No sooner had Rakepick completed her tutelage and left her school days behind, however, before her spiritual successor arrived to begin his own. He was also friends with Kingsley Shacklebolt, who believed in equality and fairness for all wizards and witches and Muggles; Arabella Figg, whom he trusted to watch Harry Potter during his years at the Dursleys' house (and heard about the abuse Harry suffered while doing nothing); Nymphadora Tonks, an Auror; Dedalus Diggle; Hestia Jones; Emmeline Vance; Sturgis Podmore; Mundungus Fletcher; and the Weasley family. He was also disgusted that Greyback had started to attack outside the full moon and enjoyed the taste of human flesh. He then gave Scamander a card which directed straight to a 'safe house' in Paris, where he could go if he needed to hide for a time. When Voldemort returned, Harryyearned for Dumbledore's support and wisdom more than ever before. He spent a short portion of his youth concocting plans with Gellert Grindelwald for global domination over Muggles, in the process treating his ill sister with neglect. He confronted them one night and was told that he was a stupid little boy by Gellert for doing so. [104], Dumbledore's moving portrait, featuring Fawkes, In 2020, after his son, Albus Potter, got injured due to using a prototype Time-Turner to save Cedric Diggory, Harry visited the portrait of Dumbledore. Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts this year! Dumbledore was able to prevent Harry from hitting the ground and repelled the Dementors with a Patronus. This quote isnt actually something Dumbledore came up with as it actually came from the Bible. In an interview on the DVD of, A younger Dumbledore (aged around 62) is portrayed by, Michael Gambon also voices Professor Dumbledore in. However, it turns out Aurelius Dumbledore wasn't Albus (Jude Law) and Aberforth's brother - he was Aberforth's son. Bellatrix also killed many of Dumbledore's friends, such as Sirius Black, Dobby the house-elf, and Nymphadora Tonks. Last modified on Thu 22 Feb 2018 07.59 EST. The walk of the Qilin was to be held there, and a new Supreme Mugwump was to be elected. Dumbledore even saw a possibility for good in Tom Riddle as a child, and was open to giving him a second chance, despite the fact that Tom had already revealed himself to be a cruel sociopath and bully even at a young age, though he kept a careful eye on Tom Riddle during his Hogwarts career rather than simply hoping for the best. Dumbledore also wanted him to be raised away from the wizarding world so that the fame wouldn't go to his head. . [27] (August[1] 1881[3] 30 June 1997)[3] was an English half-blood wizard. Lucius Malfoy was a prefect during Dumbledore's early years as Hogwarts Headmaster, and was among the Death Eaters who avoided Azkaban after First Wizarding War. [28], Severus Snape, a trusted ally, colleague, and former student. However, she might have helped in another way. Bellatrix was among the few people who knew of the plan to assassinate Dumbledore, and that Draco Malfoy had been assigned the task of murdering him. At one point they were romantically involved and had a very passionate relationship; so passionate that Dumbledore would, for a time, see Grindelwald in the Mirror of Erised as his greatest desire. Shortly after Dumbledore assumed the position, by which time he had already relocated to the Headmaster's Tower and filled his new study with a number of curious magical instruments that had formerly been housed in his old classroom, Tom Riddle, now known exclusively as Lord Voldemort, approached him with the same request he had made to Dippet before him, to be allowed to return to Hogwarts as a teacher. He thusassures Aurelius that they simply didn't know where he was and that they had never abandoned him. Like the rest of the wizarding world, Dumbledore initially believed that it was Sirius who was behind the Potters' betrayal, and that Pettigrew died confronting him about their deaths. They were great friends and lovers for two months until Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother, confronted them over the neglect of Ariana Dumbledore. The Headmaster examined the unconscious student, who was Chiara Lobosca, and concluded that she had not been bitten. Both geniuses and both full of youthful ambition, they came up with wild plans about a revolution where wizards ruled Muggles, but their friendship abruptly ended when a duel with Dumbledore's brother Aberforth led to his young sister Ariana Dumbledore's death. Dumbledore doubted whether the elusiveness of Rakepick indicated problems regarding her trustworthiness, but eventually chose to give her the benefit of the doubt due