It begins like this: I have three kids, and they devour books like crazy people. A Christian Guide to Leading by Tony Reinke. Andrew Peterson has awakened my inner eight-year-old, and that is a very . And so I missed the glory of what those books really were, for many years. The Dragon Day Festival. The sadness in the ending is the beauty. I thought even the voice of the narrator in these books is distinctive. ), I was thinking we should collaborate on our own version of the non-existent 5th book, starting with Janner waking up at the Living Well, and ending it with, well, whatever we Its interesting to me youre citing Revelation, because when I think about names in scripture, where my mind goes is the creation account. But what I think is different about your work is that even in your prophetic moments, theres also still a gentleness you have about you. Its hard to find that. I hope youll get your hands on a copy of the books and join the adventure. Kudos: 3 Hits: 58 The restoring by Ellie_the_Throne_Warden What was the building Maraly Weaver jumped from when she tried to help Gammon Felda in Dug town, when he was being chased by the fangs? Drink, he told me, and thirst no more.. He did it to find the jewels. With gods on the screen, havent you wondered how many pastors get the question, Can a Christian watch Marvel movies? Hebrews 13:2 says, Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. We show hospitality to angels without knowing it. Janner, the eldest, is about to discover that the ordinary little town where they live is anything but ordinary. But its really bad if youre susceptible to voices, the voice of the enemy. All would be normal except the Jewels of Anniera appeared. Andrew Peterson: So, in this story, I wanted to make the parents actual parents, who actually loved and liked their kids. A Christian Guide to Reading Books by Tony Reinke. While I see traces of Pratchett-like humour, Peterson claims a more honourable lineage, the Princess Bride by William Goldman. The Maker is good and the people trust in Him. What was the name of the girl that Buzzard Willie stole right out from under the nose of Podo Helmar in their young days? Yeah. Does that make sense? Peterson, our redeemed fantasy nerd, draws us into the world of the Wingfeather Saga. BEEP. It was just two weeks after they had returned to Anniera. Also, may I just say that Andrew Petersons music is better than Wingfeather, go ahead, disagree, but its just my thought. The author talks about how in Narnia, we can see that people are eating, but you never see any evidence of where they get their food. Andrew Peterson: I was waking up to writers like Wendell Berry, and Walt Wangerin Jr., and. A podcast where I review Christian books for you. Andrew Peterson: I think it comes down to the fact that I wanted the world to feel real, and therefore, I wanted the characters to feel real. He disappeared for years after the Great War and little is known about what happened to him before he resurfaced in Glipwood under the name of Peet the Sock Man Yep. But those stories tend to paint the world to look like there is some great evil out there, and our heros there to vanquish the evil. Thanks for your support! RUDRICK AND NIA SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN MARRIED AND HAD A LITTLE GIRL NAMED MADYA AND SARAH COBBLER IS NOW HEARTBROKEN! The tree house swayed and creaked in its perch, and the smell of stew filled their noses. Jake Meador: Hmm. i actually agree about the kissingkinda wanna go back over it and make it better. Andrew Peterson: This is another pet peeve I have with a lot of books, especially kids books. I want to start by asking about some of the stories that were contributing to the leaf mould for you, as you were writing and coming up with characters and the plot line. We are working hard on the show and would love to share our journey with you. No way. Should We? But is Wingfeather a Christian book? You can watch the 15 minute animated short, just search Wingfeather in YouTube or watch it in the Wingfeather website. So it was hard for me to be like, Heres my character sheet, and even if I did try to write a story, I was very private about it. Every month, I review Faithlifes Free Book of the Month and while waiting for the next free book, I pick a book that tickles my fancy. Thor is the God of Thunder. HERES THE LINK TO THE GOOGLE DOC Instead of being fanged, she was forced to work in the Fork Factory. I usually tell kids You may be mad at me now, but when you read it to your kids, I think youll understand.. "Nia, you, Leeli, Arundelle, and Madya will go in the middle-back of the group. Whereas in Tolkien, in The Shire, you actually get the sense that this is a real place. They could probably put together the stories in a way that kids these days probably arent capable of. They are in your cinemas and streaming services. But then as I was reading the Wingfeather books, I thought back to that again, and I thought that they maybe werent getting your work quite right. Footnote. I only read the first of the Golden Compass books, and I liked it until the end and then I hated it. During the Wingfeather War, Janner was taken to the Fork Factory, and he likely would have not escaped without the help of Sara. Yes, Im glad that youve noticed. *now sneaks away without reading anything else because I havent finished the series and dont want to read spoilers.