It's life, isn't it, I guess. Mantis (? Tony: This was meant for one big guy, so we gotta to move at the same time. (it ignores him and goes to Strange.) Now I know all hope feels lost. Let's go! He sacrifices a lot and gets what he wants in the end.". [A huge circular ship is seen floating near Bleecker Street. The universe lies within your grasp. T'Challa: Evacuate the city. In the middle of this, while I'm breaking it down? He's coming to us. Does this chattering animal speak for you? T'Challa: Uh, we don't do that here. Maw lifts several bricks from the ground and turns them into sharp points. You've never seen a spaceship before? You like it? Strange: [he summons his Mandalas, entering a fighting pose] I think you'll find our wills equal to yours. We don't know what it means. I'm back. Giving it to me will spare you a great deal of suffering. It's great to see you, Cap. Guiding others to a treasure I cannot possess. THANOS: Then you're more of a fool than I took you for. The other right! Throughout The Avengers script, several characters ask Banner how hes able to control himself from getting angry and turning into the Hulk. [Darkseid tightens his hold around Trinity's neck. [Bruce gives out a loud grunt, but fails to release the Hulk.]. While they are distracted, Falcon {Sam Wilson} swoops in and kicks PROXIMA MIDNIGHT to the next room. Drax: I stopped listening after you said, We need a plan.. ), (He then pulls them back inside just as Tony sprays nanites onto the hole to plug it up. Loki: [cringing and looking away from his brother's pain and has just thought for a few seconds] ALRIGHT, STOP! Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to. You'll rot your brain. It attaches itself to him, becoming the Iron Spider suit. Doctor Strange: Our oath to protect the Time Stone cannot change. (Strange is sitting cross-legged, his hands poise in a mystic gesture with the Time Stone suspended between them. (Turns off hologram) That's a court-martial. I cannot do that again. Aurora Maximoff: I'm sorry. Peter Quill: Don't you think that we should all have a weapon like that? There! [Maw pulls Strange away from the building and throws him to the ground. He's a plague, Tony. Bruce Banner: Tony, listen to me. (Tony extends his nanotech gun). Why would I lie? Peter Parker: Uh, what exactly do they do? Hah! An early draft of the Avengers: Infinity War script included a cameo for Howard the Duck. (Thor softens a bit.). He's doing it first. Where's the Stone? Drax: (Struggling with the Cloak of Levitation) Die, blanket of death! I hope you're right about this, Cap. Kane Wheatley-Holder. Star-Lord: Wake him up. ], Peter Quill: Gamora. He hears unusual sounds.]. Nidavellir's forge harnesses the power of a blazing neutron star. They called me a madman and what I predicted came to pass. Thank you. Thor: We don't have the Tesseract. Tree, help me find the handle! Doctor Strange: [sighing in exasperation] Oh, great. Run from it. Rocket: He gave me 100 credits. Reality. Throwing his hammer at Bruce. Drax: (Quietly as he shifts to a commanding position beside Mantis) Yeah, that's right. At the same time, Captain America throws PROXIMA'S weapon to Black Widow who engages CORVUS, stabbing him in the gut and flinging him backwards. Strange: Unlike everyone else in your life, I don't work for you. Avengers: Infinity War depends on a relentless sense of momentum, with the narrative advancing ceaselessly towards the moment when Thanos snaps his fingers. Tony Stark: F.R.I.D.A.Y., evac anyone south of 43rd Street, notify first responders. The rightful Soldier of Nok, Tribe of Compassion, do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity. Strange: No, I want to protect the stone. Yeah, I'll go. Hulk, I know you like making your entrance at the last second, well, this is it, man. This Stone may be the best chance we have against Thanos. Wolf stops Kalibak from interfering. Last chance, Tivan. Give me the stone. The ship explodes. Kane Wheatley-Holder. [Parker disintegrates into ashes in Stark's arms]. The attack on New York, that's him! Alright, we're optimistic, yes. Iron Man goes to hold him back, as Peter Parker is left to pull off the gauntlet]. In . I'm (GAMORA moves towards THANOS.) Doctor Strange: Are you seriously leaning on the Cauldron of the Cosmos? Only an idiot would give that man a stone. Your bodies will crumble as your minds collapse into the madness. Not even you would surrender something so precious. (Gamora begins to laugh at the irony of the situation). He won't come out. 3 