These restrictions were put in place to ensure the existing character and amenity of the Spit, as a place communities valued, was preserved and maintained. Dovey, K. (1999) Framing Places: Mediating Power in the Built Form, London, Routledge. It was not until the late 1990s when some noticeable changes started to occur. These notions and outcomes frequently privilege and inscribe new ideas and concepts. Tourists using the same trail over and over again trample the vegetation and soil, eventually causing damage that can lead to loss of biodiversity and other impacts. We have a 52-kilometre coastline, extending from Point Danger at the New South Wales border to Jumpinpin on South Stradbroke Island. The casuarina forest. A cluster analysis of these residents revealed nature-biased (45%), unenthusiastic (40%), hinter-land hesitant (8%), and enthusiastic (7%) groupings, with significant differences occurring in gender . The notion of conflict has been well documented since Marx (1959) first wrote about it in 1844 (for example see Kriesberg, 1982; Austin, 2011). We have a 52-kilometre coastline, extending from Point Danger at the New South Wales border to Jumpinpin on South Stradbroke Island. Taylor, J. In this post, I will explain why the environmental impacts of tourism are an important consideration and what the commonly noted positive and negative environmental impacts of tourism are. (ed. Governance arrangements and the coastal zone in The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (2009), Report: Managing our coastal zone in a changing climate, Chapter 6, URL: . For the Gold Coast dining overlooking the beach was very appealing, and so were other activities on the beach or around the waterways. The Gold Coast: Australias playground?. Ten years of implementing Australias Oceans Policy: From an integrated approach to an environmental policy focus. Yung, L., W.A. Framing Places: Mediating Power in the Built Form, Gold Coast Harbour Study Report No22, Economic Development and Major Projects, Southport Urban Heritage and Character Strategy Review. New players and new ideas are likely to result in proposals for the development of the Spit environs time and time again in the future. Cartier, C. and Lew, A. Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, first published 1932, Progress Publishers, Moscow. Vince, J., A. Smith, K. Sainsbury, I. Cresswell, D. Smith and M. Haward (2015). Carver and V. Ylli (2009). and R.G. (2008). The Gold Coast is one of the most popular spots in Australia with 4.2 million visitors a year. The top sex tourism countries in the world, 13 Social impacts of tourism + explanations + examples, 10 Economic impacts of tourism + explanations + examples, Why the environment is so important to tourism, Positive environmental impacts of tourism, Negative environmental impacts of tourism, Construction activities and infrastructure development, Deforestation and intensified or unsustainable use of land, Alteration of ecosystems by tourist activities, Environmental impacts of tourism: Conclusion, Environmental impacts of tourism reading list, The 3 types of travel andtourismorganisations, 150 types oftourism! Whilst many destinations nowadays have limits and restrictions on what development can occur and in what style, many do not impose any such rules. Shibley (2000). Massey, D. (1994). In December 2020 a new public path was installed, weeds were removed and 1500 native ground layers were planted. As I have articulated throughout this post, there are a range of environmental impacts that result from tourism. The Gold Coast Transformed, From Wilderness to Urban Ecosystem. We manage the coastal zone in line with Commonwealth, State and Local Government laws and policies. It offers a breath of fresh air, scenic attractions, relaxing beaches, great shopping centers, entertainment, and much more. It reflected an optimistic period of policy development (Vince, 2008) that would culminate with the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act in 1999. The tourism industry generally overuses water resources for hotels, swimming pools, golf courses and personal use of water by tourists. the New South Wales State Coastal Protection Act 1979), coastal management in Australia has not been a priority for any government at any level: national/commonwealth, state/territory or local. The following are some of the tourism impacts which are most cited in the literature [3, 4, 9, 17, 20, 22]. This paper goes some way to address this gap. Mobilities on the Gold Coast, Australia: implications for destination governance and sustainable tourism. Table 1. Other tourism related developments on the Spit were also approved during this time and were subsequently built, renovated and extended: an exclusive shopping precinct, a commercial fishing wharf (now also accommodates super yacht berths), an exclusive resort complex and an international hotel and apartment complex (Figure 4). Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Despite the fact that the project was eventually abandoned one year later at the favor of the new state election, ASF is still in the starting blocks to deliver mostly a casino under the official form of an integrated resort development. All decisions taken by the Government were to be, and in fact were, based upon the advice of the Board. This then has a wider impact on the global marine life and ecosystem, as many animals rely on the coral for as their habitat and food source. The Spit is located at the northern end of the city (see Figure 1), across the Broadwater from the early (1880s) settlement of Southport, and is the result of the reconfiguration of the sand dune at the mouth of the Nerang River in the late 1800s following a series of storms (see GCCM, 2006). This condition has raised concerns and excited resistance around democratic participation in the local politics of place, contestations over ecological space, and decisions about land use (Stratford 2009), concerns that are central to the Southport Spit. In the year ending March 2010, domestic and international tourism expenditure was $3.9 billion. (1994). The feeling of attachment that is produced from knowing a place comes from living that place. Australia's Gold Coast: A city producing itself, in Lindner, C. Comprehensive research to asses such proposals would generate the economic models and social impact studies needed to advance such decision making and capitalise positively on the current tourism boom. Best (1994) offers a somewhat less Euro-centric, perspective, stating it could be argued that Aborigines were fighting to save their economic resources, that is, the water-holes, demanding that the land and the people be respected. Tourism is a large, diffuse global industry. By June 2013 the development project was in doubt, primarily on account of fiscal arrangements. Burton, P. (2016). 30If we analyze the history of the development of the Spit in relation to the conflicts cycle mentioned in the introduction, it appears that this site remains a major object of desire for any new players on the Gold Coast. The Gold Coast has a major opportunity with the Commonwealth Games. For instance, in 1999, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act introduced an important change as it gave the Australian Government significant powers to influence coastal environmental policy and planning (. (2011) estimated the economic value of Gold Coast beaches associated with tourism as high as $300 million per year. The dunes also form a critical corridor for movement of wildlife in our urban landscape. and R.G. Coastal Zone Management Handbook, CRC Press: 259. With the reputation of the city as a symbol of excess, extravagance, tackiness, and placelessness (Weaver and Lawton, 2004) along with the pro-development attitude of the state government and the abundance of entrepreneurial initiatives (Dedekorkut-Howes and Bosman, 2015), it raises many questions about city governance (Dredge and Bosman, 2011; Wise, 2006), and its planning strategies and instruments (Dredge and Jamal, 2013; Griffin, 2006). It is important to note that the Spit is one of three (and it is the primary) off-leash dog exercise beach. We are working to protect our environment, recognising the critical importance of healthy natural environments in shaping a strong and sustainable future. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 5This article shows how the evolution and resolution of development conflicts on the citys protected coastal strip (the Spit) are symptomatic of the evolution of place values and how, this informs a shift towards better coastal protection. Landscapes: The Social Construction of Nature and the Environment. (ed.) The outcome of the community consultation process however produced instead a strong picture of peoples dissatisfactions (Whelan, 2006). At the time a Gold Coast channel nine TV news program (SOSA, c) conducted a poll with the question: Will the Beattie Government lose your vote over its push for a cruise ship terminal at The Spit? and the published result showed that 86.4 percent of respondents said YES 23In order to determine what place values, meanings and attachments users of the Spit held, we carried out 88 intercept surveys on the Spit between February and September 2007. The SOSAs objections to the state governments development proposal were founded on five key points. Review of the Implementation of Oceans Policy, Hobart, TFG International. We suggest that in this statement the Deputy Premier was casting local place attachment as an obstacle in the development process. This was given support from Methven Sparkes, President of the Nerang Community Association, who said (SOSA b) On any weekend the Spit is filled with thousands of picnickers, walkers, runners, cyclists, divers and snorkelers, fishers, surfers, dog walkers, and exercise enthusiasts, all of whom value the opportunity to access such a beautiful area so close to the CBD.. They suffer worldwide from reef-based tourism developments and from tourist activity. Very few Gold Coast tourists would realise just how much their holiday is helping the Gold Coast tourism industry and our residents. Driven by waves, longshore drift transports sediment, mainly sand, from New South Wales up the coast to form our beaches and sand islands. It is important to note that the Spit is one of three (and it is the primary) off-leash dog exercise beach. Gordon Holden (2011) writes: While having a strong sense of place may be seen as a lower priority than safe drinking water or sewerage systems for the health of a city it is widely accepted that a holistic approach to city planning includes encouraging a recognisable sense of place. Changing nature of the Spit and Broadwater, Information sheet 7, URL: . It is ironic really, that tourism often destroys the very things that it relies on! Such damage can be even more extensive when visitors frequently stray off established trails. 