Authors of fanfictionalso take to a greatextent from the fiction work. Commercial fanfic is legal everywhere that the source-work is in the public domain that's why we have Shakespeare in Love, Something Rotten, West Side Story and most of the Disney movies, including The Lion King, which is Hamlet fanfic, and about seven different variations of Little Women in this decade alone," Tandy says. This addition might eventually tally with the work of the original author. document.getElementById('enableRecite').addEventListener("click", function() { While there are no bright-line rules, such genres as parody and criticism are enumerated by statute and case law as presumptively fair uses. For example, the use of Mickey Mouse's name or likeness may serve to identify a particular book or toy as originating from Disney. In this way, the first three factors relayed here weigh for the trademark holder. Firstly, the fanfic author might want to speculate on whats yet to happen in a book series or movie series. Put them out there and get them published. If you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, we've got calming activities to help. Fanfiction in its current form is an infringement of copyright. Fiction makes your mind flabby. Reading or writing fanfiction is no more sinful than writing original fiction. There are loads of ways to contact us and you can talk about anything. It creates an unoriginal work. If you can't call the police on someone for reading nahida x wanderer fanfiction, then it's not illegal, it's just pixels. [70], In addition, fanfiction may be legal in the UK following passage into law of an exception to copyright for the purpose of caricature, parody, or pastiche.[71]. Copyright holders may have been changing their policies towards fan fiction. Create a free profile to get unlimited access to exclusive videos, sweepstakes, and more! So it's important to think about whether it's affecting other things in your life. Some fanfiction is legal, but other fanfiction is not. In ETW v. Jireh, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit rejected a right of publicity claim brought by Tiger Woods against an artist who depicted Woods and other golf legends, holding that the transformative nature of the work exempted it from right of publicity liability under the First Amendment. A side note on writers who feel they can't read fanfic, to protect themselves: young college student Cleo wrote an X-Files script. Why is AO3 the best? [32][33] Others have relied directly on the First Amendment. Usually, there is already some sort of attraction that the original author is painting. George R.R. I was told that I had better take what I was offered, that much better authors than I had not been paid as much (we're talking a few hundred dollars here) and had gotten the same sort of 'credit' (this was in the summer of 1992)a few These rights include the right to distribution and adaptation of the work, right to copying. The Organization for Transformative Works argues that most noncommercial fanfiction falls under fair use. [12] The case was settled in 2011, with Colting agreeing to cease distribution.[13]. How did Hardin betray Tessa? Essentially malicious compliance: Anne didn't want this part of the online fandom, so now she wasn't going to have an online fandom.". In the United States, rights of publicity are governed by state statutes and state common law, and thus vary from state to state. I hope this has helped, thanks for sending this letter to me. Now that fan works like 50 Shades of Gray and After are seeing mainstream success, it may be time to ask the question: Where is the line between art and theft? Thanks for waiting. Today, Rice has been outspoken in her distaste for fanfiction, in the same vein asGeorge R.R. "It's fine for creators to not like fanfic, but to punish fans for daring to write it is wrong.". "Fans own copyright in their own original contributions to a fanwork they dont own anything about the underlying work its based on, but they do own what they have made," Rosenblatt says. Is fanfiction illegal? To protect your privacy we'll log you out soon. 23 Apr 2023 02:34:37 All properties discussed are credited to their respective creators. Some of these things are a sport, a celebrity, a sports team, a book, a genre, a politician, anentertainer, or a movie. "[41] Toward this end OTW works to educate fan writers and published writers about copyright laws, particularly the open legal questions around fan fiction and other fan works. The djinshi artists rarely secure the permission of the original creator. The emergence of the internet and the prevalence of fanfiction have contributed to posing difficulty inkeeping guard over and navigating through trademark laws to fight for copyright. What could happen if this doesnt happen? To date, though, no recorded right of publicity suits have been brought regarding noncommercial fan fiction about real persons. [citation needed], In Great Britain, Discworld author Terry Pratchett, up until the point of his death in 2015, emphasized that he was careful not to read fanfics, and had voiced the opinion that "everything works if people are sensible" and didn't mind "so long as people don't put it where I can trip over it". Since the fanfic community is mostly comprised of women (reading and writing), it is often pushed aside as "stupid" or "childish" because of good old sexism which invalidates every female-dominated interest. Advocacy regarding the legality of fan fiction, Copyright holders' attitude towards fan fiction, Studios, productions companies, and producers, Legal issues with fan fiction outside the United States, Leanne Stendell, Comment, Fanfic and Fan Fact: How Current Copyright Law Ignores the Reality of Copyright Owner and Consumer Interests in Fan Fiction, 58 SMU L. Rev. They may