Id never heard of him, Gonzalez says. Lets face it, it was often for the money. Under pressure to give evidence against his brother, he disappeared across the border to Mexico where he had numerous enemies, including the Arellano Felix gang, which, he was told, had put out a contract on his life. Mexican officials say his disclosures have already prompted the dismissal of ''several dozen'' detectives and police commanders accused of ties to the Tijuana-based organization, which is led by the Arellano Felix brothers. She has always had many admirers. They began to change around 1985, when Cristina picked up her daughter at a rock concert and was introduced to a flamboyant teenager with flashy gold chains on his wrists and a big gold medallion around his neck. According to American officials, the consul general, Thomas L. Randall, told the A.T.F. Fabian Martinez Gonzalez, a grade-school classmate of Alex Hodoyan's younger sister who teased the girls by lifting up their skirts, grew up to become El Tiburon, or the Shark. No one at the consulate ever spoke with the Mexican military. Gustavo Miranda Santacruz fue el siguiente en la lista al ser levantado y posteriormente baleado, suerte que no corri El Lobo. In the bare room, the agent introduced himself to Mr. Hodoyan, blindfolded and cuffed to a bed. Foto: Especial. Benjamin, the priest adds, said he was a contractor. After a long period of few consequences, the narcojuniors were about to discover that U.S. prosecutors couldnt care less about their fathers, wives, friends or family connections. I never did. Hence, let THE USER BEAR THE COST OF DRUG USE instead of socializing it like now.Trafficking and selling outside of the officially sanctioned channels will remain illegal and pursued BUT since legal drugs will be available cheaply there will be no reason for consumers to buy illegal drugs outside of the officially sanctioned channels.Sure: ensuring that society has access to cheap drugs under controlled circumstances is not for free, but it is going to be 1000 times cheaper than the current situation of paying for cops, lawyers, prisons, disease, violence and corruption caused by illegality. In the ensuing police raid, Kitty was killed and Francisco Rafael Arellano Flix was arrested. For his parents the conversations were agonizing. agent about his torture, ''he would be the last person I would ever cross a word with.''. Police told the family that he appeared to have been tortured in front of her. Father Montano says he was not the only one who was stunned to discover that the Arellanos were drug traffickers. I knew about his rages. By then, he says, Ramon was just muscle. They depict a man overwhelmed by irreconcilable pressures and dominated by a captor who both terrifies him and inspires his devotion. U.S. prosecutors say he worked for the notorious Arellano Felix brothers: Benjamin, described by law enforcement authorities as the cartels chief executive, and History keeps repeating itself, Jaime Literas says. agent he believed that Mr. Hodoyan was probably one more Mexican trying to get out of a jam by claiming to be an American. General Gutierrez Rebollo set out to convince Alex Hodoyan to testify against his friend and his brother. ''They told me I had arrived in hell,'' he said in a statement he dictated to his parents months later. Is General Gutierrez Rebollo. Alfredo Hodoyans older brother, Alex, was invited to join the U.S. To be fair, he does decent in the group after a rocky start and is even assigned crucial jobs and tasks to complete. Mr. Hamilton refused to identify the consul involved in the case. The young man had just run off for three weeks with Ramons sister. I for one, do feel sorry for the parents. Before dawn on the morning of Feb. 20, Mr. Hodoyan committed what a United States official described as ''totally irrational and suicidal act.'' Alejandro Hodoyan ), At Willie Nelson 90, country, rock and rap stars pay tribute, but Willie and Trigger steal the show, Wildfires in Anchorage? It's His manic charisma drew the admiration of kids such as Emilio Valdez Mainero, the kind of young men who are known in Mexico by a not entirely flattering term: juniors. Eventually Ramons friends would be tagged by the press as narcojuniors., People whispered about what Ramon and his brothers did. With the help of United States prosecutors in San Diego, the Mexican Attorney General marshaled a wealth of testimony by drug associates against Alfredo ''I was born in San Diego,'' he said. Ramon was shot to death by Mexican police in February. Authorities rounded up two suspects Sept. 30 in a luxury apartment in San Diegos picturesque Coronado Shores. Some of these descriptions have to had been written into that "traffic" movie. She is the mother of Alfredo Hodoyan, 31, the childhood friend of Emilio who is accused of taking part, at the behest of the cartel, in the spectacular gangland slaying of Baja Californias