premiere in Seoul. THANOS: Everyone in the Galaxy knows you'd sell your own brother if you thought it would add the slightest trinket to your pathetic collection. Spiderman appears on his right from a portal). Tony Stark: [Leans against a cauldron, stretching casually] Did you seriously just say hither to undreamt of? You should have ducked out when I told you to. You finish all my sentences. Gamora: Enough! RHODES: If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would've been right here. Hulk! They're with the Avengers. Right? He stole the Space Stone from me when he destroyed my ship and slaughtered half my people. Lois Lane: {Insistently] You don't need that. Natasha finds Banner in India and asks him to help track down the Tesseract. Apropos of that, last night, I dreamt, we had a kid. Now he wants to run. Gamora: Because you murdered half the planet. [Hulk: NOOOO!] I need you to cause a distraction. ], [The woman ignores him and runs away. Lengthy flashbacks - especially 30 minutes of them - would have cost the film its momentum. bad? We're gonna hit him with a brick? (Thor awakens, frightening Mantis. 'They did some things that I wouldn't have wanted . A little somet-, [Ebony Maw hurls Stark up and attacks the rest of the team. Tony: This ship is self-correcting its course. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers here! How does one create an iconic quote? You're going to die for that! Clark Kent: I'm glad you brought this up, 'cause it's nothing. Fury meets with Steve Rogers (Captain America) and notifies him of the threat. You asked it for a prize, and it told you no. Tony: Yeah. Peter Quill: You got some acorns on you, kid. Star-Lord shoots Thanos from behind, and Thanos uses the Power Stone to shoot balls on energy at Star-Lord while he advances by the steps Strange formed in the air, and places a electric mine on his back. Gamora: One way or another, the path that we're on leads to Thanos. James Gunn and Chris Pratt, at the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Pepper Potts: Tell me you're not on that ship. Rhodes: Alright, back up, Sam. These rings are gigantic.You wanna get them movingYou're gonna need something a lot bigger to yank 'em loose. At least, I'm the only one with the will to act on it. Tom Holland will reprise his role as Spider-Man in Avengers: Infinity War but don't bother asking him for spoilers because they won't even let him read the script for a particular reason. I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here. I'm picking that up, too. The structure is polymorphic. So if anything, it's kinda your fault that I'm here. Tony Stark: Really, really good. Some jerk lost a bet with me on on Contraxia. But Thanos uses the Reality Stone, turning the knife into bubbles]. Synopsis: The Avengers and their allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe. Stonekeeper: You should know: it extracts a terrible price. Gamora: Swear to me. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence. Almighty Darkseid. In my heart, I knew you still cared. Bruce Banner: No, not really, but when do I ever get what I want? Why you? Thanos: Ours? The Avengers all survive, and Fury says that theyll be ready to defend Earth the next time an alien threat emerges to destroy Earth. Theres a battle but eventually Loki is captured and brought back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Steve Rogers: I am Steve Rogers. Hey, stand down. Rocket: [to himself] Okay, time to be the Captain. While Josh Brolin would assume the role of Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame, it was Damion Poitier who originated the role . Ebony Maw: One side, for reservation. So for The Avengers, the job was more of continuing the development of characters and less of establishing them. He opens his hand and sees that he now has the Soul Stone. Vision: Not to each other. Gamora, daughter of Thanos. Hulk! Maw steps over them with no mind as he speaks, as if they were scattered pieces of dirty clothing on a bedroom floor.] The actor posted the short clip earlier today, showing him tossing his Infinity War script into a wood-burning stove. Thor: He may be on the team. DRAX: I'm reading movement. Definition and Examples, What Does a Cinematographer Do? Dispassionate, fair; To rich and poor alike. With our lives. It's a paradise. New York City is destroyed and Thanos now has two Infinity Stones. Come out! (He kicks him in the head) More magic. Quill: Mr. Gamora: No, no, we were happy on my home planet. Doctor Strange: Certainly not. Ned