[49], In British Celtic law, women had in many respects (for instance marriage law) a better position than Greek and Roman women. They spoke Gaulish, a [75], On a first century AD Celtic gravestone from Wlfnitz[de], a girl is depicted in Norican clothing. After these three days, the ordinary punishments would apply to both in the event of injury or murder. One occurs in a medieval Welsh poem, "The Spoils of Annwn," which describes a supernatural journey to a land where nine women keep a fire burning under a cauldron. Their name, Asushunamir, literally translates as "whose appearance is radiant." Unlike the Greeks and Romans, the Celts never had a single pantheon, although the Romans attempted to connect them up on the basis of their functions, through the Interpretatio Romana. Although this material cannot directly reflect Celtic religion or women's roles in it, the pattern presented by the classical authors is one in which women participated in, rather than were excluded from, ritual activity. According to the Roman historian Tacitus (c. 55120 ce), black-robed, screaming women accompanied the druids during the Roman assault on their stronghold on Mona (Anglesey) in 60 ce. In addition, the overwhelming majority of these sources come from the first century BC and the first century AD. Mayan civilization developed in what is contemporary Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and Honduras. Devotion to deities did not follow strict gender lines, and men and women alike left votives at shrines dedicated to both male and female deities. Growth disorders and vitamin deficiencies can be detected from the long bones. Encyclopedia of Religion. A rape had to be atoned for by the culprit by handing over the sort of gifts customarily given at a wedding and paying a fine since it was considered a form of "temporary" marital tie.[46]. Large numbers of children are mentioned among the Celts by the ancient authors. A full version of the Philippine creation story is recounted by The Aswang Project, although unfortunately most surviving documentation about pre-colonial Philippine mythology was written by the Spanish colonizers themselves. With a name meaning "man and woman in one," Bathala can be considered either intersex or non-binary. In Norse mythology, Loki often appeared alongside Thor and Odin, sometimes as an ally and sometimes as an antagonist, in a characterization that will be familiar to comic fans. The Maize God was sometimes conflated with the Moon Goddess, becoming an ambiguously gendered figure, and sometimes considered a third gender. While always being referred to with masculine pronouns, some stories even see Loki become pregnant. Coproliths (fossilised fecal matter) indicate severe worm infections. [26], Caesar provides an example of the subordinate position of women: according to him, men had the power of life and death over their wives, as they did over their children, in a similar manner to the Roman pater familias. An annual rite of reroofing a temple occurred during daylight hours on a single day. Women were also partners in marriage. In the belief system of the Fon people of West Africa, the world was created by a bigenderdeity. The Rainbow Serpent, however, is nearly ubiquitous. Translated from German translation by Josef Weisweiler: Frank Siegmund in the SWR-Interview from the series, Verlag der sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ancient_Celtic_women&oldid=1144616343, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from June 2019, Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text, Articles containing Transalpine Gaulish-language text, Articles containing Old Irish (to 900)-language text, Articles containing Old Welsh-language text, Articles containing Old High German (ca. Humans are natural storytellers, and ancient cultures used myths and legends to explain facts, both about nature and culture. [9] There is evidence that in the earlier Celtic periods rich torcs of precious metal were mainly worn by females; later this changed. Their connection between rainbows and water alludes to the ever changing seasons and the great value of water to all of life, and the Serpent's presence is used to explain why some water holes never go dry, even in droughts. [34], On the lead Curse tablet from Larzac (c. 100 AD), which with over 1000 letters is the longest known text in the Gaulish language, communities of female magic users are named, containing 'mothers' (matr) and 'daughters' (duxtr), perhaps teachers and initiates respectively. There were four hands, feet, and ears, and the two faces stared in opposite directions from each other. [39], The mythic rulers of British Celtic legends and the historical queens Boudicca, Cartimandua and (perhaps) Onomarix can be seen only as individual examples in unusual situations, not as evidence of a matriarchy among the Celts. In anger, she placed a curse on Arjuna, transforming him into a member of the third gender. Tight-waisted skirts with bells in the