If you go south from here, you will be able to go behind the first hydra pen. Morhalan's hiding place will be revealed on your world map. Return to Mim with the liquor to fulfil her second wish. Pick the Rare Bog Flower growing there. If you ask where the surgery is to take place, you can make an alignment choice. Naturally, you are left to put it down. You can then send him to Jhod for help which is the best outcome for this sidequest. If you don't mind a whiff of cheese, don't speak to Kesten, respec at the inn so that you have lawful alignment and come back here. The front side shows the Glyph of the Open Road, and the reverse shows . Check the cart to your right for ingredients and a new recipe, Succulent Sausages. You can investigate the various conversation options - none useful - but in the end you should agree to accompany him. If you can get a couple of good rounds from Ekun and the initiative rolls are kind, this fight is quite manageable. 1. There isn't a lot you can right now, because you can't explore freely in Varnhold at this time. You can investigate further, but the most profitable option is simply to announce that you are the baron and he an impostor (Intimidation DC22). The Poacher's Hideout is between Thorn Ford and Old Mesa. If you have a couple of days (i.e. Wander around the Narlmarches for an indeterminate amount of time and you will eventually have a scripted encounter. The traps are simple (DC6) but numerous and there's a Goblin Horsereaper taunting you to chase him through them. A new phase of an Ancient Curse will start counting down. Eliminate the Alchemist first. Five cultists will arrive to conduct some sort of ritual. Before continuing, pick a Kameberry (a rare cooking ingredient) and grab some minor loot from a stump. The brutal beasts of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary come alive on your tabletop with this box-busting collection of more than 300 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy RPG!. Head through the makeshift barrier and you will be fighting two Dire Venomwolves and an Owlbear. Search under a rock for the final Shard of Knight's Bracers (10/10). They will be back in the caverns with a fairly modest Giant Flytrap to eliminate. There's a pen in the northeast corner with a Primal Manticore which will become hostile if you open the gate. Continue north where you will find some guards and citizens fighting Owlbears, Hydras and Wyverns. There's another hydra in a pen that you can kill if you want to. You will see more goblins, trying to entice a Primal Hydra into their village. Return the gems to Irlene and she will tell you to return in a week. They tell you that they were made to drink water and then simply released. Afterwards, you can simply burn it. You may want wait things out with a 14-day project - rank up an advisor or claim a territory. They're still dangerous in packs so get the drop on them and use something like Fascinate to manage them. Instead, remove the trap just inside and have Ekundayo shoot it. Either way, you unlock a 20d project. Token of the Dryad: NW of Shambling Mound [P13] Lab Journal: . When the spiders are taken care of, you can deal with the two traps and the Redcap Trickster. To be sure, he deserves a slap with a wet fish, but that isn't going to get him back to work. It seems that Tigni has been profiteering. When it finishes, interact with the water. She tells you that they have been spotted on your lands, revealing the Six Bears Camp on your world map. Otherwise, you will be speaking to someone named Kerreg. When they're dead, clear the trap and have a tough party member head further into the cave to trigger another spider assault accompanied by a pair of Redcaps. When you reach the northwest corner, extinguish the First World Lantern and buff up a little. You're better off simply buying the absinthe from Hassuf for 400G. Their room is the large one at the top of the stairs. Join. Slighly more profitable (to you at least) is to persuade her to stay with Kimo for the sake of his art, although you will then tie her to a man she does not love. The other enemies simply need to be killed. You will unlock the God of Poetry trophy and the goblins will tell you what you already know: the location of their village. When your other party members catch up, crowd control is essential - Cloudkill will take out the trash and Stinking Cloud should disable everything else nicely if the Shaman isn't already dead. Moray drops a Ring of Protection +3 which will be an upgrade for one of your characters. Continue north. Don't underestimate Tsanna - she hits you with Slay Living which does horrible damage. There are three Greater Worgs and an Alpha Worg to fight your way through. Linzi is one of your companions in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, she is a bard, consider develop her into a