to the lack of real evidence. Although they eventually established a cordial relationship with each other, with Aberforth joining the Order of Phoenix when Albus founded it and attending Albus's funeral, Aberforth and Albus still remained distant as Aberforth was not able to forgive Albus. Everyone, apart from Albus, took one suitcase and they all used a Qilin Ceremony Portkey to the Magisterial Chamber of Ancient Wizardry in Bhutan. Albus was one of the most powerful wizards in the entire world, and his magical skill made him the only wizard that Voldemort feared. Join the Fan Club and bring your traits with you. He gave Harry advice of trying to see his son the way he is rather than make him be something he cannot be and later departed. Neither the first, nor the last casualty at the school as a result of Jacob's extra-curricular activities, Olivia Green also endured hardships as a result. Dumbledore's first year was met with much whispering about his father's crime. Besides, I think J.K. Rowling screwed up on Snape's character a bit. Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore was Aberforth's first opportunity to shine as a character. ", I think he wanted Harry to figure it out himself, when the time came. However, this insight also made him extraordinarily good at manipulating people, which he was perfectly willing to do if he thought it necessary. We don't ever find any sleeping facilities in the offices we see. However, Albus was nevertheless saddened that he and Aberforth never could reconcile, and he did have a strong desire to make peace with him, as whenever he looked into the Mirror of Erised later in his life, Albus would see himself and Aberforth reconciled, and all of his family returned to him. In addition, Harry and Dumbledore both possessed outrageous tempers that when witnessed were great enough to cow and frighten even those closest to them. Slytherin earned the House Cup in Harry's first year at Hogwarts, but at the last second, Dumbledore decided to award Gryffindor some fairly random points to ensure their victory. This is another of Dumbledores humourous and somewhat facetious quotes. Dumbledore, having regained consciousness, created a ring of fire around them that repelled the Inferi, driving them back into the lake while he and Harry escaped in the boat with the Horcrux. Sometime between Albus and Gellert's relationship, Aberforth fell in love also, with a girl from Godric's Hollow, and their relationship led to her becoming pregnant with Aberforth's child. Dumbledore suggests in this quote that Dumbledore is aware of ancient and powerful magic, but he doesnt really understand it. All of the members of Dumbledore's Army were devastated by Dumbledore's death, and it is possible that all of them fought in the Battle of Hogwarts. As the day neared when young Remus Lupin would be of an eligible age to begin his magical education, Dumbledore wasted little time in making the necessary preparations for the young man's arrival: To this end, Dumbledore arranged for a house to be built a little way above the rest of the nearby Hogsmeade; perched atop a hill overlooking the village. A portrait of him was later put in place at Hogwarts. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Dumbledore was behind the final, and most powerful protection placed upon the stone. This is definitely the strongest theme in the entire series. Family members They were ultimately united by their desire to have the Deathly Hallows. In a series of tweets, Rowling explained her reasoning. Thinking he might be a family member wanting to claim him, she accepted the preposition and, at the agreed upon time and date, Professor Dumbledore presented himself at the establishment in question. Many of Albus's fellow students mistakenly believed that, like father like son, Albus too hated Muggles. Instead, Harry entered a limbo state, where he spoke with Dumbledore's spirit. Harry Potter later named his second son, Albus Severus Potter, after him. Dumbledore offered Draco protection, and promised to hide Draco and his mother where Voldemort would never find them. Burdened by the secret knowledge of Grindelwald's imminent rise to power and wanting to rectify past mistakes, it was natural, perhaps, that he felt drawn towards the job of Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor, a position in which he could most easily prepare his charges for the dangers he knew one day would come. For all the wonderful things he did, he certainly deserved that much. After Aberforth left the room, Albus told Newt the truth about Credence and that the boy was dying and could not be saved. Initially unbeknownst to Dumbledore, however, Grindelwald