Concerning research on psychotherapy and Carl Rogers, which of the following. Carl Rogers's position on confronting the client is that: A) confrontation is to be avoided at all costs. How should your firm respond? 15. needs. Therapists utilizing motivational interviewing strategies view clients as: Why? If p=q+7p=q+\sqrt{7}p=q+7, find dp/dqd p / d qdp/dq. The approach does not emphasize the role of techniques in creating change in the clients life. It could be referred to as holistic therapy. clients to generate alternative solutions to behavioral problems. Natalie Rogers is no longer an active contributor to the person-centered approach. What is a limitation of person-centered therapy? existential approach to therapy.humanistic approach to therapy.action-oriented approach to therapy.deterministic approach to therapy. b. clarify details and facts relevant to the client's experiences. the focus is on exploration of a client's past. Perceptions are oriented by observer. We draw on Carl Rogers' client-centred therapy theory and the theoretical lens of positive work relationships to explain why and how positive regard can be a powerful source for the development of employees' sense of vitality, job performance and organizational citizenship behaviours (OCBs). Is a vehicle for the technique of tole reversal. 3. In order for a therapist to communicate "accurate empathic understanding" the counselor must: connect emotionally to the client's subjective world. Therapists are encouraged to use positive regard for clients only as a means of shaping their behavior. B) Contemplation For Sartre, existential guilt is what we experience when we: allow others to define us or to make our choices for us. 22. True In applying the person-centered approach to crisis intervention, therapists should do all of the following, except: a. confrontation causes clients to stop growing. The techniques a therapist uses are less important than his or her attitudes. a. \text { Project } & \boldsymbol{C}_0 & \boldsymbol{C}_1 & \boldsymbol{C}_2 \\ d. a basic sense of trust in the client's ability to move forward in a constructive manner if conditions fostering The person centered therapist is best describe as a: The concept of unconditional positive regard implies: In order for a therapist to communicate accurate empathetic understanding the counselor must: Connect emotionally to the client's subjective experience. a philosophy of how the therapy process develops. Free association and dream analysis are a typical part of the person-centered therapists procedures. a. C) At one point in his life, he was preparing to enter the ministry c. client's family. In the Gestaltist view, unfinished business is best explored in the present. 7. A. What is the most important factor related to progress in person-centered therapy? Carl Rogers's position on confronting the client is that: A) Confrontation is to be avoided at all costs B) Confrontation causes clients to stop growing C) Confrontation reflects that the therapist has a need to be in control D) Caring confrontations can be beneficial The person-centered therapist's most important function is: b. MI stresses client self-responsibility and promotes an invitational style for working cooperatively with c. the importance of expressing feelings that stem from childhood issues. In person-centered group therapy, the leader: a. displays a sense of trust in the members. cash flows, b. From a multicultural perspective, the core conditions of the person center approach: In person centered group therapy, the leader: In the 1960s and 1970s Rogers did a great deal to spearhead the development of: Personal growth groups and encounter groups. B. A factor that distinguishes the person-centered approach to group counseling from other approaches is the: Carl Rogers's original emphasis was on reflection of feelings expressed by the client. The person-centered approach has been applied to: A) Personal-growth 17. 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. The concept of unconditional positive regard implies that therapists develop an accepting and approving attitude toward all actions taken by their clients. connect emotionally to the client's subjective world. Patrick is at which stage of change? True a. True Carlos, an eight-year-old boy, was recently removed from his home because he was being physically and sexually abused by his father. The personcentered approach's view of human nature: emphasizes clients' abilities to engage their own resources to act in their world with others. 18. 