I'm sure it's obvious by now that this grave was James Christensen's grave. Compassion for Those Affected by Crime and Incarceration. Police discovered that one group member, Susana Zapana Hannover, had been a member of the LDS Church[15] and another had been receiving discussions from the zone leader over the area. In March, Elder Fernando Antonio Ramos Garcia, age 21 from Juaya, El Salvador, died after drowning in a river in the municipality of Nahulingo, Sonsonate. "I guess it's fear of the unknown. But was ultimately convicted only on Voluntary Manslaughter and aggravated assault. Not nearly so important and interesting is that, coincidentally enough, the killing of James E. Christensen by his companion occurred on my uncle Reed's birthday, January 2nd--he and I share the same birthday, which accounts for my middle name being "Reed"). He could not have given it in a greater cause than this. To allow him to simply go on with her life is unbelievable to me. The Yankee invaders who come to massacre our peasant brethren are warned, as are their local slaves. I recently received email correspondence from a family member of a Mormon missionary who was horribly and tragically killed by his companion while serving in the Louisville-Kentucky mission--which, at the time, was headed by my uncle, Reed Benson, as its president. The mother was convinced that it was a miracle.[27]. In addition to using the United States as a scapegoat for Bolivia's problems, FAL Zarate Willka "sought revenge for their political party's poor showing in Bolivia's recent national election," on May 15, blaming the United States for this as well, claimed Gelbard. [67], Johnny Peralta claimed, "I am politically responsible for the actions of Zarate Willka, beginning with the attack against the companies of multimillionaire Mario Mercado to the last attack" including the attack on former Secretary George Shultz, the attempted assassination of Ambassador Robert Gelbard, the bombing of the Bolivian Parliament building, and the murders of Jeffrey Brent Ball and Todd Ray Wilson. Utah's senior senator, Jake Garn (R) expressed, "Such wanton and cowardly acts are among the most disgusting and callous actions of which human beings are capable. Missionary work can be hard. I had confidence they were with my son and helping to protect him. [18][19][26][38][42][27] While this may have helped, Robert Wharten, press attach at the U.S. Embassy said that the arrests were "the result of good, solid police work on the part of the Bolivians. He had "looked forward to his mission above all else." Benson family members were blaming James for going on a mission in the first place, against the advice of his local Mormon leaders. They were then followed back to their apartment as they returned at about 10:20p.m.[31]. Don LeFevre, spokesman for the LDS Church, commended "the Bolivian authorities for their persistence in the pursuit of justice. We pray that their families, friends and the missionaries they have served alongside will all feel Gods love and peace during this difficult time.. During this visit, they "gave instructions to the missionaries concerning safety precautions they need to observe, including returning to their apartments by 9:30 p.m. and how to travel and conduct themselves in the present climate." That is, until we came to one grave, wherein she got a heavy look on her face and refused to tell me about him, other than that they were close and he was her cousin. On Saturday, June 24, after following a "trail of suspects," police arrested Constantino Yujra Loza,[66] a sociology student, and his cousin, who was later released. [14], At this time, the United States had three main goals in Bolivia, "fostering democracy, supporting economic stabilization and development and reducing production of coca, the plant used to make cocaine,"[20] of which the single largest interest was "the impact that production of the coca and cocaine has on the body politic up here. Thanks for sharing this story, disturbing as it is. [54] "Missionaries are so dear to the entire church that when one is lost through death the entire church grieves," said President Hinckley. Again, thank you again for mentioning James story. I had some companions who would go significantly over their allotted email time. Leonards progress now is often a matter of mere inches or millimeters. He also was an ace student, earning a near 4.0 GPA in high school, and mentored special-needs students. It seems like the family just wanted to this all to go away quietly. 1 U.S. interest in Bolivia is doing away with that problem. It burns me up hearing how callously others placed the blame for his death squarely on himself. "[16] Some guessed that this group might be a branch of the Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path), a prominent Peruvian terrorist group. My name is Angela Voss and I recently came across one of your contributing posts to exmormon.org. To give her son the best chance possible, Marla spends every day with him, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. She rents a nearby apartment in Boston, where she is currently living with her daughter Sway and son Cross. I was very surprised by the account of the Benson family blaming Elder Christensen, but perhaps this is a defensive mechanism that became useful over time. Creeds companion suffered several