Almost unstoppable if run correctly. The Dribble-Drive Motion is first and foremost a motion offense, complete with its own discipline, rules and philosophy. But what offense doesnt? Coach Walberg originally name this offense 'Attack, Attack, Skip, Attack, Attack'. From this position, you can send either the lead guard, trail, or opposite to the low post position. This often opens up a quick pass inside from 2 to 4 as they cut to establish position on the low block. Rick Pitino leaves Iona for St. Johns on 6-year deal, Adams resigns from Texas Tech following racial remarks, Iowa student section ejected for bullying refs, NFL player hosts AAU basketball team training sessions, Vermont girls basketball team forfeits game against team with transgender player, 2012 NIAAA Video: Requiring Photo ID At Events, The Overlake School: When Seniors Dont Make The Varsity Team, Haase: Coaching At Arrowhead: A Dream Come True. I prefer setting up from the 2-2-1 formation because a two-guard front allows for an extra player to pass to if the offense is having difficulty advancing the basketball up the court or provides an extra defender if the basketball is turned over. We often believe that we are stuck with the talent we are given, and we only have time for the x's and o's; "if players want to improve, they need to do it on their own time." If he It could also be very effective against a zone defense if you let your players attack the boundaries of the defenders zone.Does anyone have effective drills to teach this play? O5 will roll to the basket while O4 stays at the top of the key for a quick ball reversal as an option. All players bump up to maintain spacing. Well worth the money. O5 and O4 pop out to set a double stagger ball-screen for O1. If you want to watch more dribble weave, Missouri, Ohio State and Notre Dame all run versions of the dribble handoff and weave.For some great drills to help develop your guards take a look at Jason Shay's DVD on 33 perimeter drills and moves. Sign up now to save and share your favorite plays, follow coach contributors, and receive exclusive content and offers via email. O1 will execute a dribble handoff with O3 on the wing. He has authored five coaching books, 90 articles and created 28 coaching videos. The new ball-side block player (5) comes up to set a screen on the ball screener (4), who cuts off the screen and looks for the lob. Post player set opposite the ball, off the lane. If the point guard doesn't believe they have an advantage attacking their on-ball defender, they can choose to make a slot-to-slot pass to 4 and then cut through the key to the strong-side corner. plus three free eBooks with over 270 pages of our favorite basketball drills and plays! In modern basketball the plays are more focust on role-players, who do not ever dribble the ball. Post Pop. The exception is if we are running a weave-screen ("WS") play. Requires High Basketball IQ Players While this offense will develop basketball IQ better than most other offenses, it does require a decent amount of basketball IQ from the start to be successful as the offense relies on quickly reading the defense and making the correct basketball play. Always be in 'Attack Mode' - This mentality is crucial for effectively running this offense. Share on Linked In DRIBBLE HANDOFF MAN OFFENSE Join Now November 25, 2014 Bruce Pearl Auburn Tigers Dribble Weave Transition Offense by Dana Beszczynski Bruce Pearl, who has guided three different teams to 18 postseason appearances in 19 years, including six straight NCAA Tournament trips with Tennessee. Putting players in bad situation is not going to create beautiful basketball.How on earth does this promote anything off the court, except understanding of one's talent, abilities and doing what is best for the team?Actually, requiring all players to touch the ball on each possession is where the selfishness comes in.That mentality is just a version of "everyone gets a trophy".By the way, It is not uncommon for all five players to touch the ball before we score, but it's not forced and they do so in a situation that is best suited for them.I've used it in a five out set up, too. Five players touching the ball each possession demomstrates team basketball! The common dribbling violations are called traveling, double dribble, and carrying. This can lead to more turnovers than a more 'perimeter passing' offense like the 5-out motion. About This Play/Drill Using Perry Ellis the last few years, Bill Self and Kansas used this 4 out weave to free up scoring opportunities. it is good beccause the wing are the shoters and if that not an option the front court are going to be behind the deffense so theres lot of options. They have more balance and the dribble weave is perfect for their guards in A.J. Who Should Run the Dribble Drive Offense? In 1985, and after many more years of coaching college basketball and perfecting the offense, Tex Winter accepted an assistant coaching role with the Chicago Bulls where he would eventually team up with Phil Jackson to install the triangle offense on a Bulls team that was in desperate need of a team-focused offense. 