Pvt. Lt. Aldo Raine Well, I speak the most Italian, so I'll be your escort. What shall the history books read? General Ed Fenech: I need to know about Germans hiding in them trees, and you need to tell me, and you need to tell me right now. General Ed Fenech: As war rages in Europe, a. [Marcel is beating up a sound technician]. So you're the Jew Hunter. I'd make that deal. A French Jew (Melanie Laurent) escapes a death squad and reinvents herself as the proprietress of a Paris movie house, only to find herself romanced by a young German war hero and budding film star. You were saying? You know, where I'm from Col. Hans Landa: And I want you to look deep into the face of the Jew that is going to do it! Lt. Aldo Raine: And yes, some Germans will die, and yes, it will ruin the evening, and yes, Goebbels will be very, very, very mad at you for what you've done to his big night but you won't get Hitler, you won't get Goebbels, you won't get Gring, and you won't get Bormann. : [a smack is heard offscreen] Col. Hans Landa: Willi! So you're "the Jew Hunter". Tuxedos. You might know him better by his nickname: "The Bear Jew". : "That's a bingo"? Now, as far as your paesanos, Sergeant Donowitz and Private Omar Col. Hans Landa: Hugo Stiglitz? [very bad Italian accent] And I'm beginning to think my participation in this event could be meaningful. This boy has done something tremendous for us. Lt. Aldo Raine Lt. Aldo Raine S er, corretto. Mir scheint, da fehlt jemand. We all come here to see if you wanna go pro. The jeopardy is a single opportunity to kill Nazi leadership at a movie premiere. Tuxedos. Looks like we have a bit of a sticky situation here. [shouting to the camera, acting in Nation's Pride] Lt. Aldo Raine: I read the report on this area. But you're aware of what they call me? Yeah, they made that deal, but they don't give a fuck about him. Now, before we yank that slug out you, you need to answer a few questions. The Englishman gave himself away. Because you love me. [mispronouncing the name] [standing behind the screen, he smiles] Sgt. What's that American expression? Now, besides you, we know there's another kraut patrol fuckin' around there somewhere. Get me someone on the other end of that radio with the power of the pen to authorize my, let's call it, the terms of my conditional surrender, if that tastes better going down. Smithson Utivich Col. Hans Landa: Lt. Aldo Raine: And what would that be? Col. Hans Landa Extraordinary, my dear. Pvt. I'm sorry, again? Nah, I don't think so. Up there, if you engage in what the federal government calls illegal activity, but what we call just a man trying to make a living for his family, selling moonshine liquor, it behooves oneself to keep his wits. [after brief pause] The Fhrer and Goebbels's propaganda have said pretty much the same thing, but where our conclusions differ is I don't consider the comparison an insult. Well, it just so happens I do as well. [shouting from up the stairs] You can't expect me to divulge information that would put German lives in danger. Col. Hans Landa Marcel: Where's my men? So when the military history of this night is written, it will be recorded that I was part of Operation Kino from the very beginning as a double agent. Omar speaks third most, so he'll be Donny's assistant. Thank you, mein Fhrer. Smithson Utivich You just say "bingo.". Donny! Master SGT. Smithson Utivich Wait a minute, he goes to Bridget von Hammersmark: Sgt. Since Goebbels has taken over, film attendance has steadily risen in Germany over the last eight years. Inglourious Basterds isn't the only hit action movie that Sisu revives, as the road chase battles, female hostages-turned-warriors, and minimal dialogue in favor of letting actions speak calls . Well, if you're willing to barbecue the whole high command, I 'spose that's worth certain considerations. What was the next step? : Bridget von Hammersmark Showing all 56 items Jump to: Photos (29) Quotes (27) Photos . The world has recorded a dark history that has passed by mankind called the World War. Well, I speak the most Italian, so I'll be your escort. Col. Hans Landa And all y'all will git me one hundred Nazi scalps, taken from the heads of one hundred dead Nazis. He had just become a father! Werner Rachtman Bingo! Michael Zimmerman Sgt. Yes. [He digs his fingers into her bullet wound. Have I been shot? I, too, have an acute ear for accents. That's what I thought. If a rat were to scamper through your front door right now, would you greet it with hostility? Scalp Hermann. Shosanna Dreyfus: One, the venue has been changed from the Ritz to a much smaller venue. The Englishman gave himself away. General Ed Fenech: Donny Donowitz. Now, Werner, I'm gonna ask you one last goddamn time, if you still respectfully refuse, I'm callin' the Bear Jew over. Lt. Aldo Raine [in German] What d'you hear? I've heard of the Bear Jew. Now, if you heard of Aldo the Apache, you gotta have heard of the Bear Jew. Col. Hans Landa : Lt. Aldo Raine Says he's gonna hug his momma. : That's what I like to hear. : Anyway, here are the 10 Most Memorable Quotes From Inglourious Basterds. Omar Ulmer. Cpl. Lt. Aldo Raine: They're friends of mine from Italy. Sgt. Hirschberg What is that English expression about shoes and feet? The Fhrer is attending the premiere. That's a purdy exciting story. Wilhelm If they're still there, and if they're still alive, and that's one big if, there ain't no way you gonna take them boys without settin' off them bombs. We don't like that. Col. Hans Landa: However, I've been lead to believe that you speak English quite well. What should we drink to, sir? She chose the spot. I think this just might be my masterpiece! And, as if to make my point, I'm a little surprised how tall you were in real life. Lt. Aldo Raine By the way, that last part's actually true. I must say, I grow weary of these monkeyshines. Smithson Utivich: Fuck a duck! This is your finest film yet. Bridget von Hammersmark: Col. Hans Landa: By all means, Captain. Fredrick