Even Lucy will not show remorse for how she's treating her brother, or the rest of the family. "He started high school this year, I guess he got it from there. (When Bill turned off the internet while William was raging on Fortnite), "Why do you need 2 ice creams and a big mac? Maybe they'll give me a free snowball! 0 1. TELL ME WHY? It also seems that he favors Lucy over William, though this is currently unconfirmed. SCREW IT!! ", "Why would I like going back to school?? 0 1. (to Lucy in a tantrum over getting only $1 instead of the $25 from her), "WHY WOULD I NOT WANT ANYTHING FOR MY BIRTHDAY? He has a secondary channel called Violette2nd, which focuses on vlogging. Did they just fall off the radar? DON'T EVER DO A MORNING PRANK AGAIN!!! Examples include when he orders his parents to do something for him in a rude way, like when he wants Violette to make him food or take him out to eat, he would say something like "Make me some food!" ", "We've got Pepto-Bismol for your stomach! I JUST BOUGHT THIS THING!! ", "This is what I get for doing him a favor! (RAGE), William throws a fit when he said he wanted Domino's Pizza for dinner, but his parents said no because of how they have food in the house, and how William ruined the previous Domino's Pizza night when he smashed raw eggs on one of the pizzas and burned the other pizza. ", "Are you ready to see the best shoe in the world? All he cares about is his Xbox, playing pranks, destroying objects, and eating unhealthy food. Help me up! ", "Andy, go in the house and get his Xbox! Bill will be on the receiving end of the gag when he goes too far. He is very nagging, such as when he nags about his Xbox. She was featured in WILLIAM THROWS THE THANKSGIVING TURKEY!!! ", "(Sees William in the car.) in the forest. He has also been shown to be quite arrogant. ", "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR SHOOTING ME IN THE BUTT AND YOU GLUED MY BUTT TO THE TOILET SEAT!! Sometimes, William will sometimes put aside his differences with the family and get along for a change. Violette Anderson (born: May 24, 1969 (1969-05-24) [age 53]), better known online as Violette1st, is an American YouTuber who is mostly known for filming rage videos, mainly including her son, William Anderson Jr. (born: October 4, 2001 (2001-10-04) [age 21]). ", "I'm going to write to the president of the Daylight Savings Association. Please, you can't put me through this! Violette1st: Our 1st Movie! When Bill bought William new Velcro Shoes, a replacement Birthday Cupcake for his 16th birthday, and a Sansui TV, William doesn't show any gratitude towards Bill, freaks out, and destroys them, thus making Bill angry. (Referring to Violette's pillow attack on him in MOM SHOOTS DAD IN THE BUTT!!! 'What's going on? And I don't know what it is. WILLIAM STEALS THE CAR AFTER A SALAD RAGE!!! (When someone calls out Bill for liking Spam and pig's feet or destroys Bill's food). ", "That shit hurts, man! WILLIAM'S WALMART SHELF ASSEMBLING DISASTER!!! I'm not talking to any of you for a week!! The family didn't mention him, and all traces of Bill even existing were gone. where Bill states that William is going to screw-up pancake night, showing that he does not trust his own son, much to Violette's irritation. ", "Let's call them up. I'm tired of his shit! He didn't seem upset that I had followed him, probably expected a typical encounter with an obsessive fan. WILLIAM SHATTERS CAR WINDOW TO GET XBOX!!! In MOM AUCTION'S SON'S SHOES ON EBAY FOR A PENNY!! where he complains that William is abusing him mentioning that William pulling him backwards by grabbing his legs while unable to get up is "parent abuse" but Bill has abused William at times such as refusing to turn on the water supply to let William finish showering and locks William out in the freezing cold or when he abuses William by making him watch his Xbox get destroyed in front of him. ", "I don't wanna watch stupid Christmas movies! ", "HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO GO TO WORK LIKE THAT, YOU FREAKING DINGBAT?! I DON'T CARE!!! I'LL GO UPSTAIRS! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WebVideo/Violette1st. ", "It's 9:36. or when she offered to help William by fixing the sound to his game stream, but William thinks Violette is the worst with technology and after the two bicker at each other William begins to cover his ears and say "BLAH BLAH BLAH!" I GOTTA POOP!!! ), "I'm gonna turn off your phone. I WANTED TO GO OUT!! ", "You think you own this vehicle or something, jerk?! IT'S ALL EVEN NOW!!" 7 DAYS!!! KID BEATS COUSIN IN A FIT OF JEALOUS RAGE!!! I'm gonna go to bed freaking hungry. "YOU NEED TO STOP DOING THAT FREAKING CRAP! In FURIOUS FATHER RUNS OVER HEADSET, while Violette has a headache and hears William raging on Xbox when she is in her bedroom trying to lay down and have peace and quiet, Violette and Bill try to tell William to stop being loud because of Violette's headache. 