Young Dublin man in thanksgiving gives public witness in July 2014 to his astonishing testimony of conversion at the Saturday Night Vigil at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in Achill in 2012. You are being seduced into darkness and you fail to recognise its evil depths. Jesus chose 12 apostles. Some followers of the House of Prayer have told family members they will not get the vaccine because they believe if they do, they will "receive the mark of the beast" and go to hell. In the New Jerusalem which God will bring about at the end of time, St. John saw a Tree with 12 fruits - one fruit for each month in a year. "Of all the messengers I have called, you, My little one are most hated by Lucifer. 12 pieces of the Passover Bread had to be placed in the Old Testament tabernacle (Nums.) You don't invest $2.2 without having some game plan.. I have pleaded with you, My people, to protect My vessel. The more powerful the work of God is, the more fiercely it is attacked. A popular belief among conspiracy theorists, which has been thoroughly debunked, is that vaccines contains microchips designed to control the population. There is little goodness in your world but lawlessness is spreading like a virus that is full of poison. He said, "Woe, woe, woe unto the one who blocked My word to the heart and soul of mankind who might have responded to Me. "The man from the east will be evil, cruel and show no mercy to the world's inhabitants. Christina Gallagher received a message from Our Lady on 20th October 2007: Christina Gallagher - Prayers at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in Achill, Ireland, At the request of Our Lady and then Jesus, pilgrims gather at the House of Prayer in Achill and at all the Chain Houses of Our Lady Queen of Peace to pray the Novena in Honour of the Most Holy Trinity every Saturday, from 12 noon until 3pm. Lucifer is so joyous with your response to him as you receive his lure and seduction to every kind of sin. Some of the paraphernalia she sells to her devoted followers. Take my life Lord this day and every day of my life. . Many people look for new messages but have not responded to any. How it afflicts My Sacred Heart! She gave an explanation that 'the Bible is the Word of God and unlike our word, the Word of God is Spirit and can pierce even the most closed heart. In that case, the work entrusted by Heaven to Christina Gallagher has to be extremely powerful- if the horrendous and relentless fury and hatred against her are anything to go by! They are blind to all of Truth that I have given them. Gallagher claims various items which can be bought from the House of Prayer will protect people from harm. More concerns relatives came forward this week to say they are terrified their elderly parents with medical issues could become extremely ill or die if they catch Covid. Yet they do the same to you as they have done onto Me. My dear child, you have given everything to respond to My call. I have interceded with My Divine Son regarding the House of Prayer in Texas. During the experience given to her on July 25th, Christina was told by Jesus, "You will see the storms, disasters and weather extremes drawn down upon the world through sin, increase in number and multiply in their intensity, with earthquakes which cause great loss of life." Not only was her house attacked but the House of Prayer itself was also attacked- when a person came screaming outside it, "wanting to kill her". Those of you who fail to hear and continue to run from place to place will perish. The builders tried to remove it several times, even using acid, however the substance continued to ooze from the stone and they were unable to stop it. "My Mother's picture with the roses will bring great protection to the homes where the Rosary is prayed in its presence because I will flow many graces through it," she claims he told her. Testimony of Healing of Brandi De Jesus 2014 February 22 2023, Ash Wednesday. See what is taking place in your world! Anyone wishing to verify this are free and welcome to come at any time. 12 silver plates, 12 bowls had to be placed in the tabernacle also and You will witness My Churchs closure and all of My sacraments mocked and disowned but with it will come suffering and death; death in body and soul for many. See how she has upheld the messages I give to her to warn you of what is to befall you. Live the message of My call and that of your Immaculate Mother. People, you who are in darkness now and will not change many of you will be lost for eternity. Everyone- of any faith persuasion or none- is always welcome. Depart from the places that are untrue and do not have the proof of gifts. Christina understands that the only place in the world where this gift is bestowed is the Mother House of Prayer. Return from death's door Pancreatic Cancer healed My special son Gerard has received much pain of heart that I have drawn from him for you, sinful generation but your time is about to unfold before you the strife leading to world war three. Despite the many controversies over