3. Carl Rogers's position on confronting the client is that: a. caring confrontations can be beneficial. The central goal of existential psychotherapy is to: developing a will to move forward in spite of anxietyproducing situations. Therapists are encouraged to use positive regard for clients only as a means of shaping their behavior. confrontation or resistance must be responded to in a nonconfrontational manner. Among his best-known works are Client-Centered Therapy (1951), On Becoming a Person (1961), and A Way of Being (1980). Prerequisites for good contact involves all of the following: Erving Polster believes that storytelling: can be the heart of the therapeutic process, It is essential that counselors establish a relationship with their clients, so that the clients will. b. therapist. D) Realness, objectivity viewing the client's world, full acceptance False, 70. - Our feelings and emotions are a source of energy. In Gestalt therapy, the relationship between client and counselor is seen as: Which of the following is not true about Gestalt techniques? 29 Apr 2023 01:25:56 27. False, 67. His personality theory proposed a self-actualizing tendency as the foundation of personality development.. False, 53. Carl Rogerss position on confronting the client is that: a. confrontation is to be avoided at all costs. Carl Rogers's approach is based on the assumptions that humans are trustworthy and that clients desire to grow. Emphasis on the past; Focus on expression of emotion; Emphasis, The NP recognizes that the patient's rigid, self-depreciating, perfectionist behavior is directly related to which of the following personality structures: Nucleus Accumbens Amygdala Superego Id, Question 51 Which of the following is consistent with the psychotherapeutic approach used by existentialpsychotherapists? d. guilt and anxiety. a basic sense of trust in the client's ability to move forward in a constructive manner if conditions fostering d. confrontation or resistance must be responded to in a nonconfrontational manner. 13. The person-centered therapist is best described as a: Which of the following statements below regarding Motivational Interviewing is not accurate? a. Acceptance and clarification are the main techniques used. When is the counseling process at its best from an existential viewpoint? True The __________ that recently has come into prominence shares many concepts on the healthy side of human existence with the humanistic approach. emotion in human functioning and psychotherapeutic change. It is a direction, not a destination." From On Becoming a Person, 1961. False, 43. According to Roger's theory (1959), these conditions help both the client and the therapist. Carl Rogers's position on confronting the client is that:Confrontation or resistance must be rescinded to in a non confrontational mannerCarl Rogers drew heavy from existential concepts, especially as they applied tothe client/therapist relationshipA common theme originating in Carl Rogers's early writings and continuing to permeate all of his d. Accurate empathic understanding. According to the Gestalt perspective, if people do not remember their dreams: they may be refusing to face what is wrong with their live. *D) All of these*. a. From a multicultural perspective, some clients may reject this approach because: their life circumstances provide them with truly limited choices. The person-centered model has been widely adapted to include such areas as family therapy, crisis counseling and classroom education. The creative process is transformative and healing. A) Therapists should give advice when clients need it. False, 48. B) Education Existential therapy grew out of a reaction to the limitations of both the psychoanalytic and deterministic stance. c. mirroring the client's emotional experience of a particular situation. *D) Caring confrontations can be beneficial*. c. Preparation b. The person centered view of human nature: affirms a person's capacity to direct his or her own life. Concerning research on psychotherapy and Carl Rogers, which of the following is not true? congruenceunconditional positive regardaccurate empathetic understandingcreative expression. Carl Rogers's approach is based on the assumptions that humans are trustworthy and that clients desire to grow. c. It emphasizes an increased involvement of the therapist as a person. a. In 1946, Rogers was elected President of the American Psychological Association. Believing strongly that theory should come out of practice rather than the other way round, Rogers developed his theory based on his work with emotionally troubled people and claimed that we have a remarkable capacity for self-healing and personal growth leading towards self-actualization . a. communicate a deep sense of understanding. This quote captures the essence of so much of Rogers' humanistic theory. The validity of the assumption that cash flow The person-centered model has been widely adapted to include such areas as family therapy, crisis counseling and The term "presence" refers to the counselor's ability to be fully engaged in the therapeutic relationship with the client. When a client recognizes he or she has a choice describes which stage of Miriam Polster's threestage integration sequence? Therapists who have little respect for their clients can anticipate that their therapeutic work will not be fruitful. c. to be