A woman from our world wakes up in the body of one Cersei Lannister, and subsequently tries her best to keep the realm and royal family from self-destructing. The next day, the great battle to decide the fate of Westeros commenced. Author's Note: I'm not going to show it or write about it - violence, injuries and the sort will be the only NSFW content here. Lady Naerys's displeasure about her twin's marriage is well-known. After ensuring the Gullet was safe, and the sorry remnants of the enemy was well on their way back across the Narrow Sea, he then left without another word. Can this change Dorne's fortunes or is the tale of the Martells doomed to be a tragedy? While King Aegon prepared his armies for a full-scale invasion, and mounted Belarion the Black Dread, King Torrhen entered the hallowed and revered halls of the Forward Unto Dawn, the mythical resting place of the Spartan, held most sacred by the people of the North. No matter the fandom. But what followed was not the final triumph of the Tyrant King over the champion of the North. He was almost grateful that not all Starks were so monosyllabic. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. InfinityMask: Arya will be a cool ninja assassin. He goes by many names, Illyrio spoke. Another dragon rider came to meet with the Spartanthis time, Prince Daemon Targaryen, the Rouge Prince, and Rhaenyras husband. Harry Potter Games of Thrones fanfic: The Snake amongst the Sheep. All of the South, save Dorne, stood behind the Targaryen banner, and they came to bring fire and blood as never before. Arya Stark was up there, as well, not too close the dragon, but watching her. There is a wildling SI in spacebattles. He is Drogo, and he is the man that will win you back your throne.. This golden age would carry on after the Old King passed on after many years on the throne. E se [ASOIAF/SI AU] Os Negros, os Verdes e os Vermelhos Game of Thrones Fanfic OP #gameofthrones #asongoficeandfire #gameofthronesseason7 #gameofthronestheories #gameofthronesmod #thrones#fanfiction #webnovel #webnovelrecommendations #fanfic #webnovel #fanficnovelas #novel #webnovels #marvelfanficOs negros, os verdes e os vermelhos [ASOIAF/SI AU] Por: Leonie46Postando isso aqui do AH. His home was a proper city, the wealthiest, and arguably the most powerful city in all Essos. They stripped him of his armor and silks, and dumped his naked body back into the river whilst they carved his dragon to make a feast of its flesh and a fortune of its scales and bones. Her ambitions of becoming a writer, the modern world where everyone had rights and there was equality. They had just returned from hunting in the wolfswood and they were sluggish and sleepy after their meal. . That's how A Game of Kings and SIs by gladius begins, with the author writing about what would happen if he suddenly woke up as . Baelor was a man of peace and piety, who was beloved by the people for his benevolence. The science behind these weapons remains a closely guard enigma of the Dawntown to this day, much to the consternation, dread, and envy of the rest of the known worldfor any attempt to learn its secrets have led only to the vanishing of many spies, and the consternation of many a blacksmith or maester attempting to unlock its secrets. For the second time, he entered the Forward Unto Dawn, and news quickly spread that the Warrior Made Flesh and the Maiden of Light had emerged from their slumber, and coming out the Dawntowns great ironwood gates, led at their head by the Spartan himself, was an army unlike any Westeros had ever seen. Dany thought that was what he was apologizing for. Following Aegons defeat and returned to his own domains, the Spartan and Maiden again returned to the Dawn to slumber, helping to forge a lasting peace between the North and the South, and ironically helping to ensure House Targayen would endure as long as it remained in friendship to House Stark. The really sad part is that I didn't really enjoy the franchise once the first season ended. Tywin Lannister/Original Male Character(s), Rhaegar Targaryen, Son of the Dragon (SI as twin of Aenys Targaryen), Sansa Stark/Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia), Catelyn Tully Stark Doesn't Hate Jon Snow, Harrold Hardyng/Arianne Martell (mentioned), Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister (mentioned), Lysa Tully Arryn/Petyr Baelish (mentioned), Original House Lannister/Baratheon Character(s), If I finish this in the next ten years I'll be happy, Self-Insert into the body of Joffrey fucking Baratheon, Self Insert that faces a lot of problems and DOESN'T always come out on top, The Journal of King Joffrey Baratheon, First of his Name, Jon Snow/Joffrey Baratheon/Margaery Tyrell, The Worst of All Possible Worlds: A Tywin Lannister Self-Insert. To Tango With Dragons: An Aegon II SI (ASOIAF/House of the Dragon) He didnt speak, so she did. No matter what genre the book was I would read it, be it regarding science, economics, history, politics, and especially fantasy. Now she is a daughter of a whore and destined to become one herself. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Cold snow and ice were all that Torunn Thorsdottir felt as she regained consciousness, the demigod daughter of Thor groaned as she pushed away at the snow that covered her body. "The Kings Justice!" You are using an out of date browser. Red Hair and Lemon Squares (Sansa) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/red-hair-and-lemon-squares-an-si-asoiaf.649082/, Family, Duty, Honor (Catelyn) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/family-duty-honor-catelyn-si.578407/, Tears of Insanity (Lysa) - https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/tears-of-insanity-lysa-si.469710/, A Queen's Conquest (Visenya) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-queens-conquest-asoiaf-si.831350/, The Blacks, the Greens and the Reds (Rhaenyra) -, https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-blacks-the-greens-and-the-reds-asoiaf-si-au.792052/, Defiant, Dazzling and Deadly (Daena) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/11976057/chapters/27085701, Be Prepared (Cersei) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/be-prepared-an-asoiaf-si.384061/, That Fucking Bitch (Direwolf Mother) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/that-fucking-bitch-asoiaf-direwolf-si.390003/, Down a Rabbit Hole to Westeros (Selyse) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20415661/chapters/48429325, A Bastards Throne (OC Bastard Baratheon) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23814556/chapters/57219199, The Caged Wolf (OC Trueborn Stark) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18901630/chapters/44868301, Smallfolk (OC Bastard Baratheon) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16662499/chapters/39070361, To Rule (Cersei) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16471136, Tide Rising: The Lady of Driftmark (OC Trueborn Velaryon) - https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/tide-rising-the-lady-of-driftmark-si.461528/, I, Myrcella (Myrcella) - https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/i-myrcella-si.474674/, In Which An SI Is The Opposite Of Wish Fulfillment (Cersei) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/in-which-an-si-is-the-opposite-of-wish-fulfillment-asoiaf-cersei-si.735619/, A Very Confusing Blackfyre Rebellion (Visenya) -, https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-very-confusing-blackfyre-rebellion-asoiafsi-complete.670132/, The Black Princess (OC Trueborn Baratheon) - https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/the-black-princess-an-si-story.423629/, https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/asoiaf-the-black-dragons-semi-si.408774/, The Lioness of the West (Cersei) - https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/the-lioness-of-the-west-a-cersei-lannister-si.477365/, Strange Sister (Sansa) - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13024575/1/Strange-Sister, Into the Fire (Daenerys) - https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/into-the-fire-daenerys-got-asoiaf-si.740512/. Men and women that stood opposite me are demonized into fantasy. You fed him, I imagine?, Of course Ifedhim, Dany snapped. Always love seeing a tech uplift story, especially in GOT. The greens mourned little when he dispatched them as he had all the dragon riders before them, as the dragonseeds were not much loved by them, and they themselves were terrified of the Spartans fury, and the green army disbanded. I was only about thirty years old, and here I am, preparing for the long Winter and delving into the affairs of Lord Winterfell. The three direwolves were all sitting together. An interesting start. In an event which seemed all too convenient for Aegons interests to be considered coincidence, the Alchemists Guild reported that a grave error had been made. Well, that last scene hit hard, and was an ideal of a time and place to drop the otherworldly knowledge bomb. Each rasp expelled some small bits of seawater that had made it into his lungs. From Last Hearth to the Neck, the North rose united behind them, in awe that their legendary heroes had returned to drive back the dragonlords. Privacy Policy. A Renly Baratheon SI that tries to be truly realistic. But then he opened them again. Robert comes up and apologizes for his past actions. Legend has it it was the Spartans command, as he had not come to conquer, but to liberate. King Rickon offered the Spartan a place in the great fortress-palace, but the Spartan contented himself with a small abode within the city, as humble and unassuming as legends say. Keep the assaults quick and then retreat before they can hit back. Excuse me, she said more firmly. That princesss name would be Cortana Stark, and the day of her birth in the hundredth and sixty-ninth year after the Conquest would not be the last she would see of the Spartan. They only remained long enough to help the young ruler secure peace for the whole of the realm, with the Luminous Lady leaving instructions of guidance for him to follow in his duties as king, before they both returned to the North, and back into their deathless sleep. Within a few hours, the Spartans army caught up to their leader, and with their help, the Master Chief quelled the riots, restored order, and peacefully occupied the city. Still, somehow or another I ended up being reborn as Jon Snow aka Aegon Targaryen. Some claimed it was her great beauty and spirit which compelled him, causing