the years, the House of Prayer still has a die-hard following and many keep in touch via a WhatsApp group and have arranged meet-ups where they discuss how the vaccine is the work of the devil. My child, it is on account of the grievance of My Immaculate Heart for the enormity of your endurance that My Son Jesus, who communicates with you now, on this one occasion grants Me to intervene especially owing to those who want to take from the reality of your endurance and, by doing so, draw other hearts to react and respond like their own hearts - cold and empty. When the Lord knew her life was in serious danger, He requested a house of safety to be put in place for her protection. But you refused this, my people: your generation is lost. Himalayan glacier broke and crashed into a dam - Feb 7th 2021, Mouse apocalypse on the march across Australia, damaging crops and invading homes - Feb 6th 2021, White Cliffs of Dover COLLAPSING - Feb 2021, Click HERE to Watch the CCTV footage of Norway mudslide. Due to these dangers, Christina had to sell one house in order to buy another, forced to be on the run in fear for her life as she was accused of owning "a portfolio of property"- which is totally untrue. So many have refused to help you but all to their regret. 12 priests were set apart by Ezra when Israel returned after their captivity (Ezra, 8) Christina Gallagher claims that she can 'bi-locate' 9. During the days of utter darkness, when days becomes night, draw down the blinds, do not attempt to look out and do not open your door for the evil spirits will imitate screams of your living and deceased family members- otherwise death will enter and all therein will die. Sunday World exposed, years ago, how Gallagher had been living a life of luxury, buying an extensive property portfolio as her followers handed over donations to the organisation which is not affiliated to the Catholic Church. Her purchases included a mansion in the exclusive Abbington estate in Malahide in north Dublin and another mansion with its own lake, indoor swimming pool, snooker room and hot tub in Shropshire in England. It is clear throughout Her subsequent messages to Christina over all the ensuing years that people's failure to pray and respond was allowing the world to reach the brink of global warfare yet She continued to beg, through tears of blood, for Her children to open their hearts - for their own protection- but to no avail. Christina says regarding God's call for a House of Prayer on the outskirts of New York; On the flight to Minnesota, September 3, 2018 I touch the hearts of many, I pour graces out upon you- but all in vain. On Tuesday December 13th, 2016 Jesus, speaking to Christina said: "You will see the storms, disasters and weather extremes drawn down upon the world through sin, increase in number and multiply in their intensity, with earthquakes which cause great loss of life.". I endure deeply for all souls since the time of My Passion. These gates are guarded by 12 angels. It is causing such pain to My Heart that there was not even one genuine, openhearted person willing to come there to save themselves and others from all the horror that is about to befall the world. The battles are in place leading to the great and final battle of the world. The illnesses foretold to you in this Mission have already begun. She can do it by livestream and stay home and put the money straight into the coffers.. The attack- facilitated by a man of the Church- has been ferocious, with lies and deception and twisted stories. At the age of 12 Jesus, impelled by the Spirit, went to the temple "about His Father's business" astonishing with His knowledge the teachers of the Law. So the number of dots always indicates the number of letters in the actual abbreviated word. Fo r s e r v i c e s t o t h e C h ar i ty Vulnerable people are putting their lives at risk because of her messages.. Jesus spoke to Christina on 22 September 2017; Those who have criticised Christina Gallagher and the messages she delivers from Jesus and Mary over the last 30 years, as being. The only prayer to be said at that time is the Rosary. My Church authorities united in My Priesthood are not teaching My Truth. Many leaders have signed documents to destroy many of you; it is all in the plan of him who is antiChrist, living among you. Only the remnant will remain in union with Me in silence. In the gift I have given to you, you permit My Blood once again to be spilled upon the earth. Those who will remain living will envy the dead. Why,oh why,you generation of people, why are you so weak and will not listen, why will you not permit Me to grow in your heart and live in your soul? If she is encouraging people not to take the vaccine she should come out and say whether she got it herself, one family member of a follower told the Sunday World this week. A break in prayer allowed a change-over giving more people a chance to be in the chapel - July 16 / 25th July 2016, People in the chapel after the change-over - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Outside, at the