Addison Forbes MontgomeryPreston BurkeRichard WebberMark SloanDerek ShepherdAlex KarevIzzie StevensCristina YangMeredith GreyGraciella GuzmanDr. ("The Other Side of This Life, Part 1"), Derek found bleeding in her brain, which he said could have been from one of her other surgeries. To distract them from a chaotic ER, Alex wanted to take them to the construction site of the new research wing, which was on budget and ahead of schedule, but a construction worker came to get him for something he had to see first. ("Sympathy for the Parents") Later, while Alex was in high school, he was his mother's primary caregiver, making sure she took her meds and calming her down when her delusions . Alive During the surgery, the baby went into distress and Jane Doe had vaginal bleeding. They finally found a donor for Gus from London. Her baby survived and was watched closely by a group of nurses. On their first day as interns, George was given the name 007 (when he froze in his first surgery) by Alex and it was the start of their mutual dislike for each other. While the wedding was delayed by people going to the wrong address and minister being late, Alex and Jo snuck off to have sex in a shed and got locked in. Alex went to Derek and asked him to run tests. "), Rebecca reappeared. Mark told Izzie they might be looking at Acute Stress Disorder as a result of her facial reconstruction. Izzie did an ultrasound and showed Rebecca that there was nothing in her uterus. In oncology, when a normal cell changes into something malignant, it's called cellular transformation. She chose to donate his organs and was overwhelmed with relief to finally be free. During their tour, they came across a woman shouting for help from the ICU as one of the residents failed to deliver adequate help to her hemorrhaging husband. ("Time After Time"), Ava developed pre-eclampsia and the baby developed edema. Alex Karev is a former wrestler at University of Iowa, and attended college on a wrestling scholarship. He lost so much weight that people barely recognized him when school started again.[2]. Alex Karev went through a tremendous evolutionary arc over the years, and, in time, he was shown to care deeply for the people he was attached to, whether it was someone he loved or his patients. But, Ava continued to visit Alex at the hospital and even told him she was pregnant with his baby. Meredith assured him that she wouldn't. After her surgery, her sight was safe. He insisted that he could still handle it, but Izzie had technically admitted her, so she called for a psych consult. He didn't want to say no because of that given his experience with his mother, so he approved to provide funding for the research. Arizona is one of the only people who fully believes in Alex's surgical abilities. They were to perform a total pancreatectomy. Alex has doubts about approving Vincenzo's research. Months later, Ava learned her true identity was Rebecca Pope, a married mother of one child, and returned home. Alex's streak of brutal honesty caused Addison to be on the receiving end of legal action, when he persuaded a patient's husband to sue the hospital for Addison's mistake in Blue's for Sister Someone. His announcement came right when Richard walked in the with the investors. Jo dropped by his office and he wanted to celebrate the good news with her. She needed brain surgery, but he warned her that due to the location of the bleed, she needed to be awake during the surgery. Camilla Luddington tells 'Good Housekeeping' about how Jo will move on from Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) in 'Grey's Anatomy' season 17 and dishes on Jo and Jackson Avery (Jesse Williams). Jo found herself hesitant to be included in an article about Meredith's surgery, as it showcased how much control her husband still had over her. Although first he was an intern of Jeremy, Alex was reassigned to a new resident Dr. Miranda Bailey, to the disdain of the other interns under her. At work, Alex came up with an idea to give Natasha and Garrett Boland the wedding under the stars they had always wanted. She told him that she 'had to come looking for him'. They managed to save the patient. It would cost too much to fly him out herself and she was at a loss as to getting someone who was willing to bring that kid, plus the dozen others, to the US for surgery. Profession He said she'd spend the night in the hospital and then be transferred to a psychiatric facility. He then joined Lebackes Pediatric Surgery Clinic, a private practice, as a new partner under practice director Dr. Oliver Lebackes. She told him she would talk when she was ready to and that she'd leave him if he threatened to go Pittsburgh ever again. He became even more hated when he hijacked an open-heart surgery that rightfully belonged to the other interns. Alex acknowledged that Bailey, like everyone else there, didn't deserve to work under Tom and inquired if Owen was tired of sitting at home yet. Izzie made a treatment error that endangered the life of a patient, and she ended up getting fired from the Surgical Program. When Alex buys Meredith's house, Cristina moves in. She wanted to move to New