2)By the way,often Mars in the 3rd house has a great interest in technology,and therefore can fix a lot himself in the mechanism of a car,motorcycle or bicycle. I want to create a new category in my blog,where I talk about the natal charts of famous personalities.Ive been listening to Arianas songs since 2015 and watched TV shows with her on Nickelodeon.I love this Princess! However, with Jupiter there is a possibility to overdo, to exaggerate. The native may have a big ego and be proud of him- or herself. 4)Good intuition and imagination.They are inspired by music,peace and quiet.They themselves are a huge vessel of creativity. 7)Good aspects show excellent relationships with relatives.They trust them and can talk heart to heart for hours. Teachers with this aspect might get impatient with their students and might assume they learn the material as quickly as they did. 3)In bad aspects,a person is dependent on someone elses opinion. 1)I notice that this position gives a heavy burden in finances.A person can earn good money,but in his life there may be cases when they urgently need to spend it. Having them in aspect in the natal chart can be hard to manage! The year started with powerful and forward thinking energy that will assist in elevating us both spiritually and subconsciously. 2)Their attention may be drawn to politics,social movements,cultural,charitable and educational events.At the same time,its activities are not entertainment,but purely business,serious. The native is able to talk you into something (for good or bad). 5)You may have quite a lot of energy and energy,you lack confidence or just the desire to put yourself and your interests first.Love being alone at work.You like to help. 2)Your siblings may indeed have the opposite sign to yours,or you may have a single ruling planet. -Often a child can not live in the same apartment or house with his mother,because his mother is constantly trying to bring a person out of balance,harmony with her living energy. Love without possessiveness or jealousy. 7/10/22 - The day I reached 100 followers on Tumblr. 5)You are attracted to smart and modern people.Your partner will teach you something new.Sometimes indicates that their partner works in the field of technology or science. Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter aren't the only planets making big moves mid-month. 5)The good aspects indicate good powers of observation.They see and know how magic tricks are created.They are good at fantasizing and can write fantastic books or novels. 3)Bad aspects indicate a problem with learning.The person is still smart,but he has a problem with self-organization and he always doesnt have enough time,because of which his health can suffer. They like to talk about death or religion. They have a very healthy ego and are very comfortable with themselves, very peaceful. You easily admire other people AND, above all, your partner. It comes about if one person's Mars is positioned at a 90 degree angle to the other's Jupiter. Neptune does not haveboundaries, so you might find someone with any of these aspects who is excellent at math and science, but would prefer ( or has more fun ) writing or drawing. 2)This person is very convincing.He is listened to when he expresses his opinion.He is respectful in communication,but can often interrupt the interlocutor and apologize for it lol. However, on the downside, Uranus iserraticand these people may not be focused. -These girls wont be bossed around.Can actively support feminism. Mercury-Venus aspects: These combine Venus/Love with Mercury/Communication and Learning. 1)He was able often to visit relatives.His parents instilled a love of reading and learning from childhood.He learned a lot at home.Can be trained independently. Mercury-Uranus aspects: Some people say these are the "genius" aspects. May 14: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus ends. You may easily feel bored and need a continuous "push" in your relationships to survive. 4)Often such people work according to their own regime.They can be freelancers or have a night job. 3)Hes friends with all sorts of people.Nationality,level of education and status in society are not important here.The main thing is to have common hobbies,aspirations and desires. -With bad aspects,a person can look for benefits in everything,be very stubborn and not accept changes. Eros: Synastry Aspects . 3)He shares with other people only those ideas that are fully formed and in the effectiveness of which he is one hundred percent sure. 2)Another position indicates an interest in astrology,but the person is suitable from a more logical and practical point of view.Well versed in technology. All Venus aspects to Pluto bring indulging intensity in your relationships and love life. -people with this aspect are commonly very outgoing and social, they tend to get along with people well and can often achieve popularity easily. 