The player primarily responsible for recognizing the runners have stopped attempting to advance is the Catcher, who is the lead communicator for the defense, since that is the one position that can see the entire field at all times. Each step closer to the middle of the diamond, the player with the ball becomes a greater threat to the base runners. The definition for 'end of the play' is when the base runner(s) have stopped running hard and attempting to advance to another base. If the throw is off target, quickly move laterally, from the Ready Position, as fars as required to catch/stop the ball. While we would like to get an out every time, the reality is it is not going to happen. Figure on it taking 4-5 practices of constant badgering until they Get it. Defensive Coverage For Pickoffs By: Coach McCreary Originally Published in: Coaching Softball Technical and Tactical Skills - Human Kinetics Now let's look at a few coverage options for running the pickoff at different bases. If we send the pitcher back there, the backstop ends up doing most of the backing-up. It is critical to establish a mindset in our players that their defensive responsibilities do not end until the ball has arrived to the middle of the infield. Physical Literacy on the Move was written to help educators of children and youths from grades K through 12 teach high-quality and fun games and activities that support the unique needs of their learners as they develop physical literacy. Are we teaching them what to do when the ball is not hit to them? Other than recording an out (which doesnt happen on every play), getting the ball to the middle of the infield as quickly as possible (to end the play) is our top priority. Then they holler (loud enough to be heard in the outfield) the number of OUTS and the location of the RUNNERS. We mandate to our player to ignore any baiting by runners dancing back and forth a few feet from the base. When a ball is hit to the right side of the infield, the RF goes to get the ball. Center Fielder: 30 beyond the second base bag. Adjusting infielders a few feet to their left or right based on the tendency of a batter to pull the ball or hit the ball to the opposite field. The right fielder plays at a similar depth and should be between the second base and first base defenders. When players take the learning and habits established on the Mini Diamond to the regular sized field, their work can focus primarily on throwing, catching and timing. When kids cover a base, more often than not they put a foot on the base. Players wont sprint (even though we just told them). This reduction in distance greatly increases the chances of executing a successful throw and catch play. That may be as subtle of a movement as a slight turn in order to keep their body facing the ball. This is a less common occurance in the game played on the small diamond. When players do this correctly, team defensive play as a whole runs much smoother. In this case, the second-base defender continues on to first base and covers the base (see figure 7.3). ConceptDraw PRO software extended with the Baseball solution delivers samples with diagrams of the most popular plays in baseball. The fielder should always find the fence first and then work back towards the infield. Objective: All bases are covered on each play. Until they arrive at the base where they are needed, it is their only focus. That command is followed by, Run it in! (meaning, NO overhand throws; get the ball to the middle of the infield asap and in the hands of the Pitcher). That doesnt matter, the CF gets going and does their best to get into position to back up the base. Ten to Fifteen feet behind the baseline. Simple as this may seem, this is what the game is about. Five feet behind the baseline. 0. However, the Right Fielder does visually follow the ball and prepares for the possibility that the ball may be moved around the infield and they may be needed, later in the play, to back up a throw to second or first base. The Left Fielder and Right Fielder, in most cases, back up the corner base on their side of the field. She's not going to run. Witherspoon was a stalwart of the Illini secondary ever since he arrived in Champaign back in 2019. The section directly above addresses the actions of the Middle Infielders on a ball hit to centerfield, the Pitcher, or Catcher. Players are able to get many reps in a short period of time on the Mini Diamond. Point out to them that quite often throws do not come straight to the base. It is not until the ball is cleanly fielded and the outfielder is not needed that they look for a place to back up, which likely would be the a potential second or third throw of the play. This forces the corner infielders to really move when the ball is put into play (Ball, Base, Back-up). Solution: at the conclusion of the drill (players have gotten to where they think they are supposed to be), for each player who is not lined up with the direction of a throw to a base, roll a ball firmly towards, and past the base. If a runner is attempting to score, the outfielder throws the ball to the Pitcher, who is the Cut-Relay player on plays to home plate. Balls Hit to the Outfield: the First Baseman needs to be aware of the base runner and not interfere with them while moving into position at First Base. ^ remain in a Ready Position until the ball is in the air and the First Baseman gauges the path of the throw. The Defensive Responsibilities section of the website lays out a step-by-step system for teaching kids how to fulfill their roll as a member of a nine player unit, regardless of the situation or where the ball is hit on the field. 