ICT is an increasingly powerful tool used to teach, learn, and perform assessments in the education sector; thus, changes and reforms must achieve sustainable education for all. As far as enhancing our framework, especially worthy of investigation may be looking into the complementary or contradictory relationships between the various concepts. These expenditures on education and health, for example, are frequently difficult to distinguish from consumption (Schultz, Citation1961). Through this, a transformative, comprehensive, and higher quality education system is brought forward. (2017). The Internet Since the mid-1990s, the Internet has had a revolutionary impact on communication, including the rise of near-instant communication by electronic mail, instant messaging, voice. Pick and Doug Vogel for their valuable comments on a preliminary version of this editorial. A radio show might be more popular than a television show, or vice-versa. This will be followed by a methodology where data analysis will be conducted. The complexity of ICT in education: A critical literature review and its implications. Paying attention to this, the school-age population contributes to 20.9% of the total population on average, that is, the ages of 5-17. Also, it is limited to ES technology, rather than ICT in general. Second, it enhances international competitionincluding as a result of the . [10] Polizzi, G. (2011). Working with adolescents living in internally displaced peoples camps in Mindanao, Art, Development and Peace. We examined whether there is any relationship between students' performance in ICT and the student's general performance in all the exams. We briefly discuss these in the order of their publication, starting with the earliest one. As cities and countries have been asking the population to stay at home . [15] Henderson, C., Beach, A., & Finkelstein, N. (2011). Computers in Human Behavior, 68, 441-449. The intention of the multi-dimensional framework for ICT-supported socioeconomic development, presented in this paper, is to provide inspiration for researchers in the ICT for development (ICT4D) field. Not just that. Available at SSRN 2187482. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 13(4), 63-73. Such benchmarking can be a significant source of indirect power in world politics (Broome etal., Citation2017). In developing our framework, we considered four important dimensions relevant to socioeconomic development: society, technology, business, and policy. The role of global entities, such as international organizations and multinational corporations (MNCs) in socioeconomic development, is particularly interesting. as in the case of the information and communication technology (ICT) industry. Government policies also strongly affect the general infrastructure. Human capital is the skill and knowledge base necessary to generate a specific output. Obtain permissions instantly via Rightslink by clicking on the button below: If you are unable to obtain permissions via Rightslink, please complete and submit this Permissions form. In other words, business environment can be considered as a set of influential external factors imposed on enterprises. 4, 2002, pp. They listed a recommendation that showcased it was vital to provide teachers with evidence that the impact of ICT on education has positive implications; this is done by providing models and examples of existing real-life scenarios for use in the class exercises. These institutions will then have to be connected and linked into an education network monitored and safe for use. The impact of various concepts on infrastructure would also be of significant interest. (2013) pointed out some of the measures that can be taken to address these challenges regarding schools and higher learning institutions, mainly by providing the appropriate access to technology. Identifying test schools and then studying them to see the effectiveness will make it possible and much easier to consider issues that might not be addressed effectively on a broader scale. The business dimension also impacts socioeconomic development directly, as it creates jobs and more income, which leads to higher standards of living (Palvia etal., Citation2018). Nevertheless, we adopt a much broader definition of technology, which is in line with the ideas of an American philosopher, John Dewey, who claimed that technology cannot be limited to a few outer and comparatively mechanical forms (Hickman & Alexander, Citation1998, p.24). In addition to this, the Italian schools will then need to formulate and implement policies that involve educators in the decision and planning process regarding ICT use in schools. [7] Lowther, D. L., Inan, F. A., Daniel Strahl, J., & Ross, S. M. (2008). In our special issue, the impact of the technology dimension on the business dimension is illustrated by Lech, who in his paper asserts that enterprise information systems are used in developing and transition economies to improve efficiency and to increase the pace of business activities. We emphasize that socioeconomic development plays the role of the dependent variable in our framework. They tend to become used to working by themselves and in conjunction with others without necessarily having a teacher's input. This indicates that there is a general improvement in performance in Italy's education system. (2) Market analysis using a business model of higher education. An interconnected environment that has allowed for student digital learning to be cultivated has been conceived due to this. (2013). Further, from the linear model between general performance and computer performance, we have