fractures, including a broken pelvis and a broken knee. I would ask all about the person whose grave we were at and she would tell me stories of all the charming things she remembered or knew about our relatives. I did know your aunt May well. The cause of the accident is being investigated by local law enforcement, Penrod continued. Angela has stepped up to confront and face down the Mormon Church for the deep suffering it has brought to her and her family. No matter what happens, the Waggoners say their love for their son and faith in God will see them through. Antonio Rojas, a Bolivian officer assigned to the case, stated that while they were staking out the home of Susana Zapana (the suspect who had been a member of the LDS Church), At 11:30 p.m., Susana hadn't arrived to tell us who Horacio was. We, the poor, have no other road than to rise up in arms. Subsequently, he was killed by his companion--who had a difficult time dealing with the ill-fated missionary's mental impairment, which slowed James down and made him an unbearable challenge to work with, at least as far as his companion was concerned. JeffreyR. Holland, Missionary Work and the Atonement, 15. Mormon Observer A few hours later, he and the bishop went to the Wilson home to notify them of the murders. Page's companion reported that the two were on bicycles and had missed the . '"[11] Ballard stated that out of about 447,969 missionaries who had served, only 525 had lost their lives. Obviously, he probably shouldn't have been allowed to go in the first place. Re: Coming Forward: Years After the Killing of a Family Member at the Hands of the Victim's Companion and in My Uncle's Mission Field, a Courageous Woman Speaks Out for Justice & Truth Our deepest sympathies go to the families of these faithful missionaries, and we express our love and condolences to all who love them, he said in the release. [12][13], When Jeffrey Ball and Todd Wilson arrived in Bolivia in 1988, they entered an environment of severe political unrest and anti-Mormon antagonism in the nation and in Latin America generally. [9] A scholarship fund was also established in his memory. WTF??? Glo Soon thereafter, asked how he was doing, Creed raised his left hand and made the OK gesture and was later able to make the thumbs-up gesture. Dont be hesitant to ask for strength to manage your expectations or to control your attitude. It can be easy to see the differences when youre having challenges in your companionship, but trying to find your similarities will help you feel united. Michael Austin Davis of Corinne, Utah, and 20-year-old Tyson Gene Haycock, of Miles City, Mont., who had been serving the faiths New Mexico Farmington Mission, died in the crash. He didnt move or talk and would stare blankly ahead. Horrible. Your environment is different, youre away from your friends and family, and you have schedules and demands that are unique. One United States House Foreign Affairs Committee member theorized that the attack could have come from the political left or right, "the left, because they [the missionaries] represent anti-communist America; the right because they proselytize the Indians, and (those on the right) want them left alone and unchanged. You also dont have to limit these conversations to just your weekly formal companionship inventory. "[25][26], Terrorist acts against the LDS Church in South America did not end with the deaths of Wilson and Ball. We express our love and deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Elder Carter and Elder Fowler and to the missionaries in the Texas Fort Worth Mission. Photo courtesy of Rex and Nicole Persons family. The first judge assigned to the case, Nestor Loredo, resigned on October 4 as a consequence of anonymous telephoned death threats. Missionaries come from diverse backgrounds and have their own experiences with the gospel. Mormonism has a history of being a violent faith. According to witnesses, after the act, a commander of the group realized, "it's not him, we were wrong." At press time, no funeral arrangements had been made. 1977 news accounts say Bjelde. [67], Despite these arrests, several members of FAL Zarate Willka remained at large, including Johnny Justino Peralta Espinoza, the supposed ringleader of the group, and Susana Zapana Hannover, the former member of the LDS Church, as well as a cousin of the Encinas brothers. At least 40 of the 177 killed missionaries identified died in robberies. Please lift up your prayers to those most affected.. Having a companion can be such a relief, especially as you start your mission. She gave me permission to share the contents of her correspondence with me here, including her full identity. There is probably a lot of personal blame to go around, including some in my own direction. He was a country boy at heart, so it was natural for him to want to be back in the country. [40], It was early theorized by Bolivian and U.S. officials that this group resisted U.S. anti-drug policies, possibly being connected with drug traffickers. (Marla Leonard-Waggoner) Marla Leonard-Waggoner and her son, Creed Waggoner, who was injured while serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Boston. Courtesy Rex and Nicole Persons family 16 of 19 Mason Bailey, 19, lived with family in Richfield before leaving on his LDS mission in July. For her part, Marla is no stranger to