intended to use the former's alleged Obscurial relative, Aurelius Dumbledore, as a weapon against him. Dumbledore believed that Hagrid did not open the Chamber of Secrets and asked the former Headmaster Armando Dippet to train Hagrid as the gamekeeper so he could stay. [81], A month later, the castle was under another attack by Greyback's army, during which Chiara fought as a werewolf to protect Jacob's sibling. And after all, as Professor McGonagall once said after his tragic passing, "Dumbledore would have been happier than anybody to think that there was a little more love in the world." Elphias thought Dumbledore was a very great wizard, and a very great person, and believed that his many early losses endowed him with great humanity and strong sympathy, as he stated in an obituary he wrote for Albus Dumbledore, after his death. The Dursleys, whom he entrusted Harry Potter to. This would forever earn Dumbledore Remus's gratitude, as most others would simply have forbidden the boy from even setting foot in the school. Dumbledore seems genuinely surprised that Snape is still acting out of his love for Lily. During Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry visits Dumbledore in some sort of afterlife/purgatory that might or might not be real. Dumbledore made arrangements to ensure the safety of the three; he advised them to stay hidden in their house in Godric's Hollow, which was protected by a Fidelius Charm. While Harry might wish for items of magical importance, it is the love of his mother and the protection it offered that saved Harry. Why didn't Harry ever call him a liar and a freak since Snape is partly the former and utterly the latter? From that exchange we can see that because Harry asked to come along, Dumbledore agreed to bring him to The Cave. In spite of himself, he still felt a lingering love for the man Grindelwald had been, or rather, the man he had once convinced himself Grindelwald was and/or could be. He even appeared to feel some deep-rooted guilt and remorse over his inability to change Riddle, as he noted with great sadness in his face and tone that he sincerely wished he could have forced Voldemort to repent for his sins in a peaceful manner. [28], After he had finished their talk, Dumbledore and Harry parted ways for the time being: Harry returned to the mortal world and Dumbledore moved, as he would put it, "on". Despite this injury, Dumbledore proceeded to destroy the ring, and with it, a piece of Voldemort's soul, bringing Voldemort that much closer to defeat. Dumbledore, a character just as flawed and human as Snape, used his love for Lily to make Snape a ready double agent for the Order of the Phoenix. At the event's conclusion, he ended up in a graveyard with Voldemort and his followers, and Dumbledore did nothing to help. When Tom, or Lord Voldemort as he began calling himself, visited the school, Dumbledore was courteous. Gellert retreated quickly to his great-aunt's cottage, where he had her make him a Portkey to take him back home. The rumours of Newton's potential travel to France reached the British Ministry of Magic, and a delegation, including Newt's brother Theseus Scamander, Leta Lestrange and Torquil Travers, was sent to Hogwarts Castle to question Dumbledore. During the conversation, he even indirectly revealed the identity of the Curse-Breaker he had been finding in the past year, who had some school years overlapping with Snape's. Albus himself made no attempts to change his brother's opinion about him, apparently acknowledging that he deserved it and accepting it as his punishment for their tragic family past, which Albus had a hand in. In 1971, Petunia Evans wrote a letter to Dumbledore asking if she could attend Hogwarts along with her sister. In 1996, Dumbledore and Voldemort met face to face in the Ministry of Magic. Thrilled to realise that the newcomer was every bit as brilliant as himself, the two young men took to each other right away and quickly struck up a close friendship, unified by the revelation of Grindelwald's research into the existence and whereabouts of the fabled Deathly Hallows. During a discussion about Horcruxes, Dumbledore expressed to Harry a certain sympathy to Lucius, as he believed that Lucius was secretly glad to be imprisoned for accidentally getting rid of his master's Horcrux diary and the debacle of the prophecy retrieval. Hagrid was also devastated by Dumbledore's death in 1997. Years ago at a Carnegie Hall event, Rowling revealed that Dumbledore was gay, but the revelations didn't end there. Elphias Doge became a close friend of Dumbledore's during their first day at Hogwarts. After a failed attempt by Harry to revive him with