useful because these procedures encourage an external and expert perspective on the client. The therapist experiences unconditional positive regard for the client. b. confrontation causes clients to stop growing. Martin Buber stressed the importance of presence, which allows for the creation of I/Thou relationships in therapy. The technique of reflection involves the therapist: A) Restating the client's words verbatim Accurate empathic understanding implies an objective understanding of a client. Carl Rogers drew heavily from existential concepts, especially as they apply to: b. the client/therapist relationship. Carl Rogerss approach is based on the assumptions that humans are trustworthy and that clients desire to grow. a. congruence tendency False, 59. c. the importance of expressing feelings that stem from childhood issues. ways of being. c. Progress in working through unconscious conflicts related to commitment Characteristics of a self-actualized person include all of the following, except: has artificial dichotomies within themselves. A potential limitation of the person-centered approach is: b. a. Existentialists contend that the experience of relatedness to other human beings: is healthy when we are able to stand alone and tap into our own strength. All Rights Reserved. Emotion-focused therapy (EFT) emerged as a behavioral approach informed by understanding the role of an emotion in human functioning and psychotherapeutic change. b. 36. a. Thisoptimistic philosophy led to the promotion of a model of counselling in whichclients are regarded as their own best resource for growth and change. Person-centered therapy groups emphasize the unique role of the group counselor as a leader. connect emotionally to the clients subjective experience. b. The contract calls for Taconic to supply special material for tents designed to shelter religious pilgrims visiting holy sites in Saudi Arabia. Methods of expressive arts therapy are based on humanistic principles. The person-centered approach evolved from a nondirective therapy to an experiential therapy. - "Experiments" grow out of the interaction between client and therapist Which of the following is not true about the most recent trends in person-centered therapy? What is the most important factor related to progress in person-centered therapy? c. shortcomings of the studies of the approach. This I believe is the lesson which our clients have been facing us with for a long time, and which we have been slow to learn.~Carl Rogers. B) A meaningful way of understanding of a client's psychological state D) confrontation or resistance must be responded to in a non-confrontational manner. d. to increase their confidence in making choices and in pursuing a course of action. A) confrontation is to be avoided at all costs.B) confrontation causes clients to stop growing.C) confrontation reflects that the therapist has a need to be in control.D) confrontation or resistance must be responded to in a non-confrontational manner. b. d. sets goals for the group members. According to Gestalt theory, people use avoidance in order to: keep from feeling uncomfortable emotions. What will her therapist look for in order to assess the success of therapy? The person-centered approach places emphasis on the necessary and sufficient conditions for change. Which of the following is not considered a necessary and sufficient condition for change on the person centered framework: Which statement(s) is (are) true of the person centered approach: The techniques a therapist uses are less important than his or her attitude. Which of the following aspects of a client's use of language would a Gestalt therapist focus on? - MI was initially designed as a brief intervention for problem drinking b. Free association and dream analysis are a typical part of the personcentered therapist's procedures. The person-centered therapist is best described as a: Which of the statements below regarding Motivational Interviewing is accurate? b. Rogers literally opened the field for psychotherapy research. b. 3.person centered. The person-centered therapist is best described as a: Which of the following personal characteristics of the therapist is most important, according to Carl Rogers? ProjectABC0$2,1002,100C1+$2,000+1,440C2+$1,200+1,728. - to assist clients in identifying ways they block themselves from fuller presence the relationship between the client and therapist, 8. b. c. confrontation reflects that the therapist has a need to be in control. Calculate the profitability index for A and B assuming a 22% opportunity cost of capital. False, 55. Person centered expressive arts therapy is founded of the following notions except: Releasing creative energy is based on the principle of regression. What are some ways that each theory is compatible and incompatible with, Based on each theory's concept of psychopathology, discuss any limitations as far as creating measurable outcomes for clients. C) To skillfully