~ nobility too concerned w/ rights/privilege/ status The main action saw France as the defender of Spain against a multinational coalition. The Reformation was the outgrowth of past ideas: RABELAIS --> condemned various forms of corruption within the Church; priests no longer models of virtue; celibacy vow disregarded; condemned simony. -- encomienda system (Latin America). Britain received the largest portion of colonial and commercial spoils and took the leading position in world trade. The Dutch Golden Age had a number of significant effects on the Netherlands and on Europe as a whole. answer choices Treaty of Nystad Treaty of Utrecht Treaty of Versailles Peace of Paris Question 2 30 seconds Q. 2 . In the treaty with Prussia, France acknowledged Frederick Is royal title (claimed in 1701) and recognized his claim to Neuchtel (in present Switzerland) and southeast Gelderland. -- mysticism movement (St. Theresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross). 100 Years' War Ends . Parliament (** see your notes for further details **) overseas empire and Austria and Prussia over the leadership of Germany. Peace of Utrecht 1713, ended Louis XIV's attempts to gain military power and land. Colombian Exchange: import/ export of plants, animals, disease between NW and Europe Agriculture Introduction With the exception of Holland, at least 80 percent of the people of all western European countries drew their livelihoods from agriculture In 1700 European agriculture was much more ancient and medieval In crisis years, when crops were ruined by drought or flood, starvation forced people to use substitutes . [5] Reluctantly the United Provinces accepted the preliminaries and sent representatives, but Emperor Charles VI refused to do so until he was assured that the preliminaries were not binding. - rebuilt armies come back and win at Battle of Poltava (1709) Since the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, . Ask an Expert. - Money Spain received was going towards foreign policy -- evolution of the Cabinet system. -- Whigs and Tories (distinctions between political party). -- he backed the nobility in the Peasant Revolt. This document ended the War of the Spanish Succession. Supremacy in Mediterranean: Peace of Utrecht. 4 & 1,500 \\ Hundred years' War --> the rise of the modern nation-state. The Peace of Utrecht was a series of peace treaties signed by the belligerents in the War of the Spanish Succession, in the Dutch city of Utrecht between April 1713 and February 1715. Following the passage of the treaty, the British government gained a thirty-year access to the Asiento de Negros. Mercantilism: form of capitalism, private Property based, highly regulated by Monarchy. E. Development of the Domestic System: J. legal / penal reforms --> Beccaria, Bentham. II. -Treaty of Non-such: English soldiers+ Calvary to Netherlands, -Beheaded Mary Stuart for planning to overthrow from throne -> causes Pope Sixtus to no longer retrain public support and Spain attempts to invade England, II. -confiscated land of Protestants and gave to Catholic nobles and foreign aristocrats (build loyal base) -- Ulster Plantation. D. Printing press in Germany spread Luther's ideas. ~ Primary Interest in Increasing Russia's Size + Military Power -Overseas territory/trade and European balance of power also a Issue (belief total volume of trade is fixed) -- Cardinal Richelieu (machiavellian pragmatist) -- much financial abuse in Church --> simony, benefices; 30% of land in Eur. The War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) was a European conflict triggered by the death of the last Habsburg king of Spain, Charles II, in 1700. - restricted freedom of no-Puritans, enforced public morality - divine right: Kings are God's representatives on Earth (prevent a war between 2 Christian Countries), Cortez lands in Veracruz and makes alliances with Anti-Aztec natives. -- Puritan Republic. F. Great Peasant Revolt of 1520. Updates? Henry of Navarre becomes Henry IV, converts to Catholicism. If you could only earn 5% on your investments, how much would you be ready to pay for the chance to own this stream? A. -acquired 12 towns Determined to Westernize Europeanize "backwards Russia", Restructures Military: After Effects of the Reformation: [46], "Treaty of Utrecht" redirects here. Nations sought new sources of wealth and new economic theories and practices to deal with The party in the administration of Robert Harley (created Earl of Oxford and Mortimer on 23 May 1711) and the Viscount Bolingbroke proved more flexible at the bargaining table and were characterized by the Whigs as "pro-French"; Oxford and Bolingbroke persuaded the Queen to create twelve new "Tory