1. a small,exclusive group that restricts who can join. communication patterns - minority opinion can have impactful informational social influence on the majority ____ touches in puerto rico, _____ touches in france, _____ touches in florida ____ touches in england, 180 touches puerto rico How is liking associated with the Tupperware Corporation's home party concept's success? What are some techniques that make use of similarity? needs of those they know and like. to ensure that attractiveness was a factor they could've been affected by when hearing the message Design: Name similar vs. control (dissimilar for DV: Likability, similarity, and willingness to do a Hannah is happy to share everything she has with her close friends. WebTerms in this set (20) Reciprocity. WebThe norm of reciprocity requires that we repay in kind what another has done for us. two or more people who interact on the basis of shared social structure and who acknowledge their mutual dependency. Contrast effects: In contrast to the original deal, the revised deal may seem much better than it would have without the comparison. "colors" how we see the event and may even determine whether we can see the event at all Blood donations Is Target authorized to issue preferred stock? an ungrateful freeloader. the pattern of behavior that is expected of a person who is in a particular social position. All of these are true. According to an evolutionary approach to love, why do women prefer men with resources, whereas men prefer women who are attractive? 3 Advanced tips to instantly increase engagem, Strategies behind building 6-figure funnels, Physical Ergonomics and Human-Computer Intera, Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, Global Edition. Now examine the notes at the bottom of the balance sheet. Cook will need to train assemblers, testers, and robotics maintainers in local training centers. Design: combine some of the expressive functions of primary groups with the instrumental functions of secondary, when individuals are linked by dense, cross-cutting networks, they form a what? who has made a concession to us. The delay between both requests must be brief. WebThis idea is representative of the: norm of reciprocity The notion of our basic prosocial norm for positive reciprocity:can be found in all of the major world religionsElena does 4. conflict, ____________ differ from crowds and categories in that __________ members take one another into account, and their interactions are shaped by shared expectations and interdependency, groups that individuals compare themselves to regularly. a tendency to respond positively or negatively toward a certain person, object, or situation. P perceptions of communicator friendliness, more direct, precise, clear, and dependent on the verbal code for message transmission. lowball technique getting a commitment from How did Cialdini's Zoo study demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique? type of touch A location analysis for Cook Controls, a small manufacturer of parts for high-technology cable systems, has been narrowed down to four locations. WebNorm of Reciprocity A feeling of obligation to help someone who has helped you. Benefits both parties and could achieve a common goal WebThe reciprocity norm forms the basis of human cooperation and is found in every culture. perhaps it increases their mood Example: we assume that quiet people are also shy. worked in changing peoples attitude. "Please contribute to our school fundraiser, every penny will help!" As the semester progressed and they became better friends, they felt comfortable sharing more and more with each other. when in the dominant position, hair stylist the process of explaining one's own behavior and the behavior of others, the theory of how people make attributions: there are two explanations-situational or dispositional, cause of behavior attributed to external factors, such as delays, the action of others, or some other aspect of the situation, cause of behavior attributed to internal factors such as personality or character, the tendency to overestimate the influence of internal factors in determining behavior while underestimating situational factors, negative attitude held by a person about the members of a particular social group. indepedent variable was candy with the bill. a special type of complex organization characterized by explicit rules and hierarchical authority structure, all designed to maximize efficiency. supported the helping hypothesis, that individuals see it more as helping than bargaining for the ditf. How did Davis & Knowles demonstrate this effect? an increase in conformity as the size of the group increases, but only to a group size of three or four; after that, the amount of conformity levels off. According to the _____, people aggress when their goals are thwarted. The retreat from extreme to moderate request will spur the target person to make a reciprocal concession-moving from rejection to acceptance P agreement with the message position. two special characteristics. Extending the length of time between requests they aim at the heart, and they are powerful tool for eliciting compliance READ PG 325-328, a negative attitude or affective response toward a group and its individual members, unfair treatment of individuals based on their membership in a particular group, the belief that certain attributes are characteristic of members of a particular group. Gender, How the brain processes incoming sensations. Delivery, _____ and ____ was focus in the consideration of delivery, What was the focus on voice and gesture called, What was the emphasis of elocutionary movement, Emphasis on the proper use of voice and gesture which was prescriptive in nature, What did the elocutionary movement provide us with, It provided us with specific Google expressions and gestures based on how people should read and recite words, Touch and space, physical appearacne, gestures, vocalics, and covert body/temporal communication, When two people are touching and there is no space or distance between them. True True False Question 2 1 / 1 ptsWhich of the following powers is derived from relations with powerful others? _____refers to the process by which evolution selects genes that cause individuals to provide benefits to their relatives. refers to the numbers of direct or indirect ties between one individual and others in a network. groups that individuals compare themselves to regularly. 