- Lynn played with Lana in Danish Over. - Leni commented, - I will have another young viewer to amuse.- Luan commented. Lincoln discovers that what used to be his bedroom is a closet and his bed is in Lynn and Lars' (Lynn and Lucy's) bedroom. - Just help him adjust his new room. Lincoln hands Lucy a book engraved Lucy's Journal. -Lori!-Lincoln called her.-Don't you have a job interview today?! - Lincoln commented excited. After Lincoln brought Clyde back to his home Lincoln returned to his one. - You like reading and writting poems and I like reading comics. -You have to!-Lincoln said.-Come on, it'll be fun! Lynn throws a football to Lincoln, and Lincoln catches it. - Lincoln said laughing. - Leni asked annoyed, - No, on the contrary. -Well considering as science hasn't debunked this rumour.-Lisa said.-And he isn't anywhere in my tracking system, there's a good chance that happened. - Lucy asked - You made him cry. -Come on Lynn!-The coach said to her.-If you make just one basket we'll win the game! - Lincoln took a handtowel, Leo splashed on him much to his disgust - So you want a hard way. I played with you, sang for you, I conforted you in hard times, we used to memorize songs from films we watched together, we played with my toys. Steven Lucas in The Loud House One Of The Boys (A.K.A My Least Favorite Episode of Season 1) Originally Written by Kevin Sullivan Re-Written by Steven Lucas [Lola is having a tea party on the lawn. He's not yours, he wants to play with me! - Lucy asked confused. - Lucy commented, - Wanna read manga with me? She put him in basket and suddenly Lynn Sr. came into. - Glad to hear it. - Lucy commented - With the newest family member we'll be 12. He didn't see your eyes and it terrified him. -You ruined my experiment!-Lisa said.-The slightest noise would make it blow, and you were that sight noise! - Lynn Sr. said, - Yeah? - Lincoln whispered to sleeping Leopold - I've always dreamed about a brother, instead I had more and more sisters. -I should've never said that to him.-Luna muttered under her breath. -I don't mind at all!-Lincoln replied happily.-I just need someone to talk to. Angst. - He seems to have very strong senses. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Completed lynnloud loud nslaftermath +17 more # 10 The Loudest Of Them All - (Discont. - Luan commented - And people say sucking never gives fun. - Don't blame me for making him not want to play with you! Why didn't he inherit more sporty nature like Lynn Jr? and Loni's "Aww" are said in Lane and Luke's voices respectively. Luna, Lucy and Clyde's female counterpart have no lines in this episode. Cartoons: Loud House fanfiction archive with over 8,264 stories. The baby cried again because his sleeping was interrupted. -I just hope he's ok.-Lynn said tearing up. -Alright, all done!-Lincoln said happily.-I better leave before the science committee gets here. - Lincoln suggested hugging Lucy back. - Lori said - The last thing Leo needs to see is this corpse. LYNN'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. -Yes you are son.-Mr.Loud answered.-Tell the girls your mother and I left for a business trip, and we'll be back in a week. LUCY'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. I said some stuff last night, and in the heat of the moment, I said the wrong stuff, please forgive me, wherever you are. He suddenly trips, and accidentally throws Lucy's book out the window, the wind then blows the book away. So be patient. Each sibling had own fantasy with the new sibling. Lincoln now worried that this isn't a joke anymore, heads into Lola and Lana's room to see them fighting. Lincoln chooses normal, and the music begins playing a little faster, and so does the routine, but not backing down, Luna and Lincoln claim a second perfect score after doing the routine flawlessly. - Lincoln catched Leo who began crying - Lily! Of course he won't be in his room, there is no reason for him to stay in the house. - If you could talk I wish you could promise me one thing. - Lola asked herself. - Hello, can I play with my brother now? - Leni said walking with Leo. -Let's go see if Lucy can get rid of this whatever it is. - You should have been there to see this. Let's make a blood bond. - Lincoln said and took cap from the sink what made Leo dissatisfied - Here we go. Lincoln lands in the hallway, but doesn't see any noticeable changes. The Loud House - Wild Card by zdforrest 7.8K 154 17 Ten years have passed since Lincoln's disappearance, leaving his family broken beyond repair. When she received no answer, she opened the door only to find out that her brother was nowhere in the room. - Clyde commented - Can I still come in? Leo enjoys the others, I'm glad I have you. -Great!