peers"[27] to ensure ratification of the treaty in the House of Lords. Political and economic freedom: The Netherlands was a republic during the Dutch Golden Age, and this meant that the government was not controlled by a single ruler or ruling family. Spains treaty with Britain (July 13) gave Gibraltar and Minorca to Britain. England and France experienced very different political and social developments in the late 17c. The country was home to a number of talented artists and writers, and the prosperity of the period allowed for a flourishing arts scene. The Idea of the Balance of Power i. AP Euro Age of Absolutism Timeline. Drescher: JANCAST (p. 451): "Jewish mercantile influence in the politics of the Atlantic slave trade probably reached its peak in the opening years of the eighteenth century the political and the economic prospects of Dutch Sephardic [Jewish] capitalists rapidly faded, however, when the British emerged with the asiento [permission to sell slaves in Spanish possessions] at the Peace of Utrecht in 1713". D. Rejected Papal authority. Versailles. G. William & Mary --> "Glorious Revolution" (1688); a bloodless coup. This 1721 document ended the Great Northern War and established the political geographic boundaries of Eastern Europe. The Age of Louis XIV: (the "Sun King") Had a right to choose the Holy Roman emperor with six other electors but possessed no political power. The war involved three contenders for the vacant throne of Spain, and involved much of Europe for over a decade. ~Guise Family (fund by Jesuits) = Ultra-Catholic, destroy protestants, replace monarch (1521-1559) Series of wars in which France and the Holy Roman Empire competed for Italy. D. shift from the old market ports of the Mediterranean to the trans-Atlantic trade. Treaty of Westphalia (1648). -- a conservative response to the spread of Protestantism. AP Euro: Absolutism and Constitutionalism Author: Tech Services Last modified by: Tech Services Created Date: 4/29/2011 1:04:00 PM Company: The preliminaries were based on a tacit acceptance of the partition of Spain's European possessions. -- Hohenzolern interests --> East Prussia, Polish West Prussia, Alsace-Lorraine, Baltic coast, Poland. VII. [22] France retained its other pre-war North American possessions, including Cape Breton Island, where it built the Fortress of Louisbourg, then the most expensive military installation in North America. -- new reform orders (Theatines, Capuchins, Ursulines, Modern Devotion, Oratorians). [13][14][15][16][17][18], The importance placed by British negotiators on commercial interests was demonstrated by their demand for France to "level the fortifications of Dunkirk, block up the port and demolish the sluices that scour the harbour, [which] shall never be reconstructed". Black Death --> economic and social upheaval. C. Strict interpretation of the Bible. I. - more taxation A. Thomas Hobbes --> pro-absolutism; pro-"divine-right" monarchy. Dylan Graves, McAvoy, Period 8. . -Clarendon Code brought back Anglican Church, restricted rights of Catholics, and non-Anglicans B. the monarch of England now became the head of the Anglican Church as well. The Dutch were particularly known for their paintings, which were characterized by their attention to detail and realism. Spain gets all lands west Click to Rate "Hated It" Click to Rate "Didn't Like It" Click to Rate "Liked It" . -Philip V, a Bourbon, kept the Spanish throne, but had to renounce his descendants' rights to the French throne French-style ministries replaced the system of government. Work Ethic") Henry VIII; Catholic martyr. (literal) Peace of Augsburg 1555 % complete The decree that the leader of a region may choose between Lutheranism and Catholic. He fought other European nations that tried to prevent the union of Spain and France under his monarchy. - confederation = weak union of strong provinces K. constitutionalism. Ap Euro Midterm. European technology/ horses lead to victory over Inca, Major Goal: consolidate + secure lands of Charles V w/ strict conformity to Catholicism ~ defender of Anglican Church, Distrusted Puritans (Calvinists) Wars against England and France drained the Dutch economy, and the Dutch West India Company failed to take control of Brazil from Portugal. In this system, diplomacy became a major component of the relations among states. France's Eastern Borders w/ German States, Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes leadership of Europe. AP Euro Full Timeline Author: Zachary Hoskins Created Date: ~ Defenestration at Prague: regents out window of palace -- religious unity considered necessary to strengthen his rule. - Centralized central administration (finances) Recognizes protestants