16x Big 12 Champions; Over 1,100 career victories. Until this time, players covering a Base remain at the base. They see the base is covered, so go to their next responsibility of backing-up the base. Primarily as observers of the pro game. Coaching youth Baseball and Softball. If the base is covered, run beyond the base to Back-up a throw to the base. Usually its the corner base; sometimes they are needed to back up throws to second base. As long as the bases are covered by a teammate, it is ok for a position player to carry the ball to the middle of the infield until the pitcher arrives and can be handed the ball. Many of us coaching kids baseball have been primarily exposed to the game played on the big diamond (90 base paths). Be Ready to Move! Infield Base Coverage Responsibilities - Explained. This defender should continue moving to the ball unless the first-base defender yells that she has it (meaning that the first-base defender will field the ball). Softball Bunt Defense Explained Antonelli Softball is the #1 online resource for softball instruction. priority #1 is to stop the ball from going past first base, so the runner has to stay at first base. We need to constantly preach, Ball First, Base Second. NOTE: in the instance of a ball being hit to the catcher or pitcher, the shortstop and second baseman are still moving towards the ball which has been hit in the space between the two positions. First action is always Towards the Ball. Three Individual Responsibilities - Ball, Base, Back-up Positioning Ready Position The Base Base is for the Runner, Ball is for the Defense Positioning at a Base to Receive a Throw Ball First, Base Second The Ball is the Key to the Base Cover the Base With Your Eyes Look for Other Runners Coordinated Team Defense - The System (Part 1) These two athletes have their feet wider than their hips, knees are bent, hands and elbows are in front of the body with hands wpread a bit wider than the torso. Prior to the pitch being throws or when preparng to receive a throw, we want our kids to be Ready to move quickly, be it laterally, forward or back. Second, and more significantly, kids tend to prioritize keeping their foot on the base over any other action that might be required of themcleanly catching an off-line throw being the most critical. The players are so much closer together on the small diamond. Procedure: Use the bat to draw the lines in front of the catcher to designate the areas of responsibility for the corners and the catcher for a bunt. The last thing you want to do is run a 90's style slapping defense with your third and short in, 2nd next to the pitcher, and your outfield in on the skin and then have a kid powerslap over your left fielders head. Feet squred to the ball in a Ready Position. National physical activity guidelines in Canada recommend 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity daily activity for teens to gain health benefits. Occasionally the ball will get loose and the Catcher fills the role of Backing-up. The fact is, the bases are out there for the runners. Calls out ground ball to . Also, there are many more base runners, setting up a lot of force outs. A Mini Diamond is 20-25' square, but can be modified larger or smaller depending on the activity. Older player (ages 10-12) often have vocal muscles developed enough for the outfield to hear them. As the players develop the Ball, Base, Back-up concept, the First Baseman can be confident that another player will cover first base. On the side of the base the ball is coming from, NOT On the front side of the base (side the base runner is running towards), Squared up and facing the ball, in a Ready Position, Keep their eyes on the ball and not the runner (once a teammate has fielded the ball). This is a pressure play on the defense, but with a fair amount of practice should be able to make the play at home on a fairly routine basis. While the Catcher is moving back behind home plate to set up to receive the next pitch, this is the time for the coachng staff to adjust the positioning of any player in the field, if needed. The defense will make further adjustments once they see the offense line up. A few inches off the plate, and not touching the plate. This puts our player in motion. While moving out to a given position, the coach hollers, Ground ball to [position]!, Which ever side of the field the ball is going to, the LF/RF sprints straight towards the ball, stopping only when they come within a few feet of the coach. (see: getting the ball in to the Pitcher), Underhand Toss ball is fielded 25 from its target, or closer. Prospect, Ill./Prospect) collected six more hits on the . The Pitcher moves towards the ball and covers first base (or backs-up first base). And worse case scenario they will keep the ball moving by running with it. *Later in the season, after the players have demonstrated they clearly understand their movement responsibilities, the drill can be modified. Get the latest insights with regular newsletters, plus periodic product information and special insider offers. The center fielder should be directly behind second base and about 20 to 40 feet (6 to 12 m) from the base. We need to make clear (and it will require repeating this instruction