE HAD A INITION SONG CALLED "THE RICH THEY HAVE TO CRY, THE POOR THEY HAVE TO CRY". As reported by the U.S. Department of Justice,in 2011, Pedro Gutierrez, a "Godfather" of the NYC Bloods gang Nine Trey Gangsters, ordered a gang war in North Carolina. Some claim it is a mispronunciation of Cribs, while others suggest it is an amalgamation of Cribs and RIP (rest in peace), representing members involvement from birth to death. CRIBBLES WAS LATTER SHORTEND TO CRIP BECAUSE CRIB AND CRIP SOUND ALIKE. What was once a single gang is now a loosely connected network of individual sets, often engaged in open warfare with one another. Cease Fire - To break up murders 11. At one time, the Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips and the Eight Tray Gangster Crips were close allies and often fought rival gangs together. In 1958, a group of young teenagers from Hyde Park, Englewood, and Kenwood came together as friends to create an alliance to combat their enemies. It has been rumored that some movie theaters actually promoted the movie by offering a bandana to movie attendees. He can be contacted at: KLIVANS@optonline.net. The East Coast Crips (from East Los Angeles) and the Hoover Crips directly severed their alliance after Washington's death. Not long afterwards the situation escalated to both gang members getting into a fist fight, followed by the four fellow gang members jumping them both in a flurry of arms and fists. So rather than committing violence or any sort of Halloween trickery, Bloods members simply chill. [27] The name had no political, organizational, cryptic, or acronymic meaning, though some have suggested it stands for "Common Revolution In Progress", a backronym. [23], As of 2015, the Crips gang consists of between approximately 30,000 and 35,000 members and 800 sets, active in 221 cities and 41 U.S. In 1972, on the streets of Los Angeles, a gang war between the dominant Crips and several local rivals was playing out, per Black Past. PEOPLE CALLED THEM CRIBBLES BECOUSE OF THERE WALKING CANES. This alliance was established to protect gang members incarcerated in state and federal prison. This type of code is very flexible because the users can place any letter in any symbol opening. This page was last edited on 1 May 2023, at 20:38. Contrary to popular belief, real Crips are not part of the Folks Nation Alliance, they are part of the Cripsalliance.
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