*. Many Christians are suspicious of fantasy literature despite the progenitors of modern fantasy genre, J.R.R. Do you like free ebooks? Some of my favorite parts of the whole story are like, Okay, what happens next?. Nia would bake maggotloaf for the Fangs of Dang. No sign up. Im sure there are a lot of loose ends. And today, I review the Wingfeather Saga, a four-book childrens fantasy series written by Peter Anderson, sorry, I meant, Andrew Peterson. At first I tried to keep up, tried to preview every book they read. Amazon.The Nonicles of Chrania by C.S. There you go. But then I realized, This is not the end of the story. It couldnt be the end of the story; there were too many practical considerations. The theological core is Christian. Do you like hot-off-the-presses? I like the alternate ending @zoe-wingfeather. I had this sense that Kalmar was going to make some bad choices, and that he was going to turn into a Fang, while I was writing book one. *scowls*. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness: The Wingfeather Saga Book 1 at the best online prices at eBay! The second book, North! Eventually, they were ready and locked Mobrik and the Overseer in the coffins. Janner had to be the one. Andrew Peterson: Well, there are two answers to that question. Its disruptive of our comfort, basically, because it forces us to repent in precisely the places where were most at ease. But those are few and far between, in my experience. I hadnt thought about the Revelation text, so thats interesting. More on that later. You dont want to miss my review Jacob Abbotts 200 year old book, The Young Christian; Or a Familiar Illustration of the Principles of Christian Duty. S. Poythress and God, Technology and the Christian Life by Tony Reinke. Readers become non-readers, non-readers turn to readers. As I hope I did today. If you know someone who likes fantasy novels, recommend this review. Or is it okay if I just dont watch the ones with Thor?. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Really fantastic interview. Nope. Andrew Peterson: I mostly hated it. But on one condition, Janner has to keep a watchful eye over his brother, Tink, and sister, Leeli. Im working on making the ultimate Igiby trivia. Avengers and Superman are god-like men. Their mother insists they do their THAGS. I couldnt cry. Thanks for taking the time to talk to me! Its not just a generalized pride or ambition. He sighed, then limped back to his corner. One job. But please tell me the fat guy with the two black patches on his eyes in not Podo? But when the Fangs make the first move and invade Ban Rona, the children are separated. But whether it was because of my own awakening to the beauty of life through the saving truth of the gospel or because of Tolkiens own faith and attentiveness to the Holy Spirit while writing The Lord of the Rings, when his story ended the world around me held more possibility, not less; it was brighter, not duller; my eyes were clearer, not dimmer. Arriving back at the ruins of Castle Rysen, the family again gave thanks to the Maker for restoring Janner. The royal family is on the run, and the Fang armies of Gnag the Nameless are close behind. The first is that when I was a kid, it was pulp fantasy, like when I was in junior high I talked my dad, who is a pastor, into letting me read this series called the Dragonlance Chronicles, which were an offshoot of Dungeons & Dragons, which was the most evil thing you could read back then. If I cant appeal to either the creative or the theological reasoning part of your brain, then my last resort, the big guns is the anti-book. It was this little world that I didnt know how to talk about. I identify to Jannerso much it hurts[sobbing], Im gonna like, LIVE in this thread for a while. But he can't. He is stuck in this backward village called Glipwood. Jake Meador: Oh, of course. Your kids will never admit it but Wingfeather helps readers see family clearer, not dimmer and homework brighter, not duller. Sara and