DO NOT FORGET THAT THIS IS THE INSTANT FOR PREPARATION., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Freemasonry is readying itself to present the great impostor to Humanity, the antichrist, and you, being ignorant about the antichrist, will rise up towards him as if he were Me. Hijos de Mi Divino Hijo, poseen una fe a medias. My beloved, do not be afraid; at the precise instant, My Mother will give you what is necessary for you to combat all that man will create to harm you, but you must remain faithful and fighting every instant of your lives., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara This will have astonished other people who will join these soldiers, increasing the small Marians forces until they become a gigantic army. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. COMMENTARY BY LUZ DE MARIA. Receive Me in My Body and My Blood, properly prepared, with full awareness of the need for a real amendment. I call you to pray that human beings would discern and continue to be united to the will of the Father. Children of My Immaculate Heart, science, with its advances, has as its aim, for every human being to be independent without needing his or her brothers and sisters. 1,3; I Pe. I AM KING AND RULER OF ALL CREATION. My Maternal Love helps you, and every cry of yours means that I immediately go looking to assist you. October 07 2016, THIS GENERATION WILL SUFFER TO THE UTMOST AT THE HANDS OF THOSE WHO RISE UP THE ANTICHRIST AGAINST MY SONS PEOPLE, as a result of the lasting action of freemasonry, the illuminati, communism, rebellion, falsehood, lack of Faith and satanism which has infiltrated in the Church of My Son, provoking the tentacles of evil to be ruthlessly activated against all Humanity. OUR KING AND LORD JESUS HAS ALLOWED CREATION TO MANIFEST ITSELF IN ORDER TO WASH AWAY SO MUCH SIN THAT EXISTS ON EARTH. MY LOVE FOR MINE IS SUCH, THAT I DO NOT WISH THAT YOU LOSE YOUR SOUL DUE TO THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT IS TO COME TO YOU as a result of the foolishness of man, that chooses evil and practice teachings of evilness with vile and bloody ways. Many are for, due to lack of obedience to the Holy Father, lack of love for the Holy Mass, lack of love for prayer and fasting, not having read the breviary, and I repeat, for the Communion in the hand Pay attention to the words of the Consecration, during Mass. Luz de Mara asks our Mother what must we do to make the organism more resistant against the plagues that are coming. message de saint michel archange luz de mara le 18 aot 2019. peuple de dieu: les bndictions et l'aide du ciel ne se font pas attendre pour ceux qui, humblement, demandent l'aide de la maison du pre et de notre reine et mre du ciel et de la terre (psaume 120), pendant que les ennemis de l'me se dplacent en toute libert sur la terre entire en vue de perdre les mes. Divine Heart of Jesus, preside over our family gatherings; bless all our family undertakings, both spiritual and temporal. She calls Communion in hand "the work of the devil." Please remember me in your prayers I need lots of graces from Heaven May God be with you and may he never leave your side. The Most Blessed Mother responds: Semana Santa del ao 1991, primera vez que se manifest con sangre la imagen de la Reina de la Paz en el hogar de Luz de Mara, las mismas continan hasta el presente. Use the sacramentals and do not cease to pray the Holy Rosary through which you receive infinite blessings., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Do not let satan and his demons fool you. Mans psyche is affected, impairing his behavior at all instants; he reacts and acts unduly in a constant state of folly directed by the demons. There are many servants of evil who are leading people into confusion, to the extent that they give free rein to their tongue, and humanity, without discernment, is turning away from the Divine Will. Just as lamentation is spreading across the earth, so pain progresses throughout the earth. Use mullein and rosemary in discreet amounts., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara DE UNA NUBE It is a large and powerful army; the rest of the world practically shudders at the decisive advance of this army towards Italy. An Urgent message given by our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz De Maria || Prayer requests ||We will offer your intentions in our daily community prayer session, a . Do not forget to keep in your homes the blessed grape in My Name for the instants of shortage. I bless you, My children, I love you. MY LOVING INSTRUMENT, LUZ DE MARA, IS A PROPHET OF THESE LAST INSTANTS. Non tutto il contenuto del nostro sito tradotto, gli articoli editoriali, ad esempio, sono disponibili solo in spagnolo e inglese. This time is nothing other than what man has brought upon himself, but God does not let Himself be outdone in generosity. As Queen of Heaven I appeared to a humble native, who did not keep to himself what his eyes were seeing. 