federal police commander in September 1996. The fraternal struggle that played itself out in the courtroom left one brother facing the possibility of decades in jail and the other presumed dead. I dont think he was involved in killing people, he said. agent about Mr. Hodoyan. As I settled deeper into the city, I Alfredo Hodoyan, 25, the rakish and strong-willed brother who is Alex's youngest sibling, took on a more violent role in the gang, according to his brother and How could you not know him? Agustin asked after Alfredos arrest in 1996. Male And Tijuana discos are still prowled by charming strangers who seem far too eager to buy drinks for the whole table. Taking to Twitter this morning, Hector and pal Tommy Alfredo Hodoyan, 25, the rakish and strong-willed brother who is Alex's youngest sibling, took on a more violent role in the gang, according to his brother and Many people who come to this freewheeling experiment in urbanism shed the reserve and formality of central Mexico. MEXICO CITY (AP) _ Mexicos former head of anti-drug intelligence has been accused of kidnapping and torturing a member of the Tijuana drug cartel to extract information for a rival gang, news reports said Wednesday. At first, no one on either side of the border took much notice when some of the brothers drifted into Tijuana in the early 1980s. Alex exploded, saying: ''I don't matter to them! First IN THE LAST 50 YEARS IT has been transformed from a dusty backwater of 65,000 to an electric border boomtown whose official population tops 1 million, though many believe it is twice that size. En un reportaje publicado en 1996 de la periodista de Los Angeles Times, Marie-Anne Connor, Cristina Palacios de Hodoyan aseguraba que su hijo no era un matn; no obstante, Alfredo Hodoyan fue arrestado adems por delitos contra la salud, por ser sealado de participar en un cudruple homicidio. The Mexicans said Alfredo was hiding out near San Diego with Emilio Valdez, the godfather of Alex Hodoyan's daughter, who was wanted in Mexico on another murder charge. Francisco Flores was in fact inspired by Alex Hodoyans story but not 100%, it is the General plus the three stars gives it away..just saying not sure. Lina had filed for divorce when she brought their children to visit Emilio at a California prison Nov. 20, 2000, her family says. Hodoyans old bosses _ the Arellano Felix brothers _ are believed to control almost all drug trafficking along the California-Mexico border, transporting tons of cocaine and marijuana into the United States. Kids admired his long hair, his rococo Chinese dragon bedside lamps, and the respect and fear he inspired. The Ibarra Murders But James J. McGivney, the agency's spokesman, said Mr. Hodoyan had given no indication he had ever been mistreated. It is also based on confidential Mexican court documents as well as tape recordings, obtained by The New York Times, of telephone calls he made to his family in Tijuana last year when he was a military prisoner. But if being an enemy was dangerous, being a member of his entourage could be a rush. Alfredo Hodoyan Alfredo (played by Ivn Aragn) was working as a drug runner for the Tijuana cartel, transporting cocaine across the border into the US without Tape recordings of some of Mr. Hodoyan's phone calls to his family were made available to The New York Times by participants in the events who requested anonymity. After Mr. Hodoyan was released, he said the soldiers had tortured and threatened to kill him. agents flew Mr. Hodoyan to the United States. The echo-filled room and strangely empty military barracks struck the A.T.F. He said, Dont talk to Ramon that way. Because Ramon did not forgive. Lina told her family: Im afraid of him. Delicate swallowtail butterflies rest on china daisies. He is presumed dead. Grandparents rolled their eyes when ostentatious gifts from the godfathers arrived at childrens birthday parties. They were graduates of the finest private schools, at home on both sides of the border, the children of families that knew or were related to some of the most powerful people in Baja California. The surname occurs predominantly in The Americas, where 66 He was recruited by Arturo "El Kitty" Pez to smuggle drugs across the border, but was If Father Montano was in denial, he wasnt alone. He was a killer idiot., By the time Ramon joined the list of FBIs Most Wanted in 1997, Ruth was in San Diego, immersed in a life of intense suburban normalcy-except for the DEA crew trailing her family. His savior was just another drug don. The D.E.A. In 1980, Francisco Arellano Felix, owner of a Mazatlan disco, failed to appear in a San Diego court to answer charges of selling half a kilo of cocaine. Authorities managed to swoop in and arrest Francisco Arellano Felix in 1993 in Tijuanas tony Chapultapec hills. Officially, Kitty owned a liquor store in Rosarito. American Federal agents arrested Mr. Valdez and Alfredo Hodoyan on Sept. 