Leeds: Holy shit! I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go, Sir, please. Create script breakdowns, sides, schedules, storyboards, call sheets and more. Ross isn't exactly just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back. (Instructing Peter to put his arm in the machine for piloting) Get your hand into this steering gimbal. Awaken the heart of a dying star. PROXIMA throws her weapon, but it is quickly caught just before the figure steps from the shadows. Loki escapes after stabbing Agent Coulson. As Rocket finishes what he is saying Thanos' carnage is revealed, revealing the distress signal to be the one from the Asgardian vessel at the beginning of the movie. Maybe even a Starbucks. This day extracts a heavy toll. Peter Quill: Why does somebody always have to die in this scenario? T'Challa: You might want to pick up the pace. Stonekeeper: Welcome, Thanos, son of Eros, Gamora, daughter of Thanos. If I'm overstepping (Suddenly, AURORA MAXIMOFF notices the TV in a nearby bar announcing the invasion of New York, and the disappearance of TONY STARK.). Okoye: (Watching as the Outriders bombard the dome only a few getting through) They're killing themselves. The rage, vengeance, anger, loss, regret, they're all tremendous motivators. You hear me? In Avengers: Endgame (2019), after the apocalyptic Infinity War, the remaining Avengers reassemble to rid the universe of Thanos and restore the balance of power. YOUNG GAMORA is separated from her mother.]. Iroque tries to interfere but Steppenwolf binds him to the ground.]. Clark Kent: Yeah. Joss Whedon is an American filmmaker who has left an indelible imprint on the landscape of international cinema. Therefore, he's going to Knowhere. [Wong nods in understanding and closes the portal, not to be seen again for the rest of the movie], [The Guardians of the Galaxy are traveling to investigate a distress call to the tune of Rubberband Man'.]. The future, us, and that's it. [Trinity dives out of the way as Proselyte emerges and fights Darkseid. (Suddenly a large figure storms towards them fiercely). Is it the stone again? (She pulls away from the one who is dragging her and punches him as he leaves). Thor: [exhaustedly spitting blood from his mouth] You talk too much. Thanos: The stone had better be up thereFor your sister's sake. Peter Parker: But it was such a long way down and I just thought about you on the way-. Rocket: Yeah, but this Thanos we're talking aboutHe's the toughest there is. Ebony Maw: He exhausts me. Sam: We got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line. Tony Stark: Honey, I'm sorry. Quill: See, not winging it isn't really what they do. Hill goes over to check on the driver of the car, but sees no one is in there], [Suddenly, a helicopter, with ash flying out, crashes into a building. Drax: It's like a pirate had a baby with an angel. He's finally ready, and he's going for the stones. Nebula: [to Tony Stark, seeing Thanos' victory] He did it. A device capable of harnessing the power of the stones. (DRAX is knocked out, causing a ruckus.). But you're trespassing in this city and on this planet. T'Challa: We open the barrier. (Peter chases Strange through Manhattan, Maw attacks him, throwing him through a billboard. [Bucky suddenly stumbles over, and collapses into ashes, much to Steve's shock; Thor watches Steve mourning Bucky's death. Avengers: Endgame. Quill: Flash Gordon? 4) Was that Tobias Fnke from Arrested . Nice. It's truly awesome. Tony: We're getting no help from Flash Gordon here. I'll give you that. Peter Quill: No. I repeat, this is not a warcraft! RHODES: Well. [Inside the ship, Ebony Maw walks among the bodies of dead Asgardians. You've just come out of Avengers: Infinity War. Clark Kent: Okay, and then you're like, Oh my god, there's no bathroom, what am I gonna do? Oh! Ebony Maw: Hear me, and rejoice. Doctor Strange: It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable. Sam: Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0. ): Death follows him like a shadow! I even held one in my hand. Strange forms energy ropes that grapple onto the gauntlet. We'll be safe. We see Hawkeye's family disappear, and we see Tony and Nebula floating in space until they are saved by Captain Marvel. where Agent Coulson asks her to track down Bruce Banner (the Hulk,) while he says that hell find Tony Stark (Iron Man.). Avengers Infinity War Script Movies [ Marvel Opening Credits ] [ radio transmission sound] [Asgardian PA]: This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman! Thor: Something's wrong. Darkseid: If you consider failure experience Trinity: I consider experience, experience. Do you plan on helping out? Peter Parker: Oh we're using our made-up names. Young Gamora: My mother. Rocket: Looks like we're not getting paid. So, let me do the plan and that wayit might be really good. CORVUS GLAIVE pins Vision down using his weapon {a glaive} in an attempt to extract the mind stone from Vision's head. We're more optimistic, yes. Shane Thompson: Darkseid is coming. Peter Quill: Cause we're nice. The Avengers and their allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe. Cause if all we come at him with is a plucky attitude Directors Anthony Russo Joe Russo Writers Christopher Markus Stephen McFeely Stan Lee Stars Robert Downey Jr. Chris Hemsworth Mark Ruffalo Definitely don't wanna dance with this guy. [Strange uses the Space Stone to case her aside, flailing. Strange begins to be sucked out, but his cape wraps around his arm. It's you who doesn't understand. Thanos: [to Loki] the Tesseract, or your brother's head. Peter Quill: I mean, I'd like to. Rocket: Nidavellir is real? (As he enters the pod) Come on, Groot. ), Thanos: Insect! Still, he "almost" regrets a joke about Drax's (Dave Bautista) supposed invisibility in Infinity War. Rocket: I got it figured out. [Peter, based on lack of oxygen, pulls off his mask] I can't breathe! Rocket: I don't think you get the scientifics here. system because he doesnt trust Fury. Wong: The Time Stone's been taken. Thanos' Rampage & Its Impact Natasha: Well then, we have to protect it. Vision: What if I missed all the trains? I even held one in my hand. ], [Darkseid defeats Proselyte and dumps him to the ground. Rocket: What's it look like? Hey. 117. And I'm getting a new hammer, don't forget. Tony: You could not have possibly thought this through. Mantis is jumping in the low gravity]. Instead of Hulk coming out easily, the most that turns green is Bruce's neck]. After laboring to reactivate the forge and reignite the neutron star that . (Peter and Gamora shake their head), (The group lands in KNOWHERE, in search of THANOS). [Inside the ship, Ebony Maw walks among the bodies of dead Asgardians. Thor: Who the hell are you guys? Gamora's Mother: (To Young Gamora) Shhh. ROSS: You got some nerve. It seems as though he brings it everywhere, always ready to call his lost friend. You're an Avenger now. 12 Steps to Write an Unforgettable Scene. He invades planets, he takes what he wants, he wipes out half the population. The dust clears. He's coming Saint Walker: [Sharing a look with Shazam, now in his normal fighting attire] Who? Thor: BRING ME THANOS!!! he lifts her right hand into the air and the Tesseract reveals itself]. Come on, you gotta get up. (He looks up in time to a see a chunk of wreckage coming down on him, and tries to use the Power to stop, but is too late). The Hulk along with original Avengers Iron-Man (Robert Downey, Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Black Widow (Scarlette Johansson) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) will finish the epic battle against Thanos after most of their fellow allies perished at the end of Infinity War.Avengers newcomer Captain Marvel, played by Brie Larson, will join them . Stop! MANTIS: Sleep. Eitri: He needs the axe! This is more of an ongoing trend than anything, but still interesting. (a pause) Or not. Wipers! The very first scene written for Avengers: Infinity War was Loki's death. Rocket: Hmm. And do you wanna know why? You understand? And if you want to continue reading award-winning screenplays, we have similar titles like Joker,Avengers: Endgame, and Deadpoolin ourscreenplay database. Star-Lord: [while starting to tear up; quietly] No, you didn't No, you didn't [he continues to rage and then proceeds to pistol-whipping Thanos in the face] NO, YOU DIDN'T!!! The adults are talking. Where's Gamora? Memory Gamora: He can never get them all. Director (s): Anthony Russo, Joe Russo. I really would(GAMORA silences him by covering his mouth with her hand). That's what killing you means. [Peter passes out, free-falling, but not before the pod reaches him. Titan was like most planets; too many mouths, not enough to go around. RHODES: That's right. And I'm way past asking for permission. So that 50% of me that's stupid, that's 100% you. And possibly, kill me. He turns to Quill, as he disengages his helmet, dives backward into a portal, flipping him off. Requesting aid from any vessel within range. He shouts as he uses the Power Stone