Rennervate, Dumbledore woke up after his period of unconsciousness wanting water. In 1996, Dumbledore and Lucius fought in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. Wiz., X.J. Crouch put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire and helped him with the tasks of the Triwizard Tournament, sending him to Voldemort. It was speculated by Harry Potter that Grindelwald had given his life to prevent Voldemort from desecrating Dumbledore's tomb, possibly indicating Grindelwald still respected and cared for Dumbledore despite all that happened. Despite them breaking the rules again, Dumbledore still awarded Jacob's sibling 100 House points, but warned them never to do it again. [62], Before the beginning of the school year, Dumbledore was made Secret-Keeper of the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix and ensured that Harry Potter's friends did not divulge any information about the Order to him, as he did not want the Order to be compromised in anyway. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was born to Kendra and Percival Dumbledore in the summer[1] of 1881, in the mainly wizarding village of Mould-on-the-Wold. Seeing As Dumbledore has lived so long, its hard to blame him for finding the drama of young lives a little ridiculous. While Albus likely alienated him, along with Ariana, during his obsession with Gellert Grindelwald, when Grindelwald attacked Aberforth, Albus immediately came to his brother's aid and fought against his lover, clearly displaying that even at the height of his worst years, Albus still cared for Aberforth's well-being immensely. Dumbledore's portrait also professed to Harry that he had considered personally fighting Voldemort for Harry, further showing Dumbledore's self-confidence. He often used this to find connections he might have missed before, and also when he felt he had "too many memories". Aberforth is a quiet, secretive man: he answers Harry's questions about the Dumbledore family, but never says more. This may have shown an amount of bias towards Gryffindor to announce their win in such unusual circumstances. [86] After Dumbledore was gone, he possibly received an owl from one of the professors alerting him to the activities of R.[87], Dumbledore discussing recent events with Jacob's sibling, When he was back at Hogwarts, he found that the Vault of Ice had again been broken into by Jacob's sibling and their friends, which led to the disappearance of the cursed ice. He was the wielder and the master of the Elder Wand from 1945 until 1997, and considered by many as the greatest Hogwarts Headmaster. Dumbledore's given names could be interpreted as representing the four primary divisions of the British Isles: Dumbledore as he appears in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Albus Dumbledore as he appears in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Albus Dumbledore in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, Albus Dumbledore in the console versions of the Philosopher's Stone video game, Dumbledore as a LEGO minifigure (Richard Harris), Dumbledore as a LEGO minifigure (Michael Gambon), Dumbledore (with Fawkes) as a LEGO mini-figure (2020 edition), Albus Dumbledore as a POP! When his son asks, "Did you ever think of me? Today, reader, Im here to share with you something shocking, and Id advise that you take a seat and prepare yourself before you read it. You no doubt know the circumstances: Harry, having found out that he himself was a Horcrux, has sacrificed himself to Lord Voldemort. [62], Voldemort's curse, however, was prevented; Dumbledore quickly animated a golden statue to cover Harry and shield him from the curse. [62], Campaign to discredit Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter, The Ministry immediately began to deny Dumbledore and Harry's claims that the Dark Lord had returned, starting a smear campaign designed to slander and vilify them; in particular, Dumbledore was removed from his positions as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards as punishment for his refusal to stay in line with Ministry propaganda. Newt gave them all the items Albus had entrusted to them: Theseus got a tie with a large gold pin, Jacob got a serpentine wand but with no core, so it had no power; Bunty was given a list of instructions that only she could see. ), Dumbledore in-between Professors McGonagall and Sinistra. Ginny Weasley admired Dumbledore a lot and became his student in 1992. He presented Arabella Figg for Harry's defence and offered to call Dobby to testify that Harry had not used a Hover Charm in 1992 and reminded Fudge that he himself had pardoned Harry's accidental inflation of Marjorie Dursley.