Each SBCT has an assigned antiarmor company (Figure 1-2). (b) Engineers provide expertise and assistance in breaching operations to allow infantry and armor freedom to maneuver. A. Facilitates mission command The ROE must consider these legal issues; they must be worded in a simple, easy-to-understand manner. Each round explodes above the ground and scatters about 8,500 small, finned flechettes over an area about 30 meters in diameter. The commander establishes guidelines or gives specific guidance when a personal staff officer should inform or coordinate with the XO or other members of the staff. The company and platoons are capable of deploying as part of the Army's force projection requirements. (a) Tanks. Title 10, Subtitle C, Part I, Chapter 507, Section 5063 addresses Marine Corps composition and functions. What is it? Additionally, the IOCOORD participates in the development of IPB products and works with the fires and effects cell throughout the targeting process. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. 3 Coordinating through higher headquarters for corps medical support reinforcement and or augmentation, as required. As with any brigade, adjustments to task organization may be required. It is the primary tank destroyer of the SBCT, capable of defeating many armored threats up to 4 km away using the TOW missile system. He serves as the principal advisor to the SBCT commander on matters relating to MP support. (e) Avoid "Skylining." The use of hide positions before the enemy comes within range of the TOW limits the effectiveness of long-range, HE-FRAG munitions. In the offense, routes and firing positions should be selected to support the forward movement of attacking units. Man-made cover includes fighting positions, walls, rubble, and craters. The TACP coordinates close air support (CAS) missions with the FECC and the SBCT S3. During counterattacks, the antiarmor unit provides overwatching fires for the maneuvering element. all of the above, Analysis always focuses on commander's __________________ . The signal section (S6) is primarily responsible for all command and control information systems (C2 INFOSYS) operations including network management, automation management, and information security. day of the month combat power a. Cordon and Enter Figure 1-13. Through the use of the Training Audiovisual Support Center (TASC) Javelin Basic Skills Trainer (JBST) and Field Tactical Trainer (FTT), we were able to allow Javelin firers to shoot at targets and receive feedback on their performance. (1) Personnel Section. At times, however, the commander may determine that the preponderance of military forces must be devoted to shaping operations in order to produce conditions and effects for a decisive operation to be successful. The fires and effects element works in coordination with the SBCT S3 to produce the following products for the SBCT order: target selection standards (TSS), attack/effects guidance matrix (A/EGM), essential fires and effects tasks, target/effects synchronization matrix (T/ESM), and field artillery support plan (FASP). (4) Logistics Section. He is responsible for the development, implementation, and coordination of religious support assets, operations, and activities. Figure 1-2. An analysis of all of these factors is necessary for the antiarmor unit to be effective, to survive, and to overcome the following inherent weaknesses: (1) Cover. Satellite pattern Another potential action is to use the laser against suspected enemy positions to trigger their laser-warning receiver. The engineers emplace the obstacles inside designated obstacle zones, belts, and groups. D. Center of Gravity, When considering the urban infrastructure, commanders must take into account the impact of destroying, controlling, or protecting certain parts of infrastructure. Developing a HPTL, What targeting product provides attack guidance to weapon system managers? Six The cell consists of two S3 plans officers and battle staff NCOs; it is augmented by the other staff sections (or cells) as required during planning. The current operations cell also maintains contact with the plans cell in the rear CP. infrastructure, society, and economy The S3 The SBCT's operational capabilities are. The SBCT antiarmor company consists of three platoons with three TOW-equipped antiarmor interim armored vehicles (ICVs) in each platoon. ROE are directives that explain the circumstances and limitations under which US forces initiate and continue combat engagement with forces encountered. Tactically, the SBCT has versatile mobility with the Stryker vehicle that combines the best capabilities of mechanized and light infantry organizations. He ensures the collection, analysis, and dissemination of HUMINT and CI-related intelligence and information is in concert with the commander's critical information requirements. Enemy countermeasures to the weapon system include. (Refer to Appendix B, Assured Mobility, for further information on SBCT mobility.) Organic human intelligence (HUMINT) assets provide in-depth understanding of the local and regional nonmilitary (civil considerations) factors that typically influence the outcome of operations within a smaller-scale contingency. HVTL, What steps of F3EAD take place during the Detect phase of D3A? B. Important The HHC headquarters section provides the personnel, equipment, and staff expertise to command and control and provides information management and communications capabilities that enable the brigade commander to plan and execute missions. the brigade support battalion Students also viewed