to force the pieces at Iron Man. Reality can be whatever I want. Their carriers hover over the ground with Wakandan soldier and Natasha, Steve and Bucky on board, and Bruce is in the Hulkbuster]. Bruce: [laughing with joy] Hah! I'll kill all three of you and beat it out of Thanos myself. (The Quinjet passes through a force field into Wakanda). (Cut to inside the mountain where Thanos and Gamora stand before a cloaked, faceless figure there to guard the way). It's a paradise. Strange: (a pause) Alright , Stark. (Thanos signals a nearby servant who taps on a control pad. Gamora: Then we have to go to Knowhere now. And I don't know what to do. Fly us home? Peter stands and tries to shake Strange's cape's hand.). The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. Gamora: I hated this room. The entire Universe could be at risk. To talk. In an effort to prevent spoilers, Spider-Man actor Tom Holland says that Marvel Studios won't allow him to read the Avengers: Infinity War script. I'm totally not kidding. Bruce Banner: [Emerges behind Doctor Strange] Hey, Tony. Peter Parker: And I kinda stuck to the side of the ship. [Cut to the present, aboard the GUARDIANS' ship. Huh? They scream, and YOUNG GAMORA turns, but THANOS prevents her from seeing the massacre.). Star-Lord: I'm not from Earth. Thor: Yes, they taught it on Asgard. It is the sequel to 2012's Marvel's The Avengers and 2015's Avengers: Age of Ultron.. Mantis: Excuse me, butDoes your friend often do that? Peter Parker: (To Tony) Hey, what's going on? Thor: What did you do? QUILL: Drax, wait! PROXIMA and Aurora are still fighting below. You're imitating the god-man. We need to destroy the stone now. Oh, my God. ], Tony Stark: It's nano-tech. Mantis: Wake. And I was always so disappointed. Take this chunk of dialogue for example: FREE StudioBinder Screenwriting Software , The Ultimate Guide to Call Sheets (with FREE Call Sheet Template), How to Break Down a Script (with FREE Script Breakdown Sheet), The Only Shot List Template You Need with Free Download, Managing Your Film Budget Cashflow & PO Log (Free Template), A Better Film Crew List Template Booking Sheet, Best Storyboard Softwares (with free Storyboard Templates), What is Juxtaposition in Film? Bruce Banner: I'm trying. 3 didn't involve the God of Thunder. Thor: Asgard is destroyed. THANOS: Is it sadness I sense in you, daughter? (Tony fires a rocket from his shoulder which pierces the side of the ship and begins to suck everything out. Me. If we take out the stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Were in a golden age of TV writing and development. Rocket: Yeah, but this is Thanos we're talking about, he's the toughest there is. They pull weapons on each other. (he shoves GAMORA towards PETER's gun, egging him on.) AURORA: You're saying Vision isn't just the stone? Power. I've killed twice as many enemies as that, and every one of them would have rather killed me, but none succeeded. Natasha brings Barton out from under Lokis spell by hitting him on the head. Eitri: You understand, boy? As the last train car passes, we see a silhouette against the back wall. Okoye: Then it will be the noblest ending in history. I tried to bench you. Peter Parker: So, you're not with Thanos? (Thor stands and seats himself at the front of the pod, beside Groot), Rocket: I could lose a lot. (GAMORA silences him with a look.) Peter Quill: Dude! Oh. You simply lack the strength to wield them. He used to kill people planet by planet, massacre by massacre Gamora: If he gets all six Infinity Stones, he can do it with the snap of his fingers, like this. I'm only alive because fate wants me alive. Get your tickets now: out more on - Marvel on Twitter: . Gamora: What happened? Tony arrives at Stark HQ in NYC to stall Loki until Banner can get there. She seems confused. [Bruce attempts to release the Hulk. Peter Parker: I take that back. Thanos: You're quite the fighter, Gamora. Thor: Well, he's been dead before. Tony: Yeah, we got one advantage. Captain America: Where'd he go? Clark Kent: I'm sorry, you giving out tickets or something? THANOS: So you do understand. Hey, stop! Quill: (Flying in from the other side) Yeah, if your goal was to *tick* him off. She casts a bolt of magic which throws him back through the wall and down a shaft. BRUCE: There's an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man? War Machine: What is this? Now. We're not on speaking terms. And it was beautiful. Rocket: (Waving his hands) Wipers! Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical Ham on Rye. (To Parker) Starting with you. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Drax: [to Quill; his right arm and lower-half of his body slowly turns to ashes] Quill? When I'm done, half of humanity will still exist. Where is the Soul Stone? ), (THANOS teleports he and GAMORA away as a stunned PETER watches as his friends recover from their deaths'. Young Gamora: (As she is dragged away) Mother! Not so strong now, huh? There's something we need to discuss, little one. But together, you and I, we can kill Thanos. Like a band? James Gunn's thoughts on that aspect of Avengers: Infinity War come not long after he recalled dropping an f-bomb when he saw Thor joined the Guardians of the Galaxy at the end of Avengers: Endgame, as the story he crafted for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Let me help you. I got it! What are you hassling us for? If Thanos needs all six, why don't we just stick this one down the garbage disposal? Gamora: It's like his muscles are made of Cotati metal fibers. Tony: And due to that fact, we're now in a flying doughnut billions of miles away from Earth with no backup. It needs correction. I made what he wanted. We got a situation. Bruce Banner: Broke up? I'm listening. August 11, 2020. So slow And it's imperceptible. Peter Quill: Except that I'm the captain. Someone could be dying. He sent Loki! If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. Are you all right? (GAMORA attacks THANOS, stabbing him twice, seemingly killing him. Vision. (Pause) Okay. Thanos: I'm the only one who knows that. Tony Stark: Two weeks ago, Vision turned off his transponder. Tony Stark: [As Strange passes through the park] Kid, that's the wizard. (Motions to Drax and Mantis), Tony: We gotta coalesce. Asgard was supposed to protect us! Maw moves a car to protect himself, but one spike still hits his head, creating a cut. Quill: The *heck* happened to this planet? My father killed my mother, then I had to kill my father. Let's go. BRUCE: Uh, I think you look great. No other being has ever had the might, nay the nobility, to wield not one, but two Lantern Rings. Drax: he pays for the deaths of my wife and daughter. Clark Kent: Right! Stop! Bruce Banner: No telling. I do have a bit of experience in that arena. A soulFor a soul. To feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail, nonetheless. Oh, uh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way. Vision: What the stone was warning me about. Where's Gamora? Iron Man: Parker, help! You're gonna get your wings singed. How did this get through so many stages of rewrites? We'll use it. Strange: Wait, what, Thanos? By this point in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, most of the main characters already had their own solo film. Huh? EBONY MAW: could end your friend's life in an instant. Hey, stop! Tony attempts to hack into the S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony: (While pointing at Peter) I don't wanna hear another single pop culture out of you for the rest of the trip. Strange: Can we control it? And I was always so disappointed. (With a flick of his hand, both DRAX and MANTIS are destroyed' in rather comical ways. (He then leaps into another portal. All of this is conveyed simply and succinctly in a five-page scene that features no action. Rocket: And you said your sister and your dad? Fortunately for him, Marvel Studios ended up releasing Thor: Love and Thunder beforehand, resulting . (Thor grasps the handholds and pulls, slowly opening the iris. The stream of light returns and awakens the forge once more. Edit: You can also see Tony holding his left arm when talking to Strange and Peter on the spaceship. Sam!? You know what's happened since then? Star-Lord: Alright Guardians, don't forget to (.) Tony: Yeah, that's on Earth dip-shit. Doctor Strange: Well, if we don't do our jobs. I assume you have a preference. We both made promises. All you got is a rope and a-, (Thor begins to swing the pod around. So let me do the plan and that way it might be really good. Bruce Banner: I don't know. ], [Tony boards the ship, trying to get to the main bay and keep the Time Stone out of MAW's hands.]. I mean, that place is a legend. As the Avengers and their allies have continued to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero to handle, a new danger has emerged from the cosmic shadows: Thanos. But before we jump in, let's remind ourselves of the story structure and who wrote The Avengers. Thing's on autopilot. Eitri: You'll have to restart the forge.