Heres a refresher on all thats come out about the real Jesse Sullivan: He came out of the gate with a nasty stolen valor scandal. The Stolen Valor Act of 2005, signed into law by President George W. Bush on December 20, 2006, [1] was a U.S. law that broadened the provisions of previous U.S. law addressing the unauthorized wear, manufacture, or sale of any military decorations and medals. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:14 am: Its again pinging the stolen valor want, someone who has this idea hes been called to protect and serve, when in actuality a commercial with a highlighting a candidate at night with police vehicles, Sullivan should run for sheriff somewhere or ask Bailey, Irvin, Rabine, or Schimpf to appoint him director of ISP. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 12:24 pm: That would be a far better use of resources and messaging, but egos and this needed want to steal valor to gun up I dont know its poor by a campaign and its crew that makes this whole thing performance art for cryptocurrency. Either promote yourself up or attack the leading candidate to drive him down. With the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq came a surge in young men who said that they were lite commandos; in the weeks after the raid that killed bin Laden, phony SEAL claims doubled, according to one researcher. Once the lie was made public, he was ridiculed online, he wrote. Ryan vibes from this guy. In fact, he had served as a private in the Army, gone AWOL in Germany, and received an other than honorable discharge. Albert Brum. They need to distinguish themselves, otherwise the campaign messages blend into each other for the GOP primary voter. It doesnt make sense.. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. The average game times of 2 hours, 36 minutes are down from 3:03 in 2022. I would give it a A, in that if is very focused on a key element of Republican Politics, and tugs at the hearts of the fearful. Because I think most peoples first instinct is that calling into question someones service is rather icky. David Gentry. This ad, tho, this ad is definitely better than the Irvin ad, if only because it actually does capture your attention. So what sets these two apart on crime? So, I asked, how could Sullivan have led combat patrols? =And then also the kids in schools and keeping them out of school= Sullivan has managed to make a big splash in the Republican primary. And then also the kids in schools and keeping them out of school, they put all the focus and energy on COVID. - Back to the Future - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 1:51 pm: The downside to being a woefully unprepared and woefully unqualified candidate- - -. - 47th Ward - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 1:41 pm: ===an attack like this from an opponent with the credentials to make it.===. This ad will play well in Peoria County and south. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:06 am: ==Sounds a lot like the Irvin Campaign commercials. The Stolen Valor Act of 2005, written in part by Pam Sterner, was introduced the year that millions of filmgoers watched Wedding Crashers, in which Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilsons characters lie about being Purple Heart recipients. A small amount of competition for Irvin, who has the advantage of Griffins millions, at least on paper. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 1:22 pm: In a primary, and specifically your first run for anything, you need to be telling people who you are and not refuting who someone else says you are. - Proud Papa Bear - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:17 am: C. Its hard to spice up bland. But not in defense of Sullivans specious claims about his own record. - Da big bad wolf - Friday, Jan 28, 22 @ 8:42 am: If police who are trained have trouble finding the criminals how are people in the National Guard supposed to do that? I did listen to the ten minute interview Mr. Sullivan did with WGN. And they serve honorablyIrvins ad contains multiple falsehoods, most notably the dismissive comment that Jesse was a social worker. Irvins shameful use of veterans to dismiss this form of public service is a disgrace., Major Monte Montes, US Army (ret.) Sullivans campaign pushed back hard on the out-of-state angle, insisting he was a Petersburg guy who had made lots of influential business friends in California and other states. but were not going to try to run our sheriffs department like the military., Around Christmas, Bart Kendrick went public on Facebook with his accusation about Foleys residency, sure that it would tank his candidacy. I was raised in the church, as a person of deep faith. Great agenda, have the guard do something theyre not trained to do and let Americans die during a pandemic. When Sterner learned of a fraudulent Medal of Honor claim, hed pass the information along to Cottone. He kept having odd interactions with strangers. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:55 am: ===You cant use law enforcement officers in their uniforms, in their cars, in a political campaign ad.