Art of Command; Science of Control 14 terms greg_jamero These forces will be equipped with newer generation tanks and infantry fighting vehicles and will have significant numbers of antitank guided missile (ATGM) systems, man-portable air defense (MANPAD) weapons, advanced fixed and or rotary wing aviation assets, missiles, rockets, artillery, mortars, and mines. The fact that the SBCT's communications systems may not be compatible with the civil-military organization increases the need for an exchange of knowledgeable LNOs properly equipped to communicate in accordance with (IAW) the table of organization and equipment (TOE). In order to achieve this effect, the antiarmor squads are positioned so that fires directed at one squad can suppress only that squad. E. Incident maps, If a person of interest is or becomes deceased, what symbol is normally drawn next to his or her name on the association matrix? Deep Areas. These systems have mounted counter munitions that are fired at incoming munitions when detected by the system's radar. search, security In some circumstances, the SBCT headquarters or subordinate elements actively participate in civil-military activities and may operate subordinate to civil-military organizations. Create shared understanding BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS AND HEADQUARTERS COMPANY. Three batteries of M-198 towed 155-mm artillery provide DS fires and effects. Lower level commanders, Which of the following are principles of the Operations Process? Combat aviation, fires, maneuver enhancement, battlefield surveillance, and sustainment. Executive Officer. Drive the operations process Newer reactive armor can be developed to counter the ATGMs that were developed to defeat first-generation reactive armor with either tip charges (TOW 2A) or a top attack (TOW 2B). Our battalion recognized that training 40 Javelin operators was insufficient for NTC, considering the lethality of the system against a near-peer threat utilizing armor. Consolidate Search operations Segment Pattern Mission Command He also provides legal advice during the military decision-making process regarding ROE, targeting, and other legal aspects of operations. The BSB commander exercises OPCON over CSS units operating in the brigade support area. The XO is prepared to assume command of the SBCT at any time. The IO element integrates and synchronizes these augmentation assets with reconnaissance and surveillance operations and the maneuver plan. As mentioned earlier, one of the brigade's significant capabilities is its ability to plan and execute simultaneous operations. On the nonlinear battlefield that typifies an SSC, it is difficult to define "rear areas" spatially in a traditional sense. (1) When expressing his intent, the commander clearly and succinctly defines how the effects of shaping operations support the decisive operation. D. Safeguard the detainee Enemy Actions Taken While the TOW Missile is in Flight. Routine Stop and Frisk search Maintaining the current situation regarding enemy and environmental factors and updating IPB and the intelligence estimate. The SBCT may have a "deep fight" in terms of space or time. The terrain was not the most suitable place to maneuver Strykers as it was restrictive or severely restrictive in nature. What are the 3 types of BCT? Personal advisor Key functions of the S1 section include, (2) Intelligence Section. This required a push and pull technique between dismounted and mounted Infantry Soldiers. The first US Air Force Stryker unit made its first deployment in Iraq in August 2005. Advanced information technology and modern weapons systems continue to increase the pertinence and lethality of conducting operations in a deep area. In addition to using the TOW 2 capabilities, the dispersal of antiarmor squads around planned engagement areas limits the effectiveness of the enemy's on-board obscurants. According to the counterargument, which of the following is not a reason that charter schools are detrimental to education? Antiarmor units may focus on destroying lightly armored enemy vehicles and dismounted soldiers at long ranges, allowing the tanks to focus on destroying enemy tanks. His primary means to plan, integrate, and orchestrate fires and effects is via FECC. (a) Avoid Unnecessary Movement. The brigade surgeon oversees and coordinates HSS activities through the brigade surgeon's section (BSS) and the brigade staff (Figure 1-28). The SBCT employs a multi-level, integrated suite of intelligence, reconnaissance, and surveillance assets to develop and share a common operational picture throughout the force. Based on the posture of the enemy, we recognized we would have to employ the push and pull technique described above. special characters Taking the warfighting function of mission command into account, what task do you need to perform to ensure your unit is task organized and coordination has been made to help you accomplish your mission? var ins = document.createElement('ins'); Typical special staff officers and elements that will support the SBCT include the following: (1) Effects Coordinator. (1) Infantry. These information systems (INFOSYS) provide the SBCT commander with a unique capability to visualize, describe, and direct the brigade through the full spectrum of operations and terrain in which the unit may be operating. A. Search and disarm the detainee (See FM 3-20.96 for a more detailed discussion of cavalry squadron [RSTA] capabilities.) Although the Army was capable of full-spectrum dominance, it had not optimized its organization and force structure for