shape of a crinoline are also depicted. If the husband wished to carry out a clearly unwise transaction, the wife possessed a sort of veto power. [18] Plutarch[19] names the women of Cisalpine Gaul as important judges of disputes with Hannibal. These rules were binding for Celtic noblewomen, but they may have been less strictly binding on the lower classes. As a compounded gender of the gods, superior to the earthly gender binary, Mayan elites would try to symbolically mimic the non-binary Moon-Maize deity. She calls matriarchy the "Pre-Celtic heritage of Ireland", and she claims that the transition to patriarchy took place in the 1st century AD in the time of King Conchobar mac Nessa of Ulster. More Celtic boy names. Biblical Period In Post-Roman Britain, Celtic culture and rule continued, until pushed to the margins of the island after the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons. In the mythology of the British Celts almost no goddesses are present. They have ring-shaped heads which could be richly decorated in some regions. The boldly patterned dresses seen on vases from Sopron in Pannonia were cut like a kind of knee-length maternity dress from stiff material with bells and fringes attached. In north Pannonia at the same time, women wore a fur cap, with a spiked brim, a veil cap similar to the Norican one and in later times a turban-like head covering with a veil. She is imprisoned by Ereshkigal, the goddess of the dead, and afflicted with 60 diseases. One figure, in particular, is named Bathala. In addition, in families of higher social standing, there was an institution of foster parentage (Old Irish: aite [foster father] and muimme [foster mother], similar to the Gothic atta [dear father], German Mama and English mummy), in which children of household were given away. Should they consider their suspicions to be correct, they would burn the wives, after torturing them in every possible way. However, it is possible to infer some ritual significance from the placement of burials, such as the woman interred within a ritual enclosure at Libenie in Bohemia (fourth century bce) or two distinctive female burials from Wetwang Slack in Yorkshire (third century bce)one buried with an elaborate chariot and the other with a sealed bronze box. According to 19th century Unilineal evolutionism, societies developed from a general promiscuity (sexual interactions with changing partners or with multiple simultaneous partners) to matriarchy and then to patriarchy. If the head of a high ranking family died, his relatives would gather and interrogate the wives as well as the slaves, when the death seemed suspicious. Miranda Green's Celtic Goddesses Warriors Virgins and Mothers (London, 1995) surveys both society and mythology into the early Christian period. Celtic women of this time wore winged caps, felt caps in the shape of upturned cones with veils, cylinder-shaped fur caps, bronze tiaras or circlets. There is no basis for such an extreme position, but possible negative gender roles are indicated from a small number of burials, mostly older women, in which the heads or jaws have been removed and placed beside the corpse. If she was pregnant with her husband's child, she could not have intercourse with other men before the birth of the child, even if thrown out by him. The position of the wife (Irish: ct-muinter, 'first of the household', or prm-ben, 'chief woman') was determined by the size of the dowry she brought with her. This institution of the 'inheriting-daughter' has a parallel in ancient Indian law, in which a father without sons could designate his daughter as a putrik (son-like daughter). It's important to remember that, as the University of Hawaiinotes, this term isnow considered highly offensive when used to refer to people. The deity Hermaphroditus is where the word hermaphroditecomes from. Religion, particularly an aspect like gender, is difficult to reconstitute from archaeological evidence. Names [86] The seer Fedelm in Irish sagas is described with three braids, two tied around her head and one hanging from the back of her head down to her calves. He describes the condition of women up till that point, with self-aware exaggeration, as cumalacht (enslavement), in order to highlight the importance of his own work. The cost which the birth parents had to pay to the foster parents was higher for girls than for boys, because their care was considered more expensive. Celtic names are used as unisex too, both for boys and girls. In 1938 in his work Die Stellung der Frau bei den Kelten und das Problem des keltischen Mutterrechts (The Position of the Woman among the Celts and the problem of the Celtic Matriarchy), Josef Weisweiler pointed out the misinterpretation: About the social structure of the Pre-Indo-European inhabitants of Britain and Ireland we know no more than about the situation of the pre-Celtic inhabitants of what would later be Gaul. Harvard Divinity Schoolexplains that Hijras consider themselves