===. We do have some military police in the Illinois National Guard. Everything else? Shipley admits that he sometimes broke the platforms rules against releasing individuals personal information, but he contends that he was deplatformed for political reasons: he had been digging into the background of Nathan Phillips, a Native American veteran who appeared in a viral video with a student from Covington Catholic High School. When I think of the Guard I think of disaster response not vigilantism. I came out swinging so hard at these guys on the Internet that I brought on flocks of these junior G-men who have nothing to do but patrol Walmart and accost people, he said. Some Callahan County residents were ready to forgive him. It has since been revealed that during his time as a student at St. Louis University back in 2006, he founded the magazine One World. I proudly served our nation in uniform doing counterinsurgency work in Helmand Afghanistan with the US Department of Defense, Sullivan declared in his campaign announcement speech near Petersburg. Cmon. No other GOP candidates were mentioned. I thought I was going to have a heart attack on the spot, Ford told the podcast Reply All. Some of the most uncomfortable stolen-valor videos involve confrontations with people who appear to be confused, mentally ill, or homeless. United States v. Alvarez, 567 U.S. 709 (2012), is a landmark decision in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 was unconstitutional. That would be a good question for a serious candidate. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 9, 22 @ 11:45 am: If Sullivan wanted to serve, he shouldve joined a branch of service. Military Phonies was already looking into Jowerss background. They undertake the mission at great personal risk. But Sullivan should probably stop digging holes that hell eventually have to fill himself. One issue mentioned by others is the ethics of using uniformed police with their government funded vehicles in the ad. *** UPDATE *** Another Sullivan press release. - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 4:48 pm: To seal the stolen valor/pro military bonafides, we need some icing on the cake, Sullivan riding in an M1 Abrams tank, ala Michael Dukakis, October 1988. A D, I guess? -. When Rambo came out, everyone was a Green Beret. - Give Us Barabbas - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:27 am: Spot must have been QC checked by the guys that made the wraps for the back of the semi trailers. - walker - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 3:07 pm: This guy might have some talents. - DuPage - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:15 am: Maybe all he could afford to pay for was one ad. I have dishonored all veterans. Typically, though, punishment is meted out online. Help Illinois Colleges And Universities Go Green. The first one claimed he served in the unit from Band of Brothers and also stormed the beach at Normandyit just didnt make any sense.. F. A debate about stolen valor has no upside for Sullivan, the best he can do with voters on this issue is fight it to a draw. They served their country, now they have to get a normal job, maybe they have P.T.S.D., maybe theyre not getting help from the V.A. He should take pause to consider how many civilians the United States killed in Afghanistan and now many civilians were detained, imprisoned, and even tortured without due process by the United States during our occupation of Afghanistan. 2019 valor thieves; Ken Woerheide . Same can be said for his extensive experience in public health and mental health. Which branch? without prevaricating, then the answer is No. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 9:12 am: Rated A- Veterans are responding to Richard Irvins latest attack ad on Jesse Sullivan, calling on Irvins campaign to pull the ad and apologize to families who have lost loved ones serving in military or civilian roles abroad. People lie about their service in YouTube clips, Facebook posts, and text messages; researchers have exposed a man who claimed on a dating site to have been on the SEAL team that took out Osama bin Laden, and another who posted photographs of himself wearing a Green Beret uniform on his wedding day. Justwhat? A 2012 profile of Sullivan in the State Journal-Register mentioned that his team, left the British military unit stationed in the area with recommendations for strengthening the local police force and reopening a school., When I questioned Sullivans campaign about this seeming rhetorical contradiction, they acknowledged that he was an Army civilian without veteran status who nevertheless led and participated in combat patrols in Afghanistan.. Politicians lie to get us into wars; generals lie about how well things are going; soldiers lie about what they did during their service. He found that the actor Brian Dennehy, famous for playing Rambos law-enforcement antagonist in First Blood, had lied about suffering combat wounds in Vietnam. But the States Attorneys and District Attorneys across the nation/state who wont prosecute and let criminals walk arent?? - Excitable Boy - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 1:28 pm: - commercial being on the civilian intelligence side over in Afghanistan, you see the power of our military and their abilities. Matt Allen. Hed be enjoying an All-Star Special at Waffle House, where veterans can get a ten-per-cent discount, when a man would start asking questions about his military service. Press release. Stolen Valor Valor Thieves' Gallery. Allegations that gubernatorial candidate Jesse Sullivan's petitions contain hundreds of fake signatures are untrue and a "political stunt" by McHenry County businessman and Republican rival. Ive asked the campaign about the use of law enforcement vehicles in the campaign ad. The memo was produced by afirm founded bythe same consulting group working for Sullivans campaign and that late leadhasnt been confirmedby any other polling. The lies that people tell shift with the appetites of the era. - Politix - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 2:04 pm: Always fun to hear overprivileged white men from downstate rattle on about violence prevention. At least Paul Schimpf knows he is running for an agency directors job. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 2:18 pm: Come on down to Sullivans. Ill look around to see if its elsewhere. I felt I was doing something really pretty dirtyleading this woman on to help her incriminate her husband so the F.B.I. The day Illinois voters quit voting for partys like your rooting for a baseball team is the day we will see true equality and economic growth. Notes: Prospects Ed Howard, Alexander Canario and James Triantos take steps in their rehab. Its astonishing to me that the Republican Party as a whole really is not concerned about peoples health and that they might be killing people with their anti-vax, anit-mask stance. Firing people who are not willing to get the vaccine, those frontline workers who have been taking on the burden of this crisis, and then youre going to fire them? - Mcin33 - Wednesday, May 18, 22 @ 9:31 pm: My lord. Even so, there were only a handful of people regularly investigating false military claims. To Bart, it seemed obvious that Foley didnt live there but was merely using it as a place to switch out his vehicle after work. The Kendricks did a little digging and discovered that Foley lived fifty-five miles away, in another county, which under Texas law made him ineligible for the position. It didnt for the Br!t!$h in the 20th century at various locations. As for the mask mandates, just add him to the long list of Republicans who are pro-COVID. Republicans are the pro-life party. People who lie about having served often seem less interested in money than in belonging to an esteemed group. This pro-law enforcement ad might not be so, um, pro-legal. - Fayette County - Tuesday, Mar 29, 22 @ 10:20 am: The ad will play well in this part of Illinois but Bailey has a lot of support locked up already around here. Spot pulled for typos because only the best people are working on this campaign. was an overdiagnosed condition cooked up by antiwar leftists; that accusations of war crimes in Vietnam were overstatedbut what captured readers attention was his exposure of military fakers. they ran a very similar TV ad during that race, Multiple dead, more than 30 hospitalized after blowing dust leads to accidents on I-55. Is that right?===. A flashy memo isnt enough to hide Sullivans baggage in the home stretch, no matter how hard he tries. As to unAmerican, chomping at the bit to use military force against American citizens is unAmerican. In 1782, when George Washington awarded ribbons and badges to valorous Revolutionary War troops, he was already worrying about pretenders. I am pretty confident that Sullivan will carry Menard County. Unfortunately for him, voters know the truth and theyll remember it at the ballot box next week., By providing your cell phone number you consent to receive recurring text message updates from the Democratic Governors Association, including by automated text messages. There is good reason to believe that a similar fate would befall other false claimants.. Were on a mission from God. - Mama - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 6:28 pm: - Zoomer - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 9:35 pm: Yet another beacon of optimism and open-mindedness shining his wisdom as a light upon us all. Callahan County, an agricultural region outside Abilene, Texas, is a place where people pay attention to their neighbors. I note that several of the sheriffs do appear in street clothes, so maybe they checked it out and were warned beforehand. Mr. Sullivans words are those of a person who fundamentally does not understand democratic governments and basic civil rights. Jesse talks about Donald Trump's speech to Turning Point USA's Student Action Summit, where he veered off into bizarre territory when he announced that he tr. I do think there was a role for the NG and the State Police during the looting and riots that Chicago residents were facing. And, for sure, this military combat claim needs to be cleared up right away. Shipley studied how to make a video go viral. Through games of Sunday, scoring is up when compared to March and April of 2022. After Leroy Foleys lies about his military service were exposed, Rick Jowers seemed certain to win the Republican primary and therefore become Callahan Countys next sheriff, since no one was running as a Democrat. It is the 13th largest county in the state. I am concerned that he may not have received [the medals] but is implying that he has, she wrote. Jowers withdrew from the race and resigned his job with the sheriffs department. - Annonin' - Thursday, Jan 27, 22 @ 6:13 pm: NG units are trained for specific tasks. Behind the Oklahoma City bombing and even the January 6th attack was a military-style assault in Texas that galvanized the far right. . By day, he managed an apartment building in Pueblo, Colorado; in his spare time, he maintained lists of medal recipients and wrote eighty-one books, the majority about military history.