4)Some people with Mercury in the 12th house may have a betrayal of friends or any other difficult experience with them. ).She is interested in the topic of magic,money,personal growth and is very curious and inquisitive.Scorpio is at home(in Pluto),so it plays an important role.You know how famous Scorpios are for their stubbornness,love of success and power,and since he is in the 10th house,this is another position that indicates success.In a recent interview,she said that she doesnt set herself boundaries or specific goals,she just wants to develop her creativity every day. Venus Aspects In The Natal Chart (in depth), my name is henry || sun in libra || moon in leo || ascending cancer || personal: @solidpeach, art and astrology 20132023 Your Mars Your Venus 1)The Moon feels very comfortable in Libra,so she shows such qualities as friendliness,kindness,honesty and beauty.Plus,you're a rising Cancer,so people think you're cute. 11)Venus in Leo loves the golden color in the apartment decor. Whatever the aspect, both planets together never indicate a flamboyant love union. -mars conjunct moon may indicate attraction to one's energy, however there might be some irritations between the two because the intensity. * Moon and Venus in harmonious aspect to one another in synastry generally indicate compatibility in romantic relationships. Part of the Emirates Mars Mission (EMM), Hope used its onboard instruments to capture never-before-seen views of the space rock. Left brained communicators and thinkers. The stressful aspects indicate someone who is stillcreativeandimaginative, but lacks focus, discipline and is too dreamy. 1)The position of a perfectionist.If he does the work,he strives to do it well.If he doesnt like it,hell redo it. Also, the native with such an aspect is very willing to sacrifice his or her life for the partner too and will often feel obliged to help the other. The native is perfectly able to look after him- or herself, especially when there is a conjunction between both planets. The fire moon wants to slap and yell at them. Venus and Saturn never blend well, in whatever aspect they are. 2)Knowledge should bring him practical benefits,so such a person tries to determine in advance how promising this area of training is.Practice is important to him. Could indicate possessiveness or jealousy. 5)Bad aspects can indicate arrogance in a conversation.A person is smart,but tends to underestimate the merits of other people.He becomes too much of a gamble. The conjunction is related to passion and very creative (artistic) desires. 9)Not all rising Capricorns have cheekbones.Sometimes(especially in girls)a strong role is played by the Moon and Venus,if they are,for example,in Cancer,they may have a round face and large eyes. 5)Such people are real travel seekers.They have a lot of weird or funny stories.They arent boring,but also unsafe.They look younger than their years even without makeup. 2)Any profession suits him.Their thinking is very versatile.This position is often found in the natal charts of writers and poets. These people are attracted romantically to those who are cooperative, easy going, and intelligent. When Neptune is coupled with the bold action of Mars, the individual is able to do so. 5)Stressful aspects indicate the troubles and hardships that can accompany a person abroad.This is also one of the indications of problems with the law. The sun though can be viewed as egotistical over time and Pluto is viewed as controlling or possessive. Mars - Jupiter Aspects: Conjunct Sextile Trine Square Opposition Mars conjunct Jupiter Harmonious Mars/Jupiter aspects are a marker of worldly comfort and financial success. Write if you have similar provisions.Love May 7: Venus enters Cancer. 3)Bad aspects indicate that it is difficult for a person to get acquainted.It is unusual and doesnt match any of the companies of people.Often indicates unrequited love. 4)With good aspects - high position,with bad - oblivion of principles,public scandal. She and Dalton are now engaged and Im so happy for her.I also want to suggest that this is an incomplete analysis of her natal chart,otherwise this article would be too large,here I looked only at the main positions(for youuuuuuuu ahahahaha). The native has to learn that each person is responsible for his or her own deeds. 2)He can quickly become successful,and then also quickly find himself at the bottom.His life is an endless series of ups and downs. 1)You love competitions,arguments and adventures.If you are the captain of the team,then you will definitely win.You are able to maintain team spirit and you are comfortable working in a friendly team. 6)For such people,it is very important that people support them when they feel bad.When they cry and say that everything is bad,it means that EVERYTHING is REALLY BAD.Just say that they are very important to you and list how many good things they have done in their lifetime.They need attention,no matter how much they deny it. 2)Tend not to open aggression,but to intrigue,always seek to repay the enemy and defeat him after a fight. 