18. Another trait that Bill is hypocritical for is accusing William and sometimes Andy for their childish behaviors such as whenever they fight or wrestle each other and calling them "two little nabies" as mentioned in SON GLUES DADS BUTT TO TOILET SEAT!!! Rest of the family: I don't wanna get into too much detail, but we have a mixed relationship. In KID RUNS OVER DAD'S FOOT IN TRUCK!!! !, Bill tells Violette that William is "faking" an ear infection, when in reality, he does have an ear infection, however, Bill doesn't believe any of this. According to summaries, Bill tells a joke about Williams corpse at this part, but it isn't audible in the version I saw. (After William shattered the car window to retrieve his Xbox). VACUUM CHAMBER DESTROYS ZACHARY'S TOYS!!! I DON'T HAVE GRAND THEFT AUTO 5! This could be a main factor that causes William's aggressive and destructive behavior. WILLIAM LOSES IT OVER ANDY'S XBOX ADDICTION!!! (Bill referring to all 4 whoppers he bought in BILL AND WILLIAM"S WHOPPER FREAK-OUT), "That's good food!" HOW AM I GONNA RECORD NOW?!!! William is constantly rude and disrespectful to his family, mostly to his own mother, constantly orders them around and is never appreciative to them. ", "I had some pigs' feet but I wasn't in the mood for that. ", "WHY DID YOU DO THAT??!!! ", "What do you mean they're not going to pay. About; BLEEP! His cause of death and how he got here remain a mystery, but autopsy experts believed he died from choking on an unknown object. (Prank), BILL HAS FALLEN AND HE CANT GET UP!!! Do Not Sell. !. Bill is a greedy, stupid, rude, crude, moronic, short-tempered, stubborn, selfish, reckless, egotistical, and argumentative artist who is extremely rude and inconsiderate towards others, especially William. Bill is shown to be sadistic such as committing child abuse on William (which is considered criminal) such as when he and Andy tied William to a chair in GREATEST XBOX ONE S DESTRUCTION EVER!!! Hope this helps!. The DVD was released on September 14, 2021, but was quickly discontinued for how lackluster it was, both in menu and editing terms. Why?? Support. What happened? DO NOT TAKE WHAT IS SAID SERIOUSLY. He is however, and always will be, the most hated character in the Violette1st series. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, "Freaking jerk!" by ruining his birthday for the Xbox One S destruction by smashing the cake he made for him along with slamming it in Andy's face, putting ketchup on his shirt and placing it in the sink, rubbing cake on his back and even giving him a wedgie, making him have a bad birthday. He's spoiled rotten, I want the Xbox!". BLEEP! ", "I just want this day to end and I'll start fresh tomorrow! Hair color He smashes William's thank you cake that he made for Violette because Bill thought he didn't deserve it. According to Violette1st's Twitter account, he has lost a lot of weight recently. !, he burnt all of the school supplies that Violette bought for him. He is a stupid, rude, crude, moronic, short-tempered, stubborn, selfish, reckless, naive, egotistical, and . ", "You spoil him rotten and it's gotta stop, it's just causing problems in his life because you spoil him. BILL AND ANDY FIGHT WILLIAM WHILE HES SICK!!! He needs to learn a lesson. ", "I DON'T CARE!! ", "NO JERK! What did I do to you guys? What am I gonna do now?! Lucy also counts as one as she is always desperate for attention and will flip out if she doesn't get what she wants. ", "William, you like those triple cheeseburgers. There's Something Wrong with Violette1st, and I don't know what it is. Brown I just wanna freaking WIN! It then changed to Bill just not appearing in the videos anymore. He happens to have a hatred for school or anything related to it, which irritates Violette, such as when he refuses to go to school, do his homework or go school supply shopping on the last days of summer break. ), WHAT DO YOU WANT?????!!!!!!!! He states that they're "valuable". YOU JUST MADE THIS WHOLE PROCESS A LOT HARDER!! YOU HAVE NO LIFE!!!!!!! when he complains about how his family is treating him badly on his 15th Birthday thinking that he had a bad birthday by having a mini party/cookout with Hot-dogs and a small birthday cake with no presents along with Bill telling him to grow up and that he can't always get what he wants but William recently treated Andy badly on his birthday in WILLIAM'S ULTIMATE BIRTHDAY FREAK-OUT AND REVENGE!!! ", "He's definitely gonna buy me more pizzas, you