A funeral service is to be held at 1100hrs on Tuesday, 14 February 2023 at Salvation Army Gold Coast Temple Corps, 173 Wardoo Street, Southport Qld. Advanced notices. If you want to amend information kept by the Registry, you'll need to lodge an Application to Correct an Entry form. Australia's most comprehensive and accessible online listing of death and funeral notices from 2008 to the present. Policies, DEATH NOTICES SUMMARY - NEW Death & funeral notices. Today I have become aware of the death of former NSW Police Officer David WYLIEName: David Rodney WYLIE [19938] 62 old unattached Member RFPABorn: 27/03/1960Died: 04/10/2022Address: VALENTINE. TodayIhavebecome awareof thedeathofformerNSW PoliceOfficerGary SCOTT, Name: Gary James SCOTT[10183] 83oldVeteran MemberMid North CoastBranchRFPA, Died: 21/03/2021 (83rdbirthday). Robert Clive NEWTON, 92old, veteran member of the RFPA, passed away on the 11/12/2022. Today I have become aware of the death of a former NSW Police Officer Mal CONDONName: Malcolm John CONDON [13307] 80 old not a MemberBorn: UnknownDied: 20 Apr 2023, Today I have become aware of the death of former NSW Police Officer Bernard HIGGINSName: Bernard Leslie HIGGINS [20406] 66 old Member of the Sydney Branch RFPANSWBorn: 25/08/1956Died: 24/04/2023, Today I have become aware of the death of former NSW Police Officer Bob SCARFFName: Robert Lawerance SCARFFBorn: 10/07/1940Died: 24/04/2023. Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers. Her funeral held at Penrith on 23/11/2022. Today I have become aware of the death of former NSW Police Officer Brian COSTIGANName: Brian John COSTIGAN [7589] 88 old Veteran Member Central Coast, Branch RFPASNSWBorn: 29/05/1934Died: 02/10/2022Address: EAST GOSFORDFuneral arrangements: Service to be held Friday 7 October 2022 with further detail TBA.Informant and celebrant is Tony THORRINGTON, Veteran member RFPA Central CoastBranch. Bruce Haigh worked variously as a jackeroo, an oil rig worker, an army conscript in Vietnam, a diplomat, a champion of refugees, and a . Born: 31/08/1933Died: 17/11/2022Address: TWEED HEADSFuneral arrangements: Thursday 15 December 10am QLD time or 11am NSW time at St Josephs Catholic Church Tweed Heads. 53 years. Taree, New South Wales. He last worked at Lithgow in 1993, completing 22 years of service. Links to Obituaries and Funeral Notices in Victoria, NSW, Queensland, SA, NT and Tasmania. 13062, passed away on 5 February 2023 aged 78. A funeral service is to be held at the chapel, Pettigrew Family Funerals, 444 Pacific Highway, Belmont on Thursday, 3 November 2022 at 1230hr. Today I have become aware of the death of former NSW Police Officer Warren THOMPSONName: Warren John THOMPSON [8680] 84 old Veteran RFPA Member, Northern Rivers Branch. This covers more than 90% of the sources we index. Former Detective Senior Constable Stephen Bruce Bromhead, Reg No. Born: 19/05/1938Died: 3/02/2023Funeral arrangements: A Private funeral is to be held on Friday 10 February 2023, and no police involvement is requested. In 2020, we commenced indexing notices from Funeral . DEAN-JONES, Trevor Frederick. Today I have become aware of the death of former NSW Police Officer Alan GALEName: Alan Francis GALE [19153] 73 old Member of the Macarthur Branch RFPANSWBorn: 14/04/1949Died: 04/12/2022Funeral arrangements: Wed 14 December 2022 at 1030am, South Chapel, Forest LawnCemetery, Leppington. All deaths that occur in NSW must be registered with the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages within 7 days of the burial or cremation. Australian Daily Funeral and Death Notices. All friends and former colleagues are invited to attend. Chris Bentley would like to thank everyone from the bottom of her heart for the support, phone messages, visits, flowers etc on the passing of Jim. Publish a notice + Online Memorial. clear Search. Year of death State. He last worked at Lithgow completing 13 years of service. clear Search. For many Australians, writing a Will or managing a deceased estate is an expensive and time-consuming burden. A funeral service is to be held at the Hillside Chapel, Palmdale Memorial Park, Palmdale Road, Palmdale on Friday, 3 February 2023 at 1430hr. Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click Start now or Create an obituary for your loved to begin. {{::item.searchtitle}} View all notices for '{{search.query.name}}' Peter Gerard Schaap. It will be held in Toowoomba, and is in the hands of Burstows Funeral Directors. Today I have become aware of the death of Retired unsworn Administration Officer Sharon Leonie Newman passed away on 9 February 2023 aged 67. but is purely a research aid to direct the researcher to the original source Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. Domain age. Simply browse the Inverells obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved ones name. {{::item.searchtitle}} View all notices for '{{search.query.name}}' He last worked at Sydney City in 1989, completing 30 years of service.Funeral : 10am Friday 10th March 2023. {{::item.searchtitle}} View any advertisements for '{{search.query.name}}' Advertiser, admin@west-australian-daily-funeral-and-death-notices.com.au, Sydney It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing of our Illawarra branch veteran member Royston (Roy) McIntyre, 91 old, reg. 'close':'open'}} All content is safe, and will be uploaded as soon as possible. Funeral held at Kellyville 7 Feb 2023. David will request Police presence on the day. Retired Senior Constable Wayne George Merry Reg No 15372 passed away on 4 November 2022 aged 73. We partner with trusted brands to ensure we can deliver valuable information and product recommendations She was performing Customer Service duties at PoliceLink Tuggerah and was in her 22nd year of service. The late former Sergeant 3rd Class Noel Thomas Pringle, reg no. Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. Finding lost money She last worked at Criminal Records Section in 2020, completing 13 years of service. Funeral St Marys Catholic Chuirch Park Street Orange 10am Thursday 10th November. Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers. All Members are advised of the passing of ALLOTT Mary Dawn 75 old, Wife of Peter ALLOTT (13771). {{::item.searchtitle}} View all notices for '{{search.query.name}}' Yes, flower arrangements are fulfilled and delivered by local florists from Nowra. CLUFF Julie Isabel, 81 Old, wife of veteran Sydney RFPA Branch Member Darcy CLUFF, passed away 03/02/23.Funeral : Her funeral will be held atthe Camellia Chapel, Macquarie Park Cemetery, Cnr. Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers. Today I have become aware of the death of former NSW Police Officer Max SMITHName: Max SMITH, not an RFPA Member.Born: Not knownDied: Not knownAddress: Not knownWork History: Former driving school instructor, St IvesFuneral arrangements: Service will be conducted next week by Tony THORRINGTON,Veteran Member Central Coast Branch RFPA, and a funeral celebrant. Retired Inspector Peter John McLay passed away on 1 January 2023, aged 56 years. Because the Index was originally created by the Sydney Dead Persons Society, All times AEST (GMT +10). Today I have become aware of the death of a former NSW Police Officer Gerry SULLIVANName: Gerald Charles SULLIVAN [15523] 76 old, not an RFPA memberBorn: 20/09/1946Died: 29/04/2023. YOUNG PEOPLE AT INCREASED RISK OF HOMELESSNESS. Organising a funeral Date Listed: 1/5 . All friends and former colleagues are invited to attend. We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture. 11341, passed away on Tuesday, 14 March2023 aged 77. . and suburban newspapers in NSW, due to the closures in 2020. Former Sergeant Gordon Ian Bourke, Reg No. (M) 0414 512 302(E) (function(){var ml="gosh.4lyictkm%0aer",mi="0?AA73@2;@::5=5>0
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