27 Abr. Leave that church and look for a traditional Priest. We will say one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the intentions of the Holy Father and for absent members, living and dead. The appetites of taste with respect to food must be controlled. Total Hits since the beginning of this website on 1 January 2000 : Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Sanctify our joys and comfort us in our sorrows. Luz de Mara: IN THIS DAY WHEN OUR MOTHER HAS GIVEN ME THIS CALL OF LOVE FOR ALL HUMANKIND, SHE HAS GIVEN ME A VISION THAT I WISH TO SHARE WITH YOU: This will become generalized; you must not fear this since you need toSAVE YOUR SOUL: this is whyI AM SENT.The power of Masonry and the Illuminati is extremely catastrophic for humanity, because they have infiltrated every human fields - you know it, the upper echelons of the world have knowledge about it and deal with them, pretending not to know about it in order not to be compromised, since they are not interested in the salvation of souls.People of God, the struggle between good and evil begins with envy and division: be firm, keep theFAITHwithout allowing yourselves to be overcome with lukewarmness.Persevere, remain attentive and observe that nature is rising up with great fury against humanity and yet man continues to be lukewarm and to mock our King and Lord Jesus Christ, whom they wish to banish from the Center of His Church. 19 DE MARZO DEL 202332 AOS DE CAMINO ESPIRITUAL. August 18, 2013, Waters have been contaminated with nuclear energy, and leaders keep silent Put the newly blessed grapes in a glass jar. You live loving lust, therefore, the plague will come and you will feel the flesh burn. Note: A separate post specific on medicinal plants has been published here. Saint Michael speaks to each one of us, to our ears, to our hearts, so that we do not follow the world, but so that everyone might manage to make the infinite effort of remaining faithful. Como Madre estoy protegindoles, tnganlo presente. Prepare yourselves, beloved People of God, growing in the gifts of the Holy Divine Spirit (Is 11:1-4):THE GIFT OF WISDOM: in which charity shines and the creature understands that God's Plan must be exalted above all things and must not be hindered. Feb. 24, 2020 (Fixed translation walnuts instead of nuts in Nov. 22, 2012 rev.) HUMANITY HAS COMFORTABLE FEEDING HABITS BUT WHICH ARE TOTALLY HARMFUL FOR THE BODY SYSTEM, WHICH CONTINUALLY DESTROYS AND GETS SICK. SUSCRBETE Y RECIBE INFORMACIN ESPECIAL Y DE PRIMERA MANO, Copyright © All rights reserved | REVELACIONES MARIANAS, Libro sobre el Santo Rosario, descargar, Sobre plantas medicinales dadas por el Cielo, leer. It is a natural blood purifier and this will help the organism become more resistant to the maladies that humanity will suffer. Apr. Bless all you have and all you see, bless it with your heart. You, My beloved, are poisoned with contaminated seafood and it alters human genetics, being the cause of degenerative diseases. Alimenten la Fe (1) y el amor hacia Mi Divino Hijo El Demonio odia la institucin de la familia (Cf. Las Palabras de Nuestra Madre Santsima son fuertes, fuertes para darnos Esperanza y para que seamos conocedores de Cristo, porque no podemos amar a quien no se conoce. Some of My children have not had strong moments, they do not know the face of hunger, they do not know the face of repression, they do not know the face of despair when they do not have what it takes to control a pain. My People must be courageous and remain in My Will, feeling offended when everyone else is transgressing My Will. I think it is a meteorite of great size; it is intercepted, but the biggest part goes towards the sea, towards the United State. Who is like God? Thank You and GOD BLESS. The world and its machinations have intensified their struggle to lead the People of God astray, since evil swarms throughout the Earth and man enjoys evil.The People of God preserveDIVINE LOVE, not allowing human character to take the first place with its bad temper, selfishness and so much ballast that drags man the wrong way, but being molded in theMANNER OF CHRIST(Eph. Esa Fe fortalecida e inalterable hace posible los milagros; gana las mayores batallas por ms fuertes que estas sean (Cf. YOU NEED TO ENTRUST YOURSELVES TO DIVINE LOVE WITHOUT DELAY, AT THIS GREAT STAGE THROUGH WHICH HUMANITY IS PASSING: THE ERA OF THE THIRD FIAT, THE ERA OF THE HOLY SPIRIT(Jn 16,13). The past blood moons and the one that you will see again foreshadow the terrible suffering, The earth is shaking strongly leading to volcanoes becoming active and My children suffering, Pray for Central America is shaking. He will make My children suffer with the most terrible persecution. Do not use a fruit or berry brandy. El valor del Don de la Vida es odiado por el Demonio, por ello les pido que se mantengan en alerta. THOUGH IT DOESNT MEAN SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING, ONLY THE COMING EVENTS THAT I ALLOW HER TO KNOW, BUT NOT THE DATES OF THE EVENTS. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Beloved, as a Mother who sees beyond what you see, I ask you to eat the BLACKBERRY. Is Luz de Maria approved by the Catholic Church? A LUZ DE MARA 24 DE ABRIL DEL 2023 Hijos de Nuestro Rey y Seor Jesucristo, por Voluntad Divina Me dirijo a ustedes. During one of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Mamma Rosa Quatrinni, seer in San Damiano (1964-1970), Italy (has already passed away), Our Lady blessed a cluster of grapes, these grapes will sustain the people of Faith during the time of the Antichrist, wars, famine, droughts, calamities, plagues, and illness.