24It is of interest to note that 50 percent of users surveyed were not aware of the development proposals for the Spit and only 15 percent were or had been involved in community action against the proposed development that threatened the Spit environs. On average, passengers on a cruise ship each account for 3.5 kilograms of rubbish daily compared with the 0.8 kilograms each generated by the less well-endowed folk on shore. Media International Australia / Cultural Policy. minimize the negative impacts of tourism in the host community. Besides, with a population that could also triple in size over the holiday season in selected precincts, the city has historically been challenged by finding a balance between financial interests, community cohesion, and identity. City Maintenance calculate there is approximately 400 acres of sand along our coastal strip. First class resorts and theme parks help bring $5.1 billion to the region annually. The changing face of local government on the Gold Coast, In C. Bosman, A. Dedekorkut-Howes and A. Leach (eds. natural environment at the tourism sites involved. We regularly collect data using: For the Beach Health Report, we split our coastline into 23 beach compartments. Griffith University tourism lecturer Sarah Gardiner told ABC Radio Gold Coast many businesses were "living from grant to . I remember asking my class to calculate their carbon footprint one lesson only to be very embarrassed that my emissions were A LOT higher than theirs due to the amount of flights I took each year compared to them. Many destinations promote ecotourism and sustainable tourism and this can help to educate people about the environmental impacts of tourism. "The Value of Place" in Mr. Gjerde & E. Petrovic (eds). Place: A Short Introduction, Carlton, Blackwell. Local place meanings and values (of old players) are often subjugated and marginalised or erased. The Gold Coast is renowned for its natural beauty . The old players continue to advocate for more transparent governance and to protect the quality of life that has become intrinsic to a valued, renowned and iconic Gold Coast lifestyle (Bosman, 2016) and identity (Potts et al, 2013). Carver and V. Ylli (2009). Annually 90% of Gold Coast dune systems are actively maintained under this program. The tensions and differences between the two groups of players seem irreconcilable (see table 1). One of the major contributing factors in this decision-making process was the lack of national approach (TFG, 2002): the Gold Coast Spit clearly demonstrated the conflict embedded in development in coastal zones and, the local-centered approach without the consideration of any wider context in term of coastal management. Griffin, G. (2002). The Southport Spit is also an important place within the rapidly changing landscapes of the City of Gold Coast, since it is land that constitutes the last genuine ocean-side parcel of undeveloped real estate on the Gold Coast (Condon, 2006) and it has significant social and cultural meanings and attachments for many Gold Coast residents (see SOSA a; Condon, 2003; Lazarow and Tomlinson, 2009). The movement of sand plays a fundamental role in creating and shaping our coastal environment. Nevertheless, on Friday 03 August 2007 (just over two years from the first public announcement) the Premier Peter Beattie proclaimed that the Cruise Ship Terminal on the Spit would not proceed. The costs identified in 1. are at least partially offset, or perhaps . Yet by early 2014, the Newman State Government nominated the ASF China Consortium developer to build a cruise ship terminal in the vicinity of the Spit. The intent of the new players is to disrupt the existing norms as understood by the old players. Griffin, G. (2006). Interestingly, the Gold Coast circumstances also paralleled the emergence of an environmental prerogative in the interpretation and implementation of the Commonwealth Oceans Policy (Vince, 2008). in 2010/2011 (DRET, 2012). The La Nia climate brought with it heavy rainfall and flooding events. Bosman, C. and J. Strickland (2015). 10The failure, by planners and urban designers, to take into account local everyday meanings and values can result in the alienation of residential subjects from each other and from their own place (Cartier and Lew, 2005). Yet the Spit is also a well-known and targeted place of conflict with pro- and anti- development stakeholders vying for opposing outcomes for the place, and often running parallel debates to the national agenda. The Gold Coast in Australia is one of these coastal places, which developed through taking advantage of its environmental assets, such as direct access to the sea, a white sandy shoreline, an extensive and naturally protected broadwater and several large accessible rivers. In the past cruise ships would simply dump their waste while out at sea. Figure 1. map of the Gold Coast showing waterways and ocean. The old players in this development conflict include those that value the Spit for its historic/existing/inherent/familiar characteristics and qualities: desirable, usable, accessible, equitable, free, public open space. Marina Destinations: Innovation & Lifestyle. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Social conflict theories and conflict resolution, Peace and Change 8 (2 /3): 3-17. , 1840-1860, B.A. On the other hand, the new players, the European settlers, saw the region as one of plentiful resources, and good farming potential. Point proven I guess. Consuming Places, New York, Routledge. Mitchell, C. R. (2011). , 12-15 May, Sea World Resort, Gold Coast. This trajectory did not, at the time, succeed in obtaining jurisdictional powers that would require State/Commonwealth cooperation in resolving complex, place-based conflicts. This paper goes some way to address this gap. Mountain areas also commonly suffer at the hands of the tourism industry. One thing that did emerge from the 1998 Gold Coast Harbour Study was that the Gold Coast City Council agreed that no development (private or commercial) would occur on the remnant of public land at the northern end of the Southport Spit and that the open space character of the area would be retained and enhanced (Gold Coast City Council, 2003). Because of its ability to attract thousands of tourists year after year, the Gold Coast has managed to provide jobs to thousands of its residents and it has become a more attractive place to move to. Ill never forget the time that I went on a school trip to climb Snowdonia in Wales. Wescott, G. (2008). Vince, J. Condon, M. (2006). Kijas, J. feaces in the water upstream!! Third Party Hotel Booking Sites Aid Gold Coast Accommodation, Top 5 Activities for a Gold Coast Family Holiday, Everything You Need To Know About Gold Coast Tourism, Australias tourist accommodation set to remain positive, Visitors are very satisfied with the Gold Coast. The coastline often becomes synonymous with the identity of the city and a key ingredient to its growth and prosperity, yet it is also a highly contentious place where numerous conflicts are rife. Clark, J. R. (1995). Noise pollution from aircraft, cars, buses, (+ snowmobiles and jet skis etc etc)can cause annoyance, stress, and even hearing loss for humans. For many coastal cities such as the City of Gold Coast, the challenge is compounded, as activities in the coastal zone (land and water) significantly contribute to creating a sense of place. 7The Gold Coast coastline has, not surprisingly, been significantly impacted by the rapid urbanisation (Figure 2); specifically during the post-war period (the glorious Fifties), and continuing into the 1960s and again in the early 1990s. These new players, not surprisingly, reinforce the cycle of development conflict on the Gold Coast. Nowadays, fortunately, this is less commonly the case, however I am sure that there are still exceptions. Following large storm events, beach crews clean up large debris such as logs and hazardous materials. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2015). The conflict between new and old values, interests and land uses of the different players in this game have not abated, nor is resolution any closer. Environmental management is limited more by lack of adoption than by lack of technology. Planning legislation in the City of Gold Coast has historically favoured development rather than environmental conservation and heritage preservation (Bosman et al., 2016). Type the characters you see in the image below, Catchment & Citizen Science Grants Program, Business incentives & investment programs, Copy of decision notice or plan of development, Development application pre-lodgement advice, Lodge a submission to have your say on a development application, Appealing a development application decision, Residential plumbing & drainage applications, Commercial plumbing & drainage applications, Concurrency plumbing & drainage applications, Stormwater and sediment control on building sites, Building development on cultural heritage sites, Tree & vegetation removal on private land. The Gold Coast, one of Australias tourist magnets, is typically defined by its spectacular beaches, forests, hinterland ranges, vibrant communities, and unique waterways. Place meaning and values emerge out of everyday activities and are produced through and by global and societal influences. Tourism Reform, Policy and Development in Queensland, 1989-2011, Queensland Review, 18(2): 152-174. Currently, rainforest experiences in the Gold Coast hinterland are very limited, indicating a major development opportunity. The area is situated on the east coast of Australia, in the State of Queensland, just south of the city of Brisbane. Increased sediments in the water can affect growth. (2005). 