distinctly neither male nor female, and there are millions of Hijras living in 21st-century India. Known respectfully in Japan as O-Inari-san, Fushimi Inari is ancient, predating Kyoto's rise to be the old capital of Japan in 794 C.E. "[30], Whether a Celtic princess Onomaris (), mentioned in the anonymous Tractatus de Mulieribus Claris in bello ("Account of women distinguished in war"), was real, is uncertain. Ainmuire: Meaning great lord in Irish. On her back she bore a 30 foot long pole with an iron hook, with which she would grab opponent amongst her enemies by their braids. The nymph cried out to the gods to make them united forever and the gods obliged, turning one into two and in turn created a third gender that was neither male, nor Encyclopedia of Religion. Women probably played a role in both religious and healing activities here and at similar shrines. The fourth-century ce Historia Augusta has three references to female druids in Gaul. Adomnan reports that a woman who: had to stay in a pit so deep that her genitals were covered and had to hold a spit over the fire so long for it to be roasted, further she had to serve as a candlestick holder till it was time to sleep. The ways in which gender identities are embedded in religious rituals, symbols, institutions, and language reflect changing social and political power structures, especially in relation to women. Among later historians, there is also Gerald of Wales who was born to a Cambro-Norman family in the 12th century and composed an important account of the history and geography of the British Isles. (April 27, 2023). Instead, the gods were sacred entities who overlapped with each other. As a paper in the Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal Historyexplains, while the early Romans had a dim view of anyone born with intersexcharacteristics, Roman law eventually came to recognize "hermaphroditi" as a distinct gender, separate from men and women. Women exercised considerable power and influence in early Christian foundations in Ireland and Wales, although here too it is not clear how much of this carried over from pagan structures and how much was the result of increased status introduced by the new religion. [87], Hair needles for fixing caps and hairdos in place are common grave finds from the late Hallstatt period. A daughter inherits no land from her father, except if she has no brothers, if she is an inheriting-daughter (ban-chomarba), and even then she inherits only for her lifetime. Celtic women were rulers and warriors and had the same sexual freedoms as men. The lives of Celtic women two thousand years ago can teach us a lot about equality today. Celtic women at the time were rulers and warriors and had the same sexual freedoms as men, according to an article on Care2.com. Diodorus and Suetonius, in particular, describe the sexual permissiveness of Celtic women. Today this is seen as a common cliche of ancient barbarian ethnography and political propaganda intended by Caesar to provide a moral justification for his campaigns. . WebThe Celtic renaissance really got off the ground upon James Macpherson's publication of the Ossianic poems in 1762-3, which he claimed to be translations of rediscovered works of a poet from the third century. [89] Examples from Ireland include Macha and Medb, from Wales, Rhiannon. 1221 (Oxford, 1992), help to clarify the issues and define the parameters of the argument. In a divorce, the wife usually had full control over her dowry. As Artlandishexplains, the Rainbow Serpent is an immortal being and a creator deity, with countless associated names and stories. His legionnaires sang in the triumph that he had seduced a horde of Gallic women, calling him a "bald whoremonger". . A. Pelletier's La Femme dans la societ gallo-romaine (Paris, 1974) considers the position of women in Gaul, whereas Lindsey Allason-Jones's Women in Roman Britain (London, 1989) covers British society. However, despite these limitations, it is possible to consider some of the gender issues as they related to religion among groups of Celts in the ancient world and in the early cultures of insular groups such as Ireland and Wales. As a faculty paper from Linfield Universityexplains, sometimes older texts contain characters with clear fluid or ambiguously gendered characteristics but lack the words to properly describe them. This article is arranged according to the following outline: Third Gender: A Short History. From ancient Greece to modern Pakistan, the political and cultural emergence of a complex, controversial term. Social convention says there are two types of people: male and female. People we'd recognize today as trans women and trans men were called kurgarra and galatur, created by the gods to be neither male nor female. Among the works of Roman historians are the universal history of Pompeius Trogus (Philippic History) which only survives in the epitome[clarification needed] of Marcus Iunianus Iustinus. [1] Here perhaps matrilineality could