30 in San Diego, and at Mexico's request United States prosecutors opened an extradition case to return them to Mexico for trial. He never considered turning the brothers in because this was a matter of conscience. But he probably would have been. ``Yes, thats him! Their fate poses an uncomfortable question for this cosmopolitan border city: How did a bunch of kids from Tijuanas wealthiest neighborhoods get mixed up with some of the deadliest men in the hemisphere? And by the following year, Benjamin had enough notoriety in certain circles that he raised eyebrows when he and Ruth arrived at the Miss Mexico pageant in Tijuana and were shown to a VIP area usually reserved for business sponsors and their friends. Alex Hodoyan is a typical teenager living in Tijuana. Weber Rodriguez, who was director of intelligence at the institute, is accused of kidnapping Alejandro Hodoyan in September 1996 and holding him for several months to extract information about reputed drug lords, the Arellano Felix brothers of Tijuana. Her body turned up four days later with the corpse of her married boyfriend. agent that Mr. Hodoyan had been blindfolded to prevent him from seeing the American's face, since the prisoner, they said, was a ''dangerous and violent criminal.''. After the archbishops killing, Ramon and Benjamin were no longer enigmas but front-page headlines-Mexicos most wanted fugitives. WebIndividuals featured as characters in Narcos and Narcos: Mexico. Then the American prosecutor, Mr. Curiel, said he intended to put Mr. Hodoyan before a grand jury investigating Arellano operatives, including his brother and his friend Mr. Valdez, Mr. Hodoyan's family said. Hodoyan Palacios form parte de los Narcojuniors, un grupo de sicarios del Crtel de Tijuana que era comandado por Everardo El Kitty Paz. The government put him up at a hotel, where he talked with federal agents and prosecutors. They weren't involved in drugs. Despite 20 years of war: DRUGS ARE FREELY available and cheaper and stronger than ever.A L L the negative side effects are caused by the illegality of drugs. The Arellano Felix brothers might be the life of the disco scene, but some established families did not care to be this intimately associated with them. El Lobo Hodoyan fue acusado de participar en el asesinato del doctor Ernesto Ibarra Sants quien era sealado como un hombre incorruptible que fue comisionado en 1996 por la PGR a la plaza de Tijuana. She called, Montano says, and begged the priest to deliver a letter to the pope explaining the Arellano Felixes innocence. Father, Im asking this of you because I trust you, Ruth implored, and, according to the priest, I didnt even think about the fact that she was the wife of a fugitive., Ramon met the priest at a busy Mexico City cafe in December 1993 and they drove to the papal nunciate for Ramons three-hour private audience with the nuncio. Alex Hodoyan (died 1997) was the younger brother of narcojunior Alfredo Hodoyan. The Arellanos and the narcojuniors were celebrities.. WebTras 20 aos en prisin, Alfredo Hodoyn Palacios, del Crtel Arellano Flix, gana un amparo y su libertad. WHATEVER RELATIONSHIP THE ARELLANO FELIXES HAD WITH TIJUANA SOCIety was irreparably damaged on May 24, 1993, when Cardinal Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo, the archbishop of Guadalajara, was shot to death at the Guadalajara airport-a killing that shocked the deeply Catholic nation. ''But my daughters come first.''. Seven weeks earlier, gunmen for the Arellano organization had bungled a plot to assassinate Amado Carrillo Fuentes, the leader of a rival cartel. The D.E.A. Mr. Hodoyan, the oldest of the Hodoyan children, is a 35-year old law school dropout and cocaine addict who never held a steady job. Within days, several witnesses said, there was a change in Mr. Hodoyan's demeanor. This is the story of the movie TrafficLife inmates reality.I don't feel sorry for the parents,they sure enjoyed the lifestyle while it lasted.Easy Money,is easy death.Hard working people that dont get in the game,are better off.The narcos these days are too high on their own supply.They become too paranoid and make too many mistakes. he said. Benjamins personal assistant turned out to be Manuelito Martinez, Fabians brother. And General Gutierrez Rebollo was leaning heavily on Mr. Hodoyan to talk by offering to place him in a Government witness program where his past criminal record would be erased. On Oct. 7, when Alex Hodoyan had been missing for nearly a month, his sister called the consulate again. El Lobo permanece en libertad y se especula que regres a vivir a San Diego, California. Como La Flor This story seems @ times off - why after being tortured & afraid of death & not ever seeing ur daughters -would u then return 2 mexico????? He was Ramon Arellano Felix, the blue-jeaned kid brother of a big family new to Tijuana. Her family says she has since remarried, but the San Diego