the hero to be enchanted by her as so many other men had. When he refused to convert to the Faith upon Baelors instruction, he was purportedly stripped of his cloths, made to wear the garb of a begging brother, and confined to Baelors recently finished Great Sept, made to do menial work as any common septon. Aegon would eventually marry Jaehaera to unite the greens and blacks, and the Spartans medicines saw to it both she and her future children would be healthy and of sound mind. Many Years Ago -The Griffin Lord And where dragons roared with fire, the Spartan answered with thunder. Dany looked back at the yard, where the wolfpack was laying. When Maegor challenged any who opposed his rule to fight him, Jon immediately answered, challenging Maegor to a Trial of Seven, and was joined by Ser Damon Morrigen as well as five champions of the Faith to battle Maegor and six of his Kingsguard. His uncle and successor to the Iron Throne, King Viserys II, was swift in undoing the damage of his nephews ill-begotten zealotry, immediately releasing Prince Rickon. As Elmo was a supporter of Rhaenyra, it astounded and confused the greens as to why the Spartan would thwart an army loyal to the blacks. I personally would try a spindle and the like, since there are many sheep and a few such devices are already sufficient ^^ ideally, he keeps them secret in his fortress. I'll never stop until those 4 are dead for ever "Gods damn who ever raised this cursed tower to all the seven hells!" Maegor, arrogant and bloodthirsty in his triumph, then declared he would finish his fathers work and take the North, vowing to raze Winterfell to the ground and snuff out House Stark. My life in general was about as good as I could have expected it to be. He would not remain even the night he brought Princess Cortana back, however, opting instead to return to his slumber. Almost predictably, the Targaryens vainglory got the better of them, in spite of the initial terror they felt at the news of the Spartans return, and went right back to their warring. On Dolls: But regardless of what course they intended to take, dark news reached them: Rhaenyra had descended on Kings Landing with her dragon, and had claimed the defenseless capitol as her own. Ah, yes, of course. The maester lifted his shoulders in an apologetic shrug, as if it were an easy mistake to make. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. There was a hint of admiration in his eyes when she didnt flinch. Are you good with that sword? asked Dany, gesturing to the thin blade at Aryas belt. And WTF am I going to do about the White Walkers? Thereafter, Aemon and the Spartan would be known to practice and train together, and many accounts wrote of how the two formed a deep respect for each another, perhaps out of a shared sense of martial honor and nobility. Fanfic /. He nodded. Realizing that only two precious sons remained her, the princes Aegon and Viserys, and that the city was all but lost, Rhaenyra flew her dragon Syrax back to the Red Keep, before fleeing to Dragonstone with the two of them, abandoning the city and all of her supporters therein. Ok, since you want to go on the improvement route (as anyone with brains in the same situation should do) a few tips: Hmmmm very good & interesting so far.. It's said that when a Targaryen is born, the Gods flip a coin. It was an oddity as to why the princess possessed such eyes, when neither the Starks nor Targaryens were known to carry them, but by the very word of her parents, when the Spartan had helped deliver her into the world, he had lain a blessing upon the child with his otherworldly healing, which her eyes otherworldly beauty was a consequence of. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Arya shrugged. What few unfortunate or foolhardy riverfolk who pressed forward were met with the thunder of musket fire, and many men, terrified of these new weapons and of the fact they had not even reached the enemy without being torn to shreds, turned tail and fled. Whatever Rhaenyra planned next is unknown, as an uprising in Kings Landing erupted, led by a man only remembered as the Shepherd. Or has everyone else at the feast already grown weary of you and youre so desperate for companionship youve resorted to blocking my escape?. There were also old blood stains everywhere, and all the herbs in the world would never block out the cloying scent of rot in the air. When Dalton refused, the Spartan hunted him down and slew him in single combat. She set out the next morning, and tearfully bade her family farewell, and all of the North wept as she left them. It has served me very well.. Dany leaned on one of the crenels in the battlements, looking down over Winterfell. Thus began the Second War of Ice and Fire. I'll never stop until those 4 are dead What if after his death against Robert Baratheon and the Hammer. How could she be how could this have happened? But as more refugees came flooding in from the South, and reports of the Targaryens dragons burning and sacking the countryside become increasingly dire, Cregan could not help but feel pity for the smallfolk, and became convinced that something had to be done to end the violence in the South. We Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Going to Hogwarts. So great was her