be a reason for the selection of these leaders, rather than the king's own sons, but other reasons cannot be ruled out, even if the story is not fictional. Diseases like sinusitis, meningitis and dental caries leave typical traces. Certainly, the Celtic gods included women such as the Irish-Celtic trio of war goddesses known as the Mrrigna: Badb, Macha, and the Mrrigan. One effect of this wider debate has been to look to the past to provide paradigms in which access to power and influence in the institutions of religious life have been more equally balanced. Very often these mythic female figures embody sovereignty over the land or the land itself (see hieros gamos). The suggestion that Irish women used this knowledge for birth control, sometimes drawn from this is questionable. As The New Indian Expressemphatically states, Hindu texts are full of references to the third gender. https://www.encyclopedia.com/environment/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/gender-and-religion-gender-and-celtic-religions, "Gender and Religion: Gender and Celtic Religions This popular Scottish Gaelic name can also be spelled Alasdair, and means defender of men.. This ties in with a group of third-gender people in modern-day India, known as Hijras. A number of Romano-Celtic statuettes of women suggest female religious activity, although it is unclear, given the date of this material, whether the activity was specifically Celtic. Issues of gender in Celtic religion and in early Christianity have been informed by the revival of interest in Celtic culture since the end of the As author Devdutt Pattanaikelaborates, Asushunamir was created to be neither male nor female. In Chinese mythology, the primordial goddess T'ai Yuan was said to embody both Yin and Yang, the feminine and masculine forces which sustain the cosmos. The Celts were a collection of tribes with origins in central Europe that shared a similar language, religious beliefs, traditions and culture. Her hair is mostly straight, but coiffed at the back. In addition, in Celtic mythology, several male heroes, notably C Chulainn, learnt to use weapons from female masters such as Scthach and Aife. He states that the position of the sexes relative to each other is "opposite to how it is with us. [26], The idea of a Celtic matriarchy first developed in the 18th and 19th centuries in connection with the romantic idea of the "Noble Savage". In the context of religion, writers mention druids, and a few suggest the presence of female druids. The archaeological evidence includes images of female deities and inscriptions addressed to them. The mother goddesses which had great importance in Celtic religion were also united in this way under the names Matres and Matronae.[87]. Since ancient Greek writers first identified the Celts as keltoi, this group has provided a powerful symbol of otherness for the perception of women and their function in religious contexts in Celtic society. These are the gods referred to throughout the Studio Ghibli movie "Spirited Away,"but one particular kami stands out as having no fixed gender. The two escape, but not before Asushunamir and everyone like them are cursed to be ostracised from society. The "Lady of Vix" was a young Celtic woman of exceptionally high standing, who suffered from pituitary adenoma and otitis media. Pronunciation is unique and tricky for Celtic names, but there are common names too like Erin. Chaumelires was the site of the sanctuary of Sequana, goddess of the source of the Seine, and an important healing center with an extensive dormitory and hospital complex for those seeking cures. The Greek writer Plutarch (before 50after 120 ce) mentions Camma, wife of a Galatian ruler and priestess of a goddess identified with Artemis who shared a poisoned drink with a suitor to avenge her husband's death. [41] Ingeborg Clarus attempted in her book Keltische Mythen (1991) to reduce the Celtic sagas of Britain to a battle between the sexes, as part of her theory about the replacement of a matriarchy by a patriarchy. The god Enki then creates Asushunamir to charm Ereshkigal with their good looks before stealing the water of life to resurrect Ishtar. 27 Apr. Far from seeing it purely as a curse, Arjuna uses this magical transition as a disguise while he is in exile, wearing women's clothes, taking the name ofBrihannala,and becoming a teacher of music and dance. Trauma from violence was more common among men. However, as the book "Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan"notes, you're unlikely to ever see a depiction of Inai themself at one of their shrines. In Hindu mythology though, mortals can be non-binary as well. Only if the inheritance came from the mother or if the daughters originated from the last marriage of a man and the sons from an earlier marriage, were the two genders treated the same. [52], In general, monogamy was common. Encyclopedia.com. On the other hand, he says of Boudicca, before her decisive defeat, "[The