multiple times for a number of days/weeks: When you are not playing the ball, IMMEDIATELY cover the base. There are two ways to transport the ball around the field: Most kids only consider the first option. This is important because the kids are standing close together. The pitcher (and sometimes one of the infielders) backs up the corner base on the side of the infield the ball is hit. The magnet principle is a basic concept that can be used to help young players learn defensive coverage. Without the key, they dont get inside to access food, warmth and shelter. This section does not address in-deph factors that might be considered in All-Stars play, or higher levels of the game (teen and above). In many instances the Third Baseman figures, since nothing is immediately happening at third base, there is no urgency to cover the base. The 2nd baseman needs to be trained to look for the 2nd play of the runner rounding 2nd base or trying for 3rd. Cover 3B: open until the bunt is thrown then the 3B, pitcher or even the catcher in an emergency. First action is always Towards the Ball. Covering a base and receiving a throw is one of the most fundamental aspects of the game. The odds of making a throw, in this situation, and recording an out, are slim. Observing play during the weeks of the regular season provide a good education for even beginning and novice coaches. Fully managed IT solutions to enjoy your direct business development | Being an expert in the critical online systems and applications management, HyperOps . The existence of these factors results in some fundamental rules of how team defense is played on the large diamond to be executed differently on the small diamond. Get the ball to the middle of the infield. In this situation the Third Baseman sprints towards the spot they are needed to Back-up a throw to the base. This coverage will be up to one defensive back to make any adjustments needed against a good passing attack and support any players who lose in their man-to-man coverage. When the ball is hit to a spot where the Catcher is going to field the ball, the Pitcher moves towards the ball. This is an effective analogy, especially for younger players. In this example we have a ball hit to the Second Baseman. When the play ends (TIME has been called, and/or the pitcher steps on the rubber) the Catcher, who remains standing in front of home plate, surveys the three bases to identify which are occupied by runners. There are four infielders, the game is played with one ball and there are three bases. Human Kinetics print books and eBooks are now distributed by Mare Nostrum, throughout the UK, Europe, Africa and Middle East, delivered to you from their warehouse. The most common (and most recognizable) out in the game is a force out at first base. During any of these situations, the shortstop runs toward the ball as well. We need for them to physically move to the correct distance beyond the base. GO GET implies motion. If an outfielder is not playing the ball, they are responsible to back up the base. The First and Third Basemen have one base they are responsible for; the Shortstop and Second Basemen have two bases they are responsible for; one to their Left and one to their Right. Most kids just dont grasp this concept. Four infielders and catcher (the catcher is not necessary if you only have a group of four kids). Basketball player on defense guarding a player dribbling the ball up court. It will be reiterated constantly throughout the season in most drills and activitiesbecause baseball/softball is a game of movement. Early on, most players, especially those age 10 and younger, will stand only a couple feet behind the base when backing up. The infielders then echo this information to the outfielders (if needed). When a Catcher participates in this drill, they also have a responsibility to move. The corner position will play the "flats." Ball, Base, Back-up always applies. The second-base defender moves to the ball with the intention of fielding it. Creating this habit in our players takes effort and energy on our part; it is worth our effort. Soon they will be making quick and sound decisions for making throws. At the youth level of play the positioning of the player in relationship to the base, when receiving a throw, is different than at higher levels of play. The positioning of kids at the lower levels is such, so they learn: The bases belong to the runners; fielders spread out between the bases because their #1 priority is to get the ball. One of the most valuable tools a coach can use is the Mini Diamond. Receiving Throws at Second Base and Third Base: Next to the base; only a few inches away, but not touching the base. They want to throw the ball. Adjust a couple feet to their right or left so to have a clear line of sight to the batter. However, if they are sprinting towards the correct spot, they will be on their way to retrieving an overthrown ball. If the base runners are not attempting to advance, we do not want to risk making a throw. Some of us played on the larger diamond and possibly have coached in that environment. The rule for the players in the middle of the field is to Move Towards the Ball. (The center fielder is still there to back-up the throw to second base.). Proper movement, positioning and communication need to be understood and mastered to some extent before be add the throwing aspect to cement the execution of the activity. It is likely that