-Lincoln said putting the dollar into the machine. - Lincoln replied. Lynn Sr. tried to calm him down because Rita was already sleeping. - I would never come to this myself. In panic mode, Lincoln tries to stop his brothers from approaching the portal, pushing them like boxes. -Hey guys, mom and dad just left for the week.-Lincoln told the girls. I wanted to be with you whole time. Finally, a teenager disguised as a zombie walks in front of them moaning, but they just laugh at him hurting the teenager's feelings. - Lincoln replied - I liked when she was singing for me. - Do you care more for a plushy or happiness of our brother? It didn't work!"] - Leo stopped crying after Leni hugged him again, - Now I'll finish your pijama. - Lynn Sr. said, - First bring Lincoln and Lucy, you all need to hear it. - I don't get why is Leo so unhappy. However, his hair is cut shorter and is parted at his forehead. - Lincoln said - I agreed to share my room with you. Lincoln asked Ronnie to make the picture and she agreed. - Luan interrupted - Oh, you don't know how to play with them. -Yep, all the cash is here.-The cashier replied.-Ok girly, here's your shoes. - Lincoln asked - Tonight in three? - Lincoln asked - Why never skin or hair or spit? - This sight will never stop to be adorable. - Luan took Lily to Leo - This is your younger brother. -Lincoln?-Luna asked holding a dollar.-There's only one level higher in the game. - Lana said trying to hug Lynn, - Gotcha! [Lincoln gets spooked awake by the bats.] -Yeah Luna, you seem more distraught over this than anyone else.-Lola added. Linka . - Hey, what are you doing?! ?-Lynn said nervously. That's one of the ways our sibling bonds were forged. Don't blame me for being smart enough to plan recording things that happen only once. - Leo farted, - How cute. -All because they were missing, their white haired bro. - It's not about this. - Waah! - Rita asked - He loves you like everyone else. - I told you a new child will be in my family. - It's his feeding time. - she rubbed Leo's head. Lincoln goes with easy because he's never played before, and because Luna said she was a little rusty, when the figure in the game begins dancing, they manage to copy its motion perfectly, and get a perfect score. - You competed for me? - Rita replied. - Lynn complained - And Lucy? - Leni said rubbing Lincoln's back - When you were a baby you wanted to be with Luna only. Luke (Luna), having been woken up from Lincoln's complaining, agrees that the bathroom is messy and says that they should clean it. We all will share it. - Leni, please let me hold him. The girls weren't themselves at all that day. Waking up to the usual chaos done by his sisters, and enjoying his life being their brother. - I will show you my room. Don't worry I still love you. - You're still my bro, Lincoln. -But guys I slipped on a ball, I never would've done that on-Lincoln is interrupted again by the twins. - Lori complained. - I thought you were going to Detroid. That's your brother, you can't treat him like this! When she comes to a minute later, Lynn comes back with a plump girl that he's dragging by the collar. - Lori explained, - Don't you want to play with our baby brother? - Lincoln came into room of Lori and Leni - Can I now play with Leo? - Lynn said - Lincoln and Lana like it. - Luna covered Leo's ears - He'll get rid of your odor. -Yep, never been quieter.-Lisa continued.-This one might not even blow up. - Leni replied - Lynn often played with you in boucning ball and in wrestling she loved this very much. Luna was approaching bathroom, carrying Leo. - This mine. - Lynn commented excited, - If you give our new sibling a rough time like me you won't play long with him or her. I have it from Leni. - Lynn commented. - Lincoln said sadly - Just look how he cries when I touch him. I thought boy and tomboy can get on well with each other. Oh, he has my eyes. Rita (Original): Hey, girls! - Lincoln? - Don't worry, Leo will share room with me. - Lincoln said giving his dad the tape. - Lucy suggested. - Lincoln said - Do not give your younger brother or sister a rough time like Lynn does to me. -We're thirsty and we want some water from downstairs.