Britons] make no distinction of gender in their leaders. The book "Gender and Identity around the World"discusses how the Serpent is referred to variously as genderless, androgynous, transgender, or genderfluid. The Scottish journalist and folklorist Lewis Spence popularized the idea of Celtic religion as benevolent and magical nature worship in which women played an important role. The exact meaning is unclear, but this, unlike other curses, indicates that the women themselves have power to harm. Women appear elsewhere in religious roles. "Gender and Religion: Gender and Celtic Religions The hair was often coloured red or blonde. In total, the data indicates a society which, as a result of poor hygiene and diet, suffered from weak immune systems and a high rate of illness. The concubine (Irish: adaltrach, cf. [43] In Wales, the wife was allowed to leave her husband if he committed adultery three times, if he was impotent, and if he had bad halitosis taking with her the property which she had brought into the marriage or acquired during it. Irish literature features female figures with supernatural powers such as the Morrgan, Eriu, and Danu, who may be late reflexes of Celtic land or sovereignty goddesses. The fact that she offered a hare to the tribal goddess before battle, combined with the after-battle atrocities such as cutting off the breasts of captured women, may indicate that Boudicca's leadership had a religious dimension. [64][65], The statement of Gerald of Wales that incest had a pervasive presence in the British Isles is false according to modern scholars, since he complains only that a man can marry his cousins in the fifth, fourth and third degrees. The ancient authors regularly describe Celtic women as large, crafty, brave and beautiful. Diodorus and Suetonius, in particular, describe the sexual permissiveness of Celtic women. According to Suetonius, Caesar spent a lot of money on sexual experiences in Gaul. Astrid - Old Norse for "super strength." For rescuing her though, Ishtar grants Asushunamir the powers of prophecy and healing. Theres a commonly accepted third category of mixed gender people called muxes. She passes through the seven gates of the underworld but finds herself trapped there. As a On her feet there are pointed shoes. ." Loki is now famous for his appearance in the Marvel comics (and from the films based on them, where he is played by Tom Hiddleston), and his comic persona has become well known as one of the most prominent genderfluid characters in the world of comic books. She could not normally give away or pass on her property without their agreement. Her marriage was arranged by her male relatives, divorce and polygyny (the marriage of one man to several women) were controlled by specific rules. Third genders are widely accepted as being understood as an other gender, but fourth, fifth, and sixth genders have been documented by anthropologists as well. The transmitted texts of pre-Christian sagas and ancient authors speak strongly against its existence. Books such as Boadicea, Warrior Queen of the Britons (London, 1937) and The Magic Arts in Celtic Britain (London, 1945) have influenced popular approaches to the subject. Having several legal wives was limited to the higher social classes. Fittingly, festivals of Aphroditus usually involved men and women swapping both their clothes and their gender roles. The pre-colonial Philippines had a pantheistic religion with strong homosexual and transgender themes. Archaeology has revealed something of the Celtic woman through artefacts (particularly grave goods), which can provide clues about their position in society and material culture. Written accounts and collections of these myths are only known from the early Middle Ages. [55], Welsh women only received the right to inherit under king Henry II of England (11331189).[55]. The position of ancient Celtic women in their society cannot be determined with certainty due to the quality of the sources. Hindu mythology is another place that prominently features gods who're both male and female. Any woman who dropped roofing material was torn to pieces. Our knowledge of the situation of Celtic women on the European mainland is almost entirely obtained from contemporary Greek and Roman authors, who saw the Celts as barbarians and wrote about them accordingly. This is called the Geis of the king. [78], Gold jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, rings) were worn as symbols of social class and were often of high craftsmanship and artistic quality. Behind her came her husband, who drove her into battle with a fence post. Inari is also notable for their strong association with foxes. Differences as a result of social position are not visible. [51] The resulting children would be assigned to whichever man was willing to marry the woman. English: It is women who fortune or misfortune give. They were probably added to the tombs of women who were killed violently, to protect the living. The Philippines