2 Dribble Flips w/ 3. Dribble drive motion. This can be the best option if 2catches the basketball closer to the three-point line than usual or if it looks like 2 can make the immediate pass down low to 5. This makes it difficult for the defense to double the low post. The Internet's #1 Website for Basketball Camps, Resources and Learning Products, Rule: Ballhandler penetrates and looks for layup. This will most often be the point guard and should have a good ability to shoot the basketball and create shots off the dribble. This entry involves the 5 screening across for 4as they switch positions. There are numerous sets where this offense can be initiated with various options after a handoff takes place. shooting from beyond the 3-point line. One is to wipe out any help for the defense on the pick and roll, and to provide floor balance and more adequate defensive transition protection. Feel free to come up with your own that suit your teams strengths! 3 Passes to 5. I do not recommend this offense for youth basketball due to the experience necessary to make the correct passing decisions and read the defense. O4 sets an upscreen on O5 in a screen the screener action so that should O2 not have an open jumper, he can find O5 rolling to the basket underneath.Summary:Like most motion based offense, you should be patient. These players may be open for a three-point shot or can then attack their defender who must close out. Post Player Always Weakside - In this version of the dribble drive offense, the post player should continually move to the weakside depending on the location of the basketball. And which one would help me more if I am trying to learn how to teach the offense to my team? Skill level doesn't necessarily dictate that you cannot run this offense, rather skill level dictates how quickly you get a shot in the offense.Larry Dean, Coach Kelbick's teaching of the Dribble Drive MOTION Offense is fantastic. Sometimes ending in a ballscreen with 1/5. 3 immediately cuts to the ball-side corner and 1 will fill the position at the top of the key after cutting off 1s down screen. This extra player is crucial if youre coaching a youth basketball or high school basketball team as these situations occur often. I have used dribble drive type of offense with both high school and youth teams with only one decent shooter on the team. I have six different dvd's on this. Dribble handoffs can, however, be a weapon that fits within the framework of a motion offense. If he can shoot the ball a little, that will make you better. produces a lot of rebounds. Beautiful basketball is meant to be derived from a team concept. The Dribble-Drive is not for everyone. After the second handoff, all our players know that the offense is live and the option that was called should now be run. They are not meant Using Perry Ellis the last few years, Bill Self and Kansas used this 4 out weave to free up scoring opportunities. Today, the Heels were. Most players in the DDA (which I prefer to call it---Dribble Drive Attack) should only need one dribble to get to the rim. 2 sets the down screen for 1 to cut to the top of the key to keep the defenders on the weak side occupied. Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive new drills, plays, scoring tips and coaching strategies, If you have a player in the opposite position with the ability to dribble the basketball and create for others, the post pop on-ball screen can be a very effective variation. For the weakside flash option to be effective, this player in the opposite position must be constantly reading the positions of the other players on the floor. 5slides across and establishes low post position, 4 steps out and fills the top of the key, and 2 moves to the weak side mid-post area so that the team is back in position to start the offense again. On a baseline drive, 5 must immediately step to the middle of the key to create a good passing angle if their defender chooses to provide help. If they have a mismatch, take advantage of it and get to the hoop. X2 is screened out by the handoff and this time Abrams takes it hard to the free-throw line and pops the jumper. I found it very important to monitor the amount of dribbles so that it doesn't become AND 1ish. and my preference is to put him on the baseline. This involves 4 flashing to the basketball, receiving the pass, and then dropping the pass off to 3 as they quickly backdoor cut towards the rim for the open layup catching their defender out of position. It takes a strong-minded coach to be comfortable with this. This works because it fatigues both players and prepares the defender over the course of the drill to play good "beat to the spot" defense. the ball handler) takes more than two steps without dribbling the ball on the floor. If you think your team has what it takes and youre willing to commit long-term to teaching it and practicing with your players, I highly recommend implementing the triangle offense. If not, the 5will step out and set a back screen for 2who cuts to the rim looking for the basketball and an open layup. It has been at the heart of any offensive attack I've used in Canadian university basketball for years. The weakside entry is a great variation to confuse the defense or if the lead guard is struggling to make the pass to the wing. Personally, i believe the READ AND REACT OFFENSE is a better offense. But this can be a tad confusing in the 3-out 2-in motion offense due to there being so much post activity around the key. Nevertheless, it is a beautiful way of playing the game, because of the quickness and anticipation that is required. The backscreener should be ready to duck in aggressively, especially if the interior defenders switch this spin-screen. DIAGRAM 11: Lob option. Skill wise its brilliant for the kids to learn fundamentals, but is it too confusing to teach?Ive been running a simple 4 out 1 offense with pass cut replace, and now we are using on balls too. We have a State Sectional game comming up against a team that runs the DDMO. 1 will cut to the top of the key off the down screen from 2 which provides a passing option as well as a bounce pass to 5 if their defender steps across to help on the drive. John Kimble coached basketball for 20 years in Illinois and Florida, accumulating more than 340 wins. Share on Twitter The passing option that they make from this position will dictate the entire offense so its important to put a smart player in this position. 