-Lola answered. - Lola yelled, - Why couldn't this be another girl? - Leni answered and all made a facepalm, - We start counting from one not zero. This is the first story in which I use an Original Character I didn't make myself. Why don't they find sports fun? - Hypocrite, you yell at me. I finally have a brother I've always wanted but he doesn't want to play with me. - Leopold looked on Lincoln with fascination. Super Smash Brothers (1) The Really Loud House (TV 2022) (1) Exclude Characters Linka Loud (33) Lynn Loud Jr. (11) Loki Loud (11) Lincoln Loud (10) Lane . - Do you remember when she came to us? -Come on Lynn!-Lincoln said supportive.-You can do it! - I enjoyed your theatre but Leo is a boy so he needs to play with tomboys. - Rita began breastfeeding Leo. Lincoln's face drooped down as his eyes began to water up. - Rita greeted her older son, - We decided that Leo will sleep with you this night. He heads downstairs and sees them looking at family photos. - Lincoln explained - If you weren't maybe I would like to be more like you. -Lincoln.-Leni sadly lamented.-You know we didn't mean to wish you away, and I'm really sorry we did that. ["Ahhh! You may see this as I have fun with her but only she has fun when I suffer. I along with Luna, Luan and Lynn had to constantly remind you to not yell at him. The sisters, having been alarmed by their brother's screaming, barge into his room, and ask if he's okay. - Lori yelled. -Oh alright then.-Luna told him.-I'll wait another minute or two I guess. - Leni said - What's up? - Sorry, but I couldn't hold my joy. - Lucy commented surprised - In fact I've always considered you as the closest sibling to me. Rita took Leopold to her room. I hope I'll share my hobby with him because with my sisters I share only genes. - Leni commented - Don't scream on him. - Leo began chewing Bun-Bun's ears, - Hey, that's not to eat! - I got used to be called bro, how will you call Leo? -Great, thanks Luna!-Lincoln replied.-I tried taking Lynn last week, but she gave up on her promise when we reached the arcade. - Don't worry, Lily, he will love you all of us. - Lynn Sr said - I'll tell you something. He longed for a true family, he had since he was younger. -Say no more.-Lincoln replied taking the dollar from Luna and putting it in the machine. -In a family as big as mine, you can't go a single day without anyone being mad at each other.-Lincoln told the audience.-In fact, it's average to have about six of us mad at each other a day! - Lincoln said - I had fun with her before I went to school. When Luan is mocking Lincoln, her braces are missing. This one shot is set in the future where Lincoln ran away after having enough of his family's insane superstitions. - Luna grabbed Lincoln's shoulder - I still love you as my childhood with you was the happiest part of my life. The science committee leaves the house, and Lincoln heads back into Lisa's room. He would subtly turn his head away and collect himself, and the Potter's would glance away if they noticed. - I wanted to be like her? LANA AND LOLA'S FLASHBACK FROM A YEAR AGO BEGINS. I did it so you could recognize me. - Lana said confused - Come, little bro. Also, when she comes out of the bathroom barefoot, she has two left feet. In the Latin American Spanish dub, Lars's line "Luke flushed him" is said in an innuendo form (". To celebrate their closer and stronger relationship Lucy and Lincoln painted their hair, Lucy in white vertical stripes and Lincoln in black horizontal ones. - Hey! - Lincoln protested - Alright. LISA'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. - Lincoln explained - I haven's heard this for about 10 years. - Lucy commented scarring Lynn, - Why do we all have tendency to forget about you? After their trip, they go over to Gus' Games and Grub to enjoy pizza. - Lincoln said - I just realized we two are the quietest in our big loud family. - You have more of them, Lily. - She keeps telling me it's stressful to be the oldest sister and I believe her. - Give me light and accept darkness from me. -I believe he really is somewhere, trying to get back to us.-Lucy answered.-But there's no telling if he's ok or not. Lincoln puts $2.50 with the rest of Leni's cash. - Lucy said disgusted - Our room smells likeehno comprassion. - I felt so very much of famliy warmth then. - Again you're the last one to join us. At hospital the siblings were waiting and their patience was reaching its limits. -It's just not as fun anymore.-Lynn said sadly.