in HRE. -- Long Parliament (1640-1660) Vienna was gateway to into Europe, in 1683, the Ottomans try and seize it. 1600s-Dutch East India Company (banking+ shipping -Bishop Jacques Bossuet: Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Scripture-> gov. News; Article reviews; Podcasts; esicm-tv; Sections; Coronavirus - Public health . B. John Locke The agreements that concluded the War of the Spanish Succession, often collectively referred to as the Peace of Utrecht, include the twenty-three treaties signed from January 1713 to February 1715 and that between Austria and Spain in 1725, prompting one contemporary to note that Utrecht "like the peace of God, [was] beyond human understanding" by chi ze renae, Jan. 2008. -April 1640: Charles forced to call Parliament (needs $ fight Scots) [23], The successful French Rhineland campaign of 1713 finally induced Charles to sign the 1714 treaties of Rastatt and Baden, although terms were not agreed with Spain until the 1720 Treaty of The Hague. ~nobility serve the army and the state That same day, Spain, Great Britain, France and the Empire agreed to the evacuation of Catalonia and an armistice in Italy. Inadequate priestly education, leading to errors in the Mass . - Catholic HRE, Lutherans, Calvinists he made Fr. In return France received the principality of Orange from Prussia. By the treaty with Britain (April 11), France recognized Queen Anne as the British sovereign and undertook to cease supporting James Edward, the son of the deposed king James II. ~ soldiers doubled as tax collectors/police/state bureaucracy treaties of Utrecht, also called Peace of Utrecht, (April 1713-September 1714), a series of treaties between France and other European powers (April 11, 1713 to Sept. 7, 1714) and another series between Spain and other powers (July 13, 1713 to June 26, 1714), concluding the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14). -enlisted the nobles as JUNKERS became officer class A. dissatisfaction with wealth of Church; poor people believing bishops were of the wealthy Spaniards collected taxes and labor in return for protection, wages, and religion. Also known as the League of Augsburg, an anti- French European coalition formed to check the power of France. ~opportunities for non-nobles to join nobility ranks King of Spain from France during the first half of the 1700's. First edition of the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht between Great Britain and Spain in Spanish (left) and a later edition in Latin and English. ~ Peace of Utrecht-Confirms Philip V King of Spain, but crowns to never unite - Spanish Netherlands, Milan, Naples given to Austria . -- he launched bold new foreign policy ventures chalenging the Dutch for the commercial The Whigs considered themselves the heirs of the staunch anti-French policies of William III and the Duke of Marlborough. This system allowed for a great degree of freedom and democracy, and it contributed to the country's prosperity and cultural flourishing. Politics and Greed overshadowed religion and brought many parties into war. Bourbon France had previously held the Asiento de Negros, allowing French slave traders to supply 5,000 slaves to the Spanish Empire each year; France had gained control over this contract after Philip V had become King of Spain. The country's strategic location and strong navy allowed it to establish a lucrative trade network that stretched across Europe and beyond. The now Whigs were now a minority in the house, but still pushing their anti-peace agenda. (1337-1453) Long series of wars between France and England, (1521-1559) Series of wars in which France and the Holy Roman Empire competed for Italy, (1555) Treaty in which Charles V allowed regional Princes to dictate the religion of their lands, (1559) Treaty that ended the Habsburg-Valois wars, (1618-1648) war that started with the defenestration of Prague; the last major war to be started because of religion, (1618-1625) first phase of the 30 years' war; conflict between catholics and protestants; protestants lose at the battle of White Mountain, (1625-1629 second phase of the 30 years' war; protestant King Christian IV of Denmark steps in against HRE Catholics but is beaten by Albert of Wallenstein; in 1629 Ferdinand II outlaws calvinism in the HRE, (1630-1635) third phase of the 30 years' war; King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden beats Catholics at the battles of Breitenfield(1631) and Lutzen(1632); Adolphus killed at the battle of Nordlingen(1634) but Protestants gain momentum, (1635-1648) fourth phase of the 30 Years' War; France, Holland, and Savoy aid Sweden and Protestant Germans; only Spain helps HRE; 13 violent years that don't get anyone anywhere. -- religious toleration, but leaned toward the Catholics. 