side and the back of the House of Prayer, tents, cars, buses and people everywhere - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Outside the House of Prayer - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Outside the House of Prayer - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity mingling with the people outside the House of Prayer Achill - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Christina Gallagher outside the House of Prayer Achill meeting with the people - July 16 / 25th July 2016, Christina Gallagher and Fr McGinnity outside the House of Prayer Achill meeting with the people - July 16 / 25th July 2016. Alan Sherry Sun 15 Aug 2021 at 00:30 Relatives of elderly followers of the controversial House of Prayer have said their parents won't take the. there. THE OPENING, BLESSING AND DEDICATION of the New York House of Prayer will take place (as designated by Our Blessed Lord) on Saturday, August 28, 2021. at 31 Mount Ebo Road, Nth., Brewster, NY10509. The impact of COVID-19 is threatening to make each of these factors worse. Message of Jesus to Christina - July 16th,2022 When this suffering is offered, I receive it and I draw to myself many little souls that do not know me or understand. Michael Neary Archbishop of Tuam I learned today, with considerable surprise, that Mrs. Christina Gallagher has decided to close the House of Prayer at Achill. Doctor says, 'A Miracle' Healing of Jed Michael They are normal practitioners of their Catholic faith. Each of the gates is named for one of the 12 tribes of Israel. The substance when tested was confirmed to be blood. She learned from Covid she doesnt need to go to them. The take-over of the world is with you and you fail to see! Many leaders in the world have a hatred for America and they are already engaged in planning what they will do to her. A woman working at the new house told callers this week that a range of items will be on sale at the house including a picture of Mary with roses which will cost $466 (398) which is a significant increase on the 250 price of the same picture at the House of Prayer in Achill. *** In the words of Jesus,"From now on there will be a number of people who will claim to be bearers of messages to be delivered to the world. The Sunday World was the first paper to reveal how the House of Prayer was a money-making operation which helped Gallagher build up a multi-million property portfolio. As a result, a multitude of people came banging on her door at night and making obscene gestures. The length and the breadth and the height are all equal = 12 stadia. That is the gift I have given you in the fruitfulness of your womb. The 16th & 25th July has again in 2016 attracted crowds from across Ireland and many other countries of the world. Gallagher has been strongly backed over the years by her right-hand man Fr Gerard McGinnity who has hit out against the media exposs. Those who refused it already will be tested by its increased cost when they try to obtain it in the future but those who criticise its cost will not gain the protection it provides. People in the chapel after the change-over - July 16 / 25th July 2016 Catholic Bishops over the matter in 2016 said he believes that they have "a duty of care to not only not 'recognise' Christina Gallagher but to move to excommunicate . It is important for all the people of the world. Pray, pray for wisdom to understand My call and that of My Mother. There are many evil spirits raised up and hailed high. The loss of Paul has naturally left a huge hole in our Association. I will be removed from a darkened world. When we place our hands on the open Bible' she said, 'we let the light of God saturate us and flow freely throughout our homes.' The fire will fall from the sky and many people throughout the world will tremble; others will die. (01) Christ complains His people fail to care about Messages from Heaven. You go deeper and deeper into the fog of evil. Hillingdon - Sharon Daye (acting/interim) Hounslow - Kelly O'Neill. All the powers of Lucifer are now dictating to you. The current flooding which is inundating so many parts of Ireland is described by Met Eireann as "the worst since records began" but most interestingly the Met Office in its reaction and commentary has unsuspectingly echoed the very phrase used by Jesus to Christina as far back as February 21 2005 , A woman who was brain-dead and on the life-support machine which the hospital was about to turn off, was healed, opened her eyes and spoke after a matrix medal was placed on her forehead and the Rosary was prayed. Antichrist is already influencing what is to be done and making ready to take the seat of Peter. There will be much suffering before that - many disasters will occur in the world that will lead to great suffering and war. Receive My life and light, then you will find your way to peace and your hearts will once again experience love. You rejected Me who is Life and you followed death. The TIME-TABLE at Our Lady's House will be as follows:11.00 am - 12.30 pm. helpless and the innocent (the