discrete and rapid strategic response in the face of an increasingly broad range of operational demands posed by its participation in an MTW, SSC, or PME (Figure 1-1). (See FM 3-21.91 for a more detailed discussion of antiarmor company capabilities. a. The Stryker platoons would dismount Infantry squads and push them forward, utilizing the Strykers remote weapon systems to cover their movement. The UMT facilitates and coordinates religious support across the AO. Effective command guidance and a detailed understanding of rules of engagement (ROE) and rules of interaction (ROI) are critical to the SBCT's mission accomplishment across the spectrum of conflict. We utilized a four-man team of NCOs who had graduated from the Heavy Weapons Leader Course at Fort Benning as instructors. All of the SBCT's INFOSYS and data collection capabilities are enabled in order to get the infantry battalions to the decisive place and time in accordance with the commander's intent. D. Exploitation force on site Preparing, coordinating, authenticating, publishing, and distributing the command SOP, operation orders (OPORDs), fragmentary orders (FRAGOs), warning orders (WARNOs), and other products involving contribution from other staff sections. F3EAD The battalion was able to destroy enemy mechanized elements at distances of 1,500-2,000 meters away from positions of dominant terrain with a clear line of sight. Despite this advantage, engaging enemy armored vehicles within the standoff range (2,000 to 3,750 meters) may not always be tactically feasible. The FECC T&C section's mission is to direct the execution of the targeting process (the detect, deliver, and assess portions) and to execute the counterfire program for the SBCT. The field artillery battalion commander serves as the SBCT effects coordinator (ECOORD). Security. Commanders' focus In such situations, potential adversaries may avoid open terrain in order to degrade the proven effectiveness of our target acquisition capabilities and standoff precision fires. Commanders of sustaining operations designate main and supporting efforts. Camouflage nets to provide concealment from both optics and radar. hour of the day Planning and coordinating network terminals. Strategically, the SBCT is capable of rapid deployment by air into any theater of operations. Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. A fire and effects element is embedded within the FECC and is supervised by the DECOORD. These actions conserve the SBCT's fighting potential so it can be applied at the decisive time and place and incorporate the coordinated and synchronized offensive and defensive measures to enable the effective employment of the force while degrading opportunities for the enemy. The personnel section (S1) is responsible for all matters concerning human resources to include personnel readiness, personnel services, and headquarters management (Figure 1-19). Four, Which of the following is NOT a capability of an SBCT Infantry Rifle Company? additional preparation time ROI lay the foundation for successful relationships with the many factions and individuals that play key roles throughout the SBCT's AO. A. Seaborne A. A. FUNDAMENTALS OF ANTIARMOR UNIT EMPLOYMENT. Developing HSS staff estimates for supporting brigade operations. D. Time event charts The FTT is designed to simulate the Javelins operational and engagement parameters. c. Special Staff Officers and Elements. Figure 1-17. The SBCT is an Infantry-centric organization with the rifle squad serving as the foundation of its combat power to execute decisive action operations. C. Develop teams Shaping operations may occur simultaneously or in sequence with the decisive operation and may involve any combination of forces. The Army is the U.S. military's primary ground force. Command, control, and supervision (b) Smoke and Obscurants. Shape The MICO commander responds to the tasking of the SBCT commander. b. This system produces obscurants to protect the unit's movement. Additionally, training with the JBST and FTT should be conducted prior to maneuver situational training exercises (STX) and live-fire exercises (LFX) through courses like the described home-station Javelin POI. In the defense, antiarmor squads can be positioned forward then moved to positions in depth as the enemy closes, or the squads may be positioned in depth initially. The company consists of three platoons, each with three ATGM vehicles. Processing valid target information for supporting fires and effects assets (including IO assets) to execute in accordance with the T/ESM. Based on solely using the CLU in surveillance operations in recent years, most Javelin gunners lacked experience at employing the Javelin in defeating enemy armor. Overall flank and rear security must be planned at the platoon leader level; if omitted, this lack of protection can be costly. Cultural E. Audacity, Which search technique/ approach does NOT explicitly require HNSF or HN authorities to conduct? The anti-armor POI gave designated Javelin operators eight hours of hands-on training time. permissive, non-permissive The digital topographic support (DTS) team provides 24-hour digital terrain data production support and analysis using the digital topographic support system (DTSS). SOM, GOTWA, When conducting a cordon and search, the security element normally conducts the decisive operation. The SBCT is primarily manned and equipped to conduct operations in an SSC. a. It also works with the air defense and airspace management (ADAM) cell to manage airspace in the SBCT's AO to include flying UAVs and deconfliction