supportive character. Speak to Kesten and you will learn that the goblins are deliberately infecting human prisoners. On your way out of the area, sell all the Masterwork weapons you looted from various ne'er-do-wells to Tigni. It has a breath attack and a powerful bite but should fall readily to your combined assault. Sounds like a fetch quest! Make your way around to the gate. If you don't pass the initial DC18 Persuasion check, reload. Further west, you will start to see traps. Speak to her and you will have a number of options. Before approaching it, cast Resist Cold (Communal) and buff up Nok-Nok a bit since he'll be on his own for a little while shortly. Continue further south for another horde battle: Commando Commander, Sneak x 2, Roc Eye x 4, Dogcutter x 3, Soldier x2, Alchemist Master, Alchemist Expert. Save your game, travel to the Secluded Lodge and enter. The Storyteller has a supernatural ability to . What you will find there depends on your actions at the Goblin Fort. Choose to drop poison on the petals. After killing it, search among the rocks to the east for a Torag's Pendant. Compared to what Kimo produces and will produce in the future, his offer is not worth it. Head south down the slope from the sisters to the water area and continue down to fight three Owlbears. Agree to fetch it for him. You'll probably need to rest before entering. There is a chest with a Wand of Lightning Bolt on the right of the cave and another chest with some minor loot close to the exit. The area to the west of the pen is trapped. A chest contains minor loot and you will find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag under a rock. How things progress depend on how previous events played out: I don't like this: persuading the refugee girl to go home is good, but persuading the peasants on the road to go home is bad. You will receive this event about a week after Kimo delivers his first item. When all the enemies are taken care of, grab some minor loot from the chest and go through the portal marked "The Twisted Passage". However, there's somewhere that you want to locate first. Kesten will want to rush off and look for the origin of the disease - you can let him go or order him to stay. When you get to the bears' location, search a rock for a Token of the Dryad. There is a puzzle in the ruins to obtain a secret treasure. Olika's presence here is clearly linked to her troubled pregnancy but it wasn't a pregnant woman you were chasing through the gorge. If you head north, you will be attacked from two fronts by worgs which puts you at a disadvantage. Further discussion is interrupted by news that the peasants are revolting. A guard named Delia will give you a sitrep. Move squishier characters into the previous cave and have one character advance into the cave to trigger an assault from four Primal Giant Spiders and a Quickspider close to the northeast entrance. This thread is archived . "How can this be?" 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. The person being condemned to destroy a thousand kingdoms to atone for her transgression is the Guardian of the Bloom. The easy path is the "Ahem O fey!" Continue and you will see Nightmare Skeleton Soldiers attacking the barbarian warriors (who, to be fair, stand up for themselves just fine). I particularly enjoyed her opinion of each of her children: "a disgusting abomination - without a single flaw". Exhaust her conversation options (apart from the one where you murder her for no reason at all) and she will tell you approximately where to look. Near to the bridge, you will find a group of unhappy peasants and a merchant, Tigni Jusmert. Speak to Ntavi if you like. Travel around the Narlmarches for a little while and you will have a scripted encounter with some poachers. Like all good cowards, he brings his mates along, in this case four Nightmare Skeleton Soldiers who come from all sides. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive Edition . Save your game and tell Jhod you're ready to begin. You'll want Displacement to go toe-to-toe with this creature, because its attacks are extremely damaging. Head to the Technic League Encampment in North Narlmarches where you'll find a group of bandits - four level 8 Rogues and a level 7 Transmuter - gathered among the tents. which can of course be much more useful than getting a few . Question him about his family - but don't have him executed as a spy - and agree to help him. The bandits drop composite longbows while the Transmuter drops a Masterwork light crossbow. Backtrack to the gate you ignored earlier. Fionn himself will waste rounds self-buffing so use that to your advantage. Start making to the southern edge of the map and then east towards the area exit. You can remove the top and bottom ones, but attempting to remove either of the middle two will trigger the encounter in