desire to learn of him, that upon turning thirteen years of age, she asked her father bid her leave to enter the Dawn and speak to the Spartan. Unsure of what to do, but knowing his decision would be crucial to the future of the North, King Cregan chose in that moment to follow in his grandfather Benjens wisdom, and entered the halls of the Forward Unto Dawn, to seek the Spartan and the Aglow Ladys council. It would ultimately culminate when Prince Rickon, Cregans eldest son and heirsent was on a diplomatic mission to Kings Landing to secure a marriage to one of Baelors sisters in the hopes of binding the two realms togetherwas seized by Baelors Kingsguard, and forcibly made to kneel before the statues of the Seven against his will. Let this be a grave warning to all who would imperil the North and its people., ~Maester Benjamyn, A History of House Stark and the Spartan. The truth of what had happened was that the riverlords, on their march, had turned to pillaging many villages to sustain their army, as well as sacking whatever holdfasts had not declared for Rhaenyra, even burning fields to deprive the greens of crops and food. "No stopping, no stopping ever, NO ONE STOPS." A lier and its slayer; an adventurous journey through the galaxies to reunite as a couple, overcoming lifes obstacles and pains. Shes amazing, said Arya, her eyes still flicking over Sycorax. A Game of Kings and SIs. The inspiration of this mighty endeavor could be attributed to the famous tour of the North that Jaehaerys and his sister-wife, Good Queen Alysannee, shared early in their reign. Many ages past, according to the histories of the North, the Forward Unto Dawn had been a center of unrivaled production, which had helped the Starks make the North the greatest kingdom of the West. Regarding Their Arrival, Their Origins, Their Features, and Their Awakening Rickon was a steadfast believer in the Old Gods, and his disgrace at the hands of Baelor had in no great way endeared the Faith of the Seven to him. Then added, Thank you. She turned and walked back down the staircase of the inner wall. Balerions flames, black as night and hot enough to melt steel, failed to so much as singe the Spartans legendary armor, his spear-like claws, sword-like fangs, and battering ram-esqe tail all too slow and lumbering to land a single blow against the Master Chiefs otherworldly speedJust as it had failed to do so to his great war machines so many year before. Accounts left behind by her own writing indicate the princess had intentions of releasing new innovations to medicine and science, breakthroughs which would doubtlessly help to further the advancement of the Kingdom in the North, perhaps all of Westeros and beyondbut sadly, fate was not so kind as to permit it before events in the South would halt her efforts. Once he had secured peace for the realm, he instituted massive reforms to the system of taxation, which while unpopular at the time, helped to fill the royal coffers and fuel the Conciliators future endeavors. Also, if I've missed any or there's been issues in which fics are in which category let me know. Among those few who were captured was Kermit Tully, son of Elmo, and, with the death of his father, the new Lord of Riverrun. Well, not aaaall of them. The only thing worse than this fic existing is that it is the longest Game of Thrones fic on fanfiction.net The Stranger Followed. In the ensuing melee, Jon and Maegor both immediately sought each other out, their long-standing enmity climaxing in a brutal, raging clash of blades between them. It was a great expenditure to the whole realm, and took the better part of the Old Kings reign to undertake, but when all was done, Kings Landing was nearly unrecognizable; the stench of human waste had evaporated, and the outbreaks of sickness dramatically fell in frequency. Informational: Hollow Wolf (Ned Stark SI). A Game of Thrones/Black Rock Shooter Crossover That very night, she was escorted from her room, summoned by the king, even as Prince Aemon and his men tried to assess the damage done upon the city, and searching for any sign of the Spartan. I have never used a sword before. And that is about all I can say. Killing a man under a banner of peace? The maester did not think he would live more than a few days more, though. Take me Home (Dance of Dragons x OC insert), A Crab Has Claws (A House Crabb Succession Game), Maegor the Resenful or Petty (Good Maegor AU), No, It's Just a Coincidence (ASoIaF SI) Redux, A Knight of the Vale (ASOIAF, Daemon and Rhea have a son SI), To Tango With Dragons: An Aegon II SI (ASOIAF/House of the Dragon), Oh no! His eyes were slightly unfocused, but he frowned, as if willing himself back into lucidity. The Spartan learned that he had been spirited away to Dragonstone when Rhaenyra had claimed the capitol, and when she had returned to House Targaryens ancestral seat, his men, whom had secretly occupied Dragonstone since, captured her, while his wounded and dying dragon Sunfyre had fallen upon Syrax, killing her with the aid of his men, before he turned Sunfyre on Rhaenyra herself, and the once gleaming and magnificent dragon bathed her in a blast of dragonflame before swallowing her whole, whilst her two sons were made to watch as their mother was devoured right in front of them.