are gonna buy me more pizzas buddy! His cause of death and how he got here remain a mystery, but autopsy experts believed he died from choking on an unknown object. and when Andy beat him up on Christmas Eve and ruined Violette's plan to go to church in "ANDY KICKS WILLIAM'S BUTT!!!". In EAT MY SPAM!!! William: Get rekt!, Freaking scrub!, Freaking idiot!, What the heck!? Violette1st Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. FamousBirthdays.com - use subject to the practices disclosed in our privacy policy. I ALREADY TOLD YOU!!! for the family with his way of getting tomato and onion topping pizza which is what Bill likes on his pizzas and doesn't think about how the family will like it, especially with William because as he doesn't like onions and tomatoes. (used on multiple occasions), "Freaking dingbat!" ", "Why don't you go out and buy me something for once! ", "STOP SHINING THE FREAKING LIGHT ON ME!!!". WILLIAM'S MALL CLOTHES SHOPPING FREAK-OUT!!! Yep, I've got them waiting on me hand and foot. Act three opened with a title card saying one year had passed. Jerk! Yep, I love it. ", "YOU KNOW WHAT?? ", "SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!!!" Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. The quality started to decay even more as they cried, and you could hear murmuring in the background. He is also bossy to Bill such as in UNGRATEFUL KID DESTROYS HIS NEW TV!! That wasn't the end of it. ", "You are so annoying! ", "Look, this isn't about me drinking beer, it's about you being addicted to the Xbox and freaking Grand Theft Auto! You don't get your way, you just flip out, don't you? KID GAMBLES AWAY $1,200 ON DAD'S CREDIT CARD!!! When tests were done, the body was revealed to be Bill Violette, who lived in Maryland. Bill may be abusive, but he isn't wrong about William being on his Xbox for so long or not thinking about his family. ", "You're gonna have to take me to a hospital, 'cause he might have broken my toes! What happened? (Prank) where he gets in a huge fight with William and Andy over the bathroom, and he thinks he should go first. ", "SCREW YOU ALL!!! ", "Listen jerk. HAVE WE CRASHED YET?? !, where he overhears his mom playing a Geek Squad message, and he gets annoyed that there is no ETA on his computer, because he doesn't want to wait for it to be fixed. IT'S NOT EVEN A SAMSUNG!! I'm gonna eat them, and then you won't eat! ", "He doesn't wanna listen, he always wants the Xbox! What makes you think you deserve them" (referring to the Big Macs in WILLIAM'S BIG MAC ATTACK!!! ", "Well, he's not having Christmas until he replaces my TV! ", "Okay, so you're playing a stupid console game the time when you wanted to play Call of Duty. Andy himself is shown to be a bit of a jerkass to William on occasions. AND YOU RAN OVER MY FOOT TOO! He is the archenemy of William due to his intense rudeness and stubbornness to the family. It is heavily implied that he killed someone in the past. (RAGE)", he was threatened with a divorce again, this time for not turning on the water supply for William. They all looked abandoned. I'm going to take full advantage of this. ", "He's had the TV for a couple of hours. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET! They refuse to count a couple of them, making the amount of videos inconsistent. ", "WHY DID YOU EAT A FEW PIECES OF MY CANDY? ", "THIS IS SO PITIFUL!" ", "I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU WOULD EVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!! VIOLETTE'S UNBOXING ON THE GOLDEN FIDGET SPINNER ENDS WITH BILL DESTROYING IT WITH A VACUUM CHAMBER!!! OKAY? THE MARSHMALLOWS ARE AMAZING BUT YOU GOT ME CHERRY INSTEAD OF WILD CHERRY??!!!! ", "I DEMAND YOU GO OUT AND GET ME ANOTHER ONE RIGHT NOW. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ), "I went to McDonald's to buy a couple of Big Macs and a box of Chicken McNuggets, and my credit card was gone. !, wants William to stop cussing from now on after hearing him say the S word in WILLIAM SAID SH*T!! Violette1st Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. ), "If he was a jerk, I'd call him a jerk!!" Once William has had enough of the salad, William then throws the salad on the floor, making Violette angry and tells William to go to bed and not to eat, then William steals the car to go to Arby's. I tried to open it on my now empty computer, and as I suspected, there was an episode of Violette1st on it. I CAN'T STAND IT!!! He also refuses to get new clothes as shown in WILLIAM'S MALL CLOTHES SHOPPING FREAK-OUT!!! and WILLIAM SAID THE "F" WORD!!! ", "You're going to get that baby freaking GTAV! (referring to the Whoppers William ruined in BILL AND WILLIAM'S WHOPPER FREAK-OUT), "Well, remember