this cave. Search some rubble to the south of the shrine for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. "CLICK" means that you've pressed the correct switch in the sequence: The wall will open up, allowing you to grab the unique Skullcrusher heavy mace. You will find most of your equipment while adventuring, but can also buy equipment and items from stores. When you go to leave, Nok-Nok will ask to join your party. Mim has a broken ankle. Make your way down the path. Janush isn't very tough. They sort-of work. You will also lock yourself out of a trophy. Due to YouTube's Policies I've had to remove the description of 217 videos - this one included!A website link got taken down, resulting in YouTube seeing it . Take the skins back to Sharel who promises to see Morhalan arrested. Exactly what depends on what you did with Tsanna. Head south to your original starting point. Continue left. There is a trap at the end and four Primal Giant Spiders. This leads to a good / evil choice that is harder than most. If you continue down the stairs, you will find a body on the ground with some minor loot. he's interested in antique artifacts.He's all too eager to buy up any Ancient Rostland Coins (200 GP each), Tokens of the Dryad (300 GP each), Ancient Cyclops Coins (400 GP each) and Taldan . Back out of the conversation. Equip the first world lantern in a belt slot. The things you have to give to the Storyteller. There's a hidden (DC26) crate next to it with the Mother's Warmth kukri. The enemies drop Masterwork weapons and the Arch-chemists also drop Rings of Protection +1. Visit him in Tatzlford and he'll tell you about his disastrous date. It helped us plan the content for the new season, and will do so further. A monster stole her great-grandmother's string of pearls. Equip blunt weapons or Second Execution when you enter the camp and buff up a little. Cross Lake Silverstep and the Womb of Lamashtu will appear on your world map. They drop loot worth about 3K if you want to go all Lawful on them. When they're all cleared, start heading north for an interesting vision about something called an "Everblooming Flower". If you prefer to return to your capital, skip ahead. it's Starday or Sunday), you can kill time in the kingdom management screen. Backtrack to the entrance of this section of the map and go southeast until you find a Ferocious Wyvern. If the lock is too tough for you, there's a key elsewhere in the area. When you get to the road that leads south to Bridge Over the Gudrin River, you will probably see the Goblin Village appear on your map, unless you haven't invested in Perception on anyone in your party. There are also a number of trash enemies - two Sentries and three Sly Eyes which are irrelevant. Continue into the cavern to the north and eliminate the Giant Slug there. (DC22) option and Ekun will open up. There are two groups, the second spawning when you get within melee distance of ranged fighters. If you speak to Elina, you will see that she is growing close to Ekun so maybe you don't want to let Ntavi "steal" him after all. There are various ways to deal with this whole situation but frankly, you may as well deal with this Stag Lord like you dealt with the previous one. 327. If you don't kill them now, you will have to deal with them a little later, so you might as well. You will find Olika standing to the right of the fireplace. Head southeast and kill a (not very) Ferocious Hydra. 25 days-or-so before the deadline, your kingdom will align with your current alignment, rather than the one you had back at the start of Act 1. Mim will be doubtful whether she can make it. Kill the enemies and search the body to find a Chest of Genuine Gemstones. When they're dead, Elina from the Beer Mug Inn will appear. Next, head over near the house and search some herbs to score some Edible Moss , then muster the depths of your perception to pass a [Perception 1] check to reveal a stash containing . It needs to killed and has 120HP. After that, unlock a container (DC25) which contains the unique Kneesplitter heavy pick. If you annexed Silverstep, you can recruit Mim now. The quest will update when the countdown is 260 days. You will find Lidika in the bottom left corner of the village down by the water. Be careful that you don't "interact" with the prisoners since that seems to result in you killing them instead. Follow the route that you took to Sorrowflow. When you catch up with the annoying Horsereaper, you can murder him or let him go. The other contains a Belt of Physical Form +4. Ignore the gateway to the south for the moment and continue west. Otherwise, you should put them to work when you return to your capital. Encourage her to persevere (unless you enjoy failing quests). Buff up (Haste is good) and head through, the eastern portal. Let it get close so that you don't aggro it at the same