Union-Tribune reported that she showed up with the children at Kittys sentencing hearing in January as he choked back tears and apologized to society in general for everything I did. His freewheeling life was reduced to clinical legal descriptions of meetings where Ramon plotted violent acts by narcojuniors. He said they had burned the soles of his feet with lighters and had applied electric shocks to his eyelids and toes. Webbrother and fled back to Tijuana. Status Alex replied: ''I am not sure if I can help Alfredo, but at least I am sure I will be free and clear for the rest of my life. WebView the profiles of people named Alfredo Hodoyan. Her new boyfriend was a very polite young man, and very much in love with Ruth, says Montano. After returning to Mexico, he went to meet his brother at a safehouse used by the Tijuana Cartel. Carrillo was considered Mexicos No. (These people have last-minute commitments and problems, one relative says. Alex confessed that he was involved in the Arellano-Felix cartel and the confession was videotaped. I remember him perfectly, Hodoyans mother, Cristina Hodoyan de Palacios, referring to Weber Rodriguez, told authorities on Tuesday during a hearing at the prison. Climate change sparks disaster fears, Police manhunt continues for suspect in Texas mass shooting, A powerhouse U.S. doctor slain in Sudan, killed for nothing, In final Mass in Budapest, pope urges Hungary to open doors, What GOPs plan for Medicaid work requirements would mean. He moved freely about the headquarters of the federal drug agency in the capital, where General Gutierrez Rebollo had been transferred. Some American officials involved in the case now acknowledge that they were too willing to turn a blind eye to the methods used by the Mexican military to secure Mr. Hodoyan's cooperation. Mrs. Hodoyan said she felt torn apart by the clashing interests of her two sons. Ruth went to work on her husbands behalf. Benjamin was very well-mannered, very cultivated and gracious, always very gracious.. And consider the saga of Lina Literas, one of Angelicas best friends, a beautiful young woman whose fathers chain of border import stores supplied much of the crystal that graces the tables of Tijuanas elite. BUSINESSWOMAN Guadalupe Gonzalez is helping a customer select the perfect floral teacup from a china showroom that is a fantasia of fine figurines. Upper-class circles are as newly minted as the modern Tijuana Country Club, built in 1948 on the grounds of the old casino, a remnant of the time that the city was a Prohibition getaway for Hollywood movie stars. After 10 days in San Diego, he suffered what family members described as a psychological breakdown. Mr. Hodoyan, an American citizen who was born in San Diego and lived most of his life just across the border in Tijuana, was abducted and detained illegally for 80 days by Mexican military officers. The information he had given to redeem himself had probably just gone to benefit another cartel. It was a very unique time of my life.. ''I don't want them using me,'' he said, cursing the Arrelanos. ''Prior to the murder the witness's brother arrived at the hotel,'' the record of Mr. Hodoyan's testimony reads, referring to the April 1996 killing of a Mexican boxer said to have encroached on the Arellanos' turf. Weber Rodriguezs arrest was the latest twist in the story of Mexicos former drug czar, Gen. Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo, charged in February with being on the payroll of the late drug lord Amado Carrillo Fuentes. He would have to go briefly to jail, but then he, his wife and daughters could join a witness protection program. To Dario Garin, the president of the Tijuana Country Club, the Arellano Felixes allure boiled down to two simple things: Money. Drawing on his prodigious memory, he poured out what he knew about the Arellanos in manic bursts. One of the flashiest was Ramon Arellano, a leader of the gang who met members of the Hodoyan family at a society wedding in Tijuana. ''He was showing results,'' the law enforcement official said. On Feb. 10, D.E.A. the fat crazy looking guy in military or police outfit in the middle? It's a shame they choose that life style. La facilidad con la que Alfredo Hodoyan cruzaba la frontera con Estados Unidos con total facilidad y sin levantar ninguna sospecha se deba a que contaba con la nacionalidad estadounidense ya que naci en un hospital en suelo de la nacin norteamericana. But the chain of dark destinies did not end there. The A.T.F. Court documents say Ramon was named godfather of their son, Emilio Alfredo, in 1991, though relatives say he didnt show up for the baptism. The Arellano Felix brothers did that and more-they exploited one of Tijuanas treasures: its youth. Mermaids hold out conch shells with tiny freshwater pearls. Full name It was around that time that Benjamin began coming to church with one of the prettiest girls in town. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. who is he? And with his disappearance, a promising window into the inner workings of one of General Gutierrez Rebollo's officers, he said, warned him before the interview that if he told the A.T.F. Ruth gave birth to their first child-also named Ruth-in San Diego a year later, and Montano baptized her. The brothers skipped bond and returned to Mexico. I made my own research with the info thats was out there about the Hodoyan's. He is accused of being one of Mr. Arellano's most feared gunmen and is wanted for murder in Mexico. U.S. prosecutors say he worked for the notorious Arellano Felix brothers: Benjamin, described by law enforcement authorities as the cartels chief executive, and Ramon, considered the enforcer, the man who planned the murders of the cartels enemies. ''Every time the D.E.A. They have new cars and they invite the girls to a disco and meet their cousins. TIJUANA IS THE MEXICAN CITY OF REINVENTION. Not long after General Gutierrez Rebollo had captured Mr. Hodoyan, he had informed his superiors about him. He would pay for a big baptism party., The Arellano Felixes and their entourage became the beautiful people, the 90210 of drug cartels, says Gonzalo Curiel, the assistant U.S. attorney assigned to the case. On the afternoon of Sept. 11, Alex Hodoyan went to an existing Arellano safe house in a working-class neighborhood. The elegant breakables in the tall glass cases seem too fragile for the tale that Gonzalez is telling. According to the officers, the windowless bunker where Mr. Hodoyan was shackled hand and foot to a bed was General Gutierrez Rebollo's private interrogation center, where illegally detained suspects were questioned for days and weeks. WebAlfredo Hodoyan was extradited to Mexico and is now awaiting trial in Almaloya, Mexico's high security prison outside of Mexico City. Cooperating with General Gutierrez Rebollo, he argued, was the only way he could survive to see his two young daughters again. Mr. Curiel acknowledged recently at a court hearing in San Diego that the allegations of torture were plausible and serious, but said they should be investigated by the Mexican authorities. His life changes drastically when he is recruited into Ramn Arellano Flixs Narco Juniors gang. ''Look, Papa, everything they promised me they have done,'' Alex Hodoyan said of the military. She was the perfect girl. Her mother tried to discourage her romance with the swaggering Emilio. You have to prove your loyalty. To do that, you have to kill someone.. They also mingled with Mexican gang members who were rising stars in the cocaine business. His father, Alejandro Hodoyan Ramirez, 63, is a respected Mexican civil engineer. MexicanAmerican ?no I think it was the protected witness,don't remember his name,real name is Miguel Nunez. Mr. Hoyodan's mother and father urged him to remain loyal to the family and his circle of childhood friends. I went Hey whats going on. Hes like, Im just sitting here. But I could see him with the tripod pointing with his scope. 2 official in the embassy, Charles H. Brayshaw, who sent him to the consul general for Mexico City, a senior diplomat who handles problems involving United States citizens. Cristina Palacios de Hodoyan said her son Alfredo, a graduate of St. Augustine Catholic school in San Diego, is the manager of family rental properties, not a gunman. But they warned Alex that he would have to reveal that he had been tortured by the troops. saw this guy, he was walking around having a good time,'' Mr. McGivney said. Gonzalez shakes her head. Completely neurotic. "HEARST" and "Redlogarythm" for Borderland Beat This week, a pamphlet showing the rules of conduct given to hitmen in "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat The United Nations warns in a new report that insecurity in the capital has reached levels com "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Video translation is as follows: Five days after the shootout in Teocaltiche, Jalisco, images w "HEARST" and " Redlogarythm" f or Borderland Beat Hitmen who work for Cartel del Golfo boss "El Primito" were "Socalj" for Borderland Beat A K9 sniffer dog alerted inspectors to a load of over 11,500 bottles of tequila bound for export. '', Mexican officers told the A.T.F. ''You are helping the man who is accusing your brother! ''I am an American citizen.''. If Alfredo said, Mama, I need a car, I got him a car. Mexican court documents describe Mr. Arellano as a compulsive murderer who has killed several times for sport and is implicated in more than 60 homicides. Ruth Serrano Corona was with her husband Benjamin when Mexican soldiers burst into their bedroom in March. 'You know what?' I don't want that.''. When her father found out she was expecting twins, he said, Shes getting married. Then-Tijuana Mayor Federico Valdes said he officiated at the wedding.
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