request that fan-fiction archival sites remove and ban any pieces of fan fiction based on their original works. Writers like Neil Gaiman, JK Rowling, and Gene Roddenberry are generally in favor of fanfiction inspired by their works. When not hosting the fan fiction or being openly tolerant of existing fan sites, companies created partnerships with other companies like FanLib to aid them in the task. However, Pratchett emphasized that the Discworld and all its characters are ultimately his intellectual property, and stressed that "it is not a franchise". Fan-fiction has become kind of a mixed thing for me. His demand that Babylon 5 fan fiction be clearly labeled or kept off the Internet confined most of the Babylon 5 fan fiction community to mailing lists during the show's initial run. Join us twice a month as we examine authors, platforms, trends, scandals, and more from every corner of the fanfiction universe. Anne Rice, the author of Interview with a Vampire, has fought actively to keep fanfiction based on her books off the web. While many authors (for example, Neil Gaiman, J.K. Rowling, D.J. Writers of fanfictions here modify the storyline. [2] For works created in 1978 or later, copyright protection persists for the life of the author plus 70 years; in the case of an anonymous work, a pseudonymous work, or a work made for hire, the copyright endures for a term of 95 years from publication, or for 120 years from the year of its creation, whichever expires first. Unlike copyright, however, trademark rights are not automatic. For example, a news story about the New Kids on the Block can use the mark "New Kids on the Block" to identify the band. "[35] Based on these cases, it is not clear that a court would be willing to abridge free speech by holding that fictional writing about a real person constitutes a violation of that person's right of publicity. hi I'm 13 and my brother told me it was illegal to read sexual fanfics when I'm underage can you help none of the people in the fanfiction are underage. To say she was a major fan and a large presence in the Anne Rice fandom would be no understatement. document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { Create your free profile and get access to exclusive content. [31] Some courts have relied heavily on Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski's strong dissent from the White decision in order to deny a "Right of Publicity" claim. Distribution & MKTG, Inc. v. Major League Baseball Advanced Media, L.P., 505 F3d 818 (8th Cir. Fan writers who argue that their work is legal through the fair use doctrine use specific fair use arguments in the context of fan works, such as: OTW is also not the only organization to support the idea that fan works are transformative. This may be, in part, because most states right of publicity laws only apply to uses for commercial gain. Advertisement Is BTS fanfiction illegal? ", Diana Gabaldon, best known for her Outlander series, spoke out against fanfiction saying: "I think its immoral, I know its illegal, and it makes me want to barf whenever Ive inadvertently encountered some of it involving my characters.. "I think you get better as a writer by writing, and whether that means that youre writing a singularly deep and moving novel about the pain or pleasure of modern existence or youre writing Smeagol-Gollum slash youre still putting one damn word after another and learning as a writer. Canon divergence: here, the fanfic writer retains the original authors setting but deviates from the original writers storyline. However, some writers of fiction still dont appreciate it. Menu. Find out how. It looks like you have JavaScript turned off, To use this website, please enable JavaScript in your browser. They, therefore, helped create the content the site hosted. But adults who have ANYTHING sexually to do with minors are risking all kids of state and federal crimes. The fly in the ointment is that fan fiction deals with legally protected works., the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that was not immune under Section 230 because they asked questions of their users that helped facilitate a potentially illegal search under the Fair Housing Act. Fan works do not deprive the owner of the source material of income, Fan works may work as free advertisement and promotion of the original source material. The answer is a frustrating maybe. You can talk privately to a counselloronlineor call 0800 1111 for free. The satisfaction that fanfic writers and readers get from work varies from person to person. Rowling was concerned that the works could be too convincing and some readers might believe it is genuine canon material written by her. Fanfiction in its originality can be said to be a violation of copyright laws. Authors often trademark unique character and place names, like "James Bond" or "Hogwarts". But maybe fan fiction is a transitional phase: whatever gets you there, gets you there. It's not illegal for you to watch porn or read fanfics under the age of 18. When original authors of fiction are yet to release the next episodes and version of their original work, fans can begin to get curious and agitated. Is Fanfiction Illegal? It creates an unoriginal work. "Educating people about that helping them understand why intellectual property law doesnt stand in the way of what they want to do is part of our work." And it's also not illegal to sell written sexual stories to someone underage, like it is for some kinds of porn. Regarding copyright and trademark laws, when fanfic works are not written for profit purposes, the fanfiction writer might fit into not violating the fair use principle under copyright laws. It has gotten to the point in my life that I probably spend more time explaining my fan fiction writing to people . Sky did an Omegle vid and he found