established that in every single increase in computer unit score, 2.5 unit scores for Italy's general performance. "Globalization 2.0 occurred from about 1800 until 2000, interrupted only by the two World Wars. Information technology is the study and application of computers and any type of telecommunications that store, retrieve, study, transmit, manipulate data and send information. In general, the understanding of business environment can be very broad and is best defined as a complex system of policy, legal, institutional, and regulatory conditions that govern business activities (DCED, Citation2008). We also looked at overlaps in reported relationships between the various frameworks, as these overlaps boost the certainty inherent in the relationships. They should then be trained and given basic training in the use of ICT equipment. ICT have changed the way in which we communicate with each other, how we find needed information, work, conduct business, interact with government agencies, and how we manage our social lives. We strongly believe that future investigation into the role of ICT in development must be framed within a multiple stakeholder perspective. The students can work with computers freely and carry out their research (Aristovnik, 2012). This was done by analyzing the correlation between computer performance and general performance among grade VI students from 10 schools in Ravenna, Italy. His research interests include enterprise systems, ICT for development, and ICT for active and healthy aging. A central idea of economic base is that an economy in a given region is supported by the exports to the outside of the region and that this external demand for a region's products drives its economy (Nesse, Citation2014). For instance, students can carry out further research using the internet to improve their knowledge. Without technology, globalization would probably not be a topic for discussion. The presence of older communication technology such as radio or television in people's lives does not have the same significance that it once did, although it still plays a role. One can obviously claim that globalization could not have taken. This is done by ensuring that half of all teachers are proficiently trained and have access to technical support training. [9] Shaikh, Z., A., & Khoja, S. A. The variance analysis (ANOVA) was used to test for the significance of regression results. This framework builds on several earlier frameworks but it is more general in context and focus, considering all ICT, rather than specific types of ICT, and applying to all economies and regions, rather than only less developed economies. Education is another sector that is going to be significantly influenced, as we will see. Their influence spans through social, political and economic globalization. Degnan and Jacobs define education as the life-long acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities that promote personal growth and fulfillment, economic viability (at both the individual and community level), and community enrichment' (Degnan & Jacobs, Citation1998). Some of these relationships are illustrated by the papers in this special issue. This indicates that there is a strong correlation between the two data sets. The general equation for the relationship between computer performance and the general performance of a student in Italy is as follows; General Performance = 20.5 + 2.5 computer performance (ICT). An estimated 400 million will be added to this number to bring the total population to 4.9 billion people by 2030. Another weakness may be that it does not explicitly show the relationships between government policy, business culture, and business environment. Different worlds? Business culture refers to the collective values and beliefs of business actors that influence the way business is conducted. STEM has also greatly influenced the development of any nation. In our special issue, the impact of the technology dimension on socioeconomic development is illustrated for example by Mengesha and Garfield. Governments have been forced to emphasize curriculum development, infrastructure, building capacity, policy stipulation, and support to bring this goal to fruition. The data was collected using an on-line survey among 282 Polish respondents and 80 German respondents. To assess the current research landscape on socioeconomic development, we searched the literature for existing frameworks or models. Thus it may be interesting to explore if shortcomings in a specific concept could be compensated by an extraordinary performance of some other concept. In developing our own multi-dimensional and broadly applicable framework, we took from these existing frameworks only those aspects that seem to apply in general contexts. It suggests that the Internet has a mainly positive impact on four main factors: economic growth, as witnessed by economic productivity; social well-being, including health, education, and the alleviation of poverty; political well-being, viz. It has aimed at integrating ICT in all public schools. * Sajda Qureshi is the accepting Editor-in-Chief for this article. According to the Palvia etal. Low-cost online platforms have been established to educate the students regardless of where they are. Then research results will be followed by a discussion and finally the conclusion of this research. This definition emphasizes that education is a process that can be conducted in formal and informal settings, inside and outside schools and universities. Narcyz Roztocki http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0324-9429, Piotr Soja http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7274-3327, Heinz Roland Weistroffer http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3745-5143. By allowing avenues for protecting the environment, ICT through technology has been key to improving society's development and economy. (2014). Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a key factor in the future development of services industry including banking, transport, logistics, and retailing industries.. Role of ICT in Shaping the Future of the Pakistani Higher Education System. the business environment and culture and the physical infrastructure. Palvia etal. The event was aimed at industry players, partners, and consumers from various sectors and featured the theme "Shaping Digital Innovation." During the event, ZTE Philippines presented groundbreaking . (2010), most of the higher education institutions in Italy have experienced essential changes that have been derived from sustainable, technological, and social trends towards Digitization. Fu et al. The role of ICT infrastructure, innovation and globalization on economic growth in OECD countries, 1996-2017 - Author: Meta Ayu Kurniawati The rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT) over the past decade has enabled heterogeneous economic sectors to be more integrated, leading to a significant effect on nation's . There is wide agreement that ICT together with supporting technologies make a substantial contribution to socioeconomic development (Sein, Thapa, Hatakka, & Sb, Citation2018). Given these issues at hand, a program launched by the government titled the National Plan for Digital Schools was regarded as a very crucial step in mainstreaming the use of ICT in the classrooms as a catalyst for achieving sustainable education for all. Roztocki, Soja, and Weistroffer (Citation2017) proposed a framework that links enterprise systems (ES) technology adoption to socioeconomic development in transition economies, i.e. The above result r = 0.921, as seen in the scatter plot, confirms that the data sets (computer performance and general performance) have a strong correlation. Except for relatively short periods of time where they may exhibit ideological consistency, it is difficult to describe their policy approaches as stable. Google Scholar De la Torre, J./Moxon, R. W. (2001): Introduction to the Symposium E-Commerce and Global Business: The Impact of the Information and Communication Technology Revolution on the Conduct of International Business. The provided content is safe and curated for use in the education system. Without them, they can miss school, be embarrassed and humiliated, and even get health problems. The spread of information and communications technology and global interconnectedness has great potential to accelerate human progress, to bridge the digital divide and to develop knowledge societies.. Specifically, the paper reports on a study of potential differences in organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of female and male IT professionals in Poland and Germany. How do I view content? Learners have been in a position that has enabled them to make timely and informed decisions and adopt responsible measures. Thus socioeconomic development can be defined as a process of changes or improvements in social and economic conditions as they relate to an individual, an organization, or society as a whole (Roztocki & Weistroffer, Citation2016). This is compared to an average of about 15 computers in the EU region for grade 4 students. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. ac. The lack of proper and appropriate software, hardware, and materials has also been an enormous challenge so far. [5] Brush, T., Glazewski, K. D., & Hew, K. F. (2008). Governments can now exchange data, research, analysis, and reports with each other on a real-time basis and this has led to increased cooperation between . Enlaces: the Chilean ICT experience in education. The internet (or ICT in general) remains the greatest gift of technology to globalization. It should be noted that while illustrating the relationships between the relevant concepts, or between the explanatory variables, we focused on what we consider the most important relationships, which in the vast majority of cases yielded unidirectional relationships; only the relationship between supporting technologies and ICT is conceived as bidirectional. we can expand business relations to all corners of the world. [14] McCombs, B. L. (2010). It has globalized the world, which drive all the countries to more ethical standards. Due to advancements in information and communication technology, Australia can provide the same number of services to foreign businesses and customers as the United States (Nasir, Canh, and Le, 2021, 387). Our friends at Youth Co:Lab are hosting the hybrid #YouthCoLab Summit 2022 this summer July 4-7, 2022 This year's Summit aims to highlight, encourage and celebrate the role of young people in the #DecadeofAction, while showcasing and For teenage girls, having access to period products is essential. Multi-dimensional framework for the role of ICT in socioeconomic development. Since the industrial revolution, ICT has developed gradually. By capital resources or market, we refer to the overall availability and structure for financing of business activities. In particular, the integration of ICT in schools. Globalization refers to the technological, political, economic, financial, and cultural exchanges between peoples and nations that have made and continue to make the world a more interconnected and interdependent place. International organizations, such as the World Bank and