2 turns the corner and looks to penetrate. 4steps up and sets an immediate on-ball screen when 3catches the basketball. They have to have some type of athleticism. Post Space - If you do choose to take advantage of a mismatch inside, there is a lot of space inside the key with the other four players spread out around the three-point line. dribble drive is effective only if you have very very very quick ball handlers and 4 great shooters in the floor. We ran a Open Post offense and at times we could drive and look to kick it out or go to the hole. 4 Reverses to 3. I just felt that fellow coaches especially young coaches need to constantly work on their game. Rule: On pass off, passer clears to the open side. The one requirement is that the middle be open. The dribble-drive motion offense is a popular motion offense that utilizes guard dribble-penetration as the key to creating offense. As a leader, Coach Beszczynski emphasizes that his program is built on the principles of hard work, dedication, and no one person is more important than the team. They best video is probably the "Encyclopedia of Dribble Drive Motion" but if you don't want to spend that kind of money "Secrets of the Dribble Drive Motion" is a good video as well. The defenders got their signals mixed up for a moment before switching, giving Vivians all the daylight she needed. This is a great opportunity to curl and attack the rim, pull up for a midrange shot, or drive the basketball and finish or pass to 3 or 5 for easy scoring opportunities. O2 gets the ball and drives hard to the top of the key. If switch occurs 5 kicks the ball outside to an open teammate for a three-point shot attempt and continues on to post-up on the opposite side of the court. To be more specific, It can be difficult for teams to be successful with the triangle offense without a low post player who can both score and pass at a high level since so much of the offense is run through the post. I borrowed Walhberg's video from our boys coach last November and decided to use the DDMO just 2 weeks before the start of the 09-10 season.After struggling for weeks with our other "complicated" offenses, our girls quickly took to the DDMO. The dribble handoff, also known as a DHO, is a tactic consisting of offensive action that occurs when one player in possession of the basketball initially dribbles it toward a second player and then that same second player receives the ball, particularly via a handoff, to essentially dribble it as well for scoring or playmaking opportunities. Its impossible to write a great triangle offense article without a section dedicated to the spacing of the players on the floor. Coach Beszczynski brings over twenty years of basketball coaching experience to Mens Basketball HoopScoop. This seemed like a great drill for this particular offense. Traveling A traveling violation typically occurs when a player in possession of the ball (i.e. He will have his team pressing and running when he gets the right players at Auburn. I coach a HS girls basketball team in California. Dribble Penetration Movements Any good offense provides players with opportunities to penetrate and attack the rim. I would suggest buying one of the videos if you haven't been to a clinic or haven't worked with it before. This pinch post variation allows the players to set back up to the initial formation and run the offense again. To teach the correct spacing to your players, I highly recommend investing in flat cones that you can place in the correct positions on the court. To keep the defense from anticipating the movements of the weave offense, run a counter out of any of the three alignments during any of the three handoffs. If we have this on file, we will send an email containing a code that you will enter on the next page. If they dont receive the basketball, 1 will clear out to the corner. Tendency to Over Dribble - Since the dribble drive motion offense relies on dribble penetration, it's possible that some players will elect to dribble immediately when there are better options like passing to a teammate. "Dribble-at" rule: If a teammate is dribbling at you, back-cut through to the opposite side (diagram D). the onball defender will just need to "run and jump" and all the weakside defenders will all switch. The now popular "dribble-drive motion offense" uses a 4-out set and very little screening. If there is no help he continues for a layup. If the ball is dribbled at you, either go backdoor or take dribble handoff. Bruce Pearl, who has guided three different teams to 18 postseason appearances in 19 years, including six straight NCAA Tournament trips with Tennessee. The basic philosophy is the ballhandler tries to push the ball for a layup. Hi Coach Jeff,Here is an article written about defending the dribble drive:, that will help. Remember, different coaches have different rules. 