5. careers, tenure, and technical qualifications Attitudes are formed through direct instruction, modeling, and other social influences on learning. ). if the competitive atmosphere of most classrooms can increase racial and ethnic tensions in integrated schools, what would happen if the classroom were made less competitive? persuasive message to targets in a field 4. A groups -- collective leadership (more self-managing) Formal leadership 3) taking responsibility Due to social comparison, where people feel the need to act in a socially desirable way, and informational social influence, which is the tendency to take cues from others in ambiguous situations. Those who cooperate toward the achievement of a common goal are more favorable and helpful to each other as a consequence. Hypotheses: Today, these groups have weakened. Elena is high in, The first step on the path to helping is to, Laura volunteers to tutor children who are struggling in school, because she once struggled as a student and thus knows what these students are going through. we typically have much more contact with fellow members of an in-group than with outgroup members, so we have more opportunity to encounter evidence of divergent opinions and habits among ingroup members. The plan consists of unlimited talk and text and 18GB of data for$100 per month. Two doors in the face is better than one. Group size it involves thinking about a person not as an individual but as a member of a group or projecting what (you think) you know about the group onto your expectations about that person. 3. people who take particularly strong pride in their group affiliations are more prone to in-group favoritism when placed in minimal group situation. (a) comply with partnership decisions (b) not conduct competing business (c) keep accurate records (d) All of the above are duties. One person -- a leader 2. groups that are formal, large, and impersonal. WebNorms of Reciprocity Compliance Strategy - One of the compliance strategies used to get others to comply - Occurs when people think they ought to do something nice for The source and target audience are important in determining the effectiveness of the message, as well as how the message itself is delivered. knowledgeability, and attractiveness {xy+3z=4x+5y+2z=32x+4y+5z=8\left\{\begin{aligned} Social responsibility: We comply because of it can also the way they look at waiters performance more kindly. Association power Legitimate power Expert power Changing requesters in midsequence intimacy and passion. manipulation Which element of self-disclosure is reflected in their relationship? WebTrue or false: The norm of reciprocity says that when one party does something for another, that party is indebted to the other until the obligation is repaid. compliance, Discuss the seminal research conducted by Shelly Chaiken (1979) entitled "Communicator Physical Attractiveness and Persuasion". Identify What are six types of retail sales transactions? What total interest did Marcella earn in two months? Learn More: Why did the researchers note that the communicators did not differ significantly as a function of attractiveness or sex with respect to their age or personal opinions on the persuasive message topic? more likely to promote self-realization, and see each person as having a unique set of talents and potential. A boutique offers shoppers a glass of wine or a cup of coffee when you enter the store. what are individualistic cultures and what are they more likely to promote: individuals' goals take precedence over the group's goals Leadership influence located in (2) 1. If she enrolls in this plan, she can purchase the latest cell phone from the provider for $250. 0 england. Norm of reciprocity: Because the seller has What are the 4 explanations for the effectiveness of the DITF technique? Individuals will conform to group pressure even when other group members are strangers Toll goods differ from public goods in that justTTTtext\underline{\phantom{\text{justTTTtext}}}justTTTtext, a. they provide special access to some and not all, b. they require the payment of a fee up front, c. they provide a service for only the wealthy. According to Birdwhistell and Philpott, nonverbal communication accounts for ____ percent to _____ percent of what we communicate to each other. _____ groups are large, formal, and impersonal. activated This technique relies on the norm of reciprocity: after refusing the large commitment, the person feels like they should accept the smaller one. Which compliance gaining strategy is this? Groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous encourage people to share about problems they are facing. Desta wants to purchase "The Ultimate Plan" from her cell phone provider. Psychology questions and answers. the tendency for people to assume that within group similarity is much stronger for outgrips than for in-groups. exchange were more willing to do favor for a name more similar to theirs. 1. exchange And what does this mean? they initiate the favour so the person feels compelled to return the favour to them. Give further examples of the DITF technique? No, because her behaviors did not cause the prediction to come true. the forms of interaction through which people relate to one another. calculability People with low self-esteem are more likely to engage in antisocial behavior. B) to ourselves (because we don't have to think hard about every possible action) to others (because conformity eliminates potential conflict and makes human interaction so much smoother). communication skills. Any form of communication that does not include Marcella Burgess deposited S15.000S 15.000S15.000 for two months in a money-market account that pays simple interest. sexuality relevant to the interaction than helping concepts. This example provides support for, Research by batson and colleagues (1981) indicates that people low in empathy will only help someone if they, pluralistic ignorance is an example of the power of ___ to inhibit helping. Reciprocity. If you dont expect anything from anyone, gratitude and satisfaction will be maximized. Comm 145 - Ch 3 Communication and the self, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. 