Janner, Kalmar and whatever-her-name-is-that-used-to-be-nuzzard Rudrick and Nia Leevi and Thorn Kelvey and Maraly Artham and Alma. In the same way God told Jesus what he had to do. North! No theophanies. Read Tony Reinkes book, Lit! Oh, yes, the people of Skree were quite free, as long as they were in their homes by midnight. Sometimes Harry and Ron or Hermione are mad at each other, and youre like, Come on. So that was part of what I was going for. If its not obvious by now, Im one of the 8000 fans of the Wingfeather Saga. Janner Wingfeather's father was the High King of Anniera. And would listen to them if they needed to tell them something. When Janner discovers who his father is and where he is from, his journey home is fraught with peril and loss and sadness. Andrew Peterson: In his essay on fairy stories, he lays out his theology of storytelling, a particular kind of storytelling. Impulsive, he drags Janner into tunnels and what-not to explore. A redeemed fantasy nerd sees, through gospel lens, the story of another world. For more book reviews, go to The true love the sacrificial love. This was my first attempt at writing, so I can look back and see myself slowly figuring out how it worked as the books were written. They live in a world called Aerwiar, which is exactly like our worldexcept they dont have electricity or gunpowder, and there are all sorts of creepy animals, like sea dragonsand toothy cows. I tried, I really did, but nothing came. And then I heard it. I cried, laughed so hard my stomach hurt, and know a bunch of random facts about it that no one else in my family can remember. These characters have a very well-developed interior life, in ways that Narnia sometimes gestures toward, like with the roots of Edmunds meanness or Eustaces general unpleasantness, but I think you spent more time working on that. After watching it, some went to read the books. So this goes back to something I heard someone say probably 10 or 12 years ago. Andrew Peterson: Hes basically a George MacDonald scholar. Artham P. Wingfeather ( AR-thum [1]) is the Throne Warden, of the royal Wingfeather family of Anniera. And so, I think that happens at a deeper theological level, when it comes to naming humans. Andrew Peterson: It was just a spaceship flying around, with these cardboard characters in them. If you like the book reviews, please consider supporting. After your kids read it, they will take care of their siblings, respect their elders, do their homework. Jake Meador: But that brings up another interesting thing about that last bookwhat do you do with all these fangs that have totally lost their identities after Gnag is gone? Hes just this vain person whose decline could be guessed from his earliest days. The children would go to sleep at night hoping the Black Carriage does not come for them. Leeli is a sweet 8 year old girl who loves dogs. There is no Aslan. Which I think a lot of moralistic Christian literature does sometimes. So Leeli loves dogs. Well, in the text, one of the first things it means is that they get to name the rest of creation, and so that was kind of where I was thinking with that theme. Andrew Peterson: I have been feeling that, but then when I think about it in terms of eucatastrophe, I get this glimmer of hope, and I go, Oh man, the author of the story has this amazing ending in mind. And whether or not we see it in our generation, or it happens later, we trust that the author of the story is good. So, I just finished the series, and I loved it. That was so sweet, one of the sweetest love stories Ive ever heard. Or Be Eaten is the winner of the 2009 Christy Award for Young Adult fiction. Obviously thats not Tolkiens point with him anyway. And so the characters in the story cant see a good end to their story, and then you as the reader are in the same boat, because youre reading it and going, How in the world is this going to work out?. *apologizes to . And that was very common for most of the history of western literature. Jake Meador: Ive not read that one, but Ive read some of his other books. Because there will most likely be spoiler alerts this thread, and you DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT want those for Wingfeather. Davy Joy wasnt a fan, but I thought it was right. The children set up an orphanage at an abandoned factory called Thimble Thumb's Threads. This I think is the first time Ive read of a death more of a sacrifice that mirrors the cross. The worlds of Terry Pratchetts Discworld, George R.R. Thanks! There is no running away from home in this book. Home Page Forums Fiction Writing Book Discussions Wingfeather Saga. If you havent read them, go away, read them, (theyre by Andrew Peterson) and come