confront clients when they engage in self-destructive behaviors c. confrontation reflects that the therapist has a need to be in control. B) Acceptance True c. the therapist functioning as the expert. A contribution of this therapeutic approach is: the exciting way in which the past is dealt with in a lively manner by bringing relevant aspects into the present. False, 66. In the 1960s and 1970s Rogers did a great deal to spearhead the development of: student-centered teaching and encounter groups. (Use Schwitzer, A. M. & Rubin, R. L. (2015). - use a more strutted approach and provide clients with some direction, What is a limitation of person-centered therapy. False, 44. A) An improvement in Adrianne's ability to block negative thoughts about her career options - Erving Polster. These theories are used all over the world . 11. Explain. In accordance with Maslow's framework, which needs took precedence? Which of the following is not a key concept of the person-centered approach? 1. d. confrontation or resistance must be responded to in an non-confrontational manner. True b. length of treatment. The concept of unconditional positive regard implies that therapists develop an accepting and approving attitude being challenging. According to Carl Rogers, the three core conditions that create a growth-promoting climate are: A) Congruence, conditional acceptance, faith in a client b. the need for a religion to find meaning in life. The second person, whom we shall term the therapist, is congruent or integrated in the relationship. d. confrontation or resistance must be responded to in a nonconfrontational manner. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the person-centered approach? the focus is on exploration of a client's past. B) To challenge clients to examine their past Reflection, in Rogers' original formu-lation, is a product of therapist self-restraint. A consistent theme that underlies most of Carl Rogers's writings is: False, Chapter 7: Person Centered Therapy-10th ed, Decline and Fall of Roman Republic and Failed. - Laura Perls b. When a person experiences an internal conflict (namely a conflict between top dog and underdog), which of the following techniques would be most appropriate? a. Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. b. B. TRM skill may. Person centered therapy is best described as: a philosophy of how the therapy process develops. counseling? What do you think would be the impact of a put feature on a bonds coupon? the organism must be seen in its environment, or in its context, as part of the constantly changing field. b. Carl Rogers is often called the "father of psychotherapy research." d. The focus is on exploration of a client's past. True Releasing creative energy is based on the principle of regression. Carl Rogers's position on confronting the client is that: - Q/A (Question and Answer) Sara Edwards Test Answer Answer: caring confrontations can be beneficial. b. as a meaningful way of understanding of a client's psychological state. True MI was initially designed as a brief intervention for problem drinking. d. The client is not given enough responsibility to direct the course of his or her own therapy. b. teacher. The person-centered model has become stagnant and shows little sign of evolution. Existential therapy is best considered as: an approach to understand the subjective world of the client. Irvin Yalom. False, 63. a. MI was initially designed as a brief intervention for problem drinking. a. d. a neurotic tendency to be self-critical. 35. In the person centered approach, the person to person manner pf approaching clients is considered: Essential in the therapeutic relationship. When a client learns how to influence his or her environment describes which stage of Miriam Polster's threestage integration sequence? The person-centered philosophy views diagnosis as: A) A useful tool for case conceptualization b. Carl Rogers, in full Carl Ransom Rogers, (born January 8, 1902, Oak Park, Illinois, U.S.died February 4, 1987, La Jolla, California), American psychologist who originated the nondirective, or client-centred, approach to psychotherapy, emphasizing a person-to-person relationship between the therapist and the client (formerly known as the c. student-centered teaching and encounter groups. A common theme originating in Carl Rogers's early writings and continuing to permeate all of his works is: c. The client is primarily responsible for the direction of therapy. physical and safety needs esteem from self and othersself-actualizationbelonging and love. True b. has a capacity for deep and intense interpersonal relationships.welcomes uncertainty in his or her life.does not have artificial dichotomies within himself or spontaneous and creative.all of these. b. b. b. What are its exceptions? In Gestalt terms, she is most likely engaging in: Which of the following are the Gestalt group leader's roles?
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