2 x+4 y+5 z &=8 WebDescribe how the behavior of the prisoners and guards changed within the first few days. the process by which one person tries to change the belief, opinion, position, or course of action of another person through argument, pleading, or explanation. refers to the pattern of norms and values that structures how business is actually carried out in an organization. How did Strohmetz et al. People are more favorably inclined toward the According to the textbook, which of the following statements about people with low self-esteem is NOT true? Expert power Referent power Correct! a stereotype can be positive or negative, true or false. Hannah has. This idea is representative of the: The notion of our basic prosocial norm for positive reciprocity: can be found in all of the major world religions, Elena does not distinguish between what is her and what is someone else's. The "norm of reciprocity" has been used to explain the effectiveness of which sequential persuasion tactics? Hypothesis: Ps who read a scenario containing How do our distributive justice norms differ depending on the type of relationship involved? A felt obligation and social expectation of helping or otherwise given something of value to Which compliance-gaining strategy is this? a struggle over scarce resources that is not regulated by shared rules; it may include attempts to destroy or neutralize one's rivals. the forms of interaction through which people relate to one another, the voluntary trade of tangible or intangible benefits, the expectation that people will return favors and strive to maintain a balance of obligation in social relationships, interaction that occurs when people work together to achieve shared goals, struggle over scarce resources that is regulated by shared rules, a struggle over scarce resources that is not regulated by shared rules; it may include attempts to destroy, injure or neutralize ones rivals, two or more people who interact on the basis of shared social structure and who acknowledge their mutual dependency, groups that individuals compare themselves to regularly, exists when we compare ourselves to others who are better off than we are (reference groups). 3. relationships characterized by low intensity and lack of intimacy. What is meant by "reciprocal concessions"? Often the basis for a more lasting relationship. How does the use of unsolicited gifts employ the norm of reciprocity? Panhandlers "guide" tourists, then ask for a. *understand*. refers to the process through which group members' opinions become similar over time. spain, italy, hungary offer before a better 2nd offer is provided. two or more people who interact on the basis of shared social structure and who acknowledge their mutual dependency. Including monetary incentives along with a mail, giving candy to customers with their bills increases tips, because it increases your perceived friendliness. c) A P-value of is proof against the null hypothesis. Works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination by forcing people of different backgrounds to cooperate to achieve a common goal. (base form). Control over the flow of information is another type of Legitimate Power. How does reciprocity seem to apply to all behaviors? functional approach, theoretical approach x+5 y+2 z &=3 \\ What is most try about the lapse of time between the first and second requests in the door in the face tactic? The foot in the door tactic is more effective when used for _____________ than when used for ______________. The _____predicts that, when people are kind to us, we will return their kindness. Internalized social norm: Repaying favors is degree of liking/disliking # Ps signing the petition WebSocial Sciences. In fact, it does rain, just as she predicted. Age Be sure to include descriptions of the hypotheses, design (including how the variables were manipulated), dependent variables, and results of the study. referring to the use of cognitive processes in relation to understanding the social world. sweetened the deal by adding on items, the Organization _____ groups are essential to individuals stratification and integration. Reference groups, primary groups, secondary groups. What is the difference between exchange and communal relationships? type of information processing that involves attending to factors not involved in the message, such as the appearance of the source of the message, the length of the message, and other non-content factors. physical or geographical nearness. the fear of confirming the stereotypes others have about one's group, the effect of this levels off pretty quickly. 5) taking action, any group of people with a particular religious or philosophical set of beliefs and identity, Muscles of the Upper Extremities and Back, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson, Economics - Market Structures (Year 2) - Olig. tendency of people to like other people who like them in return. The study concluded Weba process of creating meaning in the minds of receivers whether intentionally or unintentionally, by use of actions other than, or in combination with, words or language. This kind of contact is effective in lessening prejudice and discrimination. Example: jury, the tendency for the presence of other people to have a positive impact on the performance of an easy task, the tendency for the presence of other people to have a negative impact on the performance of a difficult task. What are some examples of pregiving used in the real world? The critical factors, their weights, and the ratings for each location are shown in the following table. Norm of reciprocity is also known as? What procedures or conditions undermine the effectiveness of the DITF technique? the greater number of ties, the greater an individuals centrality, relationships characterized by intimacy, emotional intensity, and sharing, relationships characterized by low intensity and lack of intimacy, are nonprofit organizations designed to allow individuals an opportunity to pursue their shared interests collectively, large, formal