back when theyre done. The annoying, frustrating, kind-of-smart cliffhanger that leaves you to decide for yourself whether Janner Igiby Wingfeather comes back to life, or stays with the Maker. And if that last sentence made you smile, prepare to laugh . The first book, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness is the 2008 Christy Award Nominee for Young Adult Fiction. when kal howled it should have been me I realized Petersons true meaning. Gnag the Nameless sent an army of Fangs across the Sea of Darkness, to conquer Skree but Skree itself was not the main goal. I cant remember the author now. Were over halfway through the fourth book, and Im already dreading the ending, which I will not be able to get through without coming unglued. Summary. I dont know if youve seen Breaking Bad? At the end of the Wingfeather War, Sara is seen boarding Hulwen to go on a quest with Kalmar, Leeli, Nia, and Oskar to find the First Well and try to heal Janner. It doesnt do anybody any good to make a straw man out of evil. Currently depressed because I can't stop listening to sad musicals. I cried so hard. It should be considered Christian literature. The anti-book is a dangerous mind-bending weapon because it can backfire. Ollister Pembricks seminal work on the woeful and wonderful creatures of Skree. During the Wingfeather War, Janner was taken to the Fork Factory, and he likely would have not escaped without the help of Sara. Fang of Dang? Andrew Peterson: If I compare that to that scene in Return of the Jedi when the Emperor and Luke are having their final showdown, and Luke is looking out the window and he sees the battle happening a long way away, and you know that Han Solo and Lando and theyre all fighting, and you love these characters. Jake Meador: Well and even after Gnag is gone, theres Fangs that are like, We dont know what were supposed to do now., Jake Meador: Weve just been evil for so long, and, Jake Meador: When I was reading that to Davy Joy my wife was in the kitchen and overheard the part where one of the one Fangs is like, What if we like being evil?. Since you still struggle to walk properly, Sara can help you." Sara went and stood by Janner. You know what I mean? They both had classical training, and could probably read The Iliad in its original language. Do you want the next best thing after the Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia? That actually leads into another thing I was struck by while I was reading the stories. (in which i /properly/ end it, of course). He can't go out to see the world so he enjoys the next best thing, being there when the world comes to him. He died in our place when we should have died. That idea of inheriting this new name from Jesus is pretty powerful. The solution to trouble is not to run away alone but to bring it to the family because nothing is stronger than family. I love names anyway. And yet, youre able to convey aspects of what drives them and what motivates them through their actions, and we do get these glimmers into what theyre afraid of, what they care about. Not only have my tastes changed (the quality of the writing left something to be desired), but they strike me as a way to pass the time rather than enrich it. You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Lewis, being Christians. I realize now what he really meant. Jake Meador: It doesnt get better. It can describe the world, how it functions and how to subdue it. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THESE BOOKS AND HAVE NEVER READ THEM DO NOT READ THIS! But I have always, I dont know what it is about me, but I tend, if Im watching a detective series on Netflix, I tend toward the grittier things. Andrew Peterson: Lay scholar, I should say. He had one job. Before I get to that reason, I need to address the dragon in the room. Andrew Peterson: The misunderstanding feels so it doesnt ring true with my experience of what its like to be a friend to somebody. Theres not a lot of interest in the world itself, where things come from, where characters come from. Link further up on page. And if they dont do any of that, there is a greater not-so-obvious prize. This happens most obviously with the Fangs, when they get a new name after theyre Fanged. Three Honoured and Great Subjects: Word, Form, and Song. Its a pretty potent imagination, and has been as long as I can remember, which can be good if youre a songwriter, or a novel writer, whatever. Free shipping for many products! Youre not straw-manning evil, but also even your darkest characters are not just dark. Janner is alone and lost in the hills; Leeli is fighting the Fangs from the rooftops of the city; and Kalmar, who carries a terrible secret, is