Foreign sources could get shut down for various reasons, and you need backup chip making to put in your cars and other critical military needs. You saw the exact spot where I was born and it was marked by a star. The angels will shield you from the evil ones with an invisible shield. You will have a communist dictator in Biden. It is good that you have your children baptized and brought into My Church. Keep praying for all family members to do the right things in their lives., Jesus said: My people, I do call My believers into My rest as I give you My peace when there is chaos and disasters all around you. I will cleanse the evil ones from the earth, and I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace., Sunday, January 22, 2023: (Roe vs. Wade Anniversary, RTL), Jesus said: My people, you know how I love the little children, and all of your abortions offend Me greatly because you are denying My plans for their lives. I thank you all so much for your prayers, which have wrought miracles to keep me alive. They did not recognize that I am the true Messiah they were waiting for. Give thanks for all of the healing of the throats., Jesus said: My people, you have been seeing unusual cold extremes in your recent weather from Canada. I love being with My people, and I pray that more people would show their love for Me., Friday, January 20, 2023: (St. Sebastian), Jesus said: My people, you are seeing the monks praying and fasting at their monastery. I love all of you so much that I was willing to die to save your souls. Some people may find it difficult to come to your refuge, especially when St. Joseph builds a place for 5,000 people. I give My people hope amidst all of the killing and destruction by man. I told the people that the Son of Man can forgive sins by virtue of the miracle of the paralytics healing. It was a gift from heaven to stop the Indians from sacrificing their babies to their gods. There are miracle healing times when people have faith that I can heal them., Jesus said: My son, you are seeing your reflection in a heart shaped mirror. By prayer and self-denial, this can help restrain your actions so you can lead a holier life. It will be necessary to come to My refuges when they take away your money and your free speech. Last year is close to the hottest year ever, which is an indication of your changing weather. You have a free will choice in this world to either love Me or reject Me. When you have cold and higher prices for natural gas, your heating bills will get worse than last year. This is why you need to look at your lives if you are living out your love for Me and your neighbor in your actions, and not just in your words. He does not want to lose the land in the Ukraine that he had gained with this latest war effort. Some people suffer little pain, but others are given the strength to suffer severe pain. This is a communist tactic to make people follow the left narrative, or there are consequences for their actions. This will give you a plenary indulgence which removes the punishment due for your sins. This was unusual not to allow the newly elected Congress to vote on such a large expenditure. Truly, God could not have chosen a more perfect couple than the Learys to be His representatives for this very important mission about End Times prophecies and refuges to His people on earth. The panels do not make electricity at night, so you could only use your batteries sparingly so you could keep your natural gas heater working during the night. You will eat from the trees of Life with light all of the time at good temperatures. The woman who was bleeding for twelve years, had faith that I could heal her, even if she just touched My clothes. Jesus said: My people, this vision of a tire track covered up with mud, represents the deep state who are trying to cover up their cheating of votes in both the Presidential and the Georgia elections. I told him if the brothers would not heed Moses and the prophets, they would not heed even if one from the dead spoke to them. The ice in your car door would not open at first, but after warming the car, it broke loose. Give praise and thanks to Me for all of the refuges I will provide for My faithful. You had your friend put holy water on the flies and he prayed the long form of the St. Michael prayer. I was captive in a prison as they prepared to crucify Me on the next day, Friday. This attempt to change your money is worthy of his impeachment. People need to have a backup for their electricity, and a means to heat your house if you lose power. When they control your buying and selling of food, I will need to call you to My refuges. I will see to all of the needs of the people to supply sleeping quarters, and food and water will be multiplied for them. It is now the blue states that are passing more abortion laws that will even pay for abortions from the red states. 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