York, but he wanted to live on the side of a mountain and take over his father's woodworking shop. Afterwards, Alex went to make sure Gus was fine, and then took Jo to the in-patient psychiatry ward. Alex later admitted to a patient that he had gone too far. [25], As Chief, Alex decided to initiate a weekly free breakfast for the interns in the cafeteria. He hides his pain behind a mask of aggression and bad attitude. [39], On Jo's first day back to work, Alex offered Jo a job at Pac-North so she could start with a clean slate, even allowing her to run her own fellowship. She eventually told Alex that she didn't want the ring yet, but she also didn't want it gone and that he should keep in in the drawer. After being fired by Bailey for his part in Meredith's insurance fraud, Alex was hired as Chief of Staff and Chief of Surgery at Pacific Northwest General Hospital. At first, Alex wouldn't allow that and told Izzie that she was "only going through a bad patch", and that he could take care of her. In the heat of the argument, Addison kissed him and pushed him into an on-call room, where the two had sex. Months later, Ava learned her real identity was Rebecca Pope, a married mother-of-one, and returned home. After a talk with Helen, Bailey came to tell Alex that Helen had been sticking around longer than planned because she was too scared to go home by herself and she didn't dare to ask for help. Alex made a move to have sex, but Rebecca stopped him, telling him he was a 'chicken' and 'didn't come looking for her'. On your very best day, that 'corpse' is twice the man you will ever be. He then figured out that her memory had come back and she was lying to him about it. [4], He missed his high school prom because his father came home and was drunk and started to break things at the house, so Alex stayed home with him. Years later, Alex met his father again at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital after James was admitted to the ER. Later, he heard she came to work drunk and confronted her about it at home. When Izzie is discovered to have an inoperable tumor, Meredith and Derek gave their wedding to Alex and Izzie and the two marry. Jo knelt down in front of Alex and said she didn't want to go anywhere without him and he is her home. Alex was in 17 different foster homes in the course of 5 years. When he asked if he could scrub in, Robbins informed him that the child was in Africa and wouldn't be getting the surgery because she needed to stay to care for her own sick child who was in the NICU at the time. He came home to Jo, who told him she had used his offer to demand the attending position at Grey Sloan. Izzie subsequently found out about it and blew up at her friends for helping Alex. Last You guys are all I have! [56]The two got married on Halloween. Mark Sloan said it needed to happen as soon as possible, but Addison Forbes Montgomery recommended that they wait a day or two to minimize risk to her baby. She agreed and Alex walked away victorious. Meredith, having reached a breakthrough with Jo, joined him in the chamber so they could talk.[36]. Alex is left speechless. Lucy was disappointed because as Alex was considering that opportunity, he didn't even think about Lucy. The kids both want to be doctors. He cared deeply for Izzie and Ava, although his feelings for the latter were misplaced. Alex asked Meredith to keep Jo's ring until the day he would propose to her. The doctors estimated her age at 32 years old. Alex wrote an essay explaining that he got bad grades in medical school due to testicular cancer. He has unwittingly been drawn to obstetrics and gynecology and neonatal surgery, after having several bad experiences in plastics, under Mark Sloan. Does Karev have a baby with Rebecca? Addison discovered Alex's better side and found herself attracted to him. Biographical Information Later, Meredith's opinion of Alex changed for the better when he offered to listen to her problems with her mother, Ellis. He urged all of his colleagues not to make a big deal out of it. He once again told her she could tell him anything as he wouldn't judge given his own family history. A couple of years after Izzie's departure, Alex entered a committed relationship with Jo Wilson. He took her home and decided to take care of her, disregarding Izzie's observations that Rebecca "isn't looking very good. When he was told that since the case belonged to the state, he could not do that, he threatened to sabotage the case, which the attorney said was "a slam dunk." Paul Castello pointed out she seemed pretty cavalier about the law in both her professional and personal life. While some viewers are at ease now that they know what happened to Karev, most are shocked by Karev's decision to leave his wife Jo for his ex Izzie. Izzie realized that Alex was not as insensitive and cruel as he portrayed himself to be. This caused him to suffer from a crisis of confidence, leading him to treat her shabbily during their date. He knew she was lying, but she continued to completely shut him out and lie in bed all day. She took one apart to show and he wouldn't let her put it back together until he one day did it himself. He had a prom date whom he liked and even got her a bracelet, but he never talked to her again because he felt that he stood her up and thought she wouldn't want to talk to him again.