with USAF aircraft as well as aircraft from other services. ), The signal company (Figure 1-10) is organic to the SBCT and provides its C2 operations support. ROI must be tailored to the specific region, culture(s), and or populations affected by the operation. be tactically questioned, Which of the following are principles of mission command? c. Rear Areas. The enemy has difficulty seeing a position with a low silhouette. Coordinating civil and military operations in the absence of the S5. Circle E. Encourage collaboration and dialogue b. He advises the SBCT commander on the capabilities and employment of fires and effects and is responsible for obtaining the commander's guidance for desired effects and their purpose. Understanding the human dimension The antiarmor company is normally task organized by the airborne/air assault infantry battalion commander or the Stryker brigade combat team (SBCT) commander, based on his estimate of the. The physical environment of an SSC may include a range of complex and challenging features, such as very restrictive or urbanized terrain, a weak transportation and logistical infrastructure, environmental hazards, and diverse weather patterns. The TOW missile's launch signature gives away its position, and armored crews are trained to engage these systems upon detection. At a minimum, the cell should include representatives from the cavalry squadron (RSTA), intelligence cell (to include the S2x team), FECC, maneuver support (MANSPT) cell, and the BSB. The ability to scale his force also allows a commander to deploy without all of his organic assets or, once deployed, to use only the combat power required by mission analysis. The SBCT is equipped with the Army battle command system (ABCS) family of systems in order to carry out effective information management and achieve the quality of information sharing needed for effective planning, preparation, and execution of assigned missions. Within the close area, one unit will be designated the main effort, while other units are supporting efforts. Energy They provide the commander and staff with special area expertise operating out of either the main or rear CP. The signal company is responsible for connecting the SBCT to the global information grid (GIG). security, search Movement to alternate firing positions after initial engagement limits enemy target acquisition capabilities. (1) Antiarmor units equipped with HMMWVs must consider that these vehicles lack protection against direct and indirect fires. The 5th Stryker Brigade was deployed to Afghanistan in mid-2009, the first SBCT to do so. The SBCT's sniper elements provide this capability. These systems do not protect the vehicle from all directions. B. False, A search and cover team consists of a minimum of ____ personnel. Fix Within the Army, there are 14 ABCTs, each of which consists of seven battalions: three combined arms, one . The MANSPT cell is responsible for planning, integrating, and synchronizing mobility and or survivability and military police (MP) support for all operations (Figure 1-26). assessing infrastructure, During an attack, which element's primary focus would be to kill, capture, or force withdrawal of the enemy from an urban objective? (c) The MANSPT cell also supports the SBCT with terrain analysis products. decision making Deception is part of the doctrine of all modern armies. Directly assisting the commander in controlling preparation for, and execution of, operations. D. concealment Monitoring and analyzing personnel strength and projecting future personnel requirements. The SBCT balances lethality, mobility, and survivability against the requirements for rapid strategic deployability. increase the probability of creating desired effects while diminishing undesired or adverse collateral effects In Step 4, Personnel in incident, You build the incident overlay by plotting _________________on the map. Close combat includes the activities of forces in direct support of the elements engaging in close combat, such as direct support field artillery. As a result of this decision, each SBCT will only receive nine of its authorized 27 MGS systems. temporal pattern. Each staff member must know his duties and responsibilities and be familiar with the duties and responsibilities of other staff members. In addition, he oversees the support and employment of separate company and smaller size CS units. (c) Targeting and Counterfire Element. However, multiple actions conducted simultaneously throughout the depth of the AO may facilitate a decisive operation. Protection, Scenario: You are the commander of an Active Duty Mechanized Infantry company that has just begun to set up a defense in a town. Enemy forces in these environments will employ middle- to low-end industrial-age forces characterized by limited armored forces, mostly equipped with small numbers of early generation tanks, some mechanized forces, but predominately motorized infantry. A. Correlated information (2) Armor. Our leader development program needs to incorporate these lessons learned so that we can coach junior leaders on the tactical deployment of the Javelin in the SBCT as it pertains to terrain. (2) If the commander determines that the force available does not permit simultaneous decisive and shaping operations, he sequences shaping operations around the decisive operation. ROI encompass an array of interpersonal communication skills, such as persuasion and negotiation. Current and predicted trends indicate that these enemy forces will acquire more sophisticated and advanced information technology. 