grief. Angela wrote back again, this time to share disturbing details surrounding the death of James E. Christensen at the hands of his missionary companion: Steve, I didn't include this in the original e-mail, but before he was scalded/killed, he was indeed beat with a belt on a regular basis, along with other abuses of which weren't specified by mom. In defense of their own, what members of the Benson family were doing was laying blame for Elder Christensens death at his own feet, saying that because he had failed to follow the counsel of his local Mormon Church leaders to forego a mission, he had paid with his own life. Sometimes these challenges can culminate in serious mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression. Their bodies were found with a sign saying, "This is how imperialists' supporters die." Similar feelings were expressed at a memorial service held Sunday May 28 in the Sopocachi Stake Center in La Paz, Bolivia. noaccountyet After abandoning the body, Juan's mother and sister took him to the Hospital Juan XXIII accompanied by one of the vigilant police officers, where he was refused medical attention, as police had ordered personnel to "not assist the terrorist." They have died as martyrs in the cause of the Lord. At one point, not long before the assassinations, it bombed the Villa Victoria chapel in Jeffrey Ball and Todd Wilson's area, which sustained severe damage to the entrance and exterior facade. The full, ugly details of that murder need to be brought into the bright light of day. One has to wonder if the killer didn't have some sort of psychiatric disorder. It occurred during a heavy rainstorm. They are unforgivable under any circumstances but seem especially so when the victims are young men who have made great personal sacrifices and dedicated themselves to serve their church and fellow man." On Tuesday, Carter and his companion, Elder Eli Jon Fowler, 20, of Pueblo West, Colorado, were killed in a head-on collision in Denton, Texas. But it seems to me that about the only way that the senior companion could have gotten off scott free like he did was if TSCC used its might, muscle, and money to get him off. It read: Yankees and their Bolivian lackeys' violation of our national sovereignty will not remain unpunished. Missionaries face rejection, physical exertion, challenges of learning languages and getting used to new cultures, homesickness, and so on. Each companion, including you, brings unique strengths and weaknesses to the pairing. He was clearly an adult at the time of his mission and it was clearly murder. Or did TSCC defend him mainly to keep everything "under control," and keep this situation quiet? An LDS missionary from Washington was killed and her Utah companion was seriously injured in a vehicle crash Friday in Georgia. By any metric, it has been a difficult fight for both him and his family ever since the 20-year-old missionary from St. George and his companion were struck by a car on Nov. 30 while serving a. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=50805840. Donate to the newsroom now. Bjelde had been charged with three counts of murder and one of aggravated assault. twojedis The Bolivians should be credited for them."[18]. [54] President Hinckley reminded, "He might have given his life in other causes. Once these missionaries' safety had been reasonably ascertained, fourteen American sisters and three Elders arrived between October 1995 and March 1996. In the Bolivia Cochabamba mission, forty-eight American elders and two sisters arrived in the first year (September 1994 September 1995). In this respect Elder Belde was a victim of Mormonism too. Both missionaries were wearing seatbelts at the time of the accident.. I don't understand how this missionary was not prosecuted at all. Missionaries are encouraged to learn how to work with and love their companions, but when you are with someone 24/7, it is likely that conflict may occur. Was he acquitted? One thing that probably worked in Bjelde's favor was that the official cause of death was a burst cerebral aneurysm that Christensen had suffered in the crash a decade before. The two women were serving in the Georgia Atlanta North Mission. As a running back his senior year at Crimson Cliffs High School, Creed rushed for 704 yards and seven touchdowns, and he had dreams of joining the Brigham Young University football team as a walk-on after his mission. He died in January from health complications. The only thing I found was his obituary, a picture of his grave and your post. While Juan's sister tried to get the order reversed, his mother watched her son die.