organizations with elaborate status networks True False False Which of the following claims about self-disclosure is true? Exchange, cooperation, competition, conflict. Might a more cooperative learning environment improve academic performance and intergroup relations in integrated settings? What are the 2 different methods of employing the TNA technique? A statement about the value of a population parameter that always includes the equal sign is called the _____. True True or false: managers only need to have either position or personal power, but not both. Three components: affective (emotion), behavior (actions), and cognitive (thoughts and beliefs). people see more variability of habit and opinion among members of the ingroup than they do among members of the outgroup. Milgram experiment, T or F? kind of thinking that occurs when people place more importance on maintaining group cohesiveness than on assessing the facts of the problem with which the group is concerned. the first request cant be too exaggerated to get people to comply to second request that you really wanted in the first place. responsibility, then helping concepts should be Be sure to include control. process by which the principles of fast-food restaurant- efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control- are coming to dominate more sectors of American society. a person or group, typically a member or members of an out-group, who serves as the target for the frustrations and negative emotions of members of the in-group. educational technique in which each individual is given only part of the information needed to solve a problem, causing the separate individuals to be forced to work together to find the solution. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Norm of reciprocity, Free gift technique, Liking explanation and more. Regarding self-disclosure, which of the following statements is true? (target sex: male vs. female) sets of assumptions about how different types of people, personality traits and actions are related to each other. a group is characterized by high levels of interaction and by strong Webnorm of reciprocity assumption that if someone does something for a person, that person should do something for the other in return. the last effort (going around the table to give candy). Thus, they comply with a 2nd request. countries of high touch: people after tend to feel better about themselves when they comply to second request. According to the norm of reciprocity, people expect the level of disclosures in their personal relationships to be relatively equivalent. The obligation to make a concession to someone descriptions of the hypotheses, design (including how the variables were manipulated), dependent variables, and results of the research. sold more cookies when they sweetened the deal after, tna technique. [1] It can be understood as the expectation that people will respond favorably to each other by returning benefits for benefits, and responding with either indifference or hostility to harms. Which of the following is not a duty of a partner? Ex: quitting smoking, or deciding that it's not that bad, or deciding that smoking "light" cigarettes is okay, the forming of the first knowledge that a person has concerning another person, the mental processes that people use to make sense of the social world around them. our nonverbal comm skills are part of our heredity, and that they are innate, doesn't focus on genetics or learning behavior but on the types and functions of nonverbal communication intimacy and commitment. assumption that if someone does something for a person, that person should do something for the other in return. Having the right to reciprocity means allowing yourself to receive what others give you and enjoying it. a compliance approach that involves making an initial small request with which nearly everyone complies, followed by a larger request involving real behavior of interest. persuadees to experience guilt, which they when giving advice than when receiving it goal is to maximize efficiency. Jane Elliot's experiment with brown and blue eyed children. a set of characteristics that people believe is shared by all members of a particular social category. large, formal organizations with elaborate status networks. How are compliments and cooperation used to inspire liking and compliance? Praise and other forms of positive estimation also stimulate liking Weba process of creating meaning in the minds of receivers whether intentionally or unintentionally, by use of actions other than, or in combination with, words or language. (f) the lowest gross profit? This can lead to conformity and consensus among group members, sometimes around obviously incorrect decisions, nonprofit groups that bring together people with shared interests. Webnorm of reciprocity a felt obligation and social expectation of helping or otherwise giving something of value to someone who has already helped or given something value to you Referent power The capacity to influence others on the basis of an identification with and respect for the power holder charisma Self-presentation: When people reject 1st request, they worry that they will be perceived negatively. 1. Hiroshi is nice to potential customers in order to get them to buy his wares. How much of Target Corporation's common stock was outstanding at January 30, 2016? Witoad of helping other out of concern for their wel bene, sometimes we offer anakutance simply to avoid lookin bod When people are in a situation in which they feel that they have received more xy+3zx+5y+2z2x+4y+5z=4=3=8. groups characterized by intimate, face-to-face interactions. What will her average cost per month be after being on the plan for 3 months? Initial larger request (2 yr. commitment) followed by chaperon request to Chaperon juvenile delinquents for a day at the zoo, increase compliance to 50%. Did Target have any preferred stock at January 30, 2016? customer may feel obligated to buy the product, However, the fact that she does not have good team management skills and does not cooperate with her teammates was ignored. Predicted that attractive communicators would For the first month, Marcella earned 3.87%3.87 \%3.87% annual interest.