3)Good aspects help a person gain experience and build a good team around the person.That is, they create a favorable environment for its work.Thanks to this, a person can earn more. 5)Good aspects indicates a well-developed empathy.A person chooses good people around him.He is kind even to his detractors,which is why they are few. Strong sense of justice, fights for it. Beliefs are usually spiritual, religious or political. 3)These people may have dry skin,cheekbones,or a drooping eyelid. 1)Oooh,these people need a lot of relationship talk.They will not throw a tantrum,if they dont like something,they will calmly tell you this(but you need to look at the sign). 8)Sometimes even you dont understand your feelings. 1)He knows how to cool his ardor at the right time.They often want to be in charge of the family.They like to do the renovation and decoration of their home. In fact, they are open minded about anything they learn. Right. Valentine's day is approaching and Mars will enter sensual Taurus, involving Venusian themes to this tie of year. So, even when Venus and Saturn are sextile or trine each other, expect quite some difficulties and especially restrictions in your love life. . The sextile and trine produces a broad mind, but there is not a conflict here. By the way, what could you say about this Moon and Sun? Intense desire. These are people who whisper "Sweet Nothings." I will say that Mercury-Uranus can produce someone who is highly intelligent, but whether there is the drive or focus to do anything concrete or substantial is dependent upon other factors. In fact, Jupiter is extention and higher education, and Mercury is learning and communicating. In some instances, the outer appearance of the native becomes a focus point in the life of the native one way or the other. 3)This person is very fair,calm and tactful.In communication,he seeks to create comfort.If a topic is unpleasant to him,he will say it directly. These people love to learn, much like Mercury-Jupiter aspects. 3)In a relationship,they love attention and gifts.They love compliments and tend to show their feelings to their partner more often. ( Some might be bad at math and others excellent at math ). Mercury-Sun aspects: Please see Sun aspects blog. Eating disorders are not uncommon with the exact aspects, often resulting in issues about weight. Both planets can never be more than 78 apart, only building a conjunction, semi-sextile, semi-square, sextile or a Quintile (72). We enter the month of February, with lust, love and passion. [ MARS + JUPITER ASPECTS ] - [ Anger surrounding foreign travel and culture + Anger surrounding religion and belief systems ] - [ Desire for truth + Passion for truth + Passion for deeper meaning + Passion for knowledge ] - [ Burning out + Overactive + Hyperactive + Too much fire + Combustible ] 2)Has the gift of eloquence.He knows how to express his thoughts easily and beautifully.It is interesting to read and listen to.A good position for writers and poets. They have a hard time seeing the details. These are the students who like to know WHAT they are learning and WHEN they need to learn it by. 5)Good aspects enhance a persons logic.He is better at math.It easily works with information and finds the essence.It is suitable for step-by-step training.May indicate a good memory. 5)Good aspects point to a person who can wear one thing for years.They have neat shoes.They know the price of each item and appreciate gifts very much.May indicate the needlework. 3)Bad aspects indicate problems with the skin,kidneys,and sometimes blood. Love hurts when these planets blend together. -Can love retro things.For example,old Chanel collections(but look at the sign of Venus). -they are often happy people who want to live life to the fullest and make the most out of their experience . This is especially true with the square, conj, trine and sextile. If you're in a situation, they'd be more than happy to help you out. They do not like broad projects ( unless they have a Jupiter-Mercury aspect too, or Mercury-Uranus aspect ) where everything is open ended. Another way this can manifest is someone who loves to talk. Mercury-Neptune aspects: These peoples strength comes from creativity. Like all Jupiter-Asc aspects, these people are good natured and like to have a good time. 4)With bad aspects,a person has a lot of intrigues and betrayals in life. The square aspect brings turbulent relationships. 4)Bad aspects indicate shyness in communication and a desire to discuss someone elses life. The first thing I noticed was that there were no planets in the fire element(not counting houses).Although many astrologers say that this means a lack of optimism and fire in the eyes.But look at its conjunction of Jupiter and the Moon in Libra.She went through difficult times in her life,but she went on and wrote beautiful songs.Well talk about this later. These are separative aspects resulting in separation, divorce or, in a more auspicious way, not seeing each other often. Sun-Jupiter Aspects Sun Conjunct Jupiter- "Larger than life" these aspect owners personalities will feel like to those around. Mercury-Jupiter aspects: Produces a scholarly person; someone who loves to learn and extending their education. Mercury-Uranus may show an intellectual, but does not show success academically or in the real world. Mars rules our anger, drive, and ambition. Random Synastry Aspect Observations . If these people can't go to school, learning is just as good as going to the library and we can not forget all the .org sources we have on the internet. 