OECD, produce global benchmarks that measure national performance across a range of issues. He has experience in industry as an ERP consultant, system analyst and software developer. In this dimension, we include three areas for policies that strongly affect socioeconomic development: capital resources/market, international organizations, and government. In the business world, this includes increased trade and investment flows, currency exchange, and the rise of multinational corporations. Besides its presence everywhere, information communication technology (ICT) has an immense economic significance. Ashraf, Grunfeld, Hoque, and Alam (Citation2017) developed a framework to explain ICT-led socioeconomic development at the community level. Elsevier. The ten schools used for the study were randomly selected from 110 schools (private and public schools). On the other hand, from our data analysis, we have established a significant correlation between computer performance and general performance (in all subjects) from the ANOVA results. Expanding the economic base model to include nonwage income, ICT for socio-economic development: A citizens perspective, The economic base of rural areas: A SAM-based analysis of the Western Isles, 1997, Enterprise systems in transition economies: Research landscape and framework for socioeconomic development, Conceptualizing and researching the adoption of ICT and the impact on socioeconomic development, Technik comes to America: Changing meanings of technology before 1930, Beyond economic base theory: The role of the residential economy in attracting income to Swiss regions, A holistic perspective on the theoretical foundations for ICT4D research, Information and communication technology in active and healthy ageing: Exploring risks from multi-generation perspective, Exploring root problems in enterprise system adoption from an employee age perspective: A people-process-technology framework, Socio-economic development in the EU member states concept and classification, Information technology and economic development: Ireland's coming of age with lessons for developing countries, Modern information technology in an old workforce: Toward a strategic research agenda, Globalisation and development: The relevance of classical dependency theory for the world today, Theory building for ICT4D: Systemizing case study research using theory triangulation, A survey on socio-economic development and FDI-led strategy, User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view. Assessing the Role of Educational Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process: A Learner-Centered Perspective. Residential activities are business activities focused on local customers, while productive activities are directed towards extra regional demand, generating the basic income for a given region. Schools were randomly selected from 110 schools in Ravenna in which both public and private schools were included in the list for study. We realize that many other relationships may actually be bidirectional in specific contexts; however, we decided to illustrate the most significant associations relevant for various settings. In particular, the authors demonstrate the role of citizenship behavior in the job market. ICT is sometimes used synonymously with IT (for information technology); however, ICT is generally used to represent a broader, more comprehensive list of all components related to computer and digital technologies than IT. With this, most countries aim to deliver lifelong learning efforts to tuck on the various educational areas ranging from technical to vocational education and training. For example, Heeks, Foster, and Nugroho (Citation2014) illustrate how various political initiatives may affect socioeconomic development. This framework focuses specifically on transition economies and their special characteristics. Unfortunately, many girls around the world face what is known as "period poverty." This journal aims to examine and establish the contribution that ICT has fostered for Italy's Sustainable Development Goals in education for 2030. [6] Chai, C. S., Koh, J. H. L., & Tsai, C. C. (2010). EDUCATION: The learning process has never been this easy. The results show that level of significance of observed influential factors depends on the specific industry and business type. He is an associate editor of the journal Information Technology for Development, book review editor of the Journal of Information System Security, and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Economics and Management. To request a reprint or corporate permissions for this article, please click on the relevant link below: Please note: Selecting permissions does not provide access to the full text of the article, please see our help page How do I view content? One can obviously claim that globalization could not have taken place without ICT. Developing new theories or using existing theories is particularly valuable, as much of the research on socioeconomic development is currently lacking theoretical lenses (Sein etal., Citation2018). This is a bottom-up approach to the plan. Unconventional monetary and fiscal policies in interconnected economies: Do policy rules matter? Our key focus on this journal was to examine and establish the contribution that ICT has fostered for Italy's achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in education for 2030. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 3(2), 113-122. Communication Technology and Globalization. Further, we plotted the student's general performance and computer performance results to understand the two data sets' trends.