is one of the friendliest countries in Asia for the LGBTQ+ community. In Ancient Rome, however, the word hermaphrodite referred to a legally recognized third gender. These are all clichs of the Greeks and Romans about barbarian peoples. [59] Gerald of Wales describes how the Irish are "the most jealous people in the world", while the Welsh lacked this jealousy and among them guest-friendship-prostitution was common. [8] In eight cremation graves from Frankfurt Rhine-Main from the middle and late La Tne period, which contained young girls, statues of dogs were found, measuring 2.1 to 6.7cm in length. Tagalog Langexplains that Bathala was considered the highest deity of the Tagalog pantheon, and the creator of the world. [81] The "Lady" from the tomb at Vix had a torc, placed on her lap, as a grave good; the woman in the tomb at Reinheim wore one around her neck. [10], Archaeological finds in the 19th century were often interpreted in light of contemporary ideas about gender without consideration of differences between modern and ancient cultures. Although the drink of milk and honey had underworld associations and the rite took place in the temple where Camma was a priestess, the passage emphasises her loyalty as a wife, rather than her religious role. In the La Tne period they expanded, through migration and cultural transmission, to the British Isles, northern Iberia, the Balkan peninsula and Asia Minor. [62] Whether this right actually existed and was exercised by the Celts is not attested outside the sagas. Medieval Girl Names Relating to Vikings. [25] According to Irish and Welsh law, attested from the Early Middle Ages, a woman was always under the authority of a man, first her father, then her husband, and, if she was widowed, her son. . Similarly, in North America, the Zuni have a creator deity Awonawilona, who is also both male and female. Retrieved April 27, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/environment/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/gender-and-religion-gender-and-celtic-religions. Latin adultera, 'adultress') had much less power and was subordinate to the main wife. Over a colourful shirt she wore a twisted gold torc and a thick cloak closed with a fibula. It derives from a Greek workshop and is 1.6 m high, weighs over 200kg and has a volume of 1100 litres, making it the largest metal vessel to survive from the ancient world. The popularity of modern paganism and Celtic spirituality is strengthened by the assumption that Celtic religion could survive domination by Roman culture and Christianity. Additionally, the goddess Lakapati was the consort of Bathala, and also a trans woman. It has been suggested that native British rites continued as a countercultural religion designated as witchcraft after the introduction of Christianity and continue into the twenty-first century. According toBritannica, Inari has depictions ranging from a woman with long flowing hair carrying sheaves of rice, to an old man with a white beard riding a white fox. "[25], Recent research has cast doubt on the significance of these ancient authors' statements. The religion of Zoroastrianism arose from the preaching of a devotional poet named Zarathushtra (one who leads old camels), who lived around 1750 to, The history of gender and sexual ideologies in Hinduism is complex. As trophies one took the head or the breasts of the women. As their child, Hermaphroditus inherited their beauty from both parents, as a divine fusion of masculine and feminine characteristics. In a matrilineal society, children are related only to the family of the mother not to the family of the father. A consistent matriarchy, which was attributed to Celtic women by Romantic authors of the 18th and 19th centuries and by 20th century feminist authors, is not attested in reliable sources. [45] Thus they received only a seventh of the weregild if a child was killed and the male relatives had a duty to seek vengeance for the deed. While Mawu-Lisa is a creator god, there are also stories of an even older androgynous god who preceded them. In Western society, there is a rigid binary older than time itself. Caesar[20] stresses the "power of life and death" held by husbands over their wife and children. Supposed survival, despite external domination, is an essential feature of countercultural rebellion, and the image of a united Celtic world in which women were given a voice in religion is powerful whatever the discontinuity between modern religious developments and historical sources. Post Views: 25,048. Only a right to make gifts and a restricted power of sale were granted to her, which was called the bantrebthach ('female householder'). The motif in Fon culture of two seeming opposites combining to work in harmony is a motif that is shared by the culture of many other peoples across the world. Only when it became possible to determine the sex of human remains through osteological analysis was this approach revealed as overly simplistic.[11].