2016 - aug. 2016 6 maanden. -France at a potential Spain (devastated economy) by end, -Caused by death of Charles II King of Spain -- basic human rights that no government can take away: life, liberty, and property. -1st Fronde (1648-1649) ended in compromise ~ completed Decline of Spain as a major Power The Treaty of Utrecht, signed in April 1713, ended the wars between France and Savoy, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Prussia. -France gains territory, expanding legal status of Protestantism, the pope could no longer deny, -Treaty of Pyrenees made France a major Power in an outside war w/Spain. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket 1. ~ raised the Taille (main tax) but cost of 30 yrs war = large debt), -Continued anti-Habsburg policy -> ALL FOREIGN POLICY 49. E. Consubstantiation. A. rationalism --> logical reasoning based on facts. \end{array} -left possessions to Philip of Anjou (grandson of Louis) -- the Inquisition was resurrected (esp. In 1566, the Netherlands revolted against Spanish rule, officially becoming the independent. -Traditional restraints on women were lifted, encouraged to mix and play greater gender role (Family Life), Economics: [10], Great Britain was the main beneficiary; Utrecht marked the point at which it became the primary European commercial power. - France loses Gibraltar, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Hudson Bay to England England stabilized under constitutionalism after the Glorious Revolution, and France stabilized under the absolutist control of Louis XIV, allowing these nations to emerge as world leaders. -- arbitrary abuse of power (quartering troops, ship money, arbitrary arrests, etc.) Utrecht, Peace of a series of treaties (1713-14) ending the War of the Spanish Succession. Motives for alliances ii. Some of the most notable effects of this period include: Economic prosperity: The Dutch Golden Age was a time of great economic prosperity for the Netherlands. [citation needed], Under Article XIII, Spain agreed to a British demand to preserve Catalan historical rights, in return for Catalan support for the Allies during the war. C. secularism --> application of scientific theories to religion and society. System of international commerce -Confirms Philip V King of Spain, but crowns to never unite -adopts western dress, manners, style ~alliance w/ Electors of Brandenburg+ Saxony = Victory and reversed war, and brought new mobility to change tactics, ~ Battle of Lutzen: Adolphus dies, Deep religious motivation, greed and political gain real forces in War. F. economic depression at the end of the 16c. C. policies of Frederick William, the "Great Elector", Frederick I, and Frederick II, the "Great". -- strengthened the army. The Dutch Golden Age was also characterized by a strong and influential merchant class. A. Henry IV of Navarre (1589-1610) ~ Henry of Navarre: Broubon ruler of Kingdom of Navarre (led Protestants), Beings large-scale Civil War Study free European History flashcards about Euro Dates created by Pyan to improve your grades. or less domesticated, divided or loyal nobility so that this period is known as the "Age of Absolutism.". IX. -Believes in Divine Right to rule (Responsible to God, not Parliament) - initial losses against Charles XII of Sweden ***William+ Mary protect Netherlands using English Power, -opposed by Brandenburg, Spain, Holy Roman Emperor material in greater bulk. -Russia Open up the PDF below and GOOOO!!!! -- never called the Estates-General. Chapter Outline 4.17 TheGrand Monarque and the Balance of Power a. Players: Valois Kings=Catholic moderates, unwilling compromise The treaties between several European states, including Spain, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Savoy and the Dutch Republic, helped end the war. AP European History Concept utline 21 Coee Boad Period 1: c. 1450-c. 1648 1. G. Kept bishops for administrative purposes. - November 1640: Parliament called back LONG PARLIAMENT king opponents dominated Parliament and pass laws to curtail king LUTHER --> the Bible was a way of life; did not believe in pompous Church ceremonies; clergy not important; everyone is their own priest; one should be able to talk to God directly. I. mass education. - city saved by foreign aid (Polish+Russians) Reasserts illegal Calvinism, Catholic safeguards Peace of Augsburg, orders the return of all church lands of Lutherans, Gustavus Adolphus II king of unified Lutheran Nation The Peace of Westphalia (1648), which marked the effective end of the medieval ideal of universal Christendom, accelerated the decline of the Holy Roman .