5)With good aspects,a person has a rich spiritual world and a love of art(maybe even a hidden talent in something), 1)Sociability,contact,desire to constantly expand the circle of acquaintances(but you also need to look at the house). You may feel or be rejected, feel inadequate. All the aspects might promote someone who is prone to exaggerate just to get a reaction. 7)5 house can indicate the number of your children or their signs/dominants.My father has Jupiter and Saturn in the 5th house,and our dominant signs with my sister are Sagittarius and Aquarius(signs are the rulers of the planets). Moon-Venus contact are passive and denote a rather lazy nature. 3)He may have an unpleasant experience in a relationship.For example,he had a toxic partner or an affair. 2)By the way,this is the same friend from whom you can ask what kind of thing to buy.They have good taste and can find beautiful clothes in the cheapest store. They make good friends because they are fun-loving and have a generous streak. 3)Most likely,he is fond of needlework.In any case,he is very neat,if he is taught,he can sew dresses,knit with needles,etc.He treats teachers with respect. 3)Okay,Im not the only one who notices how much attention they pay to their hair?They do styling,haircuts,they can have a bunch of masks and conditioners for them.And they constantly correct them.Guys,dont worry,even with your hair disheveled,you look awesome. Instead, it's one of deep and loyal friendship, responsibility, trust and sincere feelings (especially with the conjunction, sextile or trine). -Even such children could strive to earn money themselves from early childhood. These are focused thinkers and learners. 3)Negative aspects indicate short temper and stubbornness.Such people argue for the sake of argument.Positive aspects indicate fairness.Such a person is interested in the opinions of other people and tries to expand their knowledge. 1)They are very graceful,stylishly dressed,although not necessarily expensive.But they still look successful and successful,even if there is very little money in the account. 2)Generous,kind and authoritative.You can be active on social media and passive in real life. The square aspect between both planets is quite ruthless. 2)The bad aspects indicate that their partners may be trying to seduce or interfere with their marriage.Constant jealousy and envy. * Moon trine Mercury is an aspect that makes conversation flow in a relationship. They find beauty in learning and education. 3)He is attracted to successful and rich people.This position likes to save money or increase it.Sometimes it points to collectors. 3)Good aspects create a sense of benefit.Such a person knows who to make deals with,he has a profitable and active job. The sesquiquadrate is related to lots of love's sorrow and tearful love experiences. For some, this may seem to be a boring relationship, but actually, it's about being loyal and faithful too. 5)Good aspects indicate ease in communicating with the gender that attracts him.He often smiles and feels comfortable. 1)Watch your feet very carefully.Wear comfortable shoes,play football carefully and dont overdo it with the stretch. Both people will feel an instant attraction. Deimos, the smaller of Mars's two moons, may be more like its planet than we realize. 3)They dont talk openly about their feelings,and if they do,it is rarely and in private with you. Both planets together are about (non-physical) romance. The Sun and Venus can never be more than 48 apart, building only a conjunction, semi-sextile or semi-square. 5)Their partner can be a careerist or just a successful person.Sometimes indicates a marriage at work. Or having two of the three qualities. In their younger years or in college, they might have issues picking up the details. They are over-achievers. Mercury-Pluto aspects: With Mercury-Pluto, there is an interest in probing peoples minds and actions. 5)Such a person never adapts to someone.If you have different views on life or different characters,that such people will say goodbye to you.They dont fucking need to change you. They are good debaters and if shy, enjoy debating online where they areanonymous. 4)I especially recommend that you sort out your childhood problems.Saturn requires you to understand his lessons,otherwise the severity and pain from them will be for the rest of your life. 5)Please do not invent diseases for yourself,it is better to go to the doctor,most of your problems are due to lack of sleep. 