1 then cuts through to the weakside corner as all perimeter players fill around. Which DVD is more detailed? Since the entire side of the floor will be open, this is a great opportunity for a midrange pull-up or a drive to the rim. We were 4-21 in my first year (08-09) and struggled mightily offensively. After that screen is utilized, the ball screener continues to set a perimeter off-the-ball screen on the other wing player (3). If nothing develops from this action, the dribbler can continue on to the wing and continue the screen/handoff action. JMO. NOW< IF I had a great talent pool, I might have thought differently. DIAGRAM 12: Duck-in option. only the 1 0r 2bruce enns never won a national championship while incorporating this systemaltho he was and is a subpar coach, a more versatile coach with better grasp of team play would do well. The Sideline Triangle Formed by the corner, trigger, and post. a couple of suggestionsif you use only 3 perimeter players and 2 posts, keep the posts in the short corner areas to receive passes when their defenders help.second, if the defense starts to play the "high" side and not allow you to drive the elbow to midlane area to get to the hoop, have your perimeter player jab that direction and then have the short corner post on that side step out and set a screen with her back to the baseline and then "fade to the lane" (or elbow) for a pass. Frame 1: Chin begins with a dribble weave on the strongside between the 1 and the 3. The man can really coach the xs and os plus motivate his players. Share by Email, Your resource for building powerful sports programs. The first thing teams must look for in the dribble drive offense is dribble penetration from either 1 or 4 from the slot positions at the top of the key. The "dribble-drive motion offense" is one of the latest, popular offenses seen at the college, pro, and high school levels. These are just examples. This option is similar to the previous option, except the new ball-side block player (5) flashes across the lane and posts up on the new ball-side block. I highly recommend giving this offense a try. Even if they dont receive the basketball, by flashing to the basketball when the post defender is fronting, there will be no help defense on the opposite side of the floor and 2can make the lob pass to the low post. During this time, the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers used the triangle offense to captured 11 NBA championships. Texas uses the dribble weave quite a bit and I caught this clip off of their first possession against Rice last night. 1 Replaces 3. In this variation, when 1 makes the pass to 2, 5 pops out to the corner. That number drops to 40% off the dribble. Choose 2 or 3 of the above entries that best suit your coaching style and the teams personnel while putting players in different positions to succeed. While this offense definitely develops it, players must be able to make smart decisions on whether to shoot or pass. (TIP: These cuts must be made hard and with purpose! Then I encourage the ball handler to not force the shot up if they are closed out. We worked on fundamentals every day ( I was the vasrity coach ) You have to correct the problems if you can, might not happen no matter how hard you work. (This option is simply reversing the roles of both players from the original option). Play #453 Old Indiana figure-8 - Ready to run on right side of floor. Instead of passing out to O3 (as seen in diagram C), O4 could dribble-drive (diagram D) and score, or kick a pass back outside. If the dribbler (1) doesnt hit the overplayed backdoor cutter (2), he or she retains the dribble, reverses it, utilizes the ball-side block players (5) ball screen at the top of the key, and continues to the opposite wing to look for the handoff on the other side. But it requires a coach that does not place players in a "position" i.e.1,2,3,4,5 with specific roles for each. The dribble weave is a great offense to use against any M2M defense because it can really disrupt the defense with all the switching that goes on. good article. O1 comes off O4's screen and curls up top dragging the arc. The weak side exchanges and movement make it hard for the defense to help and eventually thru the re-screen action, the War Eagles are able to get themselves a good look at the basket. We are using offense from grades 7-12 with good early success. The dribbler or cutter signals for the counter move by tapping his or her head as he or she approaches the handoff receiver. For this example, well show the lead guard (1) cutting and establishing position on the low block. 2. dribble-penetrator. The dribble drive motion offense setup also provides great spacing to take advantage of several isolation opportunities both inside and outside. With 7 of our top 8 players back, I can't wait to find more ways to create triple gaps (LOL). The Dribble the ball on the move. (Dribble Hand Off Explained), Blocker-Mover Offense Complete Coaching Guide, Read and React Offense Complete Coaching Guide (20 Layers), Swing Offense Complete Coaching Guide (Includes Images), Dribble Drive Offense Complete Coaching Guide, How to Create a Youth Basketball Practice Plan, Parents: Please Stop Ruining Youth Sports, Zone Defense is Terrible for Youth Basketball, 21 Life Lessons Kids Learn Through Youth Sports, How to Win Every Youth Basketball Game (8 Terrible Tactics), 1-3-1 Zone Defense Complete Coaching Guide. As with all offenses, the triangle offense starts with getting everyone into the correct positions to run the offense. The most important thing to know about the sideline triangle is that the pass from the trigger position will dictate the next movements by all players on the floor. Rick Torbett's "read and react offense" works well in a 4-out set. The longer you make the defense work throughout the possession, the better look you will most likely have. Your email address will not be published. If there is help, he finds the open man for either a shot if on the perimeter or a dump-off to the post. I watched the Calipari DVD and I got alot out of it. I think if you have great one on one players and/or great shooters you are going to get your shots quicker. O4 looks to turn corner and drive to basket over high post's screen or make a kick out pass to O3 who continues the dribble weave action. 