time as the worgs near the entrance and then continue left to take out the three Greater Worgs and Alpha Worg. There is a dais, which you can place something on, a campfire where you can rest and a tent. You have a number of choices. You will see some goblins forcing prisoners into the river. There are several sources for these "feather tokens" you'll need to appease Melianse: Buy A Pouch of Feather Tokens from Bartholomew in the Lone House area. He tells you that they have someone who has the disease who is prepared to be cut open to investigate the nature of the illness. Before crossing the Crooked River, you can check out the Hilltop Trail if you want another pair of Bracers of Armor +5. Grab a bit of loot from a nearby body. Edrist will visit your throne room approximately 60 days before the deadline. Head through the exit at the bottom of the cave and you will have a brief illustrated book episode. When the scene has finished, go through either of the northern fog patches. If you want to complete your circuit of the camp, head southeast. At some point, you will have a scripted encounter with a Priest of Lamashtu. Search its remains for a Shard of Knight's Bracers (8/10). OK, I'm clearing inventory before I hit Stag Lord Fort and I have a question: WTF am I supposed to do with the dryad tokens? If Jubilost is not in your party, you may want to sub him in (using the Group Manager screen; returning home will force plot developments that you may not want) because he can have a certain amount of character development in the upcoming dungeon and there are lots of swarms to deal with. Otherwise, don't trust Kesten's instincts. You will have to fight another goblin group: Commando Commander, Sneak, Arch-Chemist, Horsereaper and two Ferocious Worgs. Assuming you allowed Tsanna to live, find her at the Shrine of Lamashtu. It's not actually all that tough. There's a crate containing gold and gems by the hut next to Tigni's cage and if you search among the rocks a short distance to the north, you will find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. Return to Varrask who tells you that the hammer must be hardened in the blood of a sworn enemy. You can grab some Owlbear Eggs and gems from its nest. Track your Hero Points in your Pathfinder 2nd Edition games with these official metal Hero Point Tokens made by Campaign Coins. like the Dryad Tokens and what not. A body on the ground has a Belt of Physical Perfection +2 and a Cold Iron Longsword +1. A locked (DC24) chest behind the counter contains some gold and a couple of potions and there is a bag in the room next to the kitchen with some provisions. If you want to, you can climb down from here for a shortcut to the entrance, although it's a one-way trip. Return to the Hunting Lodge and report back to Jamel Visser who will declare you the winner. Below and to the left of the wyverns remains is a third trap (DC20). Go there and you will see the aftermath of a noisy fey gathering. These will be joined by a Doomspider and two more Primal Giant Spiders after a round or so. Jubilost will have a response to that. If you came here first, Jhod will survive. Woodcraft (Ex) On the appointed day, make your way to the shrine where Kesten will be waiting for you. Regongar and Octavia will announce that they've also found Janush's ledger, which should say who originally sold them. Tell Nilak that you dealt with the spirit and she will not be impressed. Make sure that the lantern is on and you can explore the level. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews . However, it has no special properties. One of the containers in the dormitory holds a Scimitar +2 while a hidden chest (DC26) contains the Chocolate Ice Cream recipe along with a pair of high level scrolls. There are various containers with minor loot and a crate with a uniquely named shortsword, Dogslicer +1. Buff up if you need to and tell Kesten you're ready. Just north of the Owlbears are another three Great Worgs, one of whom starts out stealthed. Either way, you will learn that Maestro Janush is in the vicinity. A chest on the left of the cave contains a suit of Banded Armor +3 while a final locked chest (DC30) contains the unique Hairsplitter estoc. You'll want to take certain gear off companions to boost skills - the Professor's Hat for sure and Boots of Elvenkind if you have reasonable Mobility. Instead, head west along the path and clear another Primal Giant Spider and Spider Swarm. Ask him about himself and you can make a Bluff check. Ask for her room key. Through the gate to the east you'll find the leader of this little operation, but again, there's a better strategy . However, after you've beaten her up, she will surrender, allowing you to question her. Ask him about the relic he mentioned and he will talk at length about a hammer named Obliteration, initiating his artisan