on a course for the Deeps of Throg. The problem was theyre also filthy. Andrew Peterson: I would say that that was probably the biggest influence on anything that I would writethe constant presence of the Bible, because I grew up in this conservative church that had me memorizing Bible verses from the time I was little. He lives in Lincoln, NE with his wife Joie, their daughter Davy Joy, and sons Wendell, Austin, and Ambrose. I actually like some of his movies a lot, but it was just too much whatever. YES, THE WINGFEATHER SAGA!!!!!!!!! At the beginning of the story Janner is twelve, Kalmar (whose nickname is Tink) is eleven, and their little sister Leeli is nine. Andrew Peterson: They make these small decisions, and then for the next five episodes you see the outflow of the sin that created this situation. BEEP. Two weeks after the healing of the cloven and Fangs. Janners brother, Tink, discovers a map that shows the location of the Jewels of Anniera. There is an epic story. The Wingfeather Saga LOTR con - Freeform When the great villains of each world come back, and unite in power to have dominion over all of the worlds, the heroes must unite as well. To hear more of Andrew Petersons thoughts on making, read his autobiography, Adorning the Dark: Thoughts of Community, Calling and the Mystery of Making. Some time afterwards, he re-reads the Chronicles of Narnia and something happens: The reintroduction of fairy tales to my redeemed imagination helped me to see the Maker, his Word, and the abounding human (but sometimes Spirit-commandeered) tales as interconnected. Click the button. I think everybody is looking at the election thats coming up, and were like, No matter what, were hosed.. I mean, he has to. Suddenly it matters when a spaceship blows up. Below is the way I described it to another wingfeather friend of mine. Hes Tink in the first two books, and hes Kalmar in the last two. Jake Meador: To get his kids to safety, and yet its still there. And just like the Discworld novels, the footnotes in Wingfeather resent being footnotes. Whos Your Authority? Donita K. Paul, author of The Vanishing Sculptor "In a genre overrun by the gory and the grim, Peterson's bite-sized chapters taste more like a stew of Gorey (Edward) and Grimm (the Brothers). The writer of the Wingfeather Saga is not a recovering fantasy nerd, he is a redeemed fantasy nerd. BEEP. Why? I have never felt anything so badly at all, even in real life!!!!! The most important take away from Reinkes book is we need a Christian worldview to know what to read and not to read, and to flourish from our reading. I think thats utterly delightful. The first book is titled, On the Edge of the Sea of Darkness, followed by North! But. He could have chosen a non de plume, a pen name, but instead he prefers to answer the same question, every where he goes, Are you Andrew Peterson, the songwriter and musician extraordinaire?. The whole movie felt like a cardboard cutout of a story that was an excuse for a whole bunch of cool special effects and concepts. And he started out as a human being who kind of like Tom Riddle, just partook of the wrong fruit for so long that he lost his humanity. Something that intrigued me is that it felt to me like a lot of the time, Podo and Nia, you dont actually get to see their interior life as much, which is kind of a plot necessity in the first book, especially. With Bonifer, though, theres actually this backstory that helps us understand his transformation. But you cant just bury them forever; you still have to confront it. A recovering fantasy nerd, like a recovering alcoholic, struggles with wanting what he is not supposed to want. But thats not my experience as a parent. Im sobbing because I realize how much it means. Theyre accompanied by Leelis dog Nugget, their mother Nia, and their ex-pirate grandfather Podo Helmer. Janner comes back, right? Former Fork Factory slave, Leader of Fork Factory orphans. When Im watching Marvel movies, and the cities are getting blown up, Im always like, Who cleans this up? Im always just kind of like, My goodness, all the work that they put into that building, and its just rubble now. If there are real consequences to our decisions, then it begins to smack of the real world in a way that is more moving than otherwise. In that message, Peterson has a note to parents. And eucatastrophe, which means good catastrophe, is a way of awakening us to hope and longing. All of this ridiculousness. Andrew Peterson: Well, I think I could say this: I grew up watching the original Star Wars trilogy, and loving it. Ha. You are listening to Reading and Readers, not Watching and Watchers. Tolkien and C.S. And as I thought about that, I think you do