some people who shipped it. Any characters who fall under known existing archetypes or don't otherwise meet the above criteria may not be copyrightable. In the case of the Doctor Who novels published by Virgin Books, once the BBC reclaimed the license to publish novels regarding the Doctor, many readers immediately categorized all the Virgin New Adventures as non-canonical fan fiction. ", "The OTWs Archive of Our Own maintains a policy of 'maximum inclusiveness,' which allows people to post what they feel is appropriate, and uses a system of labels and warnings so that users can avoid material that they wish to avoid, whether for legal or personal purposes," Rosenblatt says. (Yes, it happens). Fanfiction is defined by the use of characters and expression from an original creative work and the creation of derivative works, all of which is illegal under current copyright law (McCardle, 2003). : Understanding The Legality Of Fanfiction, Fanfiction, commonly abbreviated as fanfic, fan-fic, ff, or fic, is a fictional piece of writing written by fans. Usually, fans who write fanfiction do so to fill a void they perceive in the original work. Copyright cannot be applied to ideas, concepts, facts or other broad principles regardless of whether they are expressed in a tangible medium or otherwise. It is usually based on an already done work of fiction. If you want to login again, please click on the 'login' button. This may sound rude and elitist, but honestly, it's not easy for us to get it right sometimes, and weve been living with these characters. Thus, trademark rights may arise when a fictional character's name or likeness may serve to identify the source of an entertainment product or related good. In the US, while authors can't copyright a general idea, they may have rights to distinctive characters or settings. Not much has changed since then, except now some of those interesting books he picks off the shelf were designed by his company! It creates an unoriginal work. Fanfiction works can go from some sentences to a whole novel. Furthermore, it's not intended to replace or compete with the original work. OTW also maintains its own fan fiction archive, the Archive of Our Own, commonly called AO3. However, he adds something that the original author hasnt said yet. Judge Batts explicitly rejected arguments of parody and criticism, stating, To the extent Defendants contend that 60 Years and the character of Mr. C direct parodic comment or criticism at Catcher or Holden Caulfield, as opposed to Salinger himself, the Court finds such contentions to be post-hoc rationalizations employed through vague generalizations about the alleged naivety of the original, rather than reasonably perceivable parody. Other times, it does not match, and then the Canon compliant fanfic work soon becomes canon divergent. ", Tushnet, Rebecca. The Brat Queen, as she was known in the early days of the internet, helped build the archive and website dedicated to Anne Rice and her works on Usenet and then GeoCities. The concept of trademark dilution is that overuse or improper use of a mark, even when it does not create consumer confusion, can lessen the mark's uniqueness and value as a source identifier. MacHale, Stephenie Meyer, and Terry Pratchett) do not take issue with authors of derivative works, a number of authors do. Thats what you should be doing. Fanfiction is defined by the use of characters and expression from an original creative work and the creation of derivative works, all of which is illegal under current copyright law (McCardle, 2003). You can check out other Childline pages, videos and games while you wait. What right do original creators have to the characters, locations, and concepts in their stories? [23], Because of these differences in the legal doctrines of trademark and copyright, trademark law is less likely to come into conflict with fanfiction. Anne Rice objected to fan fiction based on any of her characters (mostly those from her famous Interview with the Vampire and its sequels in The Vampire Chronicles) or other elements in her books, and she formally requested that FanFiction.Net remove stories featuring her characters. There are also laws that say you can't publish something that's considered offensive - either in written material or in pictures. There, Sylvester Stallone successfully pursued an action for copyright infringement against Anderson, an author who wrote a proposed script for Rocky IV, by proving that the copyright-protected characters used in the previous Rocky movies were central to the new script. For these reasons, although every nation's law is different and different laws may apply to different works of fanfiction, U.S. law is often centrally relevant when determining the legality of writing and/or sharing fanfiction. In 2007 two UC Davis Law School professors argued in the California Law Review that "Mary Sue" fan fiction "that challenge the orthodoxy of the original likely constitute fair use". Significant amounts of copyrightable creative works such as motion pictures, television programs, music, and computer gaming works are produced in the United States. . Welcome to Read This Fanfiction. That year, a group of fans who engage in creating fan works and are part of the larger fan community founded the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW). Whether a fanfiction work trespasses the copyright laws of the original author is determined by its jurisdiction. What is the largest fanfiction site? Nobody else is going to get it right. by Emma Lord. Paramount Pictures, for example, allowed the production of Star Trek: The New Voyages and Star Trek: The New Voyages 2 from Bantam Books, fan fiction anthologies which followed Bantam's Star Trek Lives! Some copyright holders have stated specific positive or negative attitudes towards