[5]. With Gus's number rapidly worsening to the point of impending organ failure, Alex decided to took Gus to the hyperbaric chamber to guarantee maximum oxygen. He wanted to know why and as she went to tell him, he cut her off and stormed out. First He and Jo watched Helen knit and decided to wait until tomorrow to find out what was going on. Alex Karev is the former Chief of Surgery at Pacific Northwest General Hospital and former Head of Pediatric Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. After Shane froze while operating on James's heart, Alex was angry at Shane and tried to make his dad happy. He convinces her to tell him her true identity, and she reveals herself to be Rebecca Pope. He later called out Nico and Levi for what they did and directed them to rooms with doors that lock. After that incident, Alex left James for good. Alex then told her Jo still wasn't talking. Alex feared that Bailey only picked him because he would never live up to her, so that she would be welcomed back with open arms after her sabbatical, but she told him that she did trust him to do the job. However, there were a few things that didn't make any sense about them. Two weeks later, they met with Jo's doctor present. [8], When Andrew decided to press charges, Alex and his attorney thought it was for a misdemeanor, but quickly learned that the state had upped the charge to felony assault. Jo started to say that she never fit inanywhere and that's why she always ran. He didn't care that she wasn't magically cured and proposed to her again, which she accepted. The damn cells turn toxic right in front of your eyes. After she gives birth to her daughter, Ava's memory eventually returns, although she tries to hide it from Alex, as she had recently left a bad marriage. So perhaps the show's team decided that. Alex left the group in Richard's hands and went with the worker, who showed him they had come across skeletal remains while digging. This led Addison to accuse him of being too emotionally involved with a patient, but he countered saying that he was just being prepared. George contracted syphilis from Alex through Olivia. ("Testing 1-2-3"), He later left her and took the baby. His confidence took another blow when he froze up during a makeshift emergency surgery in an elevator during a power outage, and George had to operate on the patient himself. Alex Karev was not in the original pilot script. Alex resorted to shoplifting to get food for them, which resulted in him being arrested and sent to juvie. TV GuideNews April 21, 2008, 8:02 p.m. PT. Alex wears a personalized scrub cap that is a mix of silver and brown seemingly stylized in a marble-wood fashion. He read Cristina's out loud and offered to keep going but the judge had heard enough. Alex was the first to arrive at the party and indulged in appetizers and ping-pong while mocking Jackson about his ridiculously huge and luxurious penthouse. He said to Jo that he wanted to get clean for his family. Alex and Izzie had a rocky start to their relationship. Alex started CPR and started to lose it, saying Jo had disappeared and now Meredith would be going to jail, leaving him all alone. Seasons He was also able to connect with a teenage boy whose abusive father hit his mother.[51]. Alex also boughtMeredith's housefrom her after he chose to remain in Seattle. Alex and Jo then took Helen home and helped her get settled on their couch. At the same time, Jo was trying to dump Alex for spending too much time with Meredith. Marital When the prosecutor brought up the delay in Zola's adoption, Alex refrained from mentioning her kidnapping but the prosecutor pressed him and asked if it had anything to do with her brief firing at the time. He then started to think of himself as the fat kid in class and the screw-up at home. [50], Despite the callous image he projects, Alex is particularly affected when he treats addicts and abused children because of his childhood background. The news made Alex think about the day she left for Pittsburgh. Like Alex had hoped, the patient was happy to have his bleb removed and wouldn't report it. Shane tried to apologize to Alex, but he was still angry at him and Alex beat him up in front of Meredith, Cristina, and Jo. Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Jo made him pose next to his photo and sent a picture to Helen Karev to show her how far her son had come. Before she came back to Seattle, Ava had developed a borderline personality disorder. Rebecca explained to Alex that in her town at Halloween, all the mothers dressed up. Unrecognizable. James struggled all his life with a drug and alcohol addiction. You realize the ground beneath you has shifted. Parents Arizonaoffered Alex the proposal to go to Africa to tend to and check up on the patients who visited and received medical attention at Seattle Grace. While in there, they were informed that the insurance company had found out about Meredith's insurance fraud and that Andrew was taking the fall for her. As Alex spent more time with Ava, he became increasingly attached to her, spending most of his time checking on her progress and doing research. Alex doesn't have any visible tattoos, as, However, Alex is later seen in what is specified to be 1994, as a high school student, in. Jo felt bad for being another one of his crazy women and offered him an out, but instead, later on,Alex proposed to her again. Instead of getting the psych consult, Alex brought her home so he could take care of her. Alex understood it was the better move for her and congratulated her. Alex eventually saw that Rebecca indeed was not pregnant, and became slightly worried when she didn't listen to him and instead insisted that she lost the baby. When she woke up after surgery, she was upset that her memory had not come back. Marital Alex stayed clear of Paul's room per Meredith's instructions, but he stood by Jo as she was left with the decision about what to do with Paul after he slipped in an act of aggression towards Jo and his new fiance Jenny and was declared brain dead. At some point, Alex legally changed his last name to Karev, his mother's maiden name, to disassociate himself from his father, James Evans. After that, he became more sensitive and hadher move in. Diagnosis They continued to sleep together several times over the course of the day. He didn't get along with his colleagues due to his work attitude. Alex took Jo away and found out she had mistaken a phone call from someone calling to see if Gus could donate blood as someone responding to their needing a donor. Later, Jo told him she freaked out not because of him but because she didn't know anything about her genome and her biological parents' medical history, so she decided to have her genome examined. Lexie confessed her love for him as he received a blood transfusion, but Alex mistook her for Izzie. They learned that she speaks German, Spanish, and French. Alex then offered him the position of Head of Trauma Surgery, allowing him to structure the department as he saw fit. Aaron KarevAmber KarevNicky Evans (half-brother) I'm not big into change. Alex, Carina, and Teddy had to deliver the news to the hopeful parents that they could not approve that procedure on humans yet and instead had to deliver the baby while doing the hysterectomy so it could pass away in its father's arms. [20], When nurse Frankie got in distress, Alex found that the entire nursing staff was worried about her and assisted Richard in surgery. He believes the marshmallows are the best part of Lucky Charms. This, as well as being supervised by a nurse, led to Alex being quite frustrated with his temporary assignment. Later, when he left her unattended with a knife to answer a phone call, she slit her wrists. Alex and Owen jumped in and took the man to the OR, where they talked about the situation at Grey Sloan. She said the only thing she'd wanted to be for Halloween was Ava. While it seemed at first that he chose that specialty due to "frat-boy" superficiality, the real reason was that plastic surgery patients sign up for the pain they get. Seeing potential, Alex asked for two days to consider, although he was inclined to say. It becomes clear that Mark is a poor teacher, only delegating menial tasks to Alex. He and his son, Eli, have the same smile. They talked about his childhood. Shapiro Alex Karev is the former Chief of Surgery at Pacific Northwest General Hospital and former Head ofPediatric Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Alex took the investors to his office and explained the situation properly. They then resorted to drink beer out of fancy glasses and making out. Furious at the revelation that Alex was the cause of his syphilis, George punched Alex in the face. When George finds a way to pay for Joe's hospital bills, the animosity between George and Alex is dissolved after Alex gives George a hug. When Denny died from a stroke, Alex picked up a devastated Izzie and told her that the dead man was no longer Denny, the man she once loved. Alex and Morgan got close, but Arizona scared Alex off of Morgan by telling Alex that Morgan was into him. for asking if their critically ill patient who had to be taken back for surgery could count as his second surgery and Dr. Hunt called him out several times for his lack of bedside manners. While undergoing treatment, he mistook Lexie for Izzie. However, Alex rebuffed Addison's subsequent advances, after learning she wanted a committed man to have kids with, something which he was not ready for. It was his work with her that led Alex to no longer pursue plastic surgery as a specialty but spark an interest in pediatric surgery. Izzie eventually saw the softer side of him and they had an on and off relationship. During. Alex visited the bar the night after his initial visit and after a few drinks, he got into a fight with his father once again. Alex kissed Rebecca and the two proceeded to an On-Call Room. Maggie lost the patient and panicked as she had convinced the family to let her operate against their initial wishes. He froze some funding he had approved earlier, including Link's project.