1-26. Reach is executed primarily through the Army force (ARFOR), although the ARFOR may authorize direct linkages between the SBCT and resource providers when it is prudent and efficient to do so. Providing assessments that inform and are integrated back into the ongoing targeting process. Four, The four targeting principles should __________________ . Which of the following is NOT a pattern analysis lesson learned? (e) Attack Helicopters. The systems portability makes it the anti-armor weapon of choice for light early entry forces. The CSM focuses his attention on functions critical to the success of the operation. A. The explosive detonates and jettisons the outer metal upon contact with shaped-charge munitions. To prevent detection, positions must blend with the varied colors and textures of whatever trees, bushes, grass, earth, or man-made structures form the background. operations security Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. Enemy actions taken while the TOW missile is in flight. (a) Engineers shape the engagement area (EA) for a commander by emplacing tactical obstacles that reduce the enemy's ability to maneuver, mass, or reinforce, and increase his vulnerability to direct and indirect fires. var pid = 'ca-pub-1080079977389268'; Sustaining operations occur throughout the area of operations and not only within a designated rear area. Key functions of the S6 section include. A. Antiarmor units must account for dead space by emplacing obstacles, by observation, and by the employment of other weapon systems (MK19, M203, and mortar or artillery fires. (See FM 2-19.402 for a more detailed discussion of the SBCT military intelligence company capabilities.). F. Search incident to apprehension, Quick and adequate for detecting weapons, a frisk search is less dangerous because the searcher has more control of the individual being searched. (4) Indirect Fires. The sustainment process, What is one of the terms that a commander uses to express his visualization of an operation? day of the week (c) Stay Low to Observe. Fundamental, Level 1 Anti-terrorism Awareness Training (JK, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. In a noncontiguous environment, the most decisive results occur when the commander carefully designs decisive, shaping, and sustaining operations to act simultaneously in combinations against the enemy throughout the AO. COMBINED ARMS ASSAULT IN THE CLOSE FIGHT, 1-8. Figure 1-4. Pattern analysis must be conducted at battalion level. submit accurate scouting reports to the commander so adjustments can be made to the plan The Stryker enhances tactical mobility and allows the SBCT to strike the enemy in depth, reposition its reserve rapidly, secure lines of communications, and conduct nonlinear company and battalion fights and essential RSTA operations in noncontiguous areas of operation. He performs other duties that the commander prescribes, to include receiving and orienting newly assigned enlisted personnel and helping to inspect command activities. additional training friendly capabilities, Which targeting guidance reflects the intent to gain access to adversary command and control systems, to collect information, or to plant false or misleading information? The intelligence cell gathers, analyzes, and disseminates information collected on the enemy, terrain, and civilian population and maintains the enemy component of the COP. This chapter addresses antiarmor doctrine, organization, fundamentals, and capabilities and limitations. The SBCT commander can also accept augmentation of units or elements that are not organic to the SBCT structure such as lift and or attack aviation, armor, rocket artillery, air defense, military police, civil affairs, psychological operations, combat and construction engineers, and additional command and control systems assets with requisite CSS support for each system. Your orders are to maintain control of the town once it has been cleared and prepare to defend it if needed. The battle focus (2) An armored vehicle's firepower and crew are normally oriented to the front. The unit manning roster (UMR) Preparing and improving plans and orders b. Full-Spectrum Operations in an SSC. Calendar time (day, week, or month) The decisive operation conclusively determines the outcome of battles and engagements. Defer to the platoon leaders who know their AO more than you do. The FECC is led and directed by the deputy effects coordinator. F. Conduct information protection, What describes the position of the command sergeant major of the command at battalion and higher levels? Noises, such as talking, idling vehicles, or touching metal to metal, can be heard by enemy patrols or listening posts. Such functions may include electronic warfare, computer network attack, special information operations, psychological operations, and counterpropaganda (including public affairs and civil affairs) based on METT-TC considerations. HVT Lists Organic combined-arms assaults An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. E. Inform and influence audiences, Which of the following are commander's tasks in mission command? The 1-23 IN returned home from NTC rotation 14-03 with many lessons learned, but one of the biggest lessons at the tactical level was that dismounted Infantryman employing Javelins in the right terrain can hold their own against enemy armor. The TOW gunners engage targets in vulnerable areas when possible. It may be natural or made by man. Thus, more emphasis should be directed to the training of the anti-armor weapon systems that the dismounted Infantry Soldiers employ.