the prank you did on me the other day with the Ex Lax? ", "YOU FORGOT YOU OWE ME A TV, DON'T YOU? GET AWAY!!! Violette scolds anyone in her family for cussing, yet she was shown cussing in videos like "MOM GOES PSYCHO AND THROWS CLOTHES OFF ROOF!!! 14 talking about this. You aren't getting no dinner pal! William seems to have apathy. The piece of paper had a website address on it, I would rather not say what it was, for reasons you'll see in a second. ), "Put your freaking blinker light on, jerk!! Quinn Sisters. According to the series, she worked hard on her cooking. (referring to the Xbox One S William purchased with Bill's credit card), "NO, I GOTTA USE IT!" ", "Because I worked for them and I paid for them and they're mine" (referring to the Big Macs), "Thanks for screwing my dinner up you little jerk!! He tied William up and destroyed his Xbox One S alongside Andy. ", "That's what you get. ", "FOR A PENNY?!?!?! Her channel can be found here and her second channel can be found here. is a YouTube Originals movie based on the Violette1st YouTube series. YES YOU ARE! ", (in response to William asking how he feels) "Like crap! It is the first installment in the Violette1st Movie Saga. where William was making a pizza, Bill kept being bossy with him which resulted in the pizza getting ruined, and in WILLIAM'S PANCAKE COOKING DISASTER!!! When I mentioned the lost video though, all color drained from his face and he started trembling. His catchphrase is "Freaking jerk/dingbat!". The video labeled 7G06, Moaning Violette, was made later and given Dead William's production code to hide the latter's existence. Blah blah blah blah blah! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! They're so STUPID! And it doesn't just get cold, it is FREEZING. You always have your moments! ", "Call the cops on that son of a bitch! !, a 2017 video, he refused to get a new pair of shoes even though the shoes he had were falling apart. When I asked him if he could tell me any details, he sounded like he was on the verge of tears. The videos production number was 7G06, the title was Dead William. ", which Violette agreed to, but William mentioned that he doesn't like to because he too plays XBOX too much when his family try to call him from upstairs. He also isn't wrong in "DAD SITS ON KID'S BIRTHDAY CAKE!!! (While Bill and Violette look at the burnt interior of the car. WILLIAM GOES BERSERK STABS AND BURNS THE ROUTER!!! And you'll be like, "I'm the one who should be asking questions! ), "DON'T EVER DO THIS CRAP TO ME AGAIN!! ", "LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY FREAKING RECORDER!!! He also abused William in MOM SHOOTS DAD IN THE BUTT!!! Violette1st's Raging Series TV Series 2010- TV-MA 21m IMDb RATING 8.7 /10 21 YOUR RATING Rate Action Comedy Drama The Series is Based on Angry Grandpa, and Psycho Series, involving about a young William Anderson Jr. and Violette Needs to control him to get calm and William Always on his Xbox. ", *throws fit* "WE HAVE NO INTERNET!!! (referring to Andy's Peep Moment), "YOU DON'T HAVE TO PILE YOUR DESSERT PLATE UP TO THE CEILING!! Andy Violette1st, 31 3. ", and "DON'T MESS WITH ME!". He also used the same school folder that he used the previous school year, duct taping it whenever there was a tear in it, as well as using a Ziploc bag as a pencil case that he had used since the 2014-2015 school year (the middle of the school year before the previous year) that he kept duct taping so he could keep using it, and not letting Violette get him a real pencil case. He also locks William and Violette out of the house after he lies to William saying the water supply is outside and refused to let William and Violette inside the house while William is still wet and all he has is his towel and tries to make William freeze outside. (referring to the bathroom in, "FREAKING JERK, I'M GONNA GET YOU, JERK!!! William was born on October 4, 2001, and he is currently 21 years old. ", "Ha-ha! He would usually throw a hissy fit or tantrum such as in WILLIAM'S PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY FREAKOUT!!! who the fr- WILLIAM, WHAT THE FREAK ARE YOU DOING YOU JERK?! ", "You may have won the battle, BUT YOU DIDN'T WIN THE WAR!!! I want my TV replaced! NOW YOU GOT YOUR XBOX! ", "Why? Untitled album 30 Photos 2323 3 Comments 1 Share Like Comment Share when William ruined Andy's cookout for. An example includs when he argues with William and/or Andy in over who should use the bathroom first and when either Andy or William get to the bathroom first, he impatiently tells Andy or William get out or hurry up and doesn't want to wait because he thinks they take too long in the bathroom and worries he would soil himself.