[15]. Despite these precautions, trouble continued to brew. On Valentines Day, Creed achieved another milestone, saying the prayer on his own. The truth must be told. I am tempted to use this information as ammunition to help my parents see that the Church is harmful, but know that would only fuel the hurt and cause more arguments. While walking to an appointment on March 2, Elder Mason Lewis Bailey, 19, was struck by a vehicle and killed. Here are some thoughts to consider as you make the transition to a missionary lifestyle. To me, that speaks volumes to the character of the man who sacrifices the things he would like to do for a mission.. Nothing should surprise me anymore. "[18][31][49] Indeed, the United States felt it necessary to offer a $500,000 reward for information leading to the capture of the assassins, in an attempt to induce individuals to come forward. Under the care of neurologists and nurses at Mass General, along with the loving support of his family, Creed has made progress in fits and starts. [41] The investigation included five or six members who brought ballistics laboratory equipment, polygraphs, and other equipment. [45] Thus, Bolivian Marxist ideologues and politicians such as FAL Zarate Willka considered United States anti-drug and military aid programs as violating their national sovereignty. The trial began soon after Ambassador Gelbard declared to officials of the LDs Church during a Salt Lake City visit that "I have made it crystal clear to the president of Bolivia that this is of the greatest importance to us and we want to bring this to the end of the investigation. Serving others makes it easier to forget about yourself and your list of differences. [26][38], At first, beyond the note received at newspaper offices, officials knew little about FAL Zarate Willka's philosophy. "[2][27][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26], Other chapels were robbed, and another nearby chapel was nearly bombed. [70] However, after the resignation of the first two judges, Rivas ordered the five suspects (Yujra, the Encinas brothers, Dr. Rojas, and Simn Tema Mamani) to remain in prison without bail. Dan read from Wilson's missionary journal, "I know that my call was inspired of God and there is someone in Bolivia that only I can touch. Ambassador Robert Gelbard. Mormon Missionary Murdered by his Companion steve benson Feb. 2013 I recently received email correspondence from a family member of a Mormon missionary who was horribly and tragically killed by his companion while serving in the Louisville-Kentucky mission--which, at the time, was headed by my uncle, Reed Benson, as its president. One of the men was killed instantly as a bullet penetrated his heart. "[41][65] Two of the agents served as liaison between the Embassy and the Minister of the Interior, which heads the Bolivian police. As a result of the accident, James was permanently brain damaged but was determined to serve a mission, nonetheless. Elder Mason Lewis Bailey from Richfield, Utah, serving in the Sweden Stockholm Mission since July 2013, died after being struck by a vehicle while he and his companion were walking along a road on their way to an appointment. The family member of the slain missionary contacted me because she had read my previous account of that awful event on this site and reached out to express her appreciation, as well as to share her feelings--including her outrage--along with additional details surrounding the death of her Mormon missionary relative and how, in the aftermath, the killing has continued--all these years later--to impact her and her family. You have reason to stand tall and be grateful that the Living Son of the Living God knows all about your sorrows and afflictions.2. Love is more often something you do than something you feel. You were called to serve and help people come unto Christ, and that includes your companion. [53] President Benson's other counselor, Gordon B. Hinckley, presided at Wilson's funeral, which was also attended by L. Tom Perry of the Twelve, Taylor, and seven hundred others. [5], Some assassinations of missionaries are because of anti-Mormon hostility, some are due to political reasons, and some are simply random attacks. For many missionaries, though, minor mental health challenges can still come up. Assassinations of Jeffrey Brent Ball and Todd Ray Wilson, Learn how and when to remove this template message, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacin-Zarate Willka, Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacin Zarate Willka, United States House Foreign Affairs Committee, the temple that will someday be built in Bolivia, Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA), "Missionaries and Terror: The Assassination of Two Elders in Bolivia", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Assassinations_of_Jeffrey_Brent_Ball_and_Todd_Ray_Wilson&oldid=1148001877. By any metric, it has been a difficult fight for both him and his family ever since the 20-year-old missionary from St. George and his companion were struck by a car on Nov. 30 while serving a Spanish-speaking mission in Boston for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Assisted by two therapists, she wrote, Creed recently walked the length of the hallway, and he is gaining some movement in his right side. Belde? I noted that he was young when he died. I am not really sure what my intention is by sending this e-mail, except to let you know I appreciate you making my mom's cousin James story known and to share my personal experience. It was there that they spent two and a half days reading the entire Book of Mormon. Re: Coming Forward: Years After the Killing of a Family Member at the Hands of the Victim's Companion and in My Uncle's Mission Field, a Courageous Woman Speaks Out for Justice & Truth Join thousands already receiving our daily newsletter. You need to know that you are very inspirational to people interested in knowing and understanding the hidden "gospel principles" that are so harmful to the spiritual and physical lives of people and make this religion a veritable C U L T!