Zoller: Not only shall I remove it, I intend to burn it. : Now, y'all might've heard rumors about the armada happening soon. They bite people. Lt. Aldo Raine Over there is a very capable two-way radio and sitting behind it is a more than capable radio operator named Hermann. [cut back to Hitler's office] Fuck you and your Jew dogs! : I don't blame ya! [Landa and Bridget sit alone in Shosanna's office; in German] He moves closer to Butz as Butz removes his cap to show a large swastika-shaped scar on his forehead]. Sound good? It's only the offspring of slaves that allows America to be competitive athletically. : Col. Hans Landa: We will be cruel to the Germans, and through our cruelty they will know who we are. So, the way I see it, since Hitler's death or possible rescue rests solely on my reaction, if I do nothing, it's as if I'm causing his death even more than yourselves. [She uses her thumb, fore, and middle fingers]. : Quotes . How many seats in your auditorium? [He pours wine for himself, Aldo, and Utivich]. Lt. Archie Hicox: In the midst of Landa's . But if I don't pick up this phone right here, you may very well get all four and if you get all four, you end the war. Donny! : Did you get that, Kliest? Or you either, Lieutenant Frankfurt. Bridget gives in and places her foot in Landa's lap. . : Adolf Hitler: Smithson Utivich: Werner Rachtman I made a deal with your general for that man's life! A detective. [Hans pulls out a very large pipe five times the size of Perrier's]. [in Italian with obvious southern accent] In fact, about a third of the film is non-English and is subtitled. Yeah, in a basement. So they made that the Basterds are from Sicily and Landa asks them about their name origins and their birthplaces. [cut back to Hitler's office. But if I don't pick up this phone right here, you may very well get all four and if you get all four, you'll end the war tonight. Joseph Goebbels: : : Y'know Utivich 'n myself heard that deal you made with the brass. And that purty little nest you feathered for yourself. 6 more photos . Bring that fucker over here! Gorlomi? Not one word of detail! : This night is for you, me, the German military, the High Command, their family and friends. They'll shoot ya. You're no more German than that scotch. What the fuck are we supposed to do? You are not to tell anybody anything! Inglourious Basterds Lt. Aldo Raine: [Drawing a map] Up the road apiece, there's an orchard. I believe Goebbels sees himself as closer to David O. Selznick. [in Italian] I have no doubt. I know this is a silly question before I ask it, but can you Americans speak any other language besides English? Marcel: Lt. Archie Hicox: Now, if one were to determine what attribute the German people share with a beast, it would be the cunning and the predatory instinct of a hawk. (Instead of saying "it won't be hard to find" he says "it won't be hard of find") 1.5K 84 84 comments Add a Comment Lt. Aldo Raine Pvt. Are you going to take off your uniform? Sgt. Donowitz speaks the second most, so he'll be your Italian cameraman. : [In English] Related: 20 Most Intense, Hold-Your-Breath Movie Scenes Of All Time. Are you aware of my existence? Pfc. Maynardville, Tennessee. You can't expect me to divulge information that would put German lives in danger. Marcel: Gentleman, I have no intention of killing Hitler and killing Goebbels and killing Gring and killing Bormann, not to mention winning the war single-handedly for the Allies, only later to find myself standing before a Jewish tribunal. Long story short, we hear a story too good to be true it ain't. Bridget von Hammersmark Ooh la la Danielle Darrieux. Adolf Hitler We got a German here who wants to die for his country! But in the pages of history, every once in a while, Fate reaches out and extend its hand. Col. Hans Landa: My name is Shosanna Dreyfus and THIS is the face of Jewish vengeance! I look forward to seeing you face to face as well, sir. I've been chewed out before. Lt. Aldo Raine. : Col. Hans Landa ,Lt. Archie Hicox: Lt. Aldo Raine: [to Aldo] [to Frederick] But you take off that uniform, ain't no one ever gonna know you were a Nazi. [in French] [in German; subtitled] But that's not all we're going to do. I, on the other hand, love my unofficial title, precisely BECAUSE I've earned it. Lt. Aldo Raine: Lt. Aldo Raine: [Stiglitz fires his gun into Hellstrom's crotch]. : Col. Hans Landa I'm betting for OSS would be my guess. [finishes scalping Hermann] : Even though we're still at the very beginning of the movie, we've already realized Landa's menacing nature. As war rages in Europe, a Nazi-scalping squad of American soldiers, known to their enemy. Hear that? Share the best GIFs now >>> Just for the Nazis. And I pride myself on having an eye for that kind of talent. . Hand me my purse. And yes, some Germans will die, and yes, it will ruin the evening, and yes, Goebbels will be very, very, very mad at you for what you've done to his big night, but you won't get Hitler, you won't get Goebbels, you won't get Gring, and you won't get Bormann and you need all four to end the war. Omar Ulmer Donny Donowitz Joseph Goebbels: Lt. Aldo Raine: : Col. Hans Landa: : : And when you purchase friends like Bridget von Hammersmark, you get what you pay for. "That's a bingo? However, all I have to do is pick up this phone right here, inform the cinema, and your plan's kaput. They're friends of mine from Italy. Sgt. Donny Donowitz. Col. Hans Landa: Andy Kagan He had just become a-. Why the hell is Goebbels doin' stuff so damn peculiar? Am I German? Lt. Aldo Raine: Bridget von Hammersmark: And another one over there, you might be familiar with: Sgt. Germans would and did notice it. Least of all, by tomorrow night. WHAT? Butz Because I'm aware what tremendous feats human beings are capable of once they abandon dignity. Not one damn bit, sir. Product . Pfc. It's a subtextual film criticism study of the work of German director G. W. Pabst. And cousin, business is a-boomin'. : Eight Jewish-American soldiers.