lambs). C aro l i n e M AS O N C B E C h i e f E xe c u t i ve , E s m e e Fai r b ai r n Fo u n d at i o n . You have opened your life to him. When viewed it was found to have a remarkable light coming from the host, pulsating and lighting up the casing of the monstrance. ", In one message Gallagher described the virus as "a weaponised disease of biological warfare" and asked if it's spread was "deliberately permitted by certain world powers to allow a stock market and banking collapse with a view to imposing more easily 'the chip' so as to usher in a total control of people?". Yet there was a man in authority who united with others to do everything possible to destroy this Mission and lead people into blindness and deafness regarding its importance but when he will be called to account before the justice of the Lord, he will have much to endure. Since then she claims to have received several messages from Jesus in which he warns of a coming apocalypse and attacks vaccines. There are many places throughout the world where I have sent my Immaculate Mother to call Her children but the true call of My Mother was not heard - to get you ready for the times you are now in. I was not meant to speak any further messages but My Heart aches for the suffering I have seen you endure - all at the hands of the evil in human nature. There will be no new messengers, only the false who will lead you to destruction of your soul. Read More All you have will be at his disposal. The fire is lit. If this takes place it will be highly critical for you. I will plead for their mercy always but as for those who found excuses to refuse to help you in this illness so as to leave you in the world to help guide it, I will take from them all that God gave in His great mercy and gift and they will have nothing. Christina Gallagher: A young housewife from the west coast of Ireland, began receiving visits and messages from the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1988 and would, at Mary's request 5 years later found the first of a number of Houses of Prayer in Ireland and elsewhere as a respite for priests and lay people alike. They know of My Hand at work in healings, conversions and so many gifts which place My hallmark upon this work but many hate Me and, therefore, they hate you too. Your endurance was never meant to be in this way. How foolish you were to abandon My Mother's Houses. "I am your Jesus who loves you and who partook of the chalice of sin for each one of you. where supposed Marian visionary Christina Gallagher has been allegedly telling her acolytes that anyone who takes the Covid-19 vaccine will receive the "mark of the . I bless you in the name of My Father, in Me, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit who live with you. They must be renewed and lived in all hearts that want to have My life in their souls. You have suffered so much, it even grieves My Heart. Many will die throughout the world. My little one, My vessel, I fill and empty you many times with suffering to show people it is I. 12 precious stones will form its foundation named after the 12 apostles. and die by the flesh and the world. Yet even more will do so in a short time. Day by day fresh events continue to pile up proof upon proof, powerfully fulfilling every single message received by Christina for the world from the very beginning of the apparitions to her of Jesus and His Blessed Mother - the most recent being the 'plan to have a. Jesus spoke to Christina on April 26, 2020; Message of Jesus to Christina on February 2, 2020 during flight to New York. The Americas are called the new world but it is rather the dark world which spreads its poison throughout the entire world. power and the world's people who have been redeemed by My Blood follow the darkest spirits and run to him who is antichrist. Christina Gallagher has amassed a massive property portfolio while families are at their wits end with worry for relatives. * Then fire will fall from the sky. Your world has become a cesspool from hell and there many are going and you do not even see the grave danger you are in - in body, but greater than bodily danger is the danger for your souls. It saddens My Heart because the protection I had obtained from God through such Houses is more needed for America than elsewhere. Only when all this takes place will the illumination of conscience happen and eventually the return of My Divine Son. commencing 11.00 am local NY time. She is hated in many hearts - many desire her blood. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire" (Matt.3:9-12) but Christina was also made aware that in harmony with the plan of God in the many actions of salvation history, this gift would would occur in relation to the number twelve. Message of Jesus to Christina A glorious day of prayer was held on 16th July 2022 at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in Achill and crowds gathered, as they do each year, to mark the anniversary of the opening. Christina Gallagher claims that her 'House of Prayer' offers the Seal of the Living God(i.e.