have that element to your songwriting, and its certainly there in the stories. Its like the long defeat idea that the Elves talk about in Lord of the Rings; that okay, even if the bad guys win, that doesnt let me off the hook; I still fight for what is right. Andrew Peterson: Yeah,I think thats a big one. And life would have turned back to normal. And the way that that gets expressed is a little bit different for the parents, because I mean you show it really beautifully I think with Podo at the end of North! I cannot stress that enough. Its already true, but were still growing into it, in some sense. That was the leaf mould. If this world was real, if I wanted the reader to feel like there were real consequences to characters decisions, then what do you do with a bunch of Fangs after their leader is gone? Frodos ring. So we have this idea presented right away in the text that people are made in Gods image in a way that the rest of the creation is not. Havent you heard, the book of Acts has not ended because we are still living in it? Jake Meador: I had been reading the whole series without realizing it and then I got there and was like, huh, thats actually a huge plot problem., Andrew Peterson: Yeah, well, okay, so thats a good example of what were talking about. And in a world that were living in now, with COVID, and riots, and everything else, I sometimes cannot see a good way for this to end. Im reading aloud the Wingfeather Saga to my kids (again). That was when Derek was doing Mockingbird, and those kind of things, and I remember tracking with it at the time. So, thats the first answer to the question: it was just pulp fantasy, followed by a slowly-increasing discernment for what good literature was. How did you approach that challenge of kind of writing adult characters, for kids, while still giving them that kind of depth, even when you cant show it, in the way you could with Janner? *bursts through the door* dID I HEAR THE WINGFEATHER SAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA It starts with a g I think. Sara Cobbler was born in Torrborro. In the meantime, we read Wingfeather and reflect on what that world there has to teach us of this world here. Besides, all things are of God; and, therefore, why should it not be lawful to dedicate to his glory everything that can properly be employed for such a purpose? Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture. I mean, he has to. He does it in an almost mechanical way. I was also reading some Stephen King stuff, against my parents wishes, and I would literally crawl under my bed to read Stephen King novels, in order to get away with it. Coincidentally, 8000+ angel investors raised five million dollars to turn the story into a multi-season animation series. I cried so hard. It gave us a bedtime routine and something to look forward to every night for several months as we made it through the whole series. Jake Meador: I think when we started reading, we were gifted the first two books by a friend, and we were actually just trying to get Davy onto something other than Harry Potter. Please no one hit me. : Notes on Ideology and Enemies, Meritocracy, the Wingfeather Saga, and Civility - Front Porch Republic, New animated series 'The Wingfeather Saga' teaches Christian values in an epic fantasy world - FISM TV, New animated series The Wingfeather Saga teaches Christian values in an epic fantasy world ReviewLocate : Books , Book Reviews And More, Navigating the Scylla and Charybdis: Paul Ramsey and Contemporary Political Theology. Tozer, A Ransom for Many: Mark 10:45 as a Key to the Gospel by John Lee and Daniel Brueske, Pauls Thorn in the Flesh: New Clues for an Old Problem by Kenneth Berding, Dad Tired and Loving It: Stumbling Your Way to Spiritual Leadership by Jerrad Lopes. How did you create them? I heard someone say that his successor as a poet was Andrew Peterson and his successor as a prophet was Derek Webb. (both with InterVarsity Press), "A Protestant Christendom?" it struck me so hard I sat upright on the couch and cried No! while my family stared at me. I guess thats the point. You construct a story where the reader and the characters in the book have stopped believing that their story can end well. I really need that ending. Sara Cobbler was one of the children taken away by the Black Carriage. And then theres what Tolkien calls the sudden joyous turn., Andrew Peterson: The moment where the author lifts the curtain and shows you that he had some amazing surprise in mind all along. But he was saved by Christ because his faith on God was counted as righteousness and Abrahams saving faith was ultimately found in Christ.
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