-Can we just go to bed? The sisters are unable to hear what's going on in there when Lincoln runs out looking terrified. -I'm so sorry, I didn't-Lincoln is once again interrupted by the furious girls, both with bright red faces. - Luna, I do remember. - Just take him away! - Lincoln and Lana yelled in unison. The parents were overjoyed but Rita felt tired and went sleep. - Luan said - Look, it's a flamingo. Being an older sibling is both joyful and troublesome. - Lana commented. - Clyde said embarrassed, - Lincoln, it's your friend so you will take care of him! Lynn continues to hold onto hope that her brother is alive. Alternate Universe. He didn't understand what's going on but had fun. - Lana said - You're more playful than him. - Lincoln said - I made you happier and you made me more sensitive for your pain. - Lincoln asked surprised, - Yeah! - I'll take him. - Luna asked, - Here you are. Lincoln assures them that he's fine and expresses his thankfulness on having sisters instead of brothers (confusing them until he claims that he was talking about nuns). - You grow fast. - Did I just hear two cryings? - This shade of green? - Luan said - Lincoln, Lucy, Lola even Lisa had fun with me. - Somehow sharing pain with someone else doesn't make me feel better. I try to be for her who you are to me. - Hey, big sis, what happened? - Luna said disgusted, - Baths are fun, you'll see. Now! -Thanks Lincoln!-Lola and Lana said in unison. I just had to wait for your acceptance. Lincoln turned on the camera and put it next to mirror so it could record Leo's bath. - See? - Lynn Sr. said and gave Leo to Lynn Jr.'s arms, - You will have a lot of fun with your cool sister. - Lincoln asked. Lincoln graduated to middle school, Luan to high school and Lori to Detroid University but how they celebrated it is another story. ? - Luna said - I will be putting you slowly level by level. She commented "Why my two closest siblings have to be so weird?". Building Suspense-Richard Myhill[Lisa describes the watch.] - He has a name, its Leo. They both sat next to each other on Leni's bed. - Our baby bro seems to have fun. - Lana asked - I'm OK with this smell. When all siblings were already dressed and eating breakfast Leopold was still sleeping. - Lincoln replied - I wish that's a boy but I'll love our newest sibling regardless of gender. You know what's funny? Two men as companions. - Looks like we aren't needed. - Luna commented, crying - And he has same hair colour as mine. -Yeah, you look like your day has been terrible.-Lola finished. -If we cry while playing this, it isn't for show. I need to seek for a job in internet. - Lori said - Bobby, we need to leave. -Thanks Lincoln!-Lucy told him.-That means a lot coming from you. The next day, Lincoln is woken up from Lars' bat colony and receives two horrible punches: one from Lynn (for waking him up) and one from Lars (for scratching his coffin). -Nope.-Luan and Lincoln replied in unison. - Leni commented - Why not give him a chocolate? Lincoln takes the book from Lucy, and walks around while reading in his head. -Better turn you off before I wake my sisters up, because if I wake them up they'll just yell at me!-Lincoln said relieved.-Why are you up at 5 a.m. Twerp?-He said mocking Lori.-And more importantly, why'd you wake us up, I need my beauty sleep ya know?-This time mocking Lola. - Lucy revealed she was holding Lily behind. - Don't worry. - Why is this always blood? - Leni commented, - I meant I and Lucy are closer now. - Lola commented disgusted, - Hey! - Luna said sadly, - Just stay there, I'll come to you. - Lincoln replied annoyed. - Lisa, please don't do this again. - Lisa appeared behind Lana spooking her. - Alright. - Take care of him. - Lucy said - I can scare her to convience her to do this to me. - And this is a moose. The Loud House follows 11-year-old Lincoln, and 10 sisters who each have unique personalities: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr. ,Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. Luan is alone in her room, because Luna is watching a movie in the living room. Lincoln leaves the room and finishes what he was saying. - Lynn Sr. said allowing Lincoln to enter his room and glare at Leopold. Sibling's love: a feeling as pure and beautiful as that which can exist between parents and their children; a feeling so magical that can only exist between those people. - Lucy, what's with you? She was holding her newborn baby, it was a brown-haired tiny boy. - Lily always gets quiet after this. - Lincoln asked, - Can I join? - Aww! - Lana commented, - Can I just look at him? - I was kidding. Lucy sets off a chain of events that will change Lincoln's relationships with his sisters forever. I don't know if you're lucky or not. -Oww!-Lynn screamed.-Hey ref he just tripped me! -But I didn't-Lincoln said before they interrupted him.