quest. Go southeast and east to find the place. Assuming you've annexed North Narlmarches, head to Tatzlford (your settlement in North Narlmarches). Agree to speak to Hassuf on his behalf. Accept your reward or punishment as appropriate since you benefit either way. If you search the carts nearby, you will find a locked (DC21) crate containing a Shock Dagger +1. The Six Bears Camp is in the west of the North Narlmarches, close to the East Sellen River. Be careful of a nearby trap. You will be in combat with a Ferocious Owlbear, alone for all the help that Jhod and Tristian provide. Have a stealthed rogue scout ahead a little to start clearing the four DC 27 traps from the floor. There's still a bit of clearing up to be done in the city. Suggest he have a drink with you and you can make a Diplomacy check (DC22) to get him to relax. Have Linzi sing Inspire Competence because the lock on it is DC43. You have to climb a ladder to free the last slave. 20 days-or-so before the deadline, Octavia and Regongar will seek you out in your throne room and tell you that an agent from the Technic League is in the tavern. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive Edition , Prologue - The First Step on the Road to Glory, Of Cows and Other Matters of Political Importance, Mobility, Stealth, Trickery, Lore (Nature), Lore (Religion), Perception, Sneak Stab; Weapon Finesse; Martial Weapons Proficiency, Blade Sense +1; Finesse Training - Kukri; Two-Weapon Fighting, Debilitating Injury; Uncanny Dodge; Combat Trick - Dodge; +1 Dexterity, You talked Remus down during the throne room event, After the hunt, you warned the citizens about the disease, You withheld information about the disease, In the scripted encounter, you didn't persuade Urkhed to stay, At the Bridge Over the Gudrin River, you told the old man to go to the capital, At the Bridge, you persuaded the refugee girl to return home, At the Bridge, you dealt with the Fake Stag Lord, You massacred goblins in the Goblin Village, Community to rank 3/60 (unlocks Grand Diplomat), Treasurer to 3 (60 stat will probably come naturally), Divine to 3/60 (unlocks Magister to share the load of Curse research), Magister to 2/40 (unlocks Teleportation Circles). If your alignment has changed, you may be able to construct new types of buildings. After you've killed it, you will have to make a choice as to whether to keep the disturbing implications to yourself or warn the people. Its skin seems wooden and its hair appears to consist of leaves and flower blossoms. In my case, the date is "Wealday, 2 Calistril (II)". The Storyteller collects objects from eras past and the stories that come with them, and is willing to reward those who come to him with more. Backtrack a little and head up the slope to the north to emerge on the other side of the gorge. Immediately afterwards, a battle will begin. I quite enjoyed that: "The barony's citizens praise their baron and fully support him" and "The people are gradually losing faith in their baron". There is a solitary Owlbear wandering around. Sharel is a tailor and Kimo is a bowyer. Perhaps the oldest elf from Kyonin, he is unwilling to share his name. Found in the caves beneath Old Sycamore, surrounded by frogs that become hostile when the idol is taken. Sneak damage is great, particularly with Crippling Strike. To make you feel extra bad, there are four unicorns wandering peacefully in a forest glade. Search under a rock for another Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. If you refuse to fight her, you will lock yourself out of a masterwork weapon and, in the long term, a trophy. line of conversation, you can provoke them by insulting them. You will have a "Monster Sightings" event. You will find Mastro Janush's diary in a box on a shelf. Sell the stuff you don't need downstairs and return to Varrask to give him the blood. Backtrack to the bridge and cross over the road. There are also two chests. Open it up to find an Old Technic League Letter and the Gear's Rule bracers. Head west initially. Head to Bridge Over the Gudrin River and start making your way east. Talon Peak is a pain to get to. Return to the world map and make your way to Bridge Over the Gudrin River since the place has changed since you were last there. You will find a Goblin Horsereaper who wants you to feed the Hydra in the pen next to him and tempts you with the "expar-ince" you'll earn. The creature drops some First World Fruit (which is a rare cooking ingredient) and an Amulet of Mighty Fists +3. Search the body on the ground for a Dirty Notebook which makes for amusing reading and a Jagged Key which can open the chest in the Fake Stag Lord's camp if the lock was beyond your means. Tsanna is most suspicious - she has a limp, has come in through the back door, has burnt something in the fireplace and is cooking something that isn't a meal.