fanfiction. The case of White v. Samsung provides an example of the right of publicity protecting a celebrity's persona even when her name and likeness were not used: Samsung created an ad that pictured a robot in a blond wig and a red dress, in a pose that evoked Vanna White's work on Wheel of Fortune. Why not ask the counsellor you chat to about this? Many authors do this, they state, in order to protect their copyright and especially to prevent any dilution, saturation, or distortion of the universes and people portrayed in their works. They knew we existed and were happy to work with us," TBQ tells SYFY WIRE. Many djinshi works are manga-format fan fiction, which in Japan is, while not strictly legal, generally tolerated and usually encouraged, being looked upon as a form of free advertising or a breeding ground for new talent, most famously the group CLAMP and Love Hina author Ken Akamatsu. A fan can also be called a fanatic. Fanfiction in its originality can be said to be a violation of copyright laws. Some settings, characters, and plot concepts are copyrighted. By writing stories featuring someone else's characters, fan fiction authors are treading on risky legal ground. An individual shows strong absorption or approval for somebody or something. FanFiction.Net is a place you can find fan fiction, it has crossovers, community's about certain subjects, you can read all sorts of things on "the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and, the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.". Books sold by a publishing house normally have editors who read the contents and agree that a book is okay to be published. His family owned a small bookstore throughout his early childhood, and he would spend weekends flipping through book after book, always sure to read the ones that looked the most interesting. Posting things online is a completely separate process from writing them - there are loads of things which it's perfectly legal to do in the privacy of your own home but illegal to do in public. So what does this mean for fanfiction writers? Im like, go write your own story. All these it does is classified as illegal according to copyright law. In determining the applicability of the fair use defense to a secondary use such as fanfiction, courts consider the following four factors: Fair use is assessed on a case-by-case basis. If you're waiting for a 1-2-1 chat or in the middle of writing or drawing something, click on the "keep me logged in" button. These books led to a much talked about controversy. She also helps educate and answer fans' questions about their rights and the law exactly the sort of person TBQ probably would have wanted to know. These writings are also commonly posted on the internet. To simply put, fanfiction is typically stories that involve well-known fictional characters. It's not illegal. Creators and contributors are not liable for any damages arising from the use of this website or any of the materials within it. OTW's position is that fan fiction and other fan labor products constitute copyright fair use under 17 U.S.C. "I think you get better as a writer by writing, and whether that means that youre writing a singularly deep and moving novel about the pain or pleasure of modern existence or youre writing Smeagol-Gollum slash youre still putting one damn word after another and learning as a writer. We're here for all young people, whatever you're going through. The Organization for Transformative Works argues that. . In general, an author does have a right to their characters. However, in reality, the reason as to why fanfic writers write fanfiction is dicey to answer. In order for a work to be considered fair use, the law considered three factors: the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. It serves as a course for an accusation. I dont know. Join our message boards and share your experiences and advice with other young people who might have similar worries to you. No, and it's not exactly illegal to write fanfiction either. But you may find book shops choose not to sell these books to you. Keep track of how you're feeling and why, it's a great way to let your feelings out. [42] While OTW provides a centralized netspace for fans to acquire knowledge and aid regarding their own creative works, and a voice for the fan community, it does not represent all fans. It's not illegal to read sexual stories, but there are things to be careful of if you look at them online. 2007). In Japan, the djinshi subculture is similar to a combination of the United States subcultures surrounding underground comics, science fiction fanzines, and fan fiction. There are numerous websites where you can publish and read fanfiction, including,, and, to name just a few. Descriptive fair use permits the use of a descriptive mark in a descriptive way; for example, an advertisement could say that a particular dress shoe "feels like a sneaker" even though the phrase "Looks like a pump, feels like a sneaker" is the trademark of another company. All fan fiction on the site is recognized as non-profit derivative works. . I dont know. Trademark "fair use" differs significantly from fair use under copyright law. Is fanfiction illegal to read? Though I'm very sorry you had to see that BoaHancock01 2 yr. ago Reminds me of Skylock from Sky Does Minecraft. In cases where the actual work writer considers it an infringement of his copyright laws, defaulters would be charged as due. Author Cassandra Clare was a popular Harry Potter fanfiction author before she published her first novel. Martin, and Robin McKinley among others. Once labeled "don't like, don't read" in the heyday of LiveJournal, many people now don't seem to heed warnings, even when properly tagged and sorted. Yes written porn of minors is legal, fanfiction rules are even looser.