3)Such a person likes nature and a cozy home.I know a few people in this position who have a house in a quiet place.They like flowers and architecture.They like to watch the design of rooms in Ikea. 13)One of my friends in this position said that marriage is not an end in itself,because there are a lot of interesting things in the world:courses,trips,shopping,shops,a museums,etc. 1)This position indicates the presence of any talent.With proper development,natural abilities can bring him a good income. 1)Mercury is very comfortable here,so a person with this position is very smart,sociable.This is a very good position for scientists,managers and teachers.They like to develop their thinking.They can quickly collect puzzles and solve riddles. 2)Depending on the position of Mars in the sign and its aspects,but in any case,a person(karmically)must work hard in life- both in the external world and in the internal,and especially devote a lot of effort to the formation of his personality. -You can have live plants in the room.Especially cacti. 2)I noticed that such people are well versed in the routes of roads and buses.Theyre good drivers. They do not always learn well by passively listening, UNLESS there are other factors ( like Mercury-Saturn for example ). 4)You are witty and completely outspoken,and sometimes tactless.Active intellectual work is suitable for you. Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Mars/Venus/Uranus/Pluto and moon square Neptune -They like constant changes in the house.They may rarely move,but they like to make frequent repairs or rearrange furniture. Mars conjuncts Lilith and Squares Ascendant in synastry. 290917 17:33 7,177 notes softmelovely liked this . 5)Bad aspects indicate a bad environment in the house.The man lacked love and attention.My parents were always busy. I'm also capricorn sun and scorpio moon :) how do you experience those two interacting/influencing each other? 3)He is sexually attractive,bold and not afraid to take risks.I have a friend with the same situation who wants to jump with a parachute. In female charts, especially the exact square . They don't like to be stuck doing a project with rules and regulations; they want to be inspired and do a project with no limitations. 2)They dont forget their grievances.It is necessary to listen to the inner voice and not give free rein to sarcasm.Often such people are interested in economics,politics and business. 1)They love children.They are good parents,teachers and specialists in the field of child psychology.Their children are often girls,with artistic talent and physical beauty. 5)With bad aspects,such people tend to be picky and grumpy. In fact, this combination scares me.I think I have a difficult character.Its hard for me to trust people (thanks to the Moon in Scorpio).I am glad that wonderful people are attracted to me.Saturn creates a vibe of seriousness around me, according to the others.In general, Scorpio and Capricorn are friends if you look at the zodiac circle, but considering their planetsthese are not easy signs.It seems to me that only people with the Moon in Scorpio will understand its severity.Ive been doing astrology for 2 years and studying different placements, but this Moon still confuses me.When I see this Moon in other natal charts, Im like, hey dude, are you tired of all this too shit?.Im not complaining, theres a lot of good in these placements.So we cheer up and go on to conquer the world and inspire others.Do I look like Im ENFJ? 5)Hes a very interesting conversationalist.If you talk to him on philosophical topics,you can forget about time.They respect your opinion and listen to you carefully,even during an argument. 4)They have excellent artistic abilities and good taste. -People in this position like to cook delicious food or go to restaurants. Also, all Venus aspects to Saturn bring disappointing love experiences, leaving you wonder if you will ever find Mr. or Ms. Communication is key to these peoples relations. 4)Bad aspects are indicative to idleness and unwillingness to be serious.A person wants to have fun all the time and not work. -Even if their mother was a homemaker,she never sat still. If you want true compatibility look to the Moon cosmitec-astrological-compatibility-advice.com. 2)His opinion is highly respected at work,in the family and in friendship.They have authority and demand to be respected(in a good way).They have a good upbringing. 4)Bad aspects indicate distrust.A person could have an unpleasant experience in communication,so he doesnt trust even close people.He is afraid of transactions and documents and doesnt want to spend his money. Mercury is how we think. 5)The good aspects point to the comfortable and favorite work of humans.It works not only for money,but also for pleasure.He is proud of himself and his position. 3)This is a born analyst who logically approaches the solution of problems and tasks.Relies on the brain,not the heart,to make decisions.He is a practitioner all the knowledge that he receives in the process of life,immediately applies.