3 cuts through to the corner, 1 fills the top of the key, the player initially in the ball-side trigger spot (2) becomes the opposite, and 5 slides over and establishes low post position. continue , Craig Haase, Head Boys Basketball Coach at Arrowhead High School (Hartland, Wis.), is thankful for the opportunity to coach at Arrowhead for many reasons, including the staff, hard-working athletes and being an Arrowhead alumnus. continue , Share on Facebook . DIAGRAM 9: Pick-and-roll option. Racine Horlick High School (Wisconsin) athletic director Jay Hammes. continue , The Overlake School (Redmond, Washington) Upper School Head Gerald Buhaly says that even when seniors dont make the varsity team, they still are able to make the season fun and a great learning experience (using the basketball team as an example). 5immediately transitions from setting a back screen for the trigger spot to setting an on-ball screen for 1 who will dribble up before receiving the screen to create more space. Position #4 Trail The trail is located at the top of the key when the team has entered into the offense. Lon Kruger Oklahoma Sooners Dribble Weave by Dana Beszczynski. b. The Franchilla DVD is more detailed; board, then on the floor.Franchilla DVD had some good drills and things that are good for attacking zones. The offense was popularized at the major college level by John Calipari while at The University of Memphis, and was . Players can force shots in any offense.If I have three or four kids who can get to the basket, off the dribble, why would I not run something that highlights that ability?It's no different that running a motion offense with kids who aren't great at getting to the basket but cut well and pass well.I run this with a four out look, post player on opposite block.Why would I take that true post player and move her outside, just to touch the ball? A second later, the 1cuts above 5 and sets a screen on the 4s defender. Please open it and follow the instructions contained within to reset your password. We get these kids for four years! DIAGRAM 8: Spin-screen option. For that reason, in this article, Ill be focusing on entries into the triangle offense out of the 2-2-1 formation. It is best utilized by players with a high basketball IQ and great basketball fundamentals. Lack of Screens - On-ball and off-ball screens are one of the best ways to create an advantage for the offensive team. The Dribble Drive I am going to install this with our team this year. If I had to buy one, I would buy Walbergs. Providing that the trigger and low post are lined up with the rim (line of deployment), this is often a simple pass with little chance of turning the basketball over unless another defender is helping to prevent it. A 121 would be a 1-2 kickback with 1 fading to the corner for the return pass to shoot a 3.Best of luck, Great article. This offense is excellent if you like the uptempo game. :D. this is old schoolthis is not newplayed this in the 80s with great successthe problem is the coaching when utilizing thisbruce enns tried to incorporate this while at ubc but he failed miserablyas with bruce enns, coaches tend to rely on 1 or 2 very athletic players to make this system look good.but the rest of the team doesnt succeed. I did not like the video by Keno Davis. This player is most likely the other guard and should be able to hit the outside shot as well as cut and create off the dribble. Walberg is the best at getting to what you want as his is on the floor. I like it. The second play is just as simple as the first 2 cuts to the wing from the corner and receives the pass from the point guard. Required fields are marked *. The logic behind this concept is that as long as the trigger (2), the low post (5), and the basket form a straight line, the defender will be forced to play behind the post player. If player can't dribble penetrate take ball to middle for spacing. I was coached in a system that was very controlled, half court patience was stressed. Are there any other drills that cater specifically to building the DDM offense? Shooting drills are designed around the 5 positions (we run the 4 out version with the post on the weakside block) We run the 4 relocate drills (box to box and T-ing Up) every day and teach the 4 different post-up opportunities.During a game we rarely call a play because the girls know how to initiate everything regardless of their position on the floor. Then dribbles hard to the wing and hands off to O2. If you have a couple of great guards that are quick, can shoot, and handle the ball extremely well, then the dribble weave motion might be the offense for you. There are an endless number of potential actions out of the triangle offense (far too many to cover in this guide) which is what makes it such a deadly offense. The post fills the strongside elbow. Copyright 2023 Breakthrough Basketball, LLC. You must have really good athletes, and also having 2-3 good outside shooters is a must. Ill cover these option in the two-man game section in part B below. Hi Bob,I honestly have not purchased the Dribble Drive Motion DVDs. If your designated option doesnt lead to a good shot, your players can simply reset and start the weave over.