while they are on the move, they will figure out where to throw the ball, if needed. They Do Not predict how the next play might work out ie Infield go one, outfield go two; how do we know in advance where the ball might need to go? The left fielder is positioned in the outfield on the left side of the field, closest to third base. The pitcher is the cut-relay to home on All balls hit to the outfield - reasons: Often the pitcher is the best athlete on the field; we want them handling the ball as much as possible. (At higher levels of play the common phrase is Look for the next play. This habit keeps them busy between batters, reducing the opportunities for a player in the field to get distracted. The defenses below are standard bunt defenses, nothing revolutionary. Balls hit to the 3B/SS side of the infield are the responsibility of the Left Fielder. How to Coach Youth Baseball and Softball. Important note:when using a throw to move the ball into position to stop the runners, point #1 comes back into play. Playing the fence - If the ball is hit towards the fence. Ball or 2. Center Fielder: 60 beyond the second base bag. Kids take their cues from watching higher levels of baseball and softball. Any drill in which the focus of the teaching is something other than working on full on overhand throwing technique can be run on a Mini Diamond. In most cases the Catcher doesnt have to move far from the plate to get the ball. The left fielder is part of the outfield and responsible for catching fly balls, line drives, and fielding ground balls that make it past the infield on the left side. These runners are not that fast. Attention Span: Constant diligence is a better phrase. The visual is the first baseman catching the ball with their foot on the base standing in a stretch position. You can position the shortstop more up the middle closer to the base. Over time, players will learn to recognize this situation. Ignore the 'key' at the top. The ball goes to cf, the ss goes out to get the ball; the second baseman covers the base. If the ball is hit past the outfielders, the infielder who ran out to the oufield serves as the first player in a double-realy to home: outfielder throws to the infielder, who throws to the Pitcher, who then realys the ball home. Middle Infielders: 25-30 from second base, and a couple steps behind the baseline. The kids need to be taught how to execute an underhand toss and it needs to be practiced a lot. Back-up throws to a base or to an infielder, Play the Ball - the Cut-Relay Player, on throws to home plate. My reasoning is that a softball infield is so truncated as compared to a baseball field, that 3 players should be able to cover almost any bunt. Redshirt freshman K.J. When on the field, the kids will learn to address each situation, less through our verbal instructions, and more through active participation in the drills. This section of the website illustrates how to teach the small diamond game to kids using a logical step-by-step, building-block approach. Now there is a better chance they will remain in motion, leading them to fulfilling their responsibility for that situation.Cover Third Base. Use the magnet principle for defensive coverage in softball This is an excerpt from Survival Guide for Coaching Youth Softball by Robert Benson & Tammy Benson. Softball Defensive Coverage 6. Ball or Base - If the Third Baseman is not playing the Ball, their responsibility is to cover the Base. My experience observing youth practices and games, is coaches hollering to their players, Back up those throws! However, getting our kids to recognize the importance of this aspect of the game and to develop urgency in their execution takes more than Telling or Reminding. This occurs over a couple of months, piece by piece. Outfielders and Pitcher develop awareness of, and habit of, executing their responsibility of backing up bases. Simply telling them is not enough for them to Get It. If you are looking to purchase online videos, online courses or to access previously purchased digital products please press continue. Then, if they see the ball is not coming to their area of the field, they go to their second responsibility of Backing-up a base. Corner Outfielders: Midway between the Corner Base and Second Base, 60 beyond the back edge of the infield. The Centerfielder backs-up second base. THIRD - The Section, Managing the Ball, includes content that kids really need to understand, but is rarely taught. Outies - shooting 3!" Your directions will obviously differ depending on the age and development of your players. Eventually a player on the field should be making the call, preferably . This problem is eliminated by teaching the kids that the three players in the middle of the field, the Pitcher, Shortstop and Second Baseman always move towards the ball. The bunt play, the first out, coverage of first base on a hit or pickoff and the cut play are all key factors in the success of the defense. Infield get the runner at 2nd if you can, if not take the sure out at 1st. ], Once the Pitcher has control of the ball, is a few feet from the pitching rubber, and the runners are not attempting to advance to the next base, we want our Pitcher to raise their arms and holler in a loud voice in the direction of an umpire, TIME Please!. Regardless of level of play or the situation, each player on defense has one of three responsibilities: handle the BALL, cover a BASE, or BACK-Up a throw.