17The Gold Coast City Council released the Gold Coast Harbour Study Issues Paper for public comment in 1998. Other development proposals that did not get off the ground included an amusement oasis, a mini city comprising 8000 permanent residents and a golf course (Condon, 2006). Burchill, G. (2005). When it comes to increased regional profile, 77% agreed that Gold Coast tourism had helped in this aspect. Landscapes: The Social Construction of Nature and the Environment, Rural Sociology, 59(1): 1-24. GCCM (2006). Local resistance and the shift to local environmental awareness,,,,,,, Catalogue of 610 journals. has exclusive management access to a limited number of properties at the building. Conflict then potentially occurs as a result of the difference in place values between the new and old players/community members. As a result, by the 1980s the Broadwater and the Spit were secured by the construction of groins, channel dredging and a sand bypass system. This was partly because, as Urry (1995) argues, planners, urban designers and developers (new players) often perceive place meaning in accordance with preconceived notions and predetermined outcomes. An uneasy coexistence: An Aboriginal perspective of contact history in Southeast Queensland, Bosman, C., A. Dedekorkut-Howes and A. Leach (2016, ). The Gold Coast is one of the most important tourism destinations in Australia. It did however mark a change in decision-making processes, as did the (temporary) securing of the Spit as a free, undeveloped; public open space. The Economic Impacts of Tourism on the Gold Coast . Dis-placed voices: sense of place and place-identity on the Sunshine Coast, Touristed Landscapes: Geographical Perspectives on Globalisation and Touristed Landscapes. The region offers kilometres of pristine surfing beaches, backed by a hinterland that is littered with waterfalls and natural wonders. In one case a prominent Board member obtained 64 hectares on the western side of the Spit for tourism urbanisation (now the theme park Sea World). The Board was set up to advise the Premier and the Coordinator General to undertake tasks as required by the Government. This condition has raised concerns and excited resistance around democratic participation in the local politics of place, contestations over ecological space, and decisions about land use (Stratford 2009), concerns that are central to the Southport Spit. To this end, it is interesting to note the emergence of arguments in the spit conflict, which are now giving more weight to coastal conservation which only tentatively existed existed ten years ago. Griffin, G. (2006). Making Sense of Place: Exploring concepts and expressions of place through different senses and lenses, Canberra, National Museum of Australia. Qualitative Research Methods In Human Geography, The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History. Uncontrolled conventional tourism poses potential threats to many natural areas around the world. *FREE* shipping on eligible orders. Daniels, (2003). Advancing Conflict Transformation. This damages the flora and fauna in the area and can cause serious damage to coral reefs. Moore, C. (1990). George, J., chair (2009). Also, it boasts highly specialise economy that is dominated by the tourism industry. SOSA d. URL: . For seven decades now, local communities have fought to keep The Spit for low rise, low impact, marine based and tourist activities. Wave action determines the shape and state of our beaches and coast. Schneekloth, L.H. ), Urban Spaces and Cityscapes: Perspectives from modern and contemporary culture. Find out how you can make a difference to our environment and network with like-minded people by volunteering in one of the many programs on offer. Go to our homepage, search your dates to get all the details you need plus pictures and virtual tour. Bosman, C. and J. Strickland (2015). As I said previously, this can have a significant knock on effect on the surrounding ecosystem. Much of the literature on the history of Aboriginal-European conflict in Australia is written with a Euro-centric perspective (Anderson, 1983; Best, 1994). (2008). Privacy policy | Copyright matters | CRICOSProvider - 00233E | TEQSA PRV12076, Gold Coast Logan Brisbane | Australia. Like all tourism destinations, visitor numbers to the Gold Coast change from one year to the next, although over a longer period of time the area has seen a steady increase in visitors and future projections are for visitor numbers to continue to grow. An example of this was the carbon offsetting fee that I could . (ed. Clearly, it was also a reaction to the national governments latest recommendations, specifically regarding the Resource Assessment Commission Coastal Zone Inquiry (1993) and the release of Australias Oceans Policy in 1998, which was recognised as a milestone in marine resource management worldwide. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Mayor Tate, backed by the newly elected Newman Liberal National Party State Government put out a call for expressions of interest to develop a range of tourist infrastructure including a casino, hotels and cruise ship terminal on the Spit (See SOSA, a). The result is a risky place that holds little meaning for local people and fails to capture and hold the interest of tourists. The good, bad and ugly sides to a holiday on Australia's Gold Coast | South China Morning Post Sandy beaches, theme parks, shopping malls, golf courses - the city has it all. Tourism has the potential to create beneficial